// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Find the Controller in the scene
        controller = GameObject.Find("Controller");
        //sets the reference to play the background animation
        backgroundFlash = GatheringPowerUpAnimationController.instance.animator;

        background       = GameObject.Find("SceneComponents/background/backgroundImage");
        backgroundScript = background.GetComponent <BackgroundVisuals> ();

        //initializes the colos for the poweups, if they're currently none
        Debug.Log("Colour 1 should be: " + powerColor[0]);

        powerUpTappedAnim = this.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Animator> ();
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		// Find the Controller in the scene
		controller = GameObject.Find ("Controller");
		//sets the reference to play the background animation
		backgroundFlash = GatheringPowerUpAnimationController.instance.animator;

		background = GameObject.Find("SceneComponents/background/backgroundImage");
		backgroundScript = background.GetComponent<BackgroundVisuals> ();

		//initializes the colos for the poweups, if they're currently none
		InitializeColors ();
		Debug.Log("Colour 1 should be: " + powerColor[0]);
		SetPowerUp ();

		powerUpTappedAnim = this.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Animator> ();
