private static void SkipNext(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, int amount) { if (!IsLiveStream(player.Track)) { Skip(player, true, amount); } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="player"> /// </param> private void StopPlayingMix(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { try { if (player.PlayerState != PlayState.Unknown && player.PlayerState != PlayState.Stopped && player.PlayerState != PlayState.Error) { player.Stop(); } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } finally { try { player.Track = null; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } } }
public static void BroadcastTrackIfNeeded(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, List <AudioObj> playlist = null, PlaybackSettings settings = null, bool allowCache = false, bool bypassChecks = false) { try { if (!bypassChecks && (player.PlayerState != Microsoft.Phone.BackgroundAudio.PlayState.Playing || (DateTime.Now - AudioTrackHelper._lastTimeBroadcastAttempt).TotalSeconds < 3.0)) { return; } AudioTrackHelper._lastTimeBroadcastAttempt = DateTime.Now; if (settings == null) { settings = PlaylistManager.ReadPlaybackSettings(allowCache); if (!settings.Broadcast) { return; } } AudioTrack track = player.Track; if (track == null || track.GetTagId() == null) { return; } AudioTrackHelper.EnsureAppGlobalStateInitialized(); AudioService.Instance.StatusSet("", track.GetTagId(), (Action <BackendResult <long, ResultCode> >)(res => {})); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Error("Broadcast track failed", ex); } }
private static void SkipPrevious(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, int amount) { if (!IsLiveStream(player.Track)) { Skip(player, false, amount); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player"> /// The BackgroundAudioPlayer /// </param> /// <param name="track"> /// The track playing at the time the playstate changed /// </param> /// <param name="playState"> /// The new playstate of the player /// </param> /// <remarks> /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Play(); break; case PlayState.Stopped: break; case PlayState.TrackEnded: this.Lifetime.Add( (from _ in this.LoadNowPlayingAsync() from t in this.PlayNextTrackAsync(player) select t).ObserveOn(Scheduler.CurrentThread).Finally(this.Completed).Subscribe( _ => { }, ex => this.ReportFatalStopError(ex, null))); return; case PlayState.Error: this.Lifetime.Add( (from _ in this.LoadNowPlayingAsync() from stop in this.NowPlaying.StopAsync(TimeSpan.Zero) select stop).ObserveOn(Scheduler.CurrentThread).Finally(this.Completed).Subscribe( _ => { }, ex => this.ReportFatalStopError(ex, null))); return; } this.Completed(); }
/// <summary> /// Increments the currentTrackNumber and plays the correpsonding track. /// </summary> /// <param name="player"> /// The BackgroundAudioPlayer /// </param> private IObservable <PortableUnit> SkipToNextTrackAsync(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { Debug.WriteLine("Player: SkipToNextTrackAsync"); if (!this.NowPlaying.Set.SkipAllowed) { return(Observable.Empty <PortableUnit>()); } var nextTrack = from nextResponse in this.NowPlaying.SkipToNextTrackAsync(player).Do( response => { this.NowPlaying.Set = response.Set; }) from _ in this.NowPlaying.SaveNowPlayingAsync().ObserveOn(Scheduler.CurrentThread) from play in this.PlayTrackAsync(player) select play; return(nextTrack.Catch <PortableUnit, WebException>(ex => { // TODO: Do more testing on this... ////if (player.Track != null) ////{ //// player.Track.BeginEdit(); //// player.Track.PlayerControls = EnabledPlayerControls.Pause; //// player.Track.EndEdit(); ////} return Observable.Empty <PortableUnit>(); }).OnErrorResumeNext(Observable.Empty <PortableUnit>())); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: PlayTrack(player); break; case UserAction.Pause: if (PlayState.Playing == player.PlayerState) { player.Pause(); } break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: PlayPreviousTrack(player); break; case UserAction.SkipNext: PlayNextTrack(player); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: if (player.PlayerState != PlayState.Playing) { player.Play(); } break; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; default: break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time the playstate changed</param> /// <param name="playState">The new playstate of the player</param> /// <remarks> /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback. /// /// Notable playstate events: /// (a) TrackEnded: invoked when the player has no current track. The agent can set the next track. /// (b) TrackReady: an audio track has been set and it is now ready for playack. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackEnded: player.Track = GetNextTrack(); break; case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Play(); break; case PlayState.Shutdown: // TODO: Handle the shutdown state here (e.g. save state) break; case PlayState.Unknown: break; case PlayState.Stopped: _playlistHelper.SetAllTracksToNotPlayingAndSave(); break; case PlayState.Paused: break; case PlayState.Playing: break; case PlayState.BufferingStarted: break; case PlayState.BufferingStopped: break; case PlayState.Rewinding: break; case PlayState.FastForwarding: break; } NotifyComplete(); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { backgroundAudioPlayer= BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance; using (IsolatedStorageFile storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication()) { if (!storage.FileExists("Making love without nothing at all.mp3")) { StreamResourceInfo resource = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("Assets/Making love without nothing at all.mp3", UriKind.Relative)); using (IsolatedStorageFileStream file = storage.CreateFile("Making love without nothing at all.mp3")) { int chunkSize = 4096; byte[] bytes = new byte[chunkSize]; int byteCount; while ((byteCount = resource.Stream.Read(bytes, 0, chunkSize)) > 0) { file.Write(bytes, 0, byteCount); } } } } backgroundAudioPlayer.PlayStateChanged += backgroundAudioPlayer_PlayStateChanged; base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { try { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: PlayTrack(player); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: PlayPreviousTrack(player); break; case UserAction.SkipNext: PlayNextTrack(player); break; } } catch { } NotifyComplete(); }
protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: if (PlayState.Playing != player.PlayerState) { player.Play(); } break; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: if (PlayState.Playing == player.PlayerState) { player.Pause(); } break; case UserAction.Rewind: player.Position = player.Position.Subtract(new TimeSpan(0,0,10)); break; case UserAction.FastForward: player.Position = player.Position.Add(new TimeSpan(0,0,10)); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time the playstate changed</param> /// <param name="playState">The new playstate of the player</param> /// <remarks> /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback. /// Notable playstate events: /// (a) TrackEnded: invoked when the player has no current track. The agent can set the next track. /// (b) TrackReady: an audio track has been set and it is now ready for playack. /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { Debug.WriteLine("OnPlayStateChanged() playState " + playState); switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackEnded: player.Track = GetPreviousTrack(); break; case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Play(); break; case PlayState.Shutdown: // TODO: Handle the shutdown state here (e.g. save state) break; case PlayState.Unknown: break; case PlayState.Stopped: break; case PlayState.Paused: break; case PlayState.Playing: break; case PlayState.BufferingStarted: break; case PlayState.BufferingStopped: break; case PlayState.Rewinding: break; case PlayState.FastForwarding: break; } NotifyComplete(); }
protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { ShellTile mainTile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.FirstOrDefault(); switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: if (PlayState.Paused == player.PlayerState) { player.Play(); mainTile.Update(new StandardTileData { BackContent = "Play" }); } break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); mainTile.Update(new StandardTileData { BackContent = "Pause" }); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: PlayTrack(player); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: PlayPreviousTrack(player); break; case UserAction.SkipNext: PlayNextTrack(player); break; case UserAction.Seek: player.Position = (TimeSpan)param; break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: if (PlayState.Playing != player.PlayerState) { player.Track = _playList[currentTrackNumber]; } break; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: if (PlayState.Playing == player.PlayerState) { player.Pause(); } break; case UserAction.FastForward: // Fast Forward only works with non-MSS clients. // If the Source is null, we are streaming an MSS. if (track.Source != null) { player.FastForward(); } break; case UserAction.Rewind: // Rewind only works with non-MSS clients. // If the Source is null, we are streaming an MSS. if (track.Source != null) { player.Rewind(); } break; case UserAction.Seek: // Seek only works with non-MSS clients. // If the Source is null, we are streaming an MSS. if (track.Source != null) { player.Position = (TimeSpan)param; } break; case UserAction.SkipNext: player.Track = GetNextTrack(); break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: player.Track = GetPreviousTrack(); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// playstate 更改时调用,但 Error 状态除外(参见 OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">在 playstate 更改时播放的曲目</param> /// <param name="playState">播放机的新 playstate </param> /// <remarks> /// 无法取消播放状态更改。即使应用程序 /// 导致状态自行更改也会提出这些更改,假定应用程序已经选择了回调。 /// /// 值得注意的 playstate 事件: /// (a) TrackEnded: 播放器没有当前曲目时激活。代理可设置下一曲目。 /// (b) TrackReady: 音轨已设置完毕,现在可以播放。 /// /// 只在代理请求完成之后调用一次 NotifyComplete(),包括异步回调。 /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackEnded: //player.Track = GetPreviousTrack(); //player.Track = GetNextTrack(); PlayNextTrack(player); break; case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Play(); break; case PlayState.Shutdown: // TODO: 在此处理关机状态(例如保存状态) break; case PlayState.Unknown: break; case PlayState.Stopped: break; case PlayState.Paused: break; case PlayState.Playing: break; case PlayState.BufferingStarted: break; case PlayState.BufferingStopped: break; case PlayState.Rewinding: break; case PlayState.FastForwarding: break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { try { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: player.Play(); break; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.FastForward: player.FastForward(); break; case UserAction.Rewind: player.Rewind(); break; case UserAction.Seek: try { player.Position = (TimeSpan)param; } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // thrown occasionally. what to do? } break; case UserAction.SkipNext: var maybeNext = GetNextTrack(); if (maybeNext != null) { player.Track = maybeNext; // no need to play as playback is started when the track is "ready" //player.Play(); } break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: var maybePrevious = GetPreviousTrack(); if (maybePrevious != null) { player.Track = maybePrevious; //player.Play(); } break; } } catch (Exception) { // Might throw SystemException on some rare occasions? // TODO: reproduce, handle exception var tmp = 0; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using system-provided UI and the application has requesed /// notifications of the action /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { if (action == UserAction.Play) player.Play(); else if (action == UserAction.Pause) player.Pause(); NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { if (action == UserAction.Play) { player.Track = new AudioTrack(new Uri("XN.mp3", UriKind.Relative), "Duy Nguyen", "Quang Lê", "Xuân 2013", null); NotifyComplete(); } }
private void PlayPreviousTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (--currentTrackNumber < 0) { currentTrackNumber = _playList.Count - 1; } PlayTrack(player); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time the playstate changed</param> /// <param name="playState">The new playstate of the player</param> /// <remarks> /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback. /// /// Notable playstate events: /// (a) TrackEnded: invoked when the player has no current track. The agent can set the next track. /// (b) TrackReady: an audio track has been set and it is now ready for playack. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { if (playState == PlayState.TrackReady) { player.Play(); NotifyComplete(); } }
private void PlayTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { // Play it if ((player.Track != null) && (player.PlayerState != PlayState.Playing)) { player.Play(); } }
private void PlayPreviousTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (--currentTrackNumber < 0) { currentTrackNumber = playList.Count - 1; } player.Track = playList[currentTrackNumber]; }
private void PlayNextTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (++currentTrackNumber >= playList.Count) { currentTrackNumber = 0; } player.Track = playList[currentTrackNumber]; }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: if (player.PlayerState == PlayState.Paused) { PopulatePlaylist(false); } else { PopulatePlaylist(true); } if (currentPlaylist != null && currentPlaylist.Count > 0) { player.Track = currentPlaylist[currentTrackNumber]; } break; case UserAction.Stop: currentPlaylist = null; currentTrackNumber = 0; player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.FastForward: player.FastForward(); break; case UserAction.Rewind: player.Rewind(); break; case UserAction.Seek: player.Position = (TimeSpan)param; break; case UserAction.SkipNext: if (currentPlaylist != null && currentPlaylist.Count > 0) { player.Track = GetNextTrack(); } break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: if (currentPlaylist != null && currentPlaylist.Count > 0) { player.Track = GetPreviousTrack(); } break; } NotifyComplete(); }
private void Play(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (player.Track != null && player.PlayerState != PlayState.Playing) { // Workaround: According to the Dev Center, the app has crashed a // number of times due to a SystemException here. No idea. Utils.Suppress <SystemException>(player.Play); } }
private void PlayNextTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (++currentTrackNumber >= _playList.Count) { currentTrackNumber = 0; } PlayTrack(player); }
/// <summary> /// Decrements the currentTrackNumber and plays the correpsonding track. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> private void PlayPreviousTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (--CurrentTrackNumber < 0) { CurrentTrackNumber = AudioTracks.Count - 1; } PlayTrack(player); }
/// <summary> /// Increments the currentTrackNumber and plays the correpsonding track. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> private void PlayNextTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (++CurrentTrackNumber >= AudioTracks.Count) { CurrentTrackNumber = 0; } PlayTrack(player); }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="player"> /// </param> /// <returns> /// </returns> private IObservable <PortableUnit> StopPlayingAsync(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { Debug.WriteLine("Player: StopPlayingAsync"); return(this.NowPlaying.StopAsync(player) .Catch <PortableUnit, ServiceException>(ex => ObservableEx.SingleUnit()) .Catch <PortableUnit, WebException>(ex => ObservableEx.SingleUnit()) .ObserveOn(Scheduler.CurrentThread) .Do(_ => this.StopPlayingMix(player), ex => this.StopPlayingMix(player))); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected async override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: if (player.PlayerState != PlayState.Playing) { player.Play(); } break; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.FastForward: player.FastForward(); break; case UserAction.Rewind: player.Rewind(); break; case UserAction.Seek: player.Position = (TimeSpan)param; break; case UserAction.SkipNext: { AudioTrack newTrack = await GetNextStation(player.Track.Artist); if (track != null) { player.Track = newTrack; } break; } case UserAction.SkipPrevious: { AudioTrack newTrack = await GetPreviousStation(player.Track.Artist); if (track != null) { player.Track = newTrack; } break; } } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time the playstate changed</param> /// <param name="playState">The new playstate of the player</param> /// <remarks> /// /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback. /// /// Notable playstate events: /// (a) TrackEnded: invoked when the player has no current track. The agent can set the next track. /// (b) TrackReady: an audio track has been set and it is now ready for playack. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackEnded: Func <List <GuidToTrackMapping>, AudioTrack, GuidToTrackMapping> defineNextTrackPredicate = (mappings, currentTrack) => { var index = mappings.IndexOf(mappings.Single(o => o.Guid == new Guid(currentTrack.Tag))); index++; if (index >= mappings.Count) { // no random, no repeat ! return(null); } return(new GuidToTrackMapping { Guid = mappings[index].Guid, Track = mappings[index].Track }); }; player.Track = GetNextTrack(track, defineNextTrackPredicate); break; case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Play(); break; case PlayState.Shutdown: // TODO: Handle the shutdown state here (e.g. save state) break; case PlayState.Unknown: break; case PlayState.Stopped: break; case PlayState.Paused: break; case PlayState.Playing: break; case PlayState.BufferingStarted: break; case PlayState.BufferingStopped: break; case PlayState.Rewinding: break; case PlayState.FastForwarding: break; } NotifyComplete(); }
protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Play(); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
private void ffButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { BackgroundAudioPlayer player = BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance; if (player != null && player.PlayerState == PlayState.Playing) { player.Position = (player.Position.TotalSeconds + 30 < player.Track.Duration.TotalSeconds) ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(player.Position.TotalSeconds + 30) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(player.Track.Duration.TotalSeconds); } }
protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { bool flag = true; try { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackReady: if (player.PlayerState != PlayState.Playing) { flag = false; AudioTrackHelper.PlayCurrentTrack(player, (Action <bool>)(res => this.NotifyComplete()), false); break; } break; case PlayState.TrackEnded: PlaybackSettings settings = PlaylistManager.ReadPlaybackSettings(false); if (settings.Repeat) { player.Stop(); player.Position = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.0); flag = false; AudioTrackHelper.PlayCurrentTrack(player, (Action <bool>)(res => this.NotifyComplete()), false); break; } bool startedNewCycle; AudioTrack nextTrack = this.GetNextTrack(player, out startedNewCycle, settings); if (nextTrack != null) { if (!startedNewCycle) { player.Track = nextTrack; AudioTrackHelper.PlayCurrentTrack(player, (Action <bool>)(res => this.NotifyComplete()), false); flag = false; break; } this.NotifyComplete(); break; } break; } AudioTrackHelper.BroadcastTrackIfNeeded(player, null, null, false, false); if (!flag) { return; } this.NotifyComplete(); } catch { this.NotifyComplete(); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using system-provided UI and the application has requesed /// notifications of the action /// </summary> /// <param name="player"> /// The BackgroundAudioPlayer /// </param> /// <param name="track"> /// The track playing at the time of the user action /// </param> /// <param name="action"> /// The action the user has requested /// </param> /// <param name="param"> /// The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track /// </param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction( BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Stop: try { if (player.PlayerState != PlayState.Paused || !PlayerService.NowPlayingExists()) { this.Lifetime.Add((from _ in this.LoadNowPlayingAsync() from __ in this.StopPlayingAsync(player) select __).Finally(this.Completed).Subscribe(_ => { }, ex => this.ReportFatalStopError(ex, null))); return; } } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // Uh oh background resources not available. } break; case UserAction.Pause: try { player.Pause(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { // Probably no track.. just continue on our merry way } break; case UserAction.Play: this.Lifetime.Add((from _ in this.LoadNowPlayingAsync() from __ in this.PlayTrackAsync(player) select __).ObserveOn(Scheduler.CurrentThread).Finally(this.Completed).Subscribe(_ => { }, ex => this.ReportFatalStopError(ex, null))); return; case UserAction.SkipNext: this.Lifetime.Add((from _ in this.LoadNowPlayingAsync() from __ in this.SkipToNextTrackAsync(player) select __).ObserveOn(Scheduler.CurrentThread).Finally(this.Completed).Subscribe(_ => { }, ex => this.ReportFatalStopError(ex, null))); return; } this.Completed(); }
/// <summary> /// Called whenever there is an error with playback, such as an AudioTrack not downloading correctly /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track that had the error</param> /// <param name="error">The error that occured</param> /// <param name="isFatal">If true, playback cannot continue and playback of the track will stop</param> /// <remarks> /// This method is not guaranteed to be called in all cases. For example, if the background agent /// itself has an unhandled exception, it won't get called back to handle its own errors. /// </remarks> protected override void OnError(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, Exception error, bool isFatal) { if (isFatal) { Abort(); } else { NotifyComplete(); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time the playstate changed</param> /// <param name="playState">The new playstate of the player</param> /// <remarks> /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback. /// /// Notable playstate events: /// (a) TrackEnded: invoked when the player has no current track. The agent can set the next track. /// (b) TrackReady: an audio track has been set and it is now ready for playack. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackEnded: //player.Track = GetPreviousTrack(); player.Track = null; break; case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Play(); connectedEvent.Set(); if (track != null && track.Tag != null) { var data = track.Tag.ToString().Split('$'); var url = data[data.Length - 1]; var title = data[1]; var type = data[2]; //#region from //MediaHistoryItem nowPlaying = new MediaHistoryItem(); //nowPlaying.Title = title; //nowPlaying.PlayerContext.Add("station", title); //MediaHistory.Instance.NowPlaying = nowPlaying; //#endregion } break; case PlayState.Shutdown: // TODO: Handle the shutdown state here (e.g. save state) break; case PlayState.Unknown: break; case PlayState.Stopped: break; case PlayState.Paused: break; case PlayState.Playing: break; case PlayState.BufferingStarted: break; case PlayState.BufferingStopped: break; case PlayState.Rewinding: break; case PlayState.FastForwarding: break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time the playstate changed</param> /// <param name="playState">The new playstate of the player</param> /// <remarks> /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback. /// /// Notable playstate events: /// (a) TrackEnded: invoked when the player has no current track. The agent can set the next track. /// (b) TrackReady: an audio track has been set and it is now ready for playack. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackReady: // Wiedergabe wurde in PlayTrack() bereits festgelegt player.Play(); break; case PlayState.TrackEnded: PlayNextTrack(player); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using system-provided UI and the application has requesed /// notifications of the action /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: playTrack(player); break; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
private void PlayPreviousTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (_playList.Count == 0) { loadPlaylist(); } else if (--currentTrackNumber < 0) { currentTrackNumber = _playList.Count - 1; StorageUtility.writeStringToFile(IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(), "CurrentTrackNumber.txt", currentTrackNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } player.Track = _playList[currentTrackNumber]; player.Play(); }
protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackEnded: player.Close(); break; case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Volume = 1.0; player.Play(); break; case PlayState.Shutdown: // TODO: Handle the shutdown state here (e.g. save state) break; case PlayState.Unknown: break; case PlayState.Stopped: break; case PlayState.Paused: break; case PlayState.Playing: break; case PlayState.BufferingStarted: break; case PlayState.BufferingStopped: break; case PlayState.Rewinding: break; case PlayState.FastForwarding: break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time the playstate changed</param> /// <param name="playState">The new playstate of the player</param> /// <remarks> /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback. /// /// Notable playstate events: /// (a) TrackEnded: invoked when the player has no current track. The agent can set the next track. /// (b) TrackReady: an audio track has been set and it is now ready for playack. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackEnded: //player.Track = GetPreviousTrack(); if (currentTrack < playlist.Count - 1) { currentTrack += 1; player.Track = playlist[currentTrack]; } else { player.Track = null; } break; case PlayState.TrackReady: player.Play(); break; case PlayState.Shutdown: // TODO: Handle the shutdown state here (e.g. save state) break; case PlayState.Unknown: break; case PlayState.Stopped: break; case PlayState.Paused: break; case PlayState.Playing: break; case PlayState.BufferingStarted: break; case PlayState.BufferingStopped: break; case PlayState.Rewinding: break; case PlayState.FastForwarding: break; } NotifyComplete(); }
private void PlayTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { if (NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) { string numberString = StorageUtility.readStringFromFile(IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication(), "CurrentTrackNumber.txt"); if (numberString != null) currentTrackNumber = Int16.Parse(numberString); if (_playList.Count == 0) { loadPlaylist(); } else { player.Track = _playList[currentTrackNumber]; player.Play(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: PlayTrack(player); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: PlayPreviousTrack(player); break; case UserAction.SkipNext: PlayNextTrack(player); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the playstate changes, except for the Error state (see OnError) /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time the playstate changed</param> /// <param name="playState">The new playstate of the player</param> /// <remarks> /// Play State changes cannot be cancelled. They are raised even if the application /// caused the state change itself, assuming the application has opted-in to the callback /// </remarks> protected override void OnPlayStateChanged(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, PlayState playState) { switch (playState) { case PlayState.TrackReady: // The track to play is set in the PlayTrack method. player.Volume = 1; player.Play(); break; case PlayState.TrackEnded: try { player.Stop(); } catch (Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e); } break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param"> /// The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track /// </param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { Debug.WriteLine("OnUserAction() action " + action); switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: var task = Task.Run((Func<Task>)RunDownload); if (player.PlayerState != PlayState.Playing) player.Play(); task.ContinueWith(t => NotifyComplete()); return; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.FastForward: player.FastForward(); break; case UserAction.Rewind: player.Rewind(); break; case UserAction.Seek: player.Position = (TimeSpan)param; break; case UserAction.SkipNext: player.Track = GetNextTrack(); break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: var previousTrack = GetPreviousTrack(); if (previousTrack != null) player.Track = previousTrack; break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Implements the logic to get the previous AudioTrack instance. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The AudioTrack URI determines the source, which can be: /// (a) Isolated-storage file (Relative URI, represents path in the isolated storage) /// (b) HTTP URL (absolute URI) /// (c) MediaStreamSource (null) /// </remarks> /// <returns>an instance of AudioTrack, or null if previous track is not allowed</returns> private void SetPreviousTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { AudioTrack track = null; if (Tracks != null && Tracks.Count > 0) { TrackIndex--; if (TrackIndex < 0) { TrackIndex = Tracks.Count - 1; } track = Tracks[TrackIndex]; } AssignTrack(track, player, this.SetPreviousTrack); }
private void AssignTrack(AudioTrack track, BackgroundAudioPlayer player, Action<BackgroundAudioPlayer> failureAction) { try { player.Track = track; ConsecutiveFileNotFoundErrorCount = 0; } catch (FileNotFoundException) { ConsecutiveFileNotFoundErrorCount++; if (ConsecutiveFileNotFoundErrorCount >= Tracks.Count) { throw; } else { failureAction(player); } } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: if (player != null && player.PlayerState != PlayState.Playing) { player.Volume = 1; player.Play(); } break; case UserAction.Stop: player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.FastForward: player.FastForward(); break; case UserAction.Rewind: player.Rewind(); break; case UserAction.Seek: player.Position = (TimeSpan)param; break; case UserAction.SkipNext: SetNextTrack(player); break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: SetPreviousTrack(player); break; } NotifyComplete(); }
private void setTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { switch (currentPlayListNumber) { case 0: if (currentTrackNumber <= _playList1.Count-1) player.Track = _playList1[currentTrackNumber]; break; case 1: if (currentTrackNumber <= _playList1.Count - 1) player.Track = _playList2[currentTrackNumber]; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Decrements the currentTrackNumber and plays the correpsonding track. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> private void PlayPreviousTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { currentPlayListNumber++; }
/// <summary> /// Increments the currentTrackNumber and plays the correpsonding track. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> private void PlayNextTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { currentTrackNumber++; }
/// <summary> /// Called when the user requests an action using application/system provided UI /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> /// <param name="track">The track playing at the time of the user action</param> /// <param name="action">The action the user has requested</param> /// <param name="param">The data associated with the requested action. /// In the current version this parameter is only for use with the Seek action, /// to indicate the requested position of an audio track</param> /// <remarks> /// User actions do not automatically make any changes in system state; the agent is responsible /// for carrying out the user actions if they are supported. /// /// Call NotifyComplete() only once, after the agent request has been completed, including async callbacks. /// </remarks> protected override void OnUserAction(BackgroundAudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, UserAction action, object param) { switch (action) { case UserAction.Play: if (track != null && track.Tag != null) { var data = track.Tag.ToString().Split('$'); var url = data[data.Length - 1]; var type = data[2]; if (type.ToLower() != "shoutcast") { track.Source = new Uri(url); } } //player.Track = new AudioTrack(null, "", "", "", null, track.Tag, EnabledPlayerControls.Pause); if (player.SafeGetPlayerState() != PlayState.Playing) { player.Play(); } break; case UserAction.Stop: if (player.SafeGetPlayerState() == PlayState.Playing) player.Stop(); break; case UserAction.Pause: if (player.SafeGetPlayerState() == PlayState.Playing) player.Pause(); break; case UserAction.FastForward: //player.FastForward(); break; case UserAction.Rewind: //player.Rewind(); break; case UserAction.Seek: //player.Position = (TimeSpan)param; break; case UserAction.SkipNext: //player.Track = GetNextTrack(); break; case UserAction.SkipPrevious: //AudioTrack previousTrack = GetPreviousTrack(); //if (previousTrack != null) //{ // player.Track = previousTrack; //} break; } NotifyComplete(); }
/// <summary> /// Plays the track in our playlist at the currentTrackNumber position. /// </summary> /// <param name="player">The BackgroundAudioPlayer</param> private void PlayTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { setTrack(player); player.Play(); }
/// <summary> /// Implements the logic to get the next AudioTrack instance. /// In a playlist, the source can be from a file, a web request, etc. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The AudioTrack URI determines the source, which can be: /// (a) Isolated-storage file (Relative URI, represents path in the isolated storage) /// (b) HTTP URL (absolute URI) /// (c) MediaStreamSource (null) /// </remarks> /// <returns>an instance of AudioTrack, or null if the playback is completed</returns> private void SetNextTrack(BackgroundAudioPlayer player) { AudioTrack track = null; if (Tracks != null && Tracks.Count > 0) { TrackIndex++; if (TrackIndex + 1 > Tracks.Count) { TrackIndex = 0; } track = Tracks[TrackIndex]; } AssignTrack(track, player, this.SetNextTrack); }