public static string MzCustomePayOperator(string sid) { string r = ""; SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { VPayOrder vpo = new VPayOrder(); B_QbqqSaleOrder bso = bsob.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "'"); decimal yingshou = bso.dmoney; decimal yishou = bprb.GetSkMoneyEx(" and sid='" + sid + "' and ptype='dj'"); CB_OrderFlow cof = cofb.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "' and wcode='0046'"); vpo.code = bso.scode; vpo.customer = bso.customer; vpo.dname = bso.dname; //vpo.settlment = bso.sname; vpo.bjr = cof != null ? cof.maker : ""; vpo.yingshou = yingshou.ToString("#0.00"); vpo.yishou = yishou.ToString(); vpo.weishou = (yingshou - yishou).ToString("#0.00"); vpo.telephone = bso.telephone; r = js.Serialize(vpo); } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string QueryMzOrder(string sid) { string r = ""; B_QbqqSaleOrder bms = new B_QbqqSaleOrder(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { if (sid == "") { Sys_Depment sd = sdb.Query(" and dcode='" + iv.u.dcode + "'"); = 0; = sd.dpname; bms.citycode = sd.dpcode; bms.dcode = iv.u.dcode; bms.dname = iv.u.dname; bms.maker = iv.u.ename; } else { bms = bmsob.Query("and sid='" + sid + "'"); //bms.ztimg = bosb.QueryOrderStateImg(sid); } r = js.Serialize(bms); } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string MzProductionOrder(string sid) { string r = ""; SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { VProduceOrder vpo = new VProduceOrder(); B_QbqqSaleOrder bso = bsob.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "'"); CB_OrderFlow cof = bwfb.QueryAttrExWorkFlow(sid, "sc"); B_OrderFacotory bof = bofb.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "'"); vpo.code = bso.scode; vpo.ycode = bso.ycode; vpo.customer = bso.customer; vpo.address = bso.address; vpo.dname = bso.dname; vpo.otype = bso.otype; vpo.fname = bof == null ? "" : bof.dname; vpo.scdate = cof != null? cof.edate:""; vpo.overdate = bof == null ? "" : bof.overdate; = bso.remark; r = js.Serialize(vpo); } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string QueryMzOrderPrice(string sid) { string r = ""; B_QbqqSaleOrder bms = new B_QbqqSaleOrder(); VMzOrderPrice vmp = new VMzOrderPrice(); StringBuilder djh = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder omh = new StringBuilder(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { bms = bmsob.Query("and sid='" + sid + "'"); vmp.omoney = bms.omoney.ToString("#0.00"); vmp.dmoney = bms.dmoney.ToString("#0.00"); B_MzPriceFile bmpf = bmpfb.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "'"); if (bmpf != null) { vmp.pfname = bmpf.fname; vmp.bshow = "1"; vmp.pfid =; } List <B_PayImg> ldbpi = bpib.QueryList(" and sid='" + sid + "' and ptype='dj'"); if (ldbpi != null) { djh.Append("<table style='width:100%;border:none'>"); foreach (B_PayImg bpi in ldbpi) { djh.AppendFormat("<tr><td><img id='{0}' src='{1}' alt='' onclick='nck('/></td></tr>",, bpi.url); } djh.Append("<table>"); } List <B_PayImg> lobpi = bpib.QueryList(" and sid='" + sid + "' and ptype='o'"); if (lobpi != null) { omh.Append("<table style='width:100%;border:none'>"); foreach (B_PayImg bpi in lobpi) { omh.AppendFormat("<tr><td><img id='{0}' src='{1}' alt='' onclick='nck('/></td></tr>",, bpi.url); } omh.Append("<table>"); } vmp.djhtm = djh.ToString(); vmp.omhtm = omh.ToString(); r = js.Serialize(vmp); } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static string MzInHouseOrder(string sid) { string r = ""; SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { VInHouseOrder vpo = new VInHouseOrder(); B_QbqqSaleOrder bso = bsob.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "'"); B_OrderFacotory bof = bofb.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "'"); CB_OrderState cos = cosb.Query(" and sid='" + sid + "'"); int bnum = bohrb.GetRecordCount(" sid='" + sid + "'"); string zt = ""; if (cos != null) { if (cos.istoreget == 0) { zt = "未入库"; } if (cos.istoreget == 1) { zt = "部分入库"; } if (cos.istoreget == 2) { zt = "全部入库"; } } vpo.code = bso.scode; vpo.ycode = bso.ycode; vpo.customer = bso.customer; vpo.address = bso.address; vpo.dname = bso.dname; vpo.fname = bof == null ? "" : bof.dname; = bso.remark; =; vpo.telephone = bso.telephone; vpo.bnum = bnum.ToString(); vpo.zt = zt; r = js.Serialize(vpo); } else { r = iv.badstr; } return(r); }
public static ArrayList QueryMzReceiptList(string bdate, string city, string code, string curpage, string customer, string dname, string edate, string emcode, string pagesize, string tabcode) { ArrayList r = new ArrayList(); DataTable lsr = new DataTable(); StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); SessionUserValidate iv = SysValidateBll.ValidateSession(); if (iv.f) { r.Add(iv.badstr); int rcount = 0; int pcount = 0; if (customer != "") { where.AppendFormat(" and customer like '%{0}%'", customer); } if (code != "") { where.AppendFormat(" and scode like '%{0}%'", code); } if (city != "") { where.AppendFormat(" and e_city like '%{0}%'", city); } if (dname != "") { where.AppendFormat(" and dname like '%{0}%'", dname); } //if (telephone != "") //{ // where.AppendFormat(" and telephone like '%{0}%'", telephone); //} if (bdate != "" && bdate != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and cdate >='{0}'", bdate); } if (edate != "" && edate != null) { where.AppendFormat(" and cdate <='{0}'", edate); } Sys_ViewTable svt = svtb.QuerySelCols(emcode, tabcode, iv.u.rcode); if (svt == null) { } else { where.Append(CommonBll.SqlWhereReplace(iv.u, svt.sqlcondition)); string sfield = svt.sqlcols; lsr = bsob.QueryList(Convert.ToInt32(curpage), Convert.ToInt32(pagesize), sfield, where.ToString(), "id desc", ref rcount, ref pcount); if (lsr != null) { r.Add(pcount); foreach (DataRow dr in lsr.Rows) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add(bebb.QueryBtnListItems(emcode, iv.u.rcode, "LX", dr[1].ToString())); foreach (DataColumn column in lsr.Columns) { switch (column.Caption) { case "ysmoney": al.Add(0); break; case "symoney": al.Add(bsob.Query(" and sid='" + dr[1].ToString() + "'").omoney - bprb.GetSkMoneyEx(" and sid='" + dr[1].ToString() + "'")); break; case "zt": al.Add("<span style='color:blue; font-weight:bolder'>" + cbeb.GetOrderState(dr[1].ToString()) + "</span>"); break; default: al.Add(dr[column].ToString()); break; } } r.Add(al); } } } } else { r.Add(iv.badstr); } return(r); }