/// <summary> /// Sends the notification. /// </summary> /// <param name="environment">The environment.</param> /// <param name="alarm">The alarm.</param> /// <param name="globalProperties">The global properties.</param> /// <param name="notifications">The notifications.</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool SendNotification(BizTalkEnvironment environment, Common.Alarm alarm, string globalProperties, Dictionary <MonitorGroupTypeName, MonitorGroupData> notifications) { try { LoggingHelper.Info("DESCRIPTION " + alarm.Description); XDocument globalDocument = XDocument.Parse(globalProperties); XDocument alarmDocument = XDocument.Parse(alarm.AlarmProperties); //Read configured properties XNamespace bsd = XNamespace.Get("http://www.biztalk360.com/alarms/notification/basetypes"); string email = string.Empty; string emailTo = string.Empty; string ccEmail = string.Empty; string upAlert = string.Empty; string autoCorrectAlert = string.Empty; //Global Properties XDocument globalProps = XDocument.Load(new StringReader(globalProperties)); foreach (XElement element in globalProps.Descendants(bsd + "TextArea")) { XAttribute xAttribute = element.Attribute("Name"); if (element.Attribute("Name").Value == "Email-To") { emailTo = element.Attribute("Value").Value; } if (element.Attribute("Name").Value == "C-C") { ccEmail = element.Attribute("Value").Value; } if (element.Attribute("Name").Value == "Up-Alert") { upAlert = element.Attribute("Value").Value; } if (element.Attribute("Name").Value == "AutoCorrect-Alert") { autoCorrectAlert = element.Attribute("Value").Value; } } bool useEmailTo = Convert.ToBoolean(globalDocument.XPathSelectElement( "/*[local-name() = 'GlobalProperties']/*[local-name() = 'Section']/*[local-name() = 'CheckBox' and @Name = 'use-Email-To']") ?.Attribute("Value")?.Value); BT360Helper helper = new BT360Helper(notifications, environment, alarm, MessageType.ConsolidatedMessage, MessageFormat.Text); EmailMessageBody emailMessageBody = (EmailMessageBody)helper.ConvertDictionaryToObject <EmailMessageBody>(alarm.AdditionalProperties, SMTPConfigurationInfo.EmailMessageBody); EmailAttachments emailAttachments = (EmailAttachments)helper.ConvertDictionaryToObject <EmailAttachments>(alarm.AdditionalProperties, SMTPConfigurationInfo.EmailAttachments); SMTPSetting smtpSetting = (SMTPSetting)helper.ConvertDictionaryToObject <SMTPSetting>(alarm.AdditionalProperties, SMTPConfigurationInfo.SMTPSetting); if (smtpSetting == null) { throw new Exception("SMTP Setting is not present in the database. Please use the UI to update the correct setting."); } //When installed first time, these values will be blank if (smtpSetting.serverName == "" || smtpSetting.adminEmailAddress == "") { //SK: 4th Feb 2012, replaced returning null with exception, since we can't proceed further. throw new Exception("SMTP Setting is not configured (admin email or server name is blank). Please use the UI to update the correct setting."); //return null; } switch (emailMessageBody.notificationType) { case NotificationType.UpAlert: if (upAlert != "" && useEmailTo) { email = upAlert; } else { email = emailTo; } break; case NotificationType.AutoCorrectAlert: if (autoCorrectAlert != "" && useEmailTo) { email = autoCorrectAlert; } else { email = emailTo; } break; default: email = emailTo; break; } string strFrom = emailMessageBody.fromEmailAddress; string strName = emailMessageBody.fromDisplayName; string strTo = email; string strCC = ccEmail; string strSubject = emailMessageBody.subject; string strBody = emailMessageBody.xmlData; LoggingHelper.Info("SUBJECT " + strSubject); try { SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; smtp.Host = smtpSetting.serverName; smtp.Port = Convert.ToInt32(smtpSetting.port); smtp.EnableSsl = (smtpSetting.sslMode == SMTPSSLMode.DedicatedSSLPort) ? true : false; smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = (smtpSetting.authentication == SMTPAuthentication.IntegratedWindowsAuthOverNtlm) ? true : false; smtp.Credentials = (smtpSetting.authentication == SMTPAuthentication.Anonymous) ? null : new NetworkCredential(smtpSetting.userName, smtpSetting.password); ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; string htmlData = Helper.TransformXMLToHTML(emailMessageBody.xslt, emailMessageBody.xmlData); MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(); mailMessage.From = new MailAddress(strFrom, strName); mailMessage.Subject = strSubject; mailMessage.Body = htmlData; mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true; //Adding multiple To Addresses foreach (string sTo in strTo.Split(";".ToCharArray())) { mailMessage.To.Add(sTo); } //Adding multiple CC Addresses if (strCC != string.Empty) { foreach (string sCC in strCC.Split(";".ToCharArray())) { mailMessage.CC.Add(sCC); } } int attachementCount = 0; double totalSizeInMB = 0; var attachmentsOrderedByImportance = emailAttachments.OrderByDescending(issue => issue.importance); foreach (EmailAttachment attachment in attachmentsOrderedByImportance) { string fileName = Path.Combine(emailMessageBody.attachmentFolder, attachment.name); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { //Apply maximum size restriction rule FileInfo f = new FileInfo(fileName); long filesize = f.Length; double sizeInMB = (filesize / 1024f) / 1024f; if ((totalSizeInMB + sizeInMB) >= emailMessageBody.maxAttachmentsSizeInMb) { LoggingHelper.Warn(string.Format("The size of the attachment is above the configured limit. Alarm {0}. FileName :{1}. Configured Value :{2}. Current Limit: {3}", alarm.Name, attachment.name, emailMessageBody.maxAttachmentsSizeInMb, totalSizeInMB)); } else if (attachementCount >= emailMessageBody.maxAttachments) //Apply Maximum attachments/email rule { LoggingHelper.Warn(string.Format("Maximum attachments count reached for alarm {0}. Configured Value :{1}. Current Limit: {2}", alarm.Name, emailMessageBody.maxAttachments, attachementCount)); } else { mailMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(fileName)); totalSizeInMB += sizeInMB; // Attachment Size attachementCount++; // Attachement Count } } else { LoggingHelper.Warn(string.Format(" Attachment file {0} cannot be found.", attachment)); } } MailPriority mailPriority = MailPriority.Normal; switch (alarm.EmailPriority) { case "1": mailPriority = MailPriority.High; break; case "0": mailPriority = MailPriority.Low; break; } mailMessage.Priority = mailPriority; smtp.Send(mailMessage); LoggingHelper.Info("SMTP Notification channel posted the message successfully"); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingHelper.Error("SMTP Notification channel failed. Error " + ex.Message); return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingHelper.Error("SMTP Notification channel failed. Error " + ex.Message); return(false); } }