    public static BSShape GetReference(BSScene physicsScene, bool forceRebuild, BSPhysObject prim)
        float lod;

        System.UInt64 newHullKey = BSShape.ComputeShapeKey(prim.Size, prim.BaseShape, out lod);

        BSShapeHull retHull = null;

        lock (Hulls)
            if (Hulls.TryGetValue(newHullKey, out retHull))
                // The mesh has already been created. Return a new reference to same.
                retHull = new BSShapeHull(new BulletShape());
                // An instance of this mesh has not been created. Build and remember same.
                BulletShape newShape = retHull.CreatePhysicalHull(physicsScene, prim, newHullKey, prim.BaseShape, prim.Size, lod);

                // Check to see if hull was created (might require an asset).
                newShape = VerifyMeshCreated(physicsScene, newShape, prim);
                if (!newShape.isNativeShape || prim.PrimAssetState == BSPhysObject.PrimAssetCondition.Failed)
                    // If a mesh was what was created, remember the built shape for later sharing.
                    Hulls.Add(newHullKey, retHull);
                retHull.physShapeInfo = newShape;
        physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeHull,getReference,hull={1},size={2},lod={3}", prim.LocalID, retHull, prim.Size, lod);
    public static BSShape GetReference(BSScene physicsScene, bool forceRebuild, BSPhysObject prim)
        float lod;

        System.UInt64 newMeshKey = BSShape.ComputeShapeKey(prim.Size, prim.BaseShape, out lod);

                               prim.LocalID, newMeshKey.ToString("X"), prim.Size, lod);

        BSShapeConvexHull retConvexHull = null;

        lock (ConvexHulls)
            if (ConvexHulls.TryGetValue(newMeshKey, out retConvexHull))
                // The mesh has already been created. Return a new reference to same.
                retConvexHull = new BSShapeConvexHull(new BulletShape());
                BulletShape convexShape = null;

                // Get a handle to a mesh to build the hull from
                BSShape baseMesh = BSShapeMesh.GetReference(physicsScene, false /* forceRebuild */, prim);
                if (baseMesh.physShapeInfo.isNativeShape)
                    // We get here if the mesh was not creatable. Could be waiting for an asset from the disk.
                    // In the short term, we return the native shape and a later ForceBodyShapeRebuild should
                    //     get back to this code with a buildable mesh.
                    // TODO: not sure the temp native shape is freed when the mesh is rebuilt. When does this get freed?
                    convexShape = baseMesh.physShapeInfo;
                    convexShape          = physicsScene.PE.BuildConvexHullShapeFromMesh(physicsScene.World, baseMesh.physShapeInfo);
                    convexShape.shapeKey = newMeshKey;
                    ConvexHulls.Add(convexShape.shapeKey, retConvexHull);

                // Done with the base mesh

                retConvexHull.physShapeInfo = convexShape;
    public static BSShape GetReference(BSScene physicsScene, bool forceRebuild, BSPhysObject prim)
        float lod;

        System.UInt64 newMeshKey = BSShape.ComputeShapeKey(prim.Size, prim.BaseShape, out lod);

        BSShapeMesh retMesh = null;

        lock (Meshes)
            if (Meshes.TryGetValue(newMeshKey, out retMesh))
                // The mesh has already been created. Return a new reference to same.
                retMesh = new BSShapeMesh(new BulletShape());
                // An instance of this mesh has not been created. Build and remember same.
                BulletShape newShape = retMesh.CreatePhysicalMesh(physicsScene, prim, newMeshKey, prim.BaseShape, prim.Size, lod);

                // Check to see if mesh was created (might require an asset).
                newShape = VerifyMeshCreated(physicsScene, newShape, prim);
                if (!newShape.isNativeShape || prim.PrimAssetState == BSPhysObject.PrimAssetCondition.Failed)
                    // If a mesh was what was created, remember the built shape for later sharing.
                    // Also note that if meshing failed we put it in the mesh list as there is nothing else to do about the mesh.
                    Meshes.Add(newMeshKey, retMesh);

                retMesh.physShapeInfo = newShape;
        physicsScene.DetailLog("{0},BSShapeMesh,getReference,mesh={1},size={2},lod={3}", prim.LocalID, retMesh, prim.Size, lod);