protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //var domain =
            CategoryEntity cat = BOCategory.GetCategory(_cat_id);

            ltrCatName.Text = String.Format(catName, cat.Cat_Name, cat.HREF);

            List <NewsPublishEntity> lst = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByNewsMode3(_cat_id, 1, 5, 6, 1, 310);

            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                ltrNotBat.Text = String.Format(baiNoiBat, lst[0].URL_IMG, lst[0].URL, lst[0].NEWS_TITLE, Utils.CatSapo(Utils.RemoveHTMLTag(lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT), 25));
                newsId         = lst[0].NEWS_ID;
            List <NewsPublishEntity> lstNew = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByCatAndDate(_cat_id, newsId, 1, top, 150);

            if (lstNew.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lstNew.Count; i++)
                    lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE = lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Substring(0, (lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length < 60 ? lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length : 57)) + (lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length < 60 ? "" : "...");
                    lrtListNew.Text     += String.Format(listNews, lstNew[i].URL_IMG, lstNew[i].URL, lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //var domain =
            //if (_cat_id != 76) {
            CategoryEntity cat = BOCategory.GetCategory(_cat_id);

            ltrCatName.Text = String.Format(catName, cat.Cat_Name, (String.Format("/{0}.html", cat.Cat_DisplayURL.ToLower())));

            List <NewsPublishEntity> lst = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByNewsMode3(_cat_id, 1, 5, 6, 1, 460);

            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                ltrNotBat.Text = String.Format(baiNoiBat, lst[0].URL_IMG, lst[0].URL, lst[0].NEWS_TITLE, Utils.CatSapo(lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT, 25));
                newsId         = lst[0].NEWS_ID;
            List <NewsPublishEntity> lstNew = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByCatAndDate(_cat_id, newsId, 1, 6, 0);

            if (lstNew.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lstNew.Count; i++)
                    lrtListNew.Text += String.Format(listNews, lstNew[i].URL_IMG, lstNew[i].URL, lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE, lstNew[i].Imgage.ImageUrl);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable tbl = BOCategory.GetCategoryByParent(0, false);

            if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0)
                rptCategory.DataSource = tbl;
 // Methods
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!base.IsPostBack)
         DataTable categoryByParentId = new DataTable();
         categoryByParentId          = BOCategory.GetCategoryByParent(0, false);
         this.rptCategory.DataSource = categoryByParentId;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tbl = BOCategory.GetCategoryByParent(CatID);

            if (tbl != null && tbl.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                    Literal1.Text += String.Format(childCat, (String.Format("/{0}.html", row["Cat_DisplayUrl"].ToString())), row["Cat_Name"].ToString(), row["Cat_ID"]);
        // Methods
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.Url.DnsSafeHost.IndexOf("", System.StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
                Utils.Move301("" + Request.RawUrl);

            if (!base.IsPostBack)
                DataTable            table;
                DataRow              row;
                int                  num2;
                RssHelper.RSSItem    item;
                RssHelper.RssChannel channel = new RssHelper.RssChannel();
                channel.ttl       = 10;
                channel.copyright = "";
                channel.pubDate   = DateTime.Now;
                channel.generator = "";
            = this.siteUrl;
                this.CatID        = Lib.QueryString.CategoryID;
                this.CatParentID  = Convert.ToInt32(Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID);

                    CategoryEntity categoryById = BOCategory.GetCategory(this.CatID);
                    if (categoryById != null)
                        channel.description = categoryById.Cat_Description;
                        channel.title       = categoryById.Cat_Name + " | RSS Feed |";
                      = this.siteUrl.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/' }) + categoryById.HREF.Trim();

                        var list = NewsPublished.NP_Danh_Sach_Tin(categoryById.Cat_ParentID, categoryById.Cat_ID, 10, 1, this.ImageWidth);
                        if ((list != null) && (list.Count > 0))
                            for (num2 = 0; num2 < list.Count; num2++)
                                var row1 = list[num2];
                                item             = new RssHelper.RSSItem();
                                item.title       = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(row1.NEWS_TITLE);
                              = this.siteUrl.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/' }) + row1.URL;
                                item.guid        =;
                                item.description = row1.NEWS_INITCONTENT;
                                item.pubDate     = row1.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE;
                base.Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tbl = BOCategory.GetCategoryByParent(0, false);

            if (tbl != null && tbl.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                    //Literal1.Text += String.Format(childCat, row["Cat_DisplayUrl"].ToString().Trim().ToLower(), row["Cat_Name"].ToString(), row["Cat_ID"].ToString(), row["Cat_ID"].ToString().Equals("78") ? "" : "");
                    Literal1.Text += String.Format(childCat, row["Cat_DisplayUrl"].ToString().Trim().ToLower(), row["Cat_Name"].ToString(), row["Cat_ID"].ToString(), "");
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <ActionResult> InsertCategory(FormCollection FC)
            // This Method use for Inserting And Updatating data.

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                BOCategory BOA = new BOCategory();

                BOA.Category1        = FC ["Category1"].Trim();
                BOA.ShortDescription = FC ["ShortDescription"].Trim();
                BOA.LongDescription  = FC ["LongDescription"].Trim();

                if (BOA.Category1 != "" && BOA.ShortDescription != "" && BOA.LongDescription != "")
                    if (FC ["cateid"] != null)
                        BOA.CateId = Guid.Parse(FC ["cateid"]);
                        var Response = await client.PutAsJsonAsync("Category", BOA);

                        if (Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            TempData ["UpdateSuccess"] = true;
                            ViewBag.UpdateSuccess = false;

                        var Response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("Category", BOA);

                        if (Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            TempData ["InsertSuccess"] = true;
                            ViewBag.InsertSuccess = false;
                    TempData ["DataNull"] = true;
                return(RedirectToAction("ManageCategory", "Category"));
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Lib.QueryString.PageIndex <= 1)
                List <NewsPublishEntity> lst = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByNewsMode3(Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, 1, 5, 6, 1, 453);
                if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                    Literal1.Text = String.Format(baiNoiBat, lst[0].URL_IMG, lst[0].URL, lst[0].NEWS_TITLE, Utils.CatSapo(lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT, 25));
                    newsId        = lst[0].NEWS_ID;
                    newsIds       = newsId.ToString() + ",";
                    Literal1.Visible = false;

            List <NewsPublishEntity> lstNew = NewsPublished.Danh_Sach_Tin_Theo_Cat(Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID, Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, pageSize, Lib.QueryString.PageIndex, 213, newsIds);

            if (lstNew.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lstNew.Count; i++)
                    LtrItem.Text += String.Format(item, lstNew[i].URL_IMG, lstNew[i].URL, lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE, lstNew[i].NEWS_PUBLISHDATE.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"), lstNew[i].NEWS_INITCONTENT);

            var c = BOCategory.GetCategory(Lib.QueryString.CategoryID);

            if (c != null)
                hplNext.Text        = c.Cat_Name;
                hplNext.NavigateUrl = c.HREF;
                Utils.SetPageHeader(this.Page, c.Cat_Name, c.Cat_Description, "");

                if (c.Cat_ParentID != null && c.Cat_ParentID > 0)
                    var catParentMenu = BOCategory.GetCategory(c.Cat_ParentID);
                    hplNextMenu.Text        = catParentMenu.Cat_Name;
                    hplNextMenu.NavigateUrl = catParentMenu.HREF;

            Paging1.TotalPage = NewsPublished.NP_Sao_Danh_Sach_Tin_Count(Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID, Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, pageSize);
 protected void rptCategory_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
     if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
         var       row   = ((DataRowView)e.Item.DataItem);
         int       catId = Convert.ToInt32(row["Cat_ID"]);
         DataTable categoryByParentId = BOCategory.GetCategoryByParent(catId, false);
         var       rpt = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptSubCategory");
         if (rpt != null && categoryByParentId != null)
             rpt.DataSource = categoryByParentId;
        public ActionResult RemoveCategory(Guid id)
            BOCategory BOC = new BOCategory();

            BOC.CateId = id;
            var Response = client.DeleteAsync("Category/" + BOC.CateId).Result;

            if (Response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                return(RedirectToAction("ManageCategory", "Category"));
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //var domain =
            CategoryEntity cat = BOCategory.GetCategory(_cat_id);

            ltrCatName.Text = String.Format(catName, cat.Cat_Name, cat.HREF);

            List <NewsPublishEntity> lstNew = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByCatAndDate(_cat_id, newsId, 1, 3, 280);

            if (lstNew.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lstNew.Count; i++)
                    Literal1.Text += String.Format(listNews, lstNew[i].URL_IMG, lstNew[i].URL, lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            List <NewsPublishEntity> lstNew = BOATV.NewsPublished.NP_Tin_Nong(0, TinNong, 12, 90);

            if (lstNew.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lstNew.Count; i++)
                    string catname = "";
                    var    a       = BOCategory.GetCategory(lstNew[i].Cat_Id);
                    if (a != null)
                        catname = a.Cat_Name;
                    Literal1.Text += String.Format(lstNews, lstNew[i].URL_IMG, lstNew[i].URL, lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE, catname);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            DataTable tbl = BOCategory.GetCategoryByParent(0, false);

            if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < tbl.Rows.Count; i++)
                    var ctr = (Categorys)LoadControl("~/Controls/Home/Categorys.ascx");
                    if (ctr != null)
                        ctr.Cat_ID = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[i]["Cat_ID"]);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //var domain =
            CategoryEntity cat = BOCategory.GetCategory(_cat_id);

            //ltrCatName.Text = String.Format(catName, cat.Cat_Name, cat.HREF); // old source

            ltrCatName_other.Text = String.Format(catName, cat.Cat_Name, cat.HREF);

            List <NewsPublishEntity> lst = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByNewsMode2(_cat_id, 1, 1, 16, 310); // thay 10 bang 11

            //List<NewsPublishEntity> lst;
            //if (cat.Cat_Name == "Sao")
            //    lst = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByNewsMode2(_cat_id, 1, 1, 6, 310);
            //    lst = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByNewsMode2(_cat_id, 1, 1, 10, 310);
            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT = lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT.ToString().Substring(0, (lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT.ToString().Length < 100 ? lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT.ToString().Length : 97)) + (lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT.ToString().Length < 100 ? "" : "...");
                lst[0].NEWS_TITLE       = lst[0].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Substring(0, (lst[0].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length < 60 ? lst[0].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length : 60)) + (lst[0].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length < 60 ? "" : "...");

                ltrNotBat_other.Text = String.Format(baiNoiBat, lst[0].URL_IMG, lst[0].URL, lst[0].NEWS_TITLE, Utils.CatSapo(lst[0].NEWS_INITCONTENT, 25));
                newsId = lst[0].NEWS_ID;

                for (int i = 1; i <= (_cat_id == 54? 5:5); i++)
                    lst[i].NEWS_TITLE = lst[i].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Substring(0, (lst[i].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length < 60 ? lst[i].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length : 60)) + (lst[i].NEWS_TITLE.ToString().Length < 60 ? "" : "...");

                    lst[i].Imgage          = new ImageEntity(140, lst[i].Imgage.ImageUrl);
                    lrtListNew_other.Text += String.Format(listNews, lst[i].URL_IMG, lst[i].URL, lst[i].NEWS_TITLE);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //if (Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID > 0)
            //    var cat = BOCategory.GetCategory(Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID);
            //    if (cat != null)
            //        Utils.Move301(cat.HREF);
            //    return;

            List <NewsPublishEntity> lst = BOATV.NewsPublished.GetListNewsByNewsMode3(Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, 1, 5, 6, 1, 453);

            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                newsId  = lst[0].NEWS_ID;
                newsIds = newsId.ToString() + ",";
            List <NewsPublishEntity> lstNew = NewsPublished.Danh_Sach_Tin_Theo_Cat(Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID, Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, pageSize, Lib.QueryString.PageIndex, 213, newsIds);

            if (lstNew.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lstNew.Count; i++)
                    LtrItem.Text += String.Format(item, lstNew[i].URL_IMG, lstNew[i].URL, lstNew[i].NEWS_TITLE, lstNew[i].NEWS_PUBLISHDATE.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"), lstNew[i].NEWS_INITCONTENT);

            var c = BOCategory.GetCategory(Lib.QueryString.CategoryID);

            if (c != null)
                Utils.SetPageHeader(this.Page, c.Cat_Name + (Lib.QueryString.PageIndex > 1 ? " | trang " + Lib.QueryString.PageIndex : ""), c.Cat_Description + " - trang " + Lib.QueryString.PageIndex, "");

            Paging1.TotalPage = NewsPublished.NP_Sao_Danh_Sach_Tin_Count(Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID, Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, pageSize);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tbl = BOCategory.GetCategoryByParent(CatID);

            if (tbl != null && tbl.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
                    Literal1.Text += String.Format(childCat, (String.Format("/{0}.html", row["Cat_DisplayUrl"].ToString())), row["Cat_Name"].ToString(), row["Cat_ID"]);

            NewsPublishEntity ne = NewsPublished.NP_TinChiTiet(Lib.QueryString.NewsID, false);

            if (ne != null)
                if (Request.QueryString["move301"] != null)
                string htmlMobile2 = BOAdv.GetAdvItemById(Lib.Object2Integer(48), Lib.QueryString.CategoryID);
                string adsContent  = "";

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlMobile2))
                    adsContent = Environment.NewLine + "<script>" + String.Format("var zone{0}_{2} = new RunBanner({1}, \"zone{0}_{2}_Adv\"); zone{0}_{2}.Show();", Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, htmlMobile2.Replace("\\n", " ").Replace("\\t", " "), 48).Replace("INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE", DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString()) + "</script>" + Environment.NewLine;

                ltrTitle.Text = ne.NEWS_TITLE;

                var    content   = ne.NEWS_CONTENT;
                string pattern   = @"(?<start><a[^>]*)(?<end>>)";
                string repl      = @"${start} target=""_blank"" ${end}";
                string newString = Regex.Replace(content, pattern, repl);
                ltrContent.Text = newString.Replace("src=\"/Uploaded/", "src=\"").Replace("<div id=\"vmcbackground\"></div>", string.Format("<div id=\"vmcbackground\"><center>{0}</center></div>", adsContent));
                ltrContent.Text = ltrContent.Text.Replace("jpg\"", "jpg?maxwidth=480\"" + " alt=\"" + ne.NEWS_TITLE + "\"");

                ltrContent.Text += "";

                string html = BOAdv.GetAdvEmbedScriptItemById(Lib.Object2Integer(37), Lib.Object2Integer(Lib.QueryString.CategoryID));
                if (html.Length > 2) //add ad video 7
                    //if (html.Contains("ambient")) //ambient
                    ltrContent.Text += Environment.NewLine;
                    ltrContent.Text += html;
                    //else if (html.Contains("ebound")) //ebound
                    //    String[] part = html.Split('@');
                    //    ltrContent.Text += Environment.NewLine;
                    //    ltrContent.Text = ltrContent.Text.Replace("<video", part[0] + "<video").Replace("video>", "video>" + part[1]);
                if (!ltrContent.Text.Contains("people_write"))
                    ltrContent.Text += "\n<table class=\"tplCaption\"><div class=\"people_write hide\" itemprop=\"author\" itemscope=\"\" itemtype=\"\"> <b><span itemprop=\"name\" class=\"icon_author\">Tổng hợp</span>/ Theo google</b><br></div> </div> </div></table>";

                ltrDate.Text  = ne.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                ltrTime.Text  = ne.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE.ToString("hh:mm");
                ltrDes.Text   = ne.NEWS_INITCONTENT;
                ltrAthor.Text = ne.NEWS_ATHOR;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ne.Keywrods))
                    ltrKeyword.Text = ne.Keywrods;
                    tags.Visible = false;
                var catId = 0;

                if (Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID == 0)
                    catId = Lib.QueryString.CategoryID;
                    catId = Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID;
                CategoryEntity cat = BOCategory.GetCategory(catId);
                if (cat != null)
                    ltrCatName.Text = cat.Cat_Name;

                    ltrCattxt.Text = string.Format(txtCat, cat.Cat_DisplayURL.ToLower(), cat.Cat_Name);
                if (Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID > 0)
                    catId = Lib.QueryString.CategoryID;
                    CategoryEntity cat1 = BOCategory.GetCategory(catId);
                    ltrCatParent.Text = string.Format(txtCatPr, cat1.Cat_Description, cat1.Cat_Name);

                Utils.SetPageHeader(this.Page, ne.NEWS_TITLE, ne.NEWS_INITCONTENT, Utils.RemoveHTMLTag(ne.Keywrods));
                Utils.SetFaceBookSEO(this.Page, ne.NEWS_TITLE, ne.NEWS_INITCONTENT, ne.Imgage.StorageUrl, Request.RawUrl);

                string GOOGLE =
                    @"  <meta itemprop=""datePublished"" content=""{4}"" />
                                        <meta itemprop=""sourceOrganization"" content=""NetLife"" />
                                        <meta itemprop=""url"" property=""og:url"" content=""{0}"" />
                                        <meta itemprop=""articleSection"" content=""{1}"" />
                                        <meta itemprop=""image"" content=""{3}"" />
                                        <div style=""display: none !important"" itemscope itemtype="""">
                                            <span itemprop=""name"">{2}</span>
                                            <img itemprop=""image"" src=""{3}"" />                                             

                ltrTitle.Text += string.Format(GOOGLE, ne.URL.StartsWith("http") ? ne.URL : "" + ne.URL, cat.Cat_Name, ne.NEWS_TITLE, !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ne.Imgage.StorageUrl) && ne.Imgage.StorageUrl.StartsWith("http") ? ne.Imgage.StorageUrl : Utils.ImagesThumbUrl + "/" + ne.Imgage.StorageUrl, ne.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE);
            //if (ne != null && ne.NEWS_RELATION.Count > 0)
                var abc = ne.NEWS_RELATION.Count > 2 ? ne.NEWS_RELATION.Skip(2).Take(6).ToList() : ne.NEWS_RELATION; // Edit Take(8) -> Take(6)  edit 20160525
                dataEntity = abc;
                NewsPublishEntity nep;
                int iCount = dataEntity != null ? dataEntity.Count : 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < (iCount > 6 ? 6 : iCount); i++) //(int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
                    nep        = dataEntity[i];
                    nep.Imgage = new ImageEntity(300, nep.Imgage.ImageUrl);
                    if (i < 3) //Gia tri cu la 4, thay doi vi ly do giam muc xuong con 6 bai, thay vi 8 bai nhu cu
                        ltrListRelate.Text += String.Format(itemRelateNews, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);
                        ltrListRelate2.Text += String.Format(itemRelateNews, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);
                        relatenews.Visible   = true;
                    // "Tin Cung Chuyen Muc"
                    if (relatedNewsId == null || relatedNewsId == "")
                        relatedNewsId = nep.NEWS_ID.ToString();
                        relatedNewsId = relatedNewsId + "," + nep.NEWS_ID.ToString();

                for (int i = 0; i < (iCount > 3 ? 3 : iCount); i++) //Gia tri cu la 4, thay doi vi ly do giam muc xuong con 6 bai, thay vi 8 bai nhu cu
                    nep             = dataEntity[i];
                    ltrRelate.Text += String.Format(itemOtherNews, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);
            //    lienquan.Visible = false;



            var video = NewsPublished.NP_Danh_Sach_Tin(0, 134, 4, 1, 300);

            if (video != null)
                NewsPublishEntity nep;
                int iCount = video != null ? video.Count : 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
                    nep = video[i];

                    ltrVideo.Text += String.Format(itemRelate, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);

                if (relatedNewsId.Length == 0)
                    relatedNewsId = "20170427093838540";
                var otherNews = NewsPublished.NP_Select_Tin_Cung_Chuyen_Muc(Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID, Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, Lib.QueryString.NewsID, 6, relatedNewsId);
                if (otherNews != null)
                    NewsPublishEntity nep;
                    int iCount = otherNews != null ? otherNews.Count : 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < (iCount > 6 ? 6 : iCount); i++) //(int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
                        nep        = otherNews[i];
                        nep.Imgage = new ImageEntity(300, nep.Imgage.ImageUrl);
                        /*Chinh muc tin cung chuyen muc hien thi tuong tu Muc tin lien quan*/
                        if (i < 3) //Gia tri cu la 4, thay doi vi ly do giam muc xuong con 6 bai, thay vi 8 bai nhu cu
                            LiteralOther1.Text += String.Format(itemOther, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);
                            LiteralOther2.Text += String.Format(itemOther, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);
                            othernews.Visible   = true;
                    cungchuyenmuc.Visible = false;
                var listNews = NewsPublished.NP_Tin_Moi_Trong_Ngay(10, 60);
                if (listNews != null)
                    NewsPublishEntity nep;
                    int iCount = listNews != null ? listNews.Count : 0;
                    //for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
                    //    nep = otherNews[i];
                    //    nep.Imgage = new ImageEntity(40, nep.Imgage.ImageUrl);
                    //    ltrOther.Text += String.Format(itemOther, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);
                    for (int i = 0; i < (iCount > 6 ? 6 : iCount); i++) //(int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
                        nep        = listNews[i];
                        nep.Imgage = new ImageEntity(300, nep.Imgage.ImageUrl);
                        /* EDIT: Chinh muc tin cung chuyen muc hien thi tuong tu Muc tin lien quan*/
                        if (i < 3) //Gia tri cu la 4, thay doi vi ly do giam muc xuong con 6 bai, thay vi 8 bai nhu cu
                            LiteralNews1.Text += String.Format(itemNews, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);
                            LiteralNews2.Text += String.Format(itemNews, nep.URL, nep.NEWS_TITLE, nep.URL_IMG);
                            listnews.Visible   = true;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            NewsPublishEntity ne = NewsPublished.NP_TinChiTiet(Lib.QueryString.NewsID, true);

            if (ne != null)
                if (Request.QueryString["move301"] != null)

                string htmlMobile2        = BOAdv.GetAdvItemById(Lib.Object2Integer(31), Lib.QueryString.CategoryID);
                string htmlMobile2Extend  = BOAdv.GetAdvItemById(Lib.Object2Integer(47), Lib.QueryString.CategoryID);
                string htmlMobile2Perfect = BOAdv.GetAdvItemById(Lib.Object2Integer(55), Lib.QueryString.CategoryID);
                string htmlMobile6Adpruce = BOAdv.GetAdvEmbedScriptItemById(Lib.Object2Integer(38), Lib.QueryString.CategoryID); //live id = 38, sua dong duoi nua
                string htmlVideoMobile    = BOAdv.GetAdvEmbedScriptItemById(Lib.Object2Integer(39), Lib.QueryString.CategoryID); //live id = 39
                string mobile8            = BOAdv.GetAdvEmbedScriptItemById(Lib.Object2Integer(40), Lib.QueryString.CategoryID); //live id = 39

                string adsContent        = "";
                string adsContentExtend  = "";
                string adsContentPerfect = "";

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(htmlMobile2))
                    adsContent = Environment.NewLine + "<script>" + String.Format("var zone{0}_{2} = new RunBanner({1}, \"zone{0}_{2}_Adv\"); zone{0}_{2}.Show();", Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, htmlMobile2.Replace("\\n", " ").Replace("\\t", " "), 31).Replace("INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE", DateTime.Now.ToFileTime().ToString()) + "</script>" + Environment.NewLine;
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                ltrTime.Text  = ne.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE.ToString("hh:mm");
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                        ltrCatParentMenu.Text = string.Format(txtCat, (String.Format("/{0}.html", catParent.Cat_DisplayURL.ToLower().Trim())), catParent.Cat_Name);

                if (Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID > 0)
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                    CategoryEntity cat1 = BOCategory.GetCategory(catId);
                    ltrCatParent.Text = string.Format(txtCatPr,
                                                      (String.Format("/{0}.html", cat1.Cat_DisplayURL.ToLower().Trim())), cat1.Cat_Name);

                Utils.SetPageHeader(this.Page, ne.NEWS_TITLE, ne.NEWS_INITCONTENT, Utils.RemoveHTMLTag(ne.Keywrods));
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                string GOOGLE =
                    @"  <meta itemprop=""datePublished"" content=""{4}"" />
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                ltrTitle.Text += string.Format(GOOGLE, ne.URL.StartsWith("http") ? ne.URL : "" + ne.URL, cat.Cat_Name, ne.NEWS_TITLE, !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ne.Imgage.StorageUrl) && ne.Imgage.StorageUrl.StartsWith("http") ? ne.Imgage.StorageUrl : Utils.ImagesThumbUrl + "/" + ne.Imgage.StorageUrl, ne.NEWS_PUBLISHDATE);
            if (ne.NEWS_RELATION.Count > 0)
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            var sameCategorys = NewsPublished.NP_Select_Tin_Khac(Lib.QueryString.ParentCategoryID, Lib.QueryString.CategoryID, Lib.QueryString.NewsID, 10);

            if (sameCategorys != null)
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