    #region [Merge}

     * Add all vertices/edges/faces from another mesh, and fix attributes if
     * needed.
     * Overriding attributes: vertex's id (of the first mesh only)
    public static void Merge(BMesh mesh, BMesh other)
        var newVerts = new Vertex[other.vertices.Count];
        int i        = 0;

        foreach (Vertex v in other.vertices)
            newVerts[i] = mesh.AddVertex(v.point);
            AttributeLerp(mesh, newVerts[i], v, v, 1); // copy all attributes
            v.id = i;
        foreach (Edge e in other.edges)
            mesh.AddEdge(newVerts[e.vert1.id], newVerts[e.vert2.id]);
        foreach (Face f in other.faces)
            var neighbors    = f.NeighborVertices();
            var newNeighbors = new Vertex[neighbors.Count];
            int j            = 0;
            foreach (var v in neighbors)
                newNeighbors[j] = newVerts[v.id];