public string GetInterpretedDownloadUrl(BuildPlatform platform, bool bUseBackup = false) { if (bUseBackup) { return(BMUtility.InterpretPath(backupDownloadUrls[platform.ToString()], platform)); } return(BMUtility.InterpretPath(downloadUrls[platform.ToString()], platform)); }
private void CopyToDownloadPath() { var srcPath = BuildConfiger.InterpretedOutputPath; var destPath = BMUtility.InterpretPath(BuildConfiger.CopyFolderStr, BuildConfiger.AutoBundleBuildtarget); if (Directory.Exists(destPath)) { Directory.Delete(destPath, true); } BuildHelper.CopyFiles(srcPath, destPath); }
void initRootUrl() { TextAsset downloadUrlText = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("Urls"); bmUrl = JsonMapper.ToObject <BMUrls>(downloadUrlText.text); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) { #if UNITY_EDITOR switch (UnityEditor.EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget) { case UnityEditor.BuildTarget.Android: curPlatform = BuildPlatform.Android; break; case UnityEditor.BuildTarget.iPhone: curPlatform = BuildPlatform.IOS; break; default: curPlatform = BuildPlatform.Standalones; break; } #else curPlatform = bmUrl.bundleTarget; #endif } else { curPlatform = getRuntimePlatform(); } string downloadPathStr = string.Empty; if (manualUrl == "") { if (bmUrl.downloadFromOutput) { downloadPathStr = bmUrl.GetInterpretedOutputPath(curPlatform); } else { downloadPathStr = bmUrl.GetInterpretedDownloadUrl(curPlatform); } } else { downloadPathStr = BMUtility.InterpretPath(manualUrl, curPlatform); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadPathStr)) { localRootUrl = new Uri(downloadPathStr).AbsoluteUri; } }
void initRootUrl() { TextAsset downloadUrlText = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("Urls"); bmUrl = JsonMapper.ToObject <BMUrls>(downloadUrlText.text); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) { curPlatform = bmUrl.bundleTarget; } else { curPlatform = getRuntimePlatform(); } if (manualUrl == "") { string downloadPathStr; if (bmUrl.downloadFromOutput) { downloadPathStr = bmUrl.GetInterpretedOutputPath(curPlatform); } else { downloadPathStr = bmUrl.GetInterpretedDownloadUrl(curPlatform); } Uri downloadUri = new Uri(downloadPathStr); downloadRootUrl = downloadUri.AbsoluteUri; } else { string downloadPathStr = BMUtility.InterpretPath(manualUrl, curPlatform); Uri downloadUri = new Uri(downloadPathStr); downloadRootUrl = downloadUri.AbsoluteUri; } downloadLoadRootUrl = Application.dataPath.Substring(0, Application.dataPath.LastIndexOf("/")) + "/" + "assetBundle"; }
public string GetInterpretedOutputPath(BuildPlatform platform) { return(BMUtility.InterpretPath(outputs[platform.ToString()], platform)); }
public string GetInterpretedDownloadUrl(BuildPlatform platform) { return(BMUtility.InterpretPath(downloadUrls[platform.ToString()], platform)); }
private static void AndroidPackageProcess(string path) { #region 打开apk,装入bundles FileInfo bundle = new FileInfo(path); if (bundle.Length < MaxBundleSize || MaxBundleSize == 0) { using (var zipFile = new ZipFile(path)) { string basePath = BMUtility.InterpretPath("$(Personal)/LTSites/", BuildPlatform.Android); string outputPath = BuildConfiger.InterpretedOutputPath; string shortPath = "assets/AssetBundles/" + outputPath.Substring(basePath.Length); if (zipFile.ContainsEntry(shortPath + "/" + "BundleShipInfo.json")) //已装过bundles { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("AssetBundles already exists"); } else { //获取要装入的bundles // UnityEngine.Debug.LogError($"AndroidPackageProcess=====>max: {MaxBundleSize}==bundleLenght: {bundle.Length}"); var assets = MaxBundleSize > 0 ? BuildHelper.GetBundlesByPriority(MaxBundleSize - bundle.Length) : BMDataAccessor.BundleShipInfos; zipFile.AddDirectoryByName(shortPath); //装入准备好的bundles foreach (var file in assets) { if (!GM.RemoteBundleManager.IsBuildBundle(file.BundleName)) { continue; } var fullpath = Path.Combine(outputPath, file.BundleName.ToLower() + ".cz"); var shortname = shortPath + "/" + file.BundleName.ToLower() + ".cz"; if (zipFile.ContainsEntry(shortname)) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} already exists", shortname); } else { zipFile.AddFile(fullpath, shortPath); } } //装入json等文件 if (MaxBundleSize == 0) { foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles(outputPath, "*.json")) { string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(s); var shortname = shortPath + "/" + fileName; if (zipFile.ContainsEntry(shortname)) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} already exists", shortname); } else { zipFile.AddFile(s, shortPath); } } string sourcePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath); string destinationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(shortPath); foreach (string s in Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath)) { string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(s); var shortname = destinationPath + "/" + fileName; if (zipFile.ContainsEntry(shortname)) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarningFormat("{0} already exists", shortname); } else { zipFile.AddFile(s, destinationPath); } } } else { string shipInfoFile = shortPath + "/" + "BundleShipInfo.json"; if (zipFile.ContainsEntry(shipInfoFile)) { zipFile.UpdateEntry(shipInfoFile, EB.Encoding.GetBytes(GM.JSON.ToJson(assets))); } else { zipFile.AddEntry(shipInfoFile, EB.Encoding.GetBytes(GM.JSON.ToJson(assets))); } } //由于包体过大,压缩前需要设置这个 zipFile.UseZip64WhenSaving = Zip64Option.AsNecessary; zipFile.Save(); } } } #endregion //重新签名 ResignAPK(path); }
// Privats IEnumerator Start() { // Initial download urls initRootUrl(); // Try to get Url redirect file WWW redirectWWW = new WWW(formatUrl("BMRedirect.txt")); yield return(redirectWWW); if (redirectWWW.error == null) { // Redirect download string downloadPathStr = BMUtility.InterpretPath(redirectWWW.text, curPlatform); Uri downloadUri = new Uri(downloadPathStr); downloadRootUrl = downloadUri.AbsoluteUri; } redirectWWW.Dispose(); // Download the initial data bundle const string verNumKey = "BMDataVersion"; string bmDataUrl = formatUrl(""); int lastBMDataVersion = 0; if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(verNumKey)) { lastBMDataVersion = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(verNumKey); } // Download and cache new data version WWW initDataWWW; if (bmUrl.offlineCache) { initDataWWW = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(bmDataUrl, lastBMDataVersion + 1); yield return(initDataWWW); if (initDataWWW.error != null) { initDataWWW.Dispose(); Debug.Log("Cannot load BMData from target url. Try load it from cache."); initDataWWW = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(bmDataUrl, lastBMDataVersion); yield return(initDataWWW); if (initDataWWW.error != null) { Debug.LogError("Download BMData failed.\nError: " + initDataWWW.error); yield break; } } else { // Update cache version number PlayerPrefs.SetInt(verNumKey, lastBMDataVersion + 1); } } else { initDataWWW = new WWW(bmDataUrl); yield return(initDataWWW); if (initDataWWW.error != null) { Debug.LogError("Download BMData failed.\nError: " + initDataWWW.error); yield break; } } // Init datas // // Bundle Data #if UNITY_5 TextAsset ta = initDataWWW.assetBundle.LoadAsset <TextAsset>("BundleData"); #else TextAsset ta = initDataWWW.assetBundle.Load("BundleData") as TextAsset; #endif bundles = JsonMapper.ToObject <List <BundleData> >(ta.text); foreach (var bundle in bundles) { bundleDict.Add(, bundle); } // Build States #if UNITY_5 ta = initDataWWW.assetBundle.LoadAsset <TextAsset>("BuildStates"); #else ta = initDataWWW.assetBundle.Load("BuildStates") as TextAsset; #endif buildStates = JsonMapper.ToObject <List <BundleBuildState> >(ta.text); foreach (var buildState in buildStates) { buildStatesDict.Add(buildState.bundleName, buildState); } // BMConfiger #if UNITY_5 ta = initDataWWW.assetBundle.LoadAsset <TextAsset>("BMConfiger"); #else ta = initDataWWW.assetBundle.Load("BMConfiger") as TextAsset; #endif bmConfiger = JsonMapper.ToObject <BMConfiger>(ta.text); initDataWWW.assetBundle.Unload(true); initDataWWW.Dispose(); // Start download for requests before init foreach (WWWRequest request in requestedBeforeInit) { download(request); } }
public IEnumerator CheckUpdate(string downloadPath) { while (!ConfigLoaded) { yield return(null); } var downloadPathStr = BMUtility.InterpretPath(downloadPath, curPlatform); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadPathStr)) { CheckUpdateError = "{BM} Invalid update download path" + downloadPathStr; yield break; } remoteRootUrl = new Uri(downloadPathStr).AbsoluteUri; //Try to get Url redirect file var redirectUrl = formatUrl(remoteRootUrl, "BMRedirect.txt"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(redirectUrl)) { WWW redirectWWW = new WWW(redirectUrl); yield return(redirectWWW); if (redirectWWW.error == null) { //Redirect download var redirectedDownloadPath = redirectWWW.text; downloadPathStr = BMUtility.InterpretPath(redirectedDownloadPath, curPlatform); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadPathStr)) { Debug.LogError("{BM} Invalid redirected download Path :" + downloadPathStr + "(Retrived from url:" + redirectUrl + ")." + "Using the original download path" + remoteRootUrl); } else { remoteRootUrl = new Uri(downloadPathStr).AbsoluteUri; } } redirectWWW.Dispose(); } var versionInfo = new VersionInfo(remoteRootUrl); yield return(StartCoroutine(downloadVersionInfoCo(versionInfo))); CheckUpdateError = versionInfo.error; if (versionInfo.isValue) { UpdateTotalSize = 0; UpdateVersion = versionInfo.listVersion; mergeVersion(versionInfo); refreshBundleDict(); } updateList = new List <BundleDownloadInfo>(); foreach (var bundleDownloadInfo in bundles) { if (bundleDownloadInfo.needDownload) { if (!updateList.Contains(bundleDownloadInfo)) { updateList.Add(bundleDownloadInfo); UpdateTotalSize += bundleDownloadInfo.versionInfo.size; } } } }