        public BMSetInventoryResponseType BMSetInventory(BMSetInventoryReq BMSetInventoryReq, string apiUsername)
            string resp = call("BMSetInventory", BMSetInventoryReq.toXMLString(), apiUsername);

            return(new BMSetInventoryResponseType(resp));
        public BMSetInventoryResponseType BMSetInventory(BMSetInventoryReq bMSetInventoryReq, string apiUserName)
            string      response    = Call("BMSetInventory", bMSetInventoryReq.ToXMLString(), apiUserName);
            XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNode xmlNode = xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("*[local-name()='Envelope']/*[local-name()='Body']/*[local-name()='BMSetInventoryResponse']");

            return(new BMSetInventoryResponseType(xmlNode));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        ///<param name="bMSetInventoryReq"></param>
        ///<param name="credential">An explicit ICredential object that you want to authenticate this call against</param>
        public BMSetInventoryResponseType BMSetInventory(BMSetInventoryReq bMSetInventoryReq, ICredential credential)
            DefaultSOAPAPICallHandler defaultHandler    = new DefaultSOAPAPICallHandler(this.config, bMSetInventoryReq.ToXMLString(null, "BMSetInventoryReq"), null, null);
            IAPICallPreHandler        apiCallPreHandler = new MerchantAPICallPreHandler(this.config, defaultHandler, credential);

            ((MerchantAPICallPreHandler)apiCallPreHandler).SDKName    = SDKName;
            ((MerchantAPICallPreHandler)apiCallPreHandler).SDKVersion = SDKVersion;
            ((MerchantAPICallPreHandler)apiCallPreHandler).PortName   = "PayPalAPI";

            XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();

            return(new BMSetInventoryResponseType(
        protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create request object
            BMSetInventoryRequestType request = new BMSetInventoryRequestType();

            request.HostedButtonID = hostedID.Value;
            request.TrackInv       = trackInv.Value;
            request.TrackPnl       = trackPnl.Value;
            if (soldoutURL.Value != "")
                request.SoldoutURL = soldoutURL.Value;

            request.ItemTrackingDetails = new ItemTrackingDetailsType();
            if (itemNumber.Value != "")
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemNumber = itemNumber.Value;
            if (trackInv.Value == "1" && itemQty.Value != "")
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemQty = itemQty.Value;
            if (trackPnl.Value == "1" && itemCost.Value != "")
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemCost = itemCost.Value;
            if (itemAlert.Value != "")
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemAlert = itemAlert.Value;

            // Invoke the API
            BMSetInventoryReq wrapper = new BMSetInventoryReq();

            wrapper.BMSetInventoryRequest = request;
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service  = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService();
            BMSetInventoryResponseType       response = service.BMSetInventory(wrapper);

            // Check for API return status
            setKeyResponseObjects(service, response);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        ///<param name="bMSetInventoryReq"></param>

        public BMSetInventoryResponseType BMSetInventory(BMSetInventoryReq bMSetInventoryReq)
            return(BMSetInventory(bMSetInventoryReq, (string)null));
 public BMSetInventoryResponseType BMSetInventory(BMSetInventoryReq BMSetInventoryReq)
     return(BMSetInventory(BMSetInventoryReq, null));
        protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create request object
            BMSetInventoryRequestType request = new BMSetInventoryRequestType();

            // (Required) The ID of the hosted button whose inventory you want to set.
            request.HostedButtonID = hostedID.Value;

            // (Required) Whether to track inventory levels associated with the button.
            // It is one of the following values:
            // 0 - do not track inventory
            // 1 - track inventory
            request.TrackInv = trackInv.Value;

            // (Required) Whether to track the gross profit associated with inventory changes.
            // It is one of the following values:
            //  0 - do not track the gross profit
            //  1 - track the gross profit
            //Note: The gross profit is calculated as the price of the item less its cost,
            // multiplied by the change in the inventory level since the last call to BMSetInventory
            request.TrackPnl = trackPnl.Value;
            if (soldoutURL.Value != string.Empty)
                //(Optional) The URL to which the buyer's browser is redirected when the inventory drops to 0.
                // Note: Specifying a URL in this field also prevents a sale when the inventory drops to 0;
                // otherwise, sales can continue even when inventory is unavailable.
                // Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
                request.SoldoutURL = soldoutURL.Value;

            request.ItemTrackingDetails = new ItemTrackingDetailsType();
            if (itemNumber.Value != string.Empty)
                // (Optional) The ID for an item associated with this button
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemNumber = itemNumber.Value;
            if (trackInv.Value == "1" && itemQty.Value != string.Empty)
                // The quantity you want to specify for the item associated with this button.
                // Specify either the absolute quantity in this field or the change in quantity in the quantity delta field
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemQty = itemQty.Value;
            if (trackPnl.Value == "1" && itemCost.Value != string.Empty)
                // (Optional) The cost of the item associated with this button
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemCost = itemCost.Value;
            if (itemAlert.Value != string.Empty)
                // (Optional) The quantity of the item associated with this button below which
                // PayPal sends you an email notification
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemAlert = itemAlert.Value;

            // Invoke the API
            BMSetInventoryReq wrapper = new BMSetInventoryReq();

            wrapper.BMSetInventoryRequest = request;

            // Configuration map containing signature credentials and other required configuration.
            // For a full list of configuration parameters refer in wiki page
            // (https://github.com/paypal/sdk-core-dotnet/wiki/SDK-Configuration-Parameters)
            Dictionary <string, string> configurationMap = Configuration.GetAcctAndConfig();

            // Creating service wrapper object to make an API call by loading configuration map.
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService(configurationMap);

            BMSetInventoryResponseType response = service.BMSetInventory(wrapper);

            // Check for API return status
            setKeyResponseObjects(service, response);
        protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create request object
            BMSetInventoryRequestType request = new BMSetInventoryRequestType();

            // (Required) The ID of the hosted button whose inventory you want to set.
            request.HostedButtonID = hostedID.Value;

            // (Required) Whether to track inventory levels associated with the button.
            // It is one of the following values:
            // 0 - do not track inventory
            // 1 - track inventory
            request.TrackInv = trackInv.Value;

            // (Required) Whether to track the gross profit associated with inventory changes.
            // It is one of the following values:
            //  0 - do not track the gross profit
            //  1 - track the gross profit
            //Note: The gross profit is calculated as the price of the item less its cost,
            // multiplied by the change in the inventory level since the last call to BMSetInventory
            request.TrackPnl = trackPnl.Value;
            if (soldoutURL.Value != "")
                //(Optional) The URL to which the buyer's browser is redirected when the inventory drops to 0.
                // Note: Specifying a URL in this field also prevents a sale when the inventory drops to 0;
                // otherwise, sales can continue even when inventory is unavailable.
                // Character length and limitations: 127 single-byte alphanumeric characters
                request.SoldoutURL = soldoutURL.Value;

            request.ItemTrackingDetails = new ItemTrackingDetailsType();
            if (itemNumber.Value != "")
                // (Optional) The ID for an item associated with this button
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemNumber = itemNumber.Value;
            if (trackInv.Value == "1" && itemQty.Value != "")
                // The quantity you want to specify for the item associated with this button.
                // Specify either the absolute quantity in this field or the change in quantity in the quantity delta field
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemQty = itemQty.Value;
            if (trackPnl.Value == "1" && itemCost.Value != "")
                // (Optional) The cost of the item associated with this button
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemCost = itemCost.Value;
            if (itemAlert.Value != "")
                // (Optional) The quantity of the item associated with this button below which
                // PayPal sends you an email notification
                request.ItemTrackingDetails.ItemAlert = itemAlert.Value;

            // Invoke the API
            BMSetInventoryReq wrapper = new BMSetInventoryReq();

            wrapper.BMSetInventoryRequest = request;
            PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService service  = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService();
            BMSetInventoryResponseType       response = service.BMSetInventory(wrapper);

            // Check for API return status
            setKeyResponseObjects(service, response);