void OnGUI()
        float buttonX     = 0;
        float buttonY     = 0;
        float buttonW     = 200;
        float spaceHeight = 30;

        GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(buttonX, buttonY, buttonW, Screen.height));


        if (GUILayout.Button("Play Anim", GUILayout.Height(m_debugMenuButtonH)))
            BMLData data = new BMLData();
            StartCoroutine(TestPlayAnimation("ChrBrad@Idle01_ChopBoth01", data));

        if (GUILayout.Button("Play Anim w/Start", GUILayout.Height(m_debugMenuButtonH)))
            BMLData data = new BMLData();
            data.hasStart = true;
            data.start    = 1;
            StartCoroutine(TestPlayAnimation("ChrBrad@Idle01_ChopBoth01", data));

        if (GUILayout.Button("Play Anim w/Stroke", GUILayout.Height(m_debugMenuButtonH)))
            BMLData data = new BMLData();
            data.hasStroke = true;
            data.stroke    = 3;
            StartCoroutine(TestPlayAnimation("ChrBrad@Idle01_ChopBoth01", data));

        if (GUILayout.Button("Play Anim w/End", GUILayout.Height(m_debugMenuButtonH)))
            BMLData data = new BMLData();
            data.hasEnd = true;
            data.end    = 5;
            StartCoroutine(TestPlayAnimation("ChrBrad@Idle01_ChopBoth01", data));

        if (GUILayout.Button("Gaze Camera", GUILayout.Height(m_debugMenuButtonH)))

        foreach (int i in faceUnits)

            GUILayout.Label(string.Format(@"au_{0}:", i), GUILayout.Width(40));

            float newSlider = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(m_faceSliders[i], 0, 1);
            if (newSlider != m_faceSliders[i])
                m_faceSliders[i] = newSlider;

                string side;
                switch (m_faceBothLeftRight[i])
                case 0: side = "both"; break;

                case 1: side = "left"; break;

                case 2: side = "right"; break;

                default: side = ""; break;

                StartCoroutine(TestSetFaceAnimationImmediate(i, side, m_faceSliders[i]));

            m_faceBothLeftRight[i] = GUILayout.SelectionGrid(m_faceBothLeftRight[i], m_faceBothLeftRightText, 3);



        if (GUILayout.Button("Reset", GUILayout.Height(m_debugMenuButtonH)))


        string     testStatusLabel = m_testStatusLabel.Replace("@time", string.Format("{0:f2}", Time.time - m_testStatusStartTime));
        TextAnchor origAnchor      = GUI.skin.label.alignment;

        GUI.skin.label.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
        Rect rectLabel = new Rect(0.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

        GUI.Label(VHGUI.ScaleToRes(ref rectLabel), testStatusLabel);
        GUI.skin.label.alignment = origAnchor;
    IEnumerator TestPlayAnimation(string motionName, BMLData bmlData)
        // TODO need to find a way to do this via Mecanim motions

        GameObject      motionObject = GameObject.Find(motionName);
        SmartbodyMotion motion       = motionObject.GetComponent <SmartbodyMotion>();

        float start       = motion.GetSyncPointTime("start");
        float ready       = motion.GetSyncPointTime("readyTime");
        float strokeStart = motion.GetSyncPointTime("strokeStartTime");
        float emphasis    = motion.GetSyncPointTime("emphasisTime");
        float stroke      = motion.GetSyncPointTime("strokeTime");
        float relax       = motion.GetSyncPointTime("relaxTime");
        float end         = motion.GetSyncPointTime("stop");

        string bmlLine = string.Format(@"<animation name=""{0}"" />", motionName);

        if (bmlData.hasStart)
            bmlLine = bmlLine.Replace(" />", string.Format(@" start=""{0}"" />", bmlData.start));

            start       += bmlData.start;
            ready       += bmlData.start;
            strokeStart += bmlData.start;
            emphasis    += bmlData.start;
            stroke      += bmlData.start;
            relax       += bmlData.start;
            end         += bmlData.start;

        if (bmlData.hasStroke)
            bmlLine = bmlLine.Replace(" />", string.Format(@" stroke=""{0}"" />", bmlData.stroke));

            float amountToAdjust = bmlData.stroke - stroke;   // eg, if stroke in the motion is 1.2, and bmlData.stroke is 3, we want to adjust the start by 1.8
            start       += amountToAdjust;
            ready       += amountToAdjust;
            strokeStart += amountToAdjust;
            emphasis    += amountToAdjust;
            stroke      += amountToAdjust;
            relax       += amountToAdjust;
            end         += amountToAdjust;

        if (bmlData.hasEnd)
            bmlLine = bmlLine.Replace(" />", string.Format(@" end=""{0}"" />", bmlData.end));

            float amountToAdjust = bmlData.end - end;   // eg, if end in the motion is 3.2, and bmlData.end is 5, we want to adjust the start by 1.8
            start       += amountToAdjust;
            ready       += amountToAdjust;
            strokeStart += amountToAdjust;
            emphasis    += amountToAdjust;
            stroke      += amountToAdjust;
            relax       += amountToAdjust;
            end         += amountToAdjust;

        m_testStatusStartTime = Time.time;

        m_testStatusLabel = string.Format("Play Animation - {0}\n", motionName) +
                            bmlLine + "\n" +
                            string.Format("start = {0:f2} (@time)\n", start) +
                            string.Format("ready = {0:f2} (@time)\n", ready) +
                            string.Format("strokeStart = {0:f2} (@time)\n", strokeStart) +
                            string.Format("emphasis = {0:f2} (@time)\n", emphasis) +
                            string.Format("stroke = {0:f2} (@time)\n", stroke) +
                            string.Format("relax = {0:f2} (@time)\n", relax) +
                            string.Format("end = {0:f2} (@time)\n", end);

        string bmlString = "renderer_bml_" + GenerateBmlId();
        string xml       = string.Format(@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>") +
                           string.Format(@"<act>") +
                           string.Format(@"<bml>") +
                           bmlLine +
                           string.Format(@"</bml>") +

        VHMsgBase.Get().SendVHMsg(string.Format("vrSpeak {0} ALL {1} {2}", "Brad", bmlString, xml));
        VHMsgBase.Get().SendVHMsg(string.Format("vrSpeak {0} ALL {1} {2}", "BradM", bmlString, xml));

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(end));

         * yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.44f);
         * // to-do, make current line red, only show time on this line
         * yield return new WaitForSeconds(0);
         * yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.21f);
         * yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.15f);
         * yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.18f);
         * yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.68f);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

        m_testStatusLabel = "";