/// <summary> /// 获取分类信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string List(HttpContext context) { string parentId = context.Request["parentid"];//上级分类id int pageIndex = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["pageindex"]) ? int.Parse(context.Request["pageindex"]) : 1; int pageSize = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["pagesize"]) ? int.Parse(context.Request["pagesize"]) : 10; int totalCount = 0; var sourceData = bllMall.GetCategoryList(pageIndex, pageSize, parentId, out totalCount); var list = from p in sourceData select new { category_id = p.AutoID, category_name = p.CategoryName, pre_id = p.PreID, description = p.Description, img_url = p.CategoryImg, sort = p.Sort, min_price = p.MinPrice, max_price = p.MaxPrice //category_subcount = bllMall.GetCount<ZentCloud.BLLJIMP.Model.WXMallCategory>(string.Format(" PreID={0}", p.AutoID))// 直接子分类数量 }; //构造另外一个二级列表,并获取前6个的价格范围 List <dynamic> levelList = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var item in sourceData.Where(sData => sData.PreID == 0)) { levelList.Add(new { category_id = item.AutoID, category_name = item.CategoryName, pre_id = item.PreID, description = item.Description, img_url = item.CategoryImg, sort = item.Sort, min_price = item.MinPrice, max_price = item.MaxPrice, sub_list = sourceData.Where(sbData => sbData.PreID == item.AutoID).Select(outSbData => new { category_id = outSbData.AutoID, category_name = outSbData.CategoryName, pre_id = outSbData.PreID, description = outSbData.Description, img_url = outSbData.CategoryImg, sort = outSbData.Sort, min_price = outSbData.MinPrice, max_price = outSbData.MaxPrice, }) }); } var data = new { totalcount = totalCount, list = list,//列表 level_list = levelList }; return(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(data)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string type = Request["type"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { //BookingDoctorFuYou //医生预约妇幼 sbCategory.Append(new MySpider.MyCategories().GetSelectOptionHtml(bll.GetCategoryList().Where(p => p.Type.Equals(type)).ToList(), "AutoID", "PreID", "CategoryName", 0, "ddlCategory", "width:200px", "", "", "全部")); } else { //BookingDoctor 医生预约 sbCategory.Append(new MySpider.MyCategories().GetSelectOptionHtml(bll.GetCategoryList().Where(p => p.Type == "BookingDoctor").ToList(), "AutoID", "PreID", "CategoryName", 0, "ddlCategory", "width:200px", "", "", "全部")); } }
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { int pageIndex = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["pageindex"]) ? int.Parse(context.Request["pageindex"]) : 1; int pageSize = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["pagesize"]) ? int.Parse(context.Request["pagesize"]) : 10; string type = context.Request["type"]; string preIds = context.Request["pre_ids"]; string keyWord = context.Request["keyword"]; System.Text.StringBuilder sbWhere = new System.Text.StringBuilder(string.Format(" WebSiteOwner='{0}'", bllMall.WebsiteOwner)); int totalCount = 0; var mallCategoryData = bllMall.GetCategoryList(pageIndex, pageSize, "", out totalCount, type);//bllMall.GetLit<ZentCloud.BLLJIMP.Model.WXMallCategory>(pageSize, pageIndex, sbWhere.ToString()); var list = from p in mallCategoryData select new { category_id = p.AutoID, category_name = p.CategoryName, category_description = p.Description, category_img_url = p.CategoryImg, category_parent_id = p.PreID, sort = p.Sort, type = p.Type }; var data = new { totalcount = totalCount, list = list//列表 }; context.Response.Write(ZentCloud.Common.JSONHelper.ObjectToJson(data)); }
//public System.Text.StringBuilder sbStores = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (var item in bll.GetCategoryList()) { sbCategory.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\">{1}</option>", item.AutoID, item.CategoryName); } //foreach (var item in bll.GetWXMallStoreListByWebSite()) //{ // sbStores.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\">{1}</option>", item.AutoID, item.StoreName); //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { config = bllWebSite.GetCompanyWebsiteConfig(); if (config == null) { config = new CompanyWebsite_Config(); config.WebsiteTitle = "膏方专家预约平台"; config.WebsiteDescription = "膏方专家预约平台"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["id"])) { Response.Write("id 参数必传"); Response.End(); } model = bllMall.GetProduct(Request["id"]); if (model == null) { Response.Write("id 参数错误"); Response.End(); } config.WebsiteTitle = string.Format("中医专家-{0}-膏方预约平台已开通!", model.PName); if (model.IsOnSale == "0") { config.WebsiteTitle = string.Format("中医专家-{0}-膏方预约平台即将开通!", model.PName); } StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder(); sbWhere.AppendFormat(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' And TableName ='ZCJ_WXMallOrderInfo' Order by Sort DESC", bllMall.WebsiteOwner); fieldList = bllMall.GetList <TableFieldMapping>(sbWhere.ToString()); categoryList = bllMall.GetCategoryList().Where(p => p.PreID == 0).Where(p => p.Type == "BookingDoctorFuYou").ToList(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CategoryId)) { categoryId = model.CategoryId; WXMallCategory category = bllMall.Get <WXMallCategory>(string.Format(" AutoID={0}", model.CategoryId)); if (category != null) { if (category.PreID > 0) { categoryId = bllMall.Get <WXMallCategory>(string.Format(" AutoID={0}", category.PreID)).AutoID.ToString(); } } } }
//public System.Text.StringBuilder sbStores = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //foreach (var item in bll.GetWXMallCategoryListByWebsite()) //{ // sbCategory.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\">{1}</option>", item.AutoID, item.CategoryName); //} sbCategory.Append(new MySpider.MyCategories().GetSelectOptionHtml(bll.GetCategoryList(), "AutoID", "PreID", "CategoryName", 0, "ddlcategory", "width:200px", "")); //foreach (var item in bll.GetWXMallStoreListByWebSite()) //{ // sbStores.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\">{1}</option>", item.AutoID, item.StoreName); //} }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //foreach (var item in bll.GetWXMallStoreListByWebSite()) //{ // sbStores.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\" >{1}</option>",item.AutoID,item.StoreName); //} OrderStatusList = bllMall.GetOrderStatuList(); foreach (var item in OrderStatusList) { sbOrderStatuList.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\" >{1}</option>", item.OrderStatu, item.OrderStatu); } foreach (var item in bllMall.GetCategoryList()) { sbCategory.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\">{1}</option>", item.AutoID, item.CategoryName); } if (bllMall.GetWebsiteInfoModel().IsDistributionMall == 1) { IsDistributionMall = true; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <long> groupids = bllPms.GetPmsGroupIDByUser(bll.WebsiteOwner); if (groupids.Count > 0) { webpms_groups = Common.MyStringHelper.ListToStr(groupids, "", ","); } string key = this.Request["key"]; BLLJIMP.Model.Component nComponent = bll.GetComponentByKey(key, bll.WebsiteOwner); if (nComponent == null) { Common.WebMessageBox.Show(this, "组件未找到"); return; } keyname = bll.GetComponentNameByKey(key); ComponentModel componentModel = bll.GetByKey <ComponentModel>("AutoId", nComponent.ComponentModelId.ToString()); if (componentModel == null) { Common.WebMessageBox.Show(this, "模板未找到"); return; } List <ComponentModelField> componentModelFields = bll.GetListByKey <ComponentModelField>("ComponentModelKey", componentModel.ComponentModelKey) .OrderBy(p => p.ComponentFieldSort).ToList(); dynamic cModel = new { component_model_id = componentModel.AutoId, component_model_name = componentModel.ComponentModelName, component_model_type = componentModel.ComponentModelType, component_model_link_url = componentModel.ComponentModelLinkUrl, component_model_html_url = componentModel.ComponentModelHtmlUrl, component_model_fields = (from p in componentModelFields select new { component_field_id = p.AutoId, component_field = p.ComponentField, component_field_name = p.ComponentFieldName, component_field_type = p.ComponentFieldType, component_field_data_type = p.ComponentFieldType, component_field_data_value = p.ComponentFieldDataValue }) }; component = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(nComponent); component_model = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cModel); //读取广告 StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder(string.Format(" WebSiteOwner='{0}'", bll.WebsiteOwner)); var slideData = bll.GetColList <BLLJIMP.Model.Slide>(int.MaxValue, 1, sbWhere.ToString(), "AutoID,Type"); dynamic result = slideData.Select(p => p.Type).Distinct().OrderBy(p => p); slides = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); //读取组件 sbWhere = new StringBuilder(); sbWhere.AppendFormat(" WebsiteOwner='{0}'", bll.WebsiteOwner); sbWhere.AppendFormat(" AND ComponentType != 'page' "); var componentList = bll.GetColList <BLLJIMP.Model.Component>(int.MaxValue, 1, sbWhere.ToString(), "AutoId,ComponentName,ComponentType"); result = from p in componentList select new { component_id = p.AutoId, component_name = p.ComponentName, component_type = p.ComponentType }; common_components = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); //读取底部工具栏 sbWhere = new StringBuilder(); sbWhere.AppendFormat(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' OR WebsiteOwner Is Null ", bll.WebsiteOwner); List <CompanyWebsite_ToolBar> dataList = bll.GetColList <CompanyWebsite_ToolBar>(int.MaxValue, 1, sbWhere.ToString(), "AutoID,KeyType,UseType"); result = (from p in dataList select new { key_type = p.KeyType, use_type = p.UseType }).Distinct(); toolbars = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); int total = 0; //读取商品分类 List <BLLJIMP.Model.WXMallCategory> mallCateList = bllMall.GetCategoryList(1, int.MaxValue, null, out total); result = (from p in mallCateList select new { cate_id = p.AutoID, cate_name = p.CategoryName }).Distinct(); mall_cates = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); //读取商品标签 List <BLLJIMP.Model.MemberTag> tagList = bllTag.GetTags(bllTag.WebsiteOwner, null, 1, int.MaxValue, out total, "Mall"); result = tagList.OrderBy(p => p.TagName).Select(p => p.TagName).Distinct(); mall_tags = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); List <ArticleCategory> artCateList = bllArticleCategory.GetCateList(out total, "Article", null, bllArticleCategory.WebsiteOwner, int.MaxValue, 1); List <ListItem> artCateItemList = new List <ListItem>(); if (artCateList.Count > 0) { artCateItemList = bllMyCategories.GetCateListItem(bllMyCategories.GetCommCateModelList("AutoID", "PreID", "CategoryName", artCateList), 0); } result = (from p in artCateItemList select new { cate_id = p.Value, cate_name = p.Text }).Distinct(); art_cates = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); List <ArticleCategory> actCateList = bllArticleCategory.GetCateList(out total, "Activity", null, bllArticleCategory.WebsiteOwner, int.MaxValue, 1); List <ListItem> actCateItemList = new List <ListItem>(); if (actCateList.Count > 0) { actCateItemList = bllMyCategories.GetCateListItem(bllMyCategories.GetCommCateModelList("AutoID", "PreID", "CategoryName", actCateList), 0); } result = (from p in actCateItemList select new { cate_id = p.Value, cate_name = p.Text }).Distinct(); act_cates = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); WebsiteInfo model = bllWeisite.GetWebsiteInfo(); if (model != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.WeiXinBindDomain)) { strDomain = model.WeiXinBindDomain; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <long> groupids = bllPms.GetPmsGroupIDByUser(bll.WebsiteOwner); if (groupids.Count > 0) { webpms_groups = Common.MyStringHelper.ListToStr(groupids, "", ","); } //读取广告 StringBuilder sbWhere = new StringBuilder(string.Format(" WebSiteOwner='{0}'", bll.WebsiteOwner)); var slideData = bll.GetColList <BLLJIMP.Model.Slide>(int.MaxValue, 1, sbWhere.ToString(), "AutoID,Type"); dynamic result = slideData.Select(p => p.Type).Distinct().OrderBy(p => p); slides = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); //读取组件 sbWhere = new StringBuilder(); sbWhere.AppendFormat(" WebsiteOwner='{0}'", bll.WebsiteOwner); sbWhere.AppendFormat(" AND ComponentType != 'page' "); var componentList = bll.GetColList <BLLJIMP.Model.Component>(int.MaxValue, 1, sbWhere.ToString(), "AutoId,ComponentName,ComponentType"); result = from p in componentList select new { component_id = p.AutoId, component_name = p.ComponentName, component_type = p.ComponentType }; common_components = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); //读取底部工具栏 sbWhere = new StringBuilder(); sbWhere.AppendFormat(" WebsiteOwner='{0}' OR WebsiteOwner Is Null ", bll.WebsiteOwner); List <CompanyWebsite_ToolBar> dataList = bll.GetColList <CompanyWebsite_ToolBar>(int.MaxValue, 1, sbWhere.ToString(), "AutoID,KeyType,UseType"); result = (from p in dataList select new { key_type = p.KeyType, use_type = p.UseType }).Distinct(); toolbars = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); int total = 0; List <BLLJIMP.Model.WXMallCategory> mallCateList = bllMall.GetCategoryList(1, int.MaxValue, null, out total); result = (from p in mallCateList select new { cate_id = p.AutoID, cate_name = p.CategoryName }).Distinct(); mall_cates = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); List <BLLJIMP.Model.MemberTag> tagList = bllTag.GetTags(bllTag.WebsiteOwner, null, 1, int.MaxValue, out total, "Mall"); result = tagList.OrderBy(p => p.TagName).Select(p => p.TagName).Distinct(); mall_tags = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); List <ArticleCategory> artCateList = bllArticleCategory.GetCateList(out total, "Article", null, bllArticleCategory.WebsiteOwner, int.MaxValue, 1); List <ListItem> artCateItemList = new List <ListItem>(); if (artCateList.Count > 0) { artCateItemList = bllMyCategories.GetCateListItem(bllMyCategories.GetCommCateModelList("AutoID", "PreID", "CategoryName", artCateList), 0); } result = (from p in artCateItemList select new { cate_id = p.Value, cate_name = p.Text }).Distinct(); art_cates = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); List <ArticleCategory> actCateList = bllArticleCategory.GetCateList(out total, "Activity", null, bllArticleCategory.WebsiteOwner, int.MaxValue, 1); List <ListItem> actCateItemList = new List <ListItem>(); if (actCateList.Count > 0) { actCateItemList = bllMyCategories.GetCateListItem(bllMyCategories.GetCommCateModelList("AutoID", "PreID", "CategoryName", actCateList), 0); } result = (from p in actCateItemList select new { cate_id = p.Value, cate_name = p.Text }).Distinct(); act_cates = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result); }