private void get_prop_page(HttpContext context) { try { StringBuilder strhtml = new StringBuilder(); int category = DTRequest.GetFormInt("category", 0); int page = DTRequest.GetFormInt("page", 1); pro = new; BLL.property_value pro_value = new BLL.property_value(); BLL.article_category catgory = new BLL.article_category(); string category_ids = ""; DataTable dt_pro = null; if (category == 0) { dt_pro = pro.GetList("").Tables[0]; } else { DataTable cat_dt = catgory.GetList(0, 2, category.ToString());//查找类别下的所有类别 if (cat_dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < cat_dt.Rows.Count; i++) { category_ids += cat_dt.Rows[i][0].ToString() + ","; } category_ids = category_ids.Substring(0, category_ids.Length - 1); } dt_pro = pro.GetList("category_id in(" + category_ids + ")").Tables[0]; } if (dt_pro.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt_pro.Rows.Count; i++) { strhtml.Append("<dl>"); strhtml.Append("<dt>" + dt_pro.Rows[i]["title"] + "</dt>"); DataTable dt_pro_value = pro_value.GetList("property_id='" + dt_pro.Rows[i][0] + "'").Tables[0]; if (dt_pro_value.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dt_pro_value.Rows.Count; j++) { strhtml.Append("<dd><a style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick='getpagedata(" + dt_pro_value.Rows[j][0] + "," + category + "," + page + ")'>" + dt_pro_value.Rows[j]["value"] + "</a><span></span></dd>"); } } strhtml.Append("</dl>"); } context.Response.Write("{ \"info\":\"获取数据成功!\", \"status\":\"1\" ,\"html\":\"" + myJson.String2Json(strhtml.ToString()) + "\",\"pagelist\":\"\"}"); return; } context.Response.Write("{ \"info\":\"该类别暂未添加属性!\", \"status\":\"0\" }"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write("{ \"info\":\"该类别暂未添加属性!\", \"status\":\"0\" }"); return; } }
private void RptBind(string _strWhere, string _orderby) { = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); if (category_id > 0) { _strWhere += " and category_id in(select id from dt_article_category where class_list like '%," + category_id + ",%')"; ddlCategoryId.SelectedValue = category_id.ToString(); } bll = new; this.rptList.DataSource = bll.GetList(this.pageSize,, _strWhere, _orderby, out this.totalCount); this.rptList.DataBind(); //绑定页码 txtPageNum.Text = this.pageSize.ToString(); string pageUrl = Utils.CombUrlTxt("list.aspx", "category_id={0}&page={1}", this.category_id.ToString(), "__id__"); PageContent.InnerHtml = Utils.OutPageList(this.pageSize,, this.totalCount, pageUrl, 8); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定属性 /// </summary> /// <param name="category_id"></param> private void Bind_Property(int category_id) { bll = new; DataTable dt = bll.GetList(" category_id in(select id from dt_article_category where (select class_list from dt_article_category where id=" + category_id + ") like '%,'+CONVERT(varchar(20),id)+',%')").Tables[0]; string str_result = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { str_result += "<dl>"; str_result += "<dt>" + dr["title"].ToString() + ":</dt>"; BLL.property_value bll_value = new BLL.property_value(); DataTable dt_value = bll_value.GetList("property_id=" + dr["id"].ToString()).Tables[0]; str_result += "<dd>"; if (dt_value != null && dt_value.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt_value.Rows) { str_result += "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck_property_value\" value=\"" + dr1["id"].ToString() + "\" />" + dr1["value"].ToString() + "</label> "; } } str_result += "</dd>"; str_result += "</dl>"; } div_property.InnerHtml = str_result; }
private void ShowInfo(int _id) { BLL.article bll = new BLL.article(); Model.article model = bll.GetModel(_id); ddlCategoryId.SelectedValue = model.category_id.ToString(); txtCallIndex.Text = model.call_index; txtTitle.Text = model.title; txtLinkUrl.Text = model.link_url; //不是相册图片就绑定 string filename = model.img_url.Substring(model.img_url.LastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (!filename.StartsWith("thumb_")) { txtImgUrl.Text = model.img_url; } txtSeoTitle.Text = model.seo_title; txtSeoKeywords.Text = model.seo_keywords; txtSeoDescription.Text = model.seo_description; txtZhaiyao.Text = model.zhaiyao; txtContent.Value = model.content; txtSortId.Text = model.sort_id.ToString(); txtClick.Text =; rblStatus.SelectedValue = model.status.ToString(); txtAddTime.Text = model.add_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if (model.is_msg == 1) { cblItem.Items[0].Selected = true; } if (model.is_top == 1) { cblItem.Items[1].Selected = true; } if (model.is_red == 1) { cblItem.Items[2].Selected = true; } if (model.is_hot == 1) { cblItem.Items[3].Selected = true; } if (model.is_slide == 1) { cblItem.Items[4].Selected = true; } if (model.is_put == 1) { isPut.Items[0].Selected = false; isPut.Items[1].Selected = true; } else { isPut.Items[1].Selected = false; isPut.Items[0].Selected = true; } //扩展字段赋值 List<Model.article_attribute_field> ls1 = new BLL.article_attribute_field().GetModelList(this.channel_id, ""); foreach (Model.article_attribute_field modelt1 in ls1) { switch (modelt1.control_type) { case "single-text": //单行文本 TextBox txtControl = FindControl("field_control_" + as TextBox; if (txtControl != null && model.fields.ContainsKey( { if (modelt1.is_password == 1) { txtControl.Attributes.Add("value", model.fields[]); } else { txtControl.Text = model.fields[]; } } break; case "multi-text": //多行文本 goto case "single-text"; case "editor": //编辑器 HtmlTextArea txtAreaControl = FindControl("field_control_" + as HtmlTextArea; if (txtAreaControl != null && model.fields.ContainsKey( { txtAreaControl.Value = model.fields[]; } break; case "images": //图片上传 goto case "single-text"; case "number": //数字 goto case "single-text"; case "checkbox": //复选框 CheckBox cbControl = FindControl("field_control_" + as CheckBox; if (cbControl != null && model.fields.ContainsKey( { if (model.fields[] == "1") { cbControl.Checked = true; } else { cbControl.Checked = false; } } break; case "multi-radio": //多项单选 RadioButtonList rblControl = FindControl("field_control_" + as RadioButtonList; if (rblControl != null && model.fields.ContainsKey( { rblControl.SelectedValue = model.fields[]; } break; case "multi-checkbox": //多项多选 CheckBoxList cblControl = FindControl("field_control_" + as CheckBoxList; if (cblControl != null && model.fields.ContainsKey( { string[] valArr = model.fields[].Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < cblControl.Items.Count; i++) { cblControl.Items[i].Selected = false; //先取消默认的选中 foreach (string str in valArr) { if (cblControl.Items[i].Value == str) { cblControl.Items[i].Selected = true; } } } } break; } } //绑定图片相册 if (filename.StartsWith("thumb_")) { hidFocusPhoto.Value = model.img_url; //封面图片 } rptAlbumList.DataSource = model.albums; rptAlbumList.DataBind(); //绑定内容附件 rptAttachList.DataSource = model.attach; rptAttachList.DataBind(); //赋值用户组价格 if (model.group_price != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.rptPrice.Items.Count; i++) { int hideId = Convert.ToInt32(((HiddenField)this.rptPrice.Items[i].FindControl("hideGroupId")).Value); foreach (Model.user_group_price modelt in model.group_price) { if (hideId == modelt.group_id) { ((HiddenField)this.rptPrice.Items[i].FindControl("hidePriceId")).Value =; ((TextBox)this.rptPrice.Items[i].FindControl("txtGroupPrice")).Text = modelt.price.ToString(); } } } } #region 商品相关 if (channel_name == "goods") { //规格价格 BLL.standard bll_standard = new BLL.standard(); BLL.standard_price bll_price = new BLL.standard_price(); Model.article_category model_category = new BLL.article_category().GetModel(model.category_id); string str1 = ""; if (model_category != null) { DataTable dt = bll_standard.GetList(0, "'" + model_category.class_list + "' like '%,'+convert(varchar(50),category_id)+',%'", "id asc").Tables[0]; if (dt != null) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string is_checked = ""; DataTable dt_price1 = bll_price.GetList(0, "good_id=" + _id, "id asc").Tables[0]; if (dt_price1 != null && dt_price1.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt_price1.Rows) { string[] standard_ids = dr1["standard_ids"].ToString().Trim().Split(','); foreach (string str in standard_ids) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { if (Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"]) == Convert.ToInt32(str)) { is_checked = " checked=\"checked\" "; } } } } } str1 += "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"" + dr["id"].ToString() + "\" name=\"ck_standard\" " + is_checked + " onclick=\"change_standard('ck_standard')\" />" + dr["title"].ToString() + "</label> "; } dd_standard_title.InnerHtml = str1; } } DataTable dt_price = bll_price.GetList(0, "good_id=" + _id, "id asc").Tables[0]; if (dt_price != null && dt_price.Rows.Count > 0) { //规格 //string str_standard = ""; //string[] str_standardid_arr = dt_price.Rows[0]["standard_ids"].ToString().Split(','); string[] str_standardtitle_arr = dt_price.Rows[0]["standards"].ToString().Split(','); //for (int i = 0; i < str_standardid_arr.Length; i++) //{ // str_standard += "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" checked=\"checked\" value=\"" + str_standardid_arr[i].ToString() + "\" name=\"ck_standard\" onclick=\"change_standard('ck_standard')\" />" + str_standardtitle_arr[i].ToString() + "</label> "; //} //dd_standard_title.InnerHtml = str_standard; //规格值 规格价格 //头部 //会员组 BLL.user_groups bll_groups = new BLL.user_groups(); DataTable dt_groups = bll_groups.GetList(0, "", "grade asc,id desc").Tables[0]; string str_groups_header = ""; if (dt_groups != null && dt_groups.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt_groups.Rows.Count; i++) { str_groups_header += "<td style='font-weight:bold;color:#33B5E5;padding-right:10px;'>" + dt_groups.Rows[i]["title"].ToString() + "</td>"; } } string rest_header = ""; rest_header += "<tr><td style='font-weight:bold;color:#33B5E5;text-align:left;padding-right:10px;'>商品编号</td>"; for (int i = 0; i < str_standardtitle_arr.Length; i++) { rest_header += "<td style='font-weight:bold;color:#33B5E5; padding-right:10px;'>" + str_standardtitle_arr[i] + "</td>"; } rest_header += "<td style='font-weight:bold;color:#33B5E5;text-align:left;padding-right:10px;'>库存</td>" + "<td style='font-weight:bold;color:#33B5E5;text-align:left;padding-right:10px;'>市场价</td>" + "<td style='font-weight:bold;color:#33B5E5;text-align:left;padding-right:10px;'>销售价</td>" + "<td style='font-weight:bold;color:#33B5E5;text-align:left;padding-right:10px;'>活动价</td>" + str_groups_header + "</tr>"; string rest_body = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt_price.Rows) { string[] str_arr_value = dr["standard_values"].ToString().Split(','); rest_body += "<tr><td style='padding-right: 20px;'><input style='border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;margin: 10px 18px 12px 0;width: 100px;' type='text' class='input normal small' name='good_no_" + dr["standard_value_ids"].ToString().Replace(',', '_') + "' value='" + dr["good_no"].ToString() + "'/></td>"; foreach (string str in str_arr_value) { rest_body += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'>" + str + "</td>"; } rest_body += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'><input type='checkbox' value='" + dr["standard_value_ids"].ToString().Replace(',', '_') + "' name='ck_standard_value' checked='checked' style='display:none;'/>"; rest_body += "<input style='border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;margin: 10px 18px 12px 0;' type='text' class='input normal small' name='stock_quantity_" + dr["standard_value_ids"].ToString().Replace(',', '_') + "' value='" + dr["stock_quantity"].ToString() + "'/></td>"; rest_body += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'><input style='border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;margin: 10px 18px 12px 0;' type='text' class='input normal small' name='market_price_" + dr["standard_value_ids"].ToString().Replace(',', '_') + "' value='" + dr["market_price"].ToString() + "'/></td>"; rest_body += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'><input style='border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;margin: 10px 18px 12px 0;' type='text' class='input normal small' name='sell_price_" + dr["standard_value_ids"].ToString().Replace(',', '_') + "' value='" + dr["sell_price"].ToString() + "'/></td>"; rest_body += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'><input style='border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;margin: 10px 18px 12px 0;' type='text' class='input normal small' name='action_price_" + dr["standard_value_ids"].ToString().Replace(',', '_') + "' value='" + dr["action_price"].ToString() + "'/></td>"; for (int i = 0; i < dt_groups.Rows.Count; i++) { BLL.standard_group_price bll_standard_group_price = new BLL.standard_group_price(); Model.standard_group_price model_standard_group_price = bll_standard_group_price.GetModel(_id, Convert.ToInt32(dt_groups.Rows[i]["id"]), Convert.ToDecimal(dr["id"])); if (model_standard_group_price != null) { rest_body += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'><input style='border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;margin: 10px 18px 12px 0;' type='text' class='input normal small' name='user_price_" + dt_groups.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "_" + dr["standard_value_ids"].ToString().Replace(',', '_') + "' value='" + model_standard_group_price.group_price + "'/></td>"; } else { foreach (Model.user_group_price modelt in model.group_price) { if (Convert.ToInt32(dt_groups.Rows[i]["id"]) == modelt.group_id) { rest_body += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'><input style='border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;margin: 10px 18px 12px 0;' type='text' class='input normal small' name='user_price_" + dt_groups.Rows[i]["id"].ToString() + "_" + dr["standard_value_ids"].ToString().Replace(',', '_') + "' value='" + modelt.price + "'/></td>"; } } } } rest_body += "</tr>"; } dd_standard_value.InnerHtml = "<table>" + rest_header + rest_body + "</table>"; } //单位 BLL.unit bll_unit = new BLL.unit(); DataTable dt_unit = bll_unit.GetList("good_id=" + _id).Tables[0]; string str_unit = ""; if (dt_unit != null && dt_unit.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt_unit.Rows) { string unit = dr["title"].ToString() + "_" + Convert.ToInt32(dr["quantity"]) + "_" + Convert.ToDecimal(dr["rate"]) + "_" + dr["content"].ToString(); str_unit += "<tr>"; str_unit += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'>" + dr["title"].ToString() + "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck_unit\" value=\"" + unit + "\" checked=\"checked\" style=\"display:none;\">" + "</td>"; str_unit += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'>" + Convert.ToInt32(dr["quantity"]) + "</td>"; str_unit += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'>" + Convert.ToDecimal(dr["rate"]) + "</td>"; str_unit += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'>" + dr["content"].ToString() + "</td>"; str_unit += "<td style='padding-right: 20px;'><a href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"del_unit(this)\">删除</a></td>"; str_unit += "</tr>"; } } tb_unit_value.InnerHtml = str_unit; //别名 BLL.alias bll_alias = new BLL.alias(); DataTable dt_alias = bll_alias.GetList(" category_id in(select id from dt_article_category where (select class_list from dt_article_category where id=" + model.category_id + ") like '%,'+CONVERT(varchar(20),id)+',%')").Tables[0]; if (dt_alias != null && dt_alias.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt_alias.Rows) { ck_alias.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["title"].ToString(), dr["id"].ToString())); } } BLL.alias_good bll_alias_good = new BLL.alias_good(); for (int i = 0; i < ck_alias.Items.Count; i++) { DataTable dt_have = bll_alias_good.GetList("alias_id=" + ck_alias.Items[i].Value + " and good_id=" + _id).Tables[0]; if (dt_have != null && dt_have.Rows.Count > 0) { ck_alias.Items[i].Selected = true; } } //属性 bll_property = new; DataTable dt_property = bll_property.GetList(" category_id in(select id from dt_article_category where (select class_list from dt_article_category where id=" + model.category_id + ") like '%,'+CONVERT(varchar(20),id)+',%')").Tables[0]; string str_result = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in dt_property.Rows) { str_result += "<dl>"; str_result += "<dt>" + dr["title"].ToString() + ":</dt>"; BLL.property_value bll_value = new BLL.property_value(); DataTable dt_property_value = bll_value.GetList("property_id=" + dr["id"].ToString()).Tables[0]; str_result += "<dd>"; if (dt_property_value != null && dt_property_value.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr1 in dt_property_value.Rows) { BLL.property_good bll_property_good = new BLL.property_good(); DataTable dt_property_good = bll_property_good.GetList("good_id=" + + " and property_value_id=" + dr1["id"].ToString()).Tables[0]; if (dt_property_good != null && dt_property_good.Rows.Count > 0) { str_result += "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck_property_value\" checked=\"checked\" value=\"" + dr1["id"].ToString() + "\" />" + dr1["value"].ToString() + "</label> "; } else { str_result += "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"ck_property_value\" value=\"" + dr1["id"].ToString() + "\" />" + dr1["value"].ToString() + "</label> "; } } } str_result += "</dd>"; str_result += "</dl>"; } div_property.InnerHtml = str_result; //标签 BLL.tag bll_tag = new BLL.tag(); DataTable dt_tag = bll_tag.GetList(" category_id in(select id from dt_article_category where (select class_list from dt_article_category where id=" + model.category_id + ") like '%,'+CONVERT(varchar(20),id)+',%')").Tables[0]; if (dt_tag != null && dt_tag.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt_tag.Rows) { ck_tag.Items.Add(new ListItem(dr["title"].ToString(), dr["id"].ToString())); } } BLL.tag_good bll_tag_good = new BLL.tag_good(); for (int i = 0; i < ck_tag.Items.Count; i++) { DataTable dt_have = bll_tag_good.GetList("tag_id=" + ck_tag.Items[i].Value + " and good_id=" + _id).Tables[0]; if (dt_have != null && dt_have.Rows.Count > 0) { ck_tag.Items[i].Selected = true; } } } #endregion }
private void get_good_list(HttpContext context) { int page = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("page", 1); string flag = DTRequest.GetQueryString("flag"); int pagesize = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("pagesize", 12); string order = DTRequest.GetQueryString("order"); string keyword = DTRequest.GetQueryString("keyword"); int category = DTRequest.GetQueryInt("category"); string property = DTRequest.GetQueryString("property"); string strwhere = " is_put=1 "; string strorder = "sort_id asc ,add_time desc"; int totalcount = 0; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(property)) { //strwhere += " and id in ( select good_id from td_property_good where property_value_id in (" + property + ")) "; string where_pro = ""; string[] str_arr = property.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < str_arr.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { where_pro += " select good_id from td_property_good where property_value_id in(" + str_arr[i] + ") "; } else { where_pro = "select good_id from td_property_good where good_id in (" + where_pro + ") and property_value_id=" + str_arr[i]; } } strwhere += " and id in (" + where_pro + ")"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { strwhere += " and (id in (select good_id from td_property_good where property_value_id in ( select id from td_property_value where value like '%" + keyword + "%')) or id in (select good_id from td_tag_good where tag_id in( select id from td_tag where title like '%" + keyword + "%')) or id in (select good_id from td_alias_good where alias_id in( select id from td_alias where title like '%" + keyword + "%'))or title like '%" + keyword + "%') "; } if (order == "moneya") { strorder = "sell_price asc"; } if (order == "moneyd") { strorder = "sell_price desc"; } BLL.article bll = new BLL.article(); DataTable dt = bll.GetList("goods", category, pagesize, page, strwhere, strorder, out totalcount).Tables[0]; DataTable dt_goods = new DataTable(); dt_goods.Columns.Add("id"); dt_goods.Columns.Add("title"); dt_goods.Columns.Add("sell_price"); dt_goods.Columns.Add("img_url"); dt_goods.Columns.Add("standard"); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { DataRow new_dr = dt_goods.NewRow(); new_dr["id"] = dr["id"]; new_dr["title"] = dr["title"]; new_dr["sell_price"] = dr["sell_price"]; new_dr["img_url"] = dr["img_url"]; BLL.standard_price bll_standard_price = new BLL.standard_price(); DataTable dt_standard_price = bll_standard_price.GetList("good_id=" + Convert.ToInt32(dr["id"])).Tables[0]; if (dt_standard_price != null && dt_standard_price.Rows.Count > 0) { //有库存 new_dr["standard"] = 1; } else { //没库存 new_dr["standard"] = 2; } dt_goods.Rows.Add(new_dr); } dt_goods.TableName = "dt_good"; if (dt_goods != null && dt_goods.Rows.Count > 0) { ds.Tables.Add(dt_goods.Copy()); } //刷新属性列表 单个类别绑定属性 if (flag == "default" || flag == "self_category" || flag == "self") { DataTable dt_property = new DataTable(); dt_property.Columns.Add("id"); dt_property.Columns.Add("title"); dt_property.Columns.Add("parent_id"); dt_property.TableName = "dt_property"; bll_property = new; DataTable old_dt_property = bll_property.GetList(0, "category_id in (select id from dt_article_category where class_list like '%," + category + ",%')", "add_time desc").Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in old_dt_property.Rows) { DataRow new_dr = dt_property.NewRow(); new_dr["id"] = 0; new_dr["title"] = dr["title"]; new_dr["parent_id"] = 0; dt_property.Rows.Add(new_dr); BLL.property_value bll_value = new BLL.property_value(); DataTable dt_property_value = bll_value.GetList(0, "property_id=" + dr["id"].ToString(), "add_time desc").Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr_value in dt_property_value.Rows) { DataRow new_dr_value = dt_property.NewRow(); new_dr_value["id"] = dr_value["id"]; new_dr_value["title"] = dr_value["value"]; new_dr_value["parent_id"] = dr["id"]; dt_property.Rows.Add(new_dr_value); } } if (dt_property != null && dt_property.Rows.Count > 0) { ds.Tables.Add(dt_property.Copy()); } } //多个类别绑定属性 if (flag == "other") { DataTable dt_good = bll.GetList(0, " id in (select good_id from td_property_good where property_value_id in ( select id from td_property_value where value like '%" + keyword + "%')) or id in (select good_id from td_tag_good where tag_id in( select id from td_tag where title like '%" + keyword + "%')) or id in (select good_id from td_alias_good where alias_id in( select id from td_alias where title like '%" + keyword + "%'))or title like '%" + keyword + "%' ", "sort_id asc,add_time desc").Tables[0]; DataTable dt_category = new DataTable(); dt_category.Columns.Add("id"); dt_category.Columns.Add("title"); BLL.article_category bll_category = new BLL.article_category(); Model.article_category model_category; string category_ids = ","; foreach (DataRow dr in dt_good.Rows) { if (category_ids.IndexOf("," + dr["category_id"].ToString() + ",") <= -1) { category_ids += dr["category_id"].ToString() + ","; model_category = bll_category.GetModel(Convert.ToInt32(dr["category_id"])); if (model_category != null) { DataRow new_dr = dt_category.NewRow(); new_dr["id"] =; new_dr["title"] = model_category.title; dt_category.Rows.Add(new_dr); } } } if (dt_category != null && dt_category.Rows.Count > 0) { dt_category.TableName = "dt_category"; ds.Tables.Add(dt_category.Copy()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category_ids.Trim(','))) { DataTable dt_property = new DataTable(); dt_property.Columns.Add("id"); dt_property.Columns.Add("title"); dt_property.Columns.Add("parent_id"); dt_property.TableName = "dt_property"; bll_property = new; DataTable old_dt_property = bll_property.GetList(0, "category_id in (" + category_ids.Substring(1, category_ids.Length - 2) + ")", "add_time desc").Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr in old_dt_property.Rows) { DataRow new_dr = dt_property.NewRow(); new_dr["id"] = 0; new_dr["title"] = dr["title"]; new_dr["parent_id"] = 0; dt_property.Rows.Add(new_dr); BLL.property_value bll_value = new BLL.property_value(); DataTable dt_property_value = bll_value.GetList(0, "property_id=" + dr["id"].ToString(), "add_time desc").Tables[0]; foreach (DataRow dr_value in dt_property_value.Rows) { DataRow new_dr_value = dt_property.NewRow(); new_dr_value["id"] = dr_value["id"]; new_dr_value["title"] = dr_value["value"]; new_dr_value["parent_id"] = dr["id"]; dt_property.Rows.Add(new_dr_value); } } if (dt_property != null && dt_property.Rows.Count > 0) { ds.Tables.Add(dt_property.Copy()); } } } DataTable dt_page = new DataTable(); dt_page.Columns.Add("page"); dt_page.TableName = "dt_page"; BasePage _basepage = new BasePage();//(page, pagesize, category, property, order, keyword, flag) DataRow dr_page = dt_page.NewRow(); dr_page["page"] = myJson.String2Json(_basepage.get_page_links(pagesize, page, totalcount, "javascript:get_good_list(__id__,12,'" + category + "','" + property + "','" + order + "','" + keyword + "','" + flag + "')")); dt_page.Rows.Add(dr_page); if (dt_page != null && dt_page.Rows.Count > 0) { ds.Tables.Add(dt_page); } if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { context.Response.Write(myJson.getJson(ds)); return; } else { context.Response.Write("Null"); return; } }
private void get_prop_page(HttpContext context) { try { StringBuilder strhtml = new StringBuilder(); int category = DTRequest.GetFormInt("category", 0); int page = DTRequest.GetFormInt("page", 1); pro = new; BLL.property_value pro_value = new BLL.property_value(); BLL.article_category catgory = new BLL.article_category(); string category_ids = ""; DataTable dt_pro = null; if (category == 0) dt_pro = pro.GetList("").Tables[0]; else { DataTable cat_dt = catgory.GetList(0, 2, category.ToString());//查找类别下的所有类别 if (cat_dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < cat_dt.Rows.Count; i++) { category_ids += cat_dt.Rows[i][0].ToString() + ","; } category_ids = category_ids.Substring(0, category_ids.Length - 1); } dt_pro = pro.GetList("category_id in(" + category_ids + ")").Tables[0]; } if (dt_pro.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < dt_pro.Rows.Count; i++) { strhtml.Append("<dl>"); strhtml.Append("<dt>" + dt_pro.Rows[i]["title"] + "</dt>"); DataTable dt_pro_value = pro_value.GetList("property_id='" + dt_pro.Rows[i][0] + "'").Tables[0]; if (dt_pro_value.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < dt_pro_value.Rows.Count; j++) { strhtml.Append("<dd><a style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick='getpagedata(" + dt_pro_value.Rows[j][0] + "," + category + "," + page + ")'>" + dt_pro_value.Rows[j]["value"] + "</a><span></span></dd>"); } } strhtml.Append("</dl>"); } context.Response.Write("{ \"info\":\"获取数据成功!\", \"status\":\"1\" ,\"html\":\"" + myJson.String2Json(strhtml.ToString()) + "\",\"pagelist\":\"\"}"); return; } context.Response.Write("{ \"info\":\"该类别暂未添加属性!\", \"status\":\"0\" }"); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Response.Write("{ \"info\":\"该类别暂未添加属性!\", \"status\":\"0\" }"); return; } }