protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // 获取当前用户信息
            this.CurrentUser    = new LoginUser();
            this.iCurrentUserID = CurrentUser.iUserID;

            // 默认条件
            string sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) < 0";

            #region 获取 UserHomePref 信息

            BLL.UserHomePref         UserHomePrefManager = new BLL.UserHomePref();
            LPWeb.Model.UserHomePref userHomePref        = UserHomePrefManager.GetModel(this.iCurrentUserID);


            if (userHomePref != null && userHomePref.AlertFilter == 7)      // Overdue + Today
                sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) <= 0";

                this.ddlDueDateFilter.SelectedIndex = 1;

            #region DueDate Filter

            // Due
            if (this.Request.QueryString["DueDate"] != null)
                string sDue = this.Request.QueryString["DueDate"].ToString();

                if (sDue == "In30") // Due in the next month
                    sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) <= 30 and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) >=0";
                else if (sDue == "In14")  // Due in the next 2 weeks
                    sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) <= 14 and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) >=0";
                else if (sDue == "In7") // Due in the next 7 days
                    sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) <= 7 and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) >=0";
                else if (sDue == "In1") // Due tomorrow
                    sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) = 1";
                else if (sDue == "In0") // Due today
                    sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) = 0";
                else if (sDue == "Overdue")
                    sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) < 0";
                else if (sDue == "OverToday")   // Overdue + Today
                    sWhere_DueDate = " and datediff(day, getdate(), a.DueDate) <= 0";


            #region 加载Alerts

            LPWeb.BLL.LoanAlerts AlertManager  = new LPWeb.BLL.LoanAlerts();
            DataTable            AlertListData = new DataTable();
            AlertListData = AlertManager.Loan_GetSimpleAlertList(this.iCurrentUserID, sWhere_DueDate);
            AlertListData.Columns.Add("HRef", typeof(string));
            foreach (DataRow dr in AlertListData.Rows)
                string Url             = string.Empty;
                string CloseDialogCode = "CloseDialogCodes=sharepoint";
                if (dr["AlertType"] != DBNull.Value)
                    string alertType = dr["AlertType"].ToString();
                    switch (alertType.ToLower())
                    case "rule alert":
                        Url = string.Format("LoanDetails/RuleAlertPopup.aspx?LoanID={0}&AlertID={1}&{2}", dr["FileId"].ToString(), dr["LoanAlertId"].ToString(), CloseDialogCode);

                    case "task alert":
                        Url = string.Format("Pipeline/TaskAlertDetail.aspx?fileID={0}&LoanTaskId={1}&{2}", dr["FileId"].ToString(), dr["LoanTaskId"].ToString(), CloseDialogCode);
                dr["HRef"] = Url;
            this.rpAlertList.DataSource = AlertListData;