    //handles Connect
    //connect the device as a peripheral, and set up the characteristics for I/O properly
    public void OnConnect(string dName, string dAddress)
        _connectedName    = (string)dName.Clone();
        _connectedAddress = (string)dAddress.Clone();

        if (!_connecting)
        {     //perform a connection only if it is not doing it
            if (_connected)
            { //if already connected, disconnect it
                if (_connectedAddress != null)
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.DisconnectPeripheral(_connectedAddress, null);
                _connected = false;
                _readFound  = false;
                _writeFound = false;

                //connect to the device with the address provided
                                                                 (address) => {//gets called when the connection is successful
                    _connectedAddress = address;
                    _connected        = true;
                    _connecting       = false;
                    _bleManager.IndicateConnected(dName, dAddress);     //let the manager know it is connected

                    //stop scanning if a connection is established
                                                                 (address, serviceUUID) => {//gets called for each service the device supports
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.Log(_connectedName + " supports service: " + serviceUUID);
                                                                 (address, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID) => {//gets called for each characteristic the device supports
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.Log(serviceUUID + " supports characteristic: " + characteristicUUID);

                    if (serviceUUID.ToUpper().CompareTo(_serviceUUID.ToUpper()) == 0)
                    {    //the _serviceUUID is a hardware-specific value indicating a certain characteristic,
                         // i.e., different from hardware to hardware
                        if (characteristicUUID.ToUpper().CompareTo(_characteristicUUID.ToUpper()) == 0)
                            _writeFound = true;     //write characteristic of Bluno?
                }, (address) => {
                    // this will get called when the device disconnects
                    // be aware that this will also get called when the disconnect
                    // is called above. both methods get call for the same action
                    // this is for backwards compatibility
                    _connected = false;

                _connecting = true;
    //handles Connect
    //connect the device as a peripheral, and set up the characteristics for I/O properly
    public void OnConnect(string dName, string dAddress)
        _connectedName    = (string)dName.Clone();
        _connectedAddress = (string)dAddress.Clone();

        if (!_connecting)
        {     //perform a connection only if it is not doing it
            if (_connected)
            { //if already connected, disconnect it
                if (_connectedAddress != null)
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.DisconnectPeripheral(_connectedAddress, null);
                _connected = false;
                _readFound  = false;
                _writeFound = false;

                //connect to the device with the address provided
                                                                 (address) => {//gets called when the connection is successful
                    _connectedAddress = address;
                    _connected        = true;
                    _connecting       = false;
                    _bleManager.IndicateConnected(dName, dAddress);     //let the manager know it is connected

                    //stop scanning if a connection is established
                                                                 (address, serviceUUID) => {//gets called for each service the device supports
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.Log(_connectedName + " supports service: " + serviceUUID);
                                                                 (address, serviceUUID, characteristicUUID) => {//gets called for each characteristic the device service supports
                    BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.Log(serviceUUID + " supports characteristic: " + characteristicUUID);

                    if (serviceUUID.ToUpper().CompareTo(_serviceUUID.ToUpper()) == 0)
                    {    //the _serviceUUID is a hardware-specific value indicating a certain collection of characteristics,
                         // i.e., different from hardware to hardware
                        if (characteristicUUID.ToUpper().CompareTo(_characteristicUUID.ToUpper()) == 0)
                        {    //Bean has 5 characteristics for 2-way communication, this code uses the first one as write
                            _writeFound = true;
                        else if (characteristicUUID.ToUpper().CompareTo(_characteristicUUID2.ToUpper()) == 0)
                        {    //Bean has 5 charateristics for 2-way communication, this code uses the second one as read
                            _readFound = true;

                            //subscribe to the charateristic so the code will be notified if a change happens
                            BluetoothLEHardwareInterface.SubscribeCharacteristic(_connectedAddress, _serviceUUID, _characteristicUUID2,
                                                                                 (theOtherCharacteristicUUID) =>
                            {         //gets called when a notification occurs
                                                                                 (theOtherCharacteristicUUID, values) =>
                            {         //gets called when the charateristic value is updated by the peripheral, provides access to the data (values)
                                _bleManager.IndicateDataReceived(theOtherCharacteristicUUID, values);
                }, (address) => {
                    // this will get called when the device disconnects
                    // be aware that this will also get called when the disconnect
                    // is called above. both methods get call for the same action
                    // this is for backwards compatibility
                    _connected = false;

                _connecting = true;