double MinimizeResidual(double[] outX, double[] Sol0, double[] Res0, double[] outRes, bool diagnosis = false)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                Debug.Assert(SolHistory.Count == MxxHistory.Count);
                Debug.Assert(outX.Length == m_MgOperator.Mapping.LocalLength);
                Debug.Assert(Sol0.Length == m_MgOperator.Mapping.LocalLength);
                Debug.Assert(Res0.Length == m_MgOperator.Mapping.LocalLength);
                Debug.Assert(outRes.Length == m_MgOperator.Mapping.LocalLength);

                int KrylovDim = SolHistory.Count;
                int L         = outX.Length;

                double[] alpha = new double[KrylovDim];
                for (int i = 0; i < KrylovDim; i++)
                    //alpha[i] = GenericBlas.InnerProd(MxxHistory[i], Res0).MPISum();
                    alpha[i] = BLAS.ddot(L, MxxHistory[i], 1, Res0, 1);
                alpha = alpha.MPISum();

                Array.Copy(Sol0, outX, L);
                Array.Copy(Res0, outRes, L);
                for (int i = 0; i < KrylovDim; i++)
                    //outX.AccV(alpha[i], SolHistory[i]);
                    //outRes.AccV(-alpha[i], MxxHistory[i]);
                    BLAS.daxpy(L, alpha[i], SolHistory[i], 1, outX, 1);
                    BLAS.daxpy(L, -alpha[i], MxxHistory[i], 1, outRes, 1);

                double ResNorm = BLAS.dnrm2(L, outRes, 1).Pow2().MPISum().Sqrt();

                //Console.WriteLine("OrthonormalizationMultigrid: minimizing ofer " + KrylovDim + " vectors");


                /* we cannot do the following
                 * // since the 'MxxHistory' vectors form an orthonormal system,
                 * // the L2-norm is the L2-Norm of the 'alpha'-coordinates (Parceval's equality)
                 * return alpha.L2Norm();
        double MinimizeResidual(double[] outX, double[] Sol0, double[] Res0, double[] outRes, bool diagnosis = false)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                Debug.Assert(SolHistory.Count == MxxHistory.Count);
                Debug.Assert(outX.Length == m_MgOperator.Mapping.LocalLength);
                Debug.Assert(Sol0.Length == m_MgOperator.Mapping.LocalLength);
                Debug.Assert(Res0.Length == m_MgOperator.Mapping.LocalLength);
                Debug.Assert(outRes.Length == m_MgOperator.Mapping.LocalLength);

                int KrylovDim = SolHistory.Count;
                int L         = outX.Length;

                double[] alpha = new double[KrylovDim];
                for (int i = 0; i < KrylovDim; i++)
                    //alpha[i] = GenericBlas.InnerProd(MxxHistory[i], Res0).MPISum();
                    alpha[i] = BLAS.ddot(L, MxxHistory[i], 1, Res0, 1);
                alpha = alpha.MPISum();

                Array.Copy(Sol0, outX, L);
                Array.Copy(Res0, outRes, L);
                for (int i = 0; i < KrylovDim; i++)
                    //outX.AccV(alpha[i], SolHistory[i]);
                    //outRes.AccV(-alpha[i], MxxHistory[i]);
                    BLAS.daxpy(L, alpha[i], SolHistory[i], 1, outX, 1);
                    BLAS.daxpy(L, -alpha[i], MxxHistory[i], 1, outRes, 1);

                double ResNorm = BLAS.dnrm2(L, outRes, 1).Pow2().MPISum().Sqrt();

                 * if(ResNorm < Tolerance) {
                 *  alpha.SaveToStream(Console.Out, m_MgOperator.BaseGridProblemMapping.MPI_Comm);
                 *  alpha.SaveToTextFile("ConvScheisse.txt", m_MgOperator.BaseGridProblemMapping.MPI_Comm);
                 * }

                 * if (diagnosis) {
                 *  for (int i = 0; i < KrylovDim; i++) {
                 *      Console.WriteLine("      s " + alpha[KrylovDim - i - 1]);
                 *  }
                 * }


                /* we cannot do the following
                 * // since the 'MxxHistory' vectors form an orthonormal system,
                 * // the L2-norm is the L2-Norm of the 'alpha'-coordinates (Parceval's equality)
                 * return alpha.L2Norm();