        // Method: void ButtonFindSubmission_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        // Purpose: finds the submission of the user inputed assignment requested
        private void ButtonFindSubmission_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //creates a CourseWork instance and reads it
            BCS426Homework4DLL.CourseWork cw = new BCS426Homework4DLL.CourseWork();
            cw = ReadFromFile("courseworkansi.json");

            //calls FindSubmission and returns a submission or null depending on the result
            BCS426Homework4DLL.Submission s = cw.FindSubmission(textBoxTarget.Text);
            //if submission is not null it will put the data into the text boxes
            if (s != null)
                textBoxAssignment.Text = s.AssignmentName;
                textBoxCategory.Text   = s.CategoryName;
                textBoxGrade.Text      = s.Grade.ToString(); //converts the type to a string
            //if it is null it clears the textboxes