        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            _gameMain = gameMain;

            if (!base.Initialize((gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 320, (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 320, 640, 640, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _randomSprite = SpriteManager.GetSprite("RandomRace", gameMain.Random);
            if (_randomSprite == null)
                reason = "RandomRace sprite does not exist.";

            _raceButtons     = new BBStretchButton[15];
            _raceScrollBar   = new BBScrollBar();
            _raceBackground  = new BBStretchableImage();
            _raceDescription = new BBTextBox();
            _okButton        = new BBStretchButton();
            _raceManager     = gameMain.RaceManager;

            for (int i = 0; i < _raceButtons.Length; i++)
                _raceButtons[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                if (!_raceButtons[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 10, _yPos + 10 + (i * 40), 280, 40, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            //Add 1 for the random race option
            int scrollValue = (_raceManager.Races.Count + 1) < _raceButtons.Length ? _raceButtons.Length : (_raceManager.Races.Count + 1);

            if (!_raceScrollBar.Initialize(_xPos + 290, _yPos + 10, 600, _raceButtons.Length, scrollValue, false, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _maxVisible = (_raceManager.Races.Count + 1) > _raceButtons.Length ? _raceButtons.Length : (_raceManager.Races.Count + 1);
            if (_raceManager.Races.Count < 15)
            if (!_raceBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 310, _yPos + 10, 310, 550, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_raceDescription.Initialize(_xPos + 315, _yPos + 325, 300, 215, true, true, "RaceSelectionDescriptionTextBox", gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_okButton.Initialize("Select Race", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 310, _yPos + 570, 310, 40, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            reason = null;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            _gameMain = gameMain;

            _chatBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _playerListBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _chatText = new BBTextBox();
            _messageTextBox = new BBSingleLineTextBox();
            _playerList = new BBTextBox();
            _startGame = new BBStretchButton();
            _leaveLobby = new BBStretchButton();

            int chatWidth = _gameMain.ScreenSize.X - 250;
            int chatHeight = _gameMain.ScreenSize.Y - 80;

            if (!_chatBackground.Initialize(20, 20, chatWidth, chatHeight, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_chatText.Initialize(25, 25, chatWidth - 10, chatHeight - 10, true, true, "PreGameChatTextBox", _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_messageTextBox.Initialize("Chat Message", 20, 20 + chatHeight, chatWidth, 40, false, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_playerListBackground.Initialize(chatWidth + 30, 20, 200, chatHeight - 45, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_playerList.Initialize(chatWidth + 35, 25, 190, chatHeight - 255, false, true, "PlayerListTextBox", _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_startGame.Initialize("Start Game", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, chatWidth + 30, chatHeight - 15, 200, 35, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_leaveLobby.Initialize("Leave", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, chatWidth + 30, chatHeight + 25, 200, 35, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            return true;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            int x = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 533;
            int y = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 300;

            if (!Initialize(x, y, 1066, 600, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            x += 20;
            y += 20;

            _columnHeaders = new BBStretchButton[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < _columnHeaders.Length; i++)
                _columnHeaders[i] = new BBStretchButton();
            _columnCells = new BBStretchButton[8][];
            for (int i = 0; i < _columnCells.Length; i++)
                _columnCells[i] = new BBStretchButton[13];
                for (int j = 0; j < _columnCells[i].Length; j++)
                    _columnCells[i][j] = new BBStretchButton();

            if (!_columnHeaders[0].Initialize("Planet", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 280, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[0][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 280, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            x += 280;
            if (!_columnHeaders[1].Initialize("Population", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 90, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[1][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 90, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            x += 90;
            if (!_columnHeaders[2].Initialize("Buildings", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 90, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[2][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 90, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            x += 90;
            if (!_columnHeaders[3].Initialize("Bases", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[3][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            x += 80;
            if (!_columnHeaders[4].Initialize("Waste", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[4][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            x += 80;
            if (!_columnHeaders[5].Initialize("Industry", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[5][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            x += 80;
            if (!_columnHeaders[6].Initialize("Constructing", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 250, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[6][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 250, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            x += 250;
            if (!_columnHeaders[7].Initialize("Notes", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 60, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[7][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 60, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;
            x += 60;
            _scrollBar = new BBScrollBar();
            if (!_scrollBar.Initialize(x, y + 30, 390, 13, 13, false, false, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            _expensesBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _incomeBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _reserves = new BBStretchableImage();

            _expenseTitle = new BBLabel();
            _incomeTitle = new BBLabel();

            _expenses = new BBStretchButton[4];
            _expenseLabels = new BBLabel[4];
            _incomes = new BBStretchButton[2];
            _incomeLabels = new BBLabel[2];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                _expenses[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                _expenseLabels[i] = new BBLabel();
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                _incomes[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                _incomeLabels[i] = new BBLabel();

            x = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 513;
            y = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) + 143;

            if (!_expensesBackground.Initialize(x, y, 476, 140, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_expenseTitle.Initialize(0, 0, "Expenses", Color.Gold, "LargeComputerFont", out reason))
                return false;
            _expenseTitle.MoveTo((int)(x + 238 - _expenseTitle.GetWidth() / 2), y + 5);
            if (!_expenses[0].Initialize("Ships", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 50,  228, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _expenses[0].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_expenseLabels[0].Initialize(x + 228, y + 65, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_expenses[1].Initialize("Bases", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 90, 228, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _expenses[1].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_expenseLabels[1].Initialize(x + 228, y + 105, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_expenses[2].Initialize("Spying", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 238, y + 50, 228, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _expenses[2].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_expenseLabels[2].Initialize(x + 456, y + 65, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_expenses[3].Initialize("Security", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 238, y + 90, 228, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _expenses[3].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_expenseLabels[3].Initialize(x + 456, y + 105, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            x += 476;

            if (!_incomeBackground.Initialize(x, y, 250, 140, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_incomeTitle.Initialize(0, 0, "Incomes", Color.Gold, "LargeComputerFont", out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_incomes[0].Initialize("Planets", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 50, 230, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _incomes[0].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_incomeLabels[0].Initialize(x + 230, y + 65, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_incomes[1].Initialize("Trade", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 90, 230, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _incomes[1].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_incomeLabels[1].Initialize(x + 230, y + 105, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            _incomeTitle.MoveTo((int)(x + 125 - _incomeTitle.GetWidth() / 2), y + 5);
            x += 250;

            if (!_reserves.Initialize(x, y, 300, 140, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _reserveSlider = new BBScrollBar();
            _reservesLabel = new BBLabel();
            _reservesAmount = new BBLabel();

            _transferSlider = new BBScrollBar();
            _transferLabel = new BBLabel();
            _transferAmount = new BBLabel();
            _transferReserves = new BBStretchButton();

            if (!_reservesLabel.Initialize(x + 10, y + 10, "Reserve:", Color.Orange, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_reservesAmount.Initialize(x + 280, y + 10, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_reserveSlider.Initialize(x + 10, y + 33, 280, 0, 20, true, true, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_transferLabel.Initialize(x + 10, y + 51, "Amount to transfer:", Color.Orange, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_transferAmount.Initialize(x + 280, y + 51, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_transferSlider.Initialize(x + 10, y + 72, 280, 0, 200, true, true, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_transferReserves.Initialize("Transfer reserves to selected planet", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 95, 280, 35, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            return true;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            this._gameMain = gameMain;

            _showingSelection = false;
            _background = new BBStretchableImage();
            _playerBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _playerInfoBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _playerRaceButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _playerRaceDescription = new BBTextBox();
            _playerLabels = new BBLabel[3];
            _playerEmperorName = new BBSingleLineTextBox();
            _playerHomeworldName = new BBSingleLineTextBox();
            _AIBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _AIRaceButtons = new BBStretchButton[5];
            _raceSprites = new BBSprite[6];
            _playerRaces = new Race[6];
            _playerColors = new Color[6];
            _numberOfAILabel = new BBLabel();
            _numericUpDownAI = new BBNumericUpDown();
            _busyImage = new BBStretchableImage();
            _busyText = new BBLabel();
            _okButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _cancelButton = new BBStretchButton();

            _difficultyComboBox = new BBComboBox();
            _difficultyLabel = new BBLabel();

            _nebulaBackground = SpriteManager.GetSprite("TitleNebula", gameMain.Random);

            _playerColors[0] = Color.Blue;
            _playerColors[1] = Color.Red;
            _playerColors[2] = Color.Yellow;
            _playerColors[3] = Color.Green;
            _playerColors[4] = Color.Purple;
            _playerColors[5] = Color.Orange;

            _xPos = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 440;
            _yPos = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 340;
            if (_nebulaBackground == null)
                reason = "TitleNebula sprite doesn't exist.";
                return false;
            if (!_background.Initialize(_xPos, _yPos, 880, 680, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            if (!_playerBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 30, _yPos + 30, 820, 170, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_playerInfoBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 40, _yPos + 60, 295, 130, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_playerRaceButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 340, _yPos + 40, 500, 150, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_playerRaceDescription.Initialize(_xPos + 485, _yPos + 51, 345, 130, true, true, "RaceDescriptionTextBox", gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _playerLabels[0] = new BBLabel();
            if (!_playerLabels[0].Initialize(_xPos + 90, _yPos + 36, "Player Race Information", Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            _playerLabels[1] = new BBLabel();
            if (!_playerLabels[1].Initialize(_xPos + 45, _yPos + 70, "Emperor Name:", Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_playerEmperorName.Initialize(string.Empty, _xPos + 50, _yPos + 90, 275, 35, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _playerLabels[2] = new BBLabel();
            if (!_playerLabels[2].Initialize(_xPos + 45, _yPos + 125, "Homeworld Name:", Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_playerHomeworldName.Initialize(string.Empty, _xPos + 50, _yPos + 145, 275, 35, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _playerRaceDescription.SetText("A random race will be chosen.  If the Emperor and/or Homeworld name fields are left blank, default race names for those will be used.");
            _randomRaceSprite = SpriteManager.GetSprite("RandomRace", gameMain.Random);
            if (_randomRaceSprite == null)
                reason = "RandomRace sprite does not exist.";
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < _raceSprites.Length; i++)
                _raceSprites[i] = _randomRaceSprite;

            if (!_AIBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 30, _yPos + 205, 820, 220, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_difficultyLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 40, _yPos + 220, "Difficulty Level:", Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            List<string> difficultyItems = new List<string>
            if (!_difficultyComboBox.Initialize(difficultyItems, _xPos + 170, _yPos + 215, 200, 35, 5, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_numberOfAILabel.Initialize(_xPos + 730, _yPos + 220, "Number of Computer Players:", Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_numericUpDownAI.Initialize(_xPos + 735, _yPos + 222, 75, 1, 5, 5, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < _AIRaceButtons.Length; i++)
                _AIRaceButtons[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                if (!_AIRaceButtons[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 40 + (i * 155), _yPos + 260, 150, 150, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            _galaxyBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _galaxyComboBox = new BBComboBox();

            List<string> items = new List<string>();
            items.Add("Small Galaxy");
            items.Add("Medium Galaxy");
            items.Add("Large Galaxy");
            items.Add("Huge Galaxy");

            if (!_galaxyBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 30, _yPos + 430, 240, 235, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_galaxyComboBox.Initialize(items, _xPos + 30, _yPos + 430, 240, 35, 4, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            _raceSelection = new RaceSelection();
            if (!_raceSelection.Initialize(gameMain, out reason))
                return false;
            _raceSelection.OnOkClick = OnRaceSelectionOKClick;

            _generatingGalaxy = false;
            if (!_busyImage.Initialize(gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2 - 100, gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2 - 50, 200, 100, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_busyText.Initialize(gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2, gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2, "Generating Galaxy", Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_okButton.Initialize("Start Game", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 660, _yPos + 610, 200, 50, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_cancelButton.Initialize("Main Menu", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 450, _yPos + 610, 200, 50, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;


            reason = null;
            return true;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, string identifier, out string reason)
            _isExplored = false;
            _isOwnedSystem = false;
            if (!base.Initialize(gameMain.ScreenWidth - 300, gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2 - 240, 300, 480, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _infrastructureIcon = SpriteManager.GetSprite("InfrastructureIcon", gameMain.Random);
            _defenseIcon = SpriteManager.GetSprite("MilitaryIcon", gameMain.Random);
            _researchIcon = SpriteManager.GetSprite("ResearchIcon", gameMain.Random);
            _environmentIcon = SpriteManager.GetSprite("EnvironmentIcon", gameMain.Random);
            _constructionIcon = SpriteManager.GetSprite("ConstructionIcon", gameMain.Random);

            if (_infrastructureIcon == null || _defenseIcon == null || _researchIcon == null || _environmentIcon == null || _constructionIcon == null)
                reason = "One or more of the following sprites does not exist: InfrastructureIcon, MilitaryIcon, ResearchIcon, EnvironmentIcon, and/or ConstructionIcon";
                return false;

            _name = new BBSingleLineTextBox();
            if (!_name.Initialize(string.Empty, _xPos + 10, _yPos + 15, 280, 35, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _generalPurposeBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _infrastructureBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _researchBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _environmentBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _defenseBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _constructionProjectButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _popLabel = new BBLabel();
            _terrainLabel = new BBLabel();
            _productionLabel = new BBLabel();

            _infrastructureLabel = new BBLabel();
            _researchLabel = new BBLabel();
            _environmentLabel = new BBLabel();
            _defenseLabel = new BBLabel();
            _constructionLabel = new BBLabel();

            _generalPurposeText = new BBTextBox();
            _transferLabel = new BBLabel();

            _infrastructureSlider = new BBScrollBar();
            _researchSlider = new BBScrollBar();
            _environmentSlider = new BBScrollBar();
            _defenseSlider = new BBScrollBar();
            _constructionSlider = new BBScrollBar();
            _popTransferSlider = new BBScrollBar();

            _infrastructureLockButton = new BBButton();
            _researchLockButton = new BBButton();
            _environmentLockButton = new BBButton();
            _defenseLockButton = new BBButton();
            _constructionLockButton = new BBButton();

            _relocateToButton = new BBButton();
            _transferToButton = new BBButton();

            if (!_generalPurposeBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 130, 280, 300, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_generalPurposeText.Initialize(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 140, 260, 260, true, false, "PlanetUIText" + identifier, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_infrastructureBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 130, 280, 60, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_researchBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 190, 280, 60, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_environmentBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 250, 280, 60, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_defenseBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 310, 280, 60, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_constructionProjectButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 10, _yPos + 370, 280, 60, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_terrainLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 55, _yPos + 60, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_popLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 55, _yPos + 80, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_productionLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 55, _yPos + 100, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;

            if (!_infrastructureLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 140, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_infrastructureSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 160, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_infrastructureLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 160, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_researchLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 200, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_researchSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 220, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_researchLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 220, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_environmentLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 260, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_environmentSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 280, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_environmentLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 280, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_defenseLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 320, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_defenseSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 340, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_defenseLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 340, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_constructionLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 380, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_constructionSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 400, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_constructionLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 400, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            if (!_transferLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 370, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_popTransferSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 400, 260, 0, 1, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            if (!_relocateToButton.Initialize("RelocateToBG", "RelocateToFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 130, _yPos + 435, 75, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_relocateToButton.SetToolTip("RelocateToolTip" + identifier, "Set a friendly system as the destination of newly built ships", gameMain.ScreenWidth, gameMain.ScreenHeight, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_transferToButton.Initialize("TransferToBG", "TransferToFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 215, _yPos + 435, 75, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_transferToButton.SetToolTip("TransferToToolTip" + identifier, "Send up to half of the population to another occupied system", gameMain.ScreenWidth, gameMain.ScreenHeight, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            reason = null;
            return true;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            this._gameMain = gameMain;

            _showingSelection      = false;
            _background            = new BBStretchableImage();
            _playerBackground      = new BBStretchableImage();
            _playerInfoBackground  = new BBStretchableImage();
            _playerRaceButton      = new BBStretchButton();
            _playerRaceDescription = new BBTextBox();
            _playerLabels          = new BBLabel[3];
            _playerEmperorName     = new BBSingleLineTextBox();
            _playerHomeworldName   = new BBSingleLineTextBox();
            _AIBackground          = new BBStretchableImage();
            _AIRaceButtons         = new BBStretchButton[5];
            _raceSprites           = new BBSprite[6];
            _playerRaces           = new Race[6];
            _playerColors          = new Color[6];
            _numberOfAILabel       = new BBLabel();
            _numericUpDownAI       = new BBNumericUpDown();
            _busyImage             = new BBStretchableImage();
            _busyText     = new BBLabel();
            _okButton     = new BBStretchButton();
            _cancelButton = new BBStretchButton();

            _difficultyComboBox = new BBComboBox();
            _difficultyLabel    = new BBLabel();

            _nebulaBackground = SpriteManager.GetSprite("TitleNebula", gameMain.Random);

            _playerColors[0] = Color.Blue;
            _playerColors[1] = Color.Red;
            _playerColors[2] = Color.Yellow;
            _playerColors[3] = Color.Green;
            _playerColors[4] = Color.Purple;
            _playerColors[5] = Color.Orange;

            _xPos = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 440;
            _yPos = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 340;
            if (_nebulaBackground == null)
                reason = "TitleNebula sprite doesn't exist.";
            if (!_background.Initialize(_xPos, _yPos, 880, 680, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            if (!_playerBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 30, _yPos + 30, 820, 170, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_playerInfoBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 40, _yPos + 60, 295, 130, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_playerRaceButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 340, _yPos + 40, 500, 150, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_playerRaceDescription.Initialize(_xPos + 485, _yPos + 51, 345, 130, true, true, "RaceDescriptionTextBox", gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _playerLabels[0] = new BBLabel();
            if (!_playerLabels[0].Initialize(_xPos + 90, _yPos + 36, "Player Race Information", Color.White, out reason))
            _playerLabels[1] = new BBLabel();
            if (!_playerLabels[1].Initialize(_xPos + 45, _yPos + 70, "Emperor Name:", Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_playerEmperorName.Initialize(string.Empty, _xPos + 50, _yPos + 90, 275, 35, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _playerLabels[2] = new BBLabel();
            if (!_playerLabels[2].Initialize(_xPos + 45, _yPos + 125, "Homeworld Name:", Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_playerHomeworldName.Initialize(string.Empty, _xPos + 50, _yPos + 145, 275, 35, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _playerRaceDescription.SetText("A random race will be chosen.  If the Emperor and/or Homeworld name fields are left blank, default race names for those will be used.");
            _randomRaceSprite = SpriteManager.GetSprite("RandomRace", gameMain.Random);
            if (_randomRaceSprite == null)
                reason = "RandomRace sprite does not exist.";

            for (int i = 0; i < _raceSprites.Length; i++)
                _raceSprites[i] = _randomRaceSprite;

            if (!_AIBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 30, _yPos + 205, 820, 220, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_difficultyLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 40, _yPos + 220, "Difficulty Level:", Color.White, out reason))
            List <string> difficultyItems = new List <string>

            if (!_difficultyComboBox.Initialize(difficultyItems, _xPos + 170, _yPos + 215, 200, 35, 5, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_numberOfAILabel.Initialize(_xPos + 730, _yPos + 220, "Number of Computer Players:", Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_numericUpDownAI.Initialize(_xPos + 735, _yPos + 222, 75, 1, 5, 5, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < _AIRaceButtons.Length; i++)
                _AIRaceButtons[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                if (!_AIRaceButtons[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 40 + (i * 155), _yPos + 260, 150, 150, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            _galaxyBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _galaxyComboBox   = new BBComboBox();

            List <string> items = new List <string>();

            items.Add("Small Galaxy");
            items.Add("Medium Galaxy");
            items.Add("Large Galaxy");
            items.Add("Huge Galaxy");

            if (!_galaxyBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 30, _yPos + 430, 240, 235, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_galaxyComboBox.Initialize(items, _xPos + 30, _yPos + 430, 240, 35, 4, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            _raceSelection = new RaceSelection();
            if (!_raceSelection.Initialize(gameMain, out reason))
            _raceSelection.OnOkClick = OnRaceSelectionOKClick;

            _generatingGalaxy = false;
            if (!_busyImage.Initialize(gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2 - 100, gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2 - 50, 200, 100, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_busyText.Initialize(gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2, gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2, "Generating Galaxy", Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_okButton.Initialize("Start Game", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 660, _yPos + 610, 200, 50, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_cancelButton.Initialize("Main Menu", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 450, _yPos + 610, 200, 50, gameMain.Random, out reason))


            reason = null;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            int x = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 533;
            int y = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 300;

            if (!Initialize(x, y, 1066, 600, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            x += 20;
            y += 20;

            _columnHeaders = new BBStretchButton[8];
            for (int i = 0; i < _columnHeaders.Length; i++)
                _columnHeaders[i] = new BBStretchButton();
            _columnCells = new BBStretchButton[8][];
            for (int i = 0; i < _columnCells.Length; i++)
                _columnCells[i] = new BBStretchButton[13];
                for (int j = 0; j < _columnCells[i].Length; j++)
                    _columnCells[i][j] = new BBStretchButton();

            if (!_columnHeaders[0].Initialize("Planet", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 280, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[0][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 280, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            x += 280;
            if (!_columnHeaders[1].Initialize("Population", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 90, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[1][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 90, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            x += 90;
            if (!_columnHeaders[2].Initialize("Buildings", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 90, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[2][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 90, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            x += 90;
            if (!_columnHeaders[3].Initialize("Bases", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[3][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            x += 80;
            if (!_columnHeaders[4].Initialize("Waste", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[4][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            x += 80;
            if (!_columnHeaders[5].Initialize("Industry", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[5][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 80, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            x += 80;
            if (!_columnHeaders[6].Initialize("Constructing", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 250, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[6][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 250, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            x += 250;
            if (!_columnHeaders[7].Initialize("Notes", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, x, y, 60, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
                if (!_columnCells[7][i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x, y + 30 + (i * 30), 60, 30, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            x         += 60;
            _scrollBar = new BBScrollBar();
            if (!_scrollBar.Initialize(x, y + 30, 390, 13, 13, false, false, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            _expensesBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _incomeBackground   = new BBStretchableImage();
            _reserves           = new BBStretchableImage();

            _expenseTitle = new BBLabel();
            _incomeTitle  = new BBLabel();

            _expenses      = new BBStretchButton[4];
            _expenseLabels = new BBLabel[4];
            _incomes       = new BBStretchButton[2];
            _incomeLabels  = new BBLabel[2];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                _expenses[i]      = new BBStretchButton();
                _expenseLabels[i] = new BBLabel();
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                _incomes[i]      = new BBStretchButton();
                _incomeLabels[i] = new BBLabel();

            x = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 513;
            y = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) + 143;

            if (!_expensesBackground.Initialize(x, y, 476, 140, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_expenseTitle.Initialize(0, 0, "Expenses", Color.Gold, "LargeComputerFont", out reason))
            _expenseTitle.MoveTo((int)(x + 238 - _expenseTitle.GetWidth() / 2), y + 5);
            if (!_expenses[0].Initialize("Ships", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 50, 228, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _expenses[0].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_expenseLabels[0].Initialize(x + 228, y + 65, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_expenses[1].Initialize("Bases", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 90, 228, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _expenses[1].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_expenseLabels[1].Initialize(x + 228, y + 105, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_expenses[2].Initialize("Spying", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 238, y + 50, 228, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _expenses[2].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_expenseLabels[2].Initialize(x + 456, y + 65, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_expenses[3].Initialize("Security", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 238, y + 90, 228, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _expenses[3].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_expenseLabels[3].Initialize(x + 456, y + 105, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
            x += 476;

            if (!_incomeBackground.Initialize(x, y, 250, 140, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_incomeTitle.Initialize(0, 0, "Incomes", Color.Gold, "LargeComputerFont", out reason))
            if (!_incomes[0].Initialize("Planets", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 50, 230, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _incomes[0].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_incomeLabels[0].Initialize(x + 230, y + 65, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_incomes[1].Initialize("Trade", ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 90, 230, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _incomes[1].SetTextColor(Color.Orange, Color.Empty);
            if (!_incomeLabels[1].Initialize(x + 230, y + 105, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
            _incomeTitle.MoveTo((int)(x + 125 - _incomeTitle.GetWidth() / 2), y + 5);
            x += 250;

            if (!_reserves.Initialize(x, y, 300, 140, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _reserveSlider  = new BBScrollBar();
            _reservesLabel  = new BBLabel();
            _reservesAmount = new BBLabel();

            _transferSlider   = new BBScrollBar();
            _transferLabel    = new BBLabel();
            _transferAmount   = new BBLabel();
            _transferReserves = new BBStretchButton();

            if (!_reservesLabel.Initialize(x + 10, y + 10, "Reserve:", Color.Orange, out reason))
            if (!_reservesAmount.Initialize(x + 280, y + 10, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_reserveSlider.Initialize(x + 10, y + 33, 280, 0, 20, true, true, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_transferLabel.Initialize(x + 10, y + 51, "Amount to transfer:", Color.Orange, out reason))
            if (!_transferAmount.Initialize(x + 280, y + 51, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_transferSlider.Initialize(x + 10, y + 72, 280, 0, 200, true, true, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_transferReserves.Initialize("Transfer reserves to selected planet", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 10, y + 95, 280, 35, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            _gameMain = gameMain;

            _x = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 500;
            _y = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 305;
            if (!Initialize((gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 520, (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 320, 1040, 640, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            _shipNames = new BBStretchButton[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < _shipNames.Length; i++)
                _shipNames[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                if (!_shipNames[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _x + 80 + (150 * i), _y, 150, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            _planetBackgrounds = new BBStretchButton[10];
            _planetNames       = new BBLabel[10];
            _statusLabels      = new BBLabel[11];
            _scrollBar         = new BBScrollBar();

            _statusLabels[0] = new BBLabel();
            if (!_statusLabels[0].Initialize(_x, _y + 10, "Status", Color.White, out reason))

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                _planetBackgrounds[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                if (!_planetBackgrounds[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _x, _y + 40 + (50 * i), 980, 50, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                _planetNames[i] = new BBLabel();
                if (!_planetNames[i].Initialize(_x + 5, _y + 65 + (50 * i), string.Empty, Color.GreenYellow, out reason))
                _statusLabels[i + 1] = new BBLabel();
                if (!_statusLabels[i + 1].Initialize(_x + 5, _y + 45 + (50 * i), string.Empty, Color.Orange, out reason))

            _shipAmountLabels = new BBStretchButton[10][];
            for (int i = 0; i < _shipAmountLabels.Length; i++)
                _shipAmountLabels[i] = new BBStretchButton[6];
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    _shipAmountLabels[i][j] = new BBStretchButton();
                    if (!_shipAmountLabels[i][j].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, _x + 80 + (150 * j), _y + 43 + (i * 50), 150, 25, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            if (!_scrollBar.Initialize(_x + 980, _y + 40, 500, 10, 10, false, false, _gameMain.Random, out reason))

            _maintenanceCostBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _maintenanceLabel          = new BBLabel();
            _maintenanceAmountLabel    = new BBLabel();
            _scrapButtons = new BBButton[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < _scrapButtons.Length; i++)
                _scrapButtons[i] = new BBButton();
                if (!_scrapButtons[i].Initialize("ScrapShipBG", "ScrapShipFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, _x + 112 + (150 * i), _y + 540, 75, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            if (!_maintenanceCostBackground.Initialize(_x + 220, _y + 577, 280, 35, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_maintenanceLabel.Initialize(_x + 225, _y + 585, "Maintenance Cost:", Color.Orange, out reason))
            if (!_maintenanceAmountLabel.Initialize(_x + 495, _y + 585, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))

            _viewSpecsButton = new BBStretchButton();
            if (!_viewSpecsButton.Initialize("View Ship Specifications", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _x + 500, _y + 577, 280, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            _fleetSpecsWindow = new FleetSpecsWindow();
            if (!_fleetSpecsWindow.Initialize(gameMain, "FleetList", out reason))
            _fleetSpecsShowing = false;

            reason = null;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            _gameMain = gameMain;

            if (!base.Initialize((gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 320, (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 320, 640, 640, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _randomSprite = SpriteManager.GetSprite("RandomRace", gameMain.Random);
            if (_randomSprite == null)
                reason = "RandomRace sprite does not exist.";
                return false;

            _raceButtons = new BBStretchButton[15];
            _raceScrollBar = new BBScrollBar();
            _raceBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _raceDescription = new BBTextBox();
            _okButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _raceManager = gameMain.RaceManager;

            for (int i = 0; i < _raceButtons.Length; i++)
                _raceButtons[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                if (!_raceButtons[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 10, _yPos + 10 + (i * 40), 280, 40, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;
            //Add 1 for the random race option
            int scrollValue = (_raceManager.Races.Count + 1) < _raceButtons.Length ? _raceButtons.Length : (_raceManager.Races.Count + 1);
            if (!_raceScrollBar.Initialize(_xPos + 290, _yPos + 10, 600, _raceButtons.Length, scrollValue, false, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _maxVisible = (_raceManager.Races.Count + 1) > _raceButtons.Length ? _raceButtons.Length : (_raceManager.Races.Count + 1);
            if (_raceManager.Races.Count < 15)
            if (!_raceBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 310, _yPos + 10, 310, 550, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_raceDescription.Initialize(_xPos + 315, _yPos + 325, 300, 215, true, true, "RaceSelectionDescriptionTextBox", gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_okButton.Initialize("Select Race", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 310, _yPos + 570, 310, 40, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            reason = null;
            return true;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, string identifier, out string reason)
            _isExplored    = false;
            _isOwnedSystem = false;
            if (!base.Initialize(gameMain.ScreenWidth - 300, gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2 - 240, 300, 480, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _infrastructureIcon = SpriteManager.GetSprite("InfrastructureIcon", gameMain.Random);
            _defenseIcon        = SpriteManager.GetSprite("MilitaryIcon", gameMain.Random);
            _researchIcon       = SpriteManager.GetSprite("ResearchIcon", gameMain.Random);
            _environmentIcon    = SpriteManager.GetSprite("EnvironmentIcon", gameMain.Random);
            _constructionIcon   = SpriteManager.GetSprite("ConstructionIcon", gameMain.Random);

            if (_infrastructureIcon == null || _defenseIcon == null || _researchIcon == null || _environmentIcon == null || _constructionIcon == null)
                reason = "One or more of the following sprites does not exist: InfrastructureIcon, MilitaryIcon, ResearchIcon, EnvironmentIcon, and/or ConstructionIcon";

            _name = new BBSingleLineTextBox();
            if (!_name.Initialize(string.Empty, _xPos + 10, _yPos + 15, 280, 35, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            _generalPurposeBackground  = new BBStretchableImage();
            _infrastructureBackground  = new BBStretchableImage();
            _researchBackground        = new BBStretchableImage();
            _environmentBackground     = new BBStretchableImage();
            _defenseBackground         = new BBStretchableImage();
            _constructionProjectButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _popLabel        = new BBLabel();
            _terrainLabel    = new BBLabel();
            _productionLabel = new BBLabel();

            _infrastructureLabel = new BBLabel();
            _researchLabel       = new BBLabel();
            _environmentLabel    = new BBLabel();
            _defenseLabel        = new BBLabel();
            _constructionLabel   = new BBLabel();

            _generalPurposeText = new BBTextBox();
            _transferLabel      = new BBLabel();

            _infrastructureSlider = new BBScrollBar();
            _researchSlider       = new BBScrollBar();
            _environmentSlider    = new BBScrollBar();
            _defenseSlider        = new BBScrollBar();
            _constructionSlider   = new BBScrollBar();
            _popTransferSlider    = new BBScrollBar();

            _infrastructureLockButton = new BBButton();
            _researchLockButton       = new BBButton();
            _environmentLockButton    = new BBButton();
            _defenseLockButton        = new BBButton();
            _constructionLockButton   = new BBButton();

            _relocateToButton = new BBButton();
            _transferToButton = new BBButton();

            if (!_generalPurposeBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 130, 280, 300, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_generalPurposeText.Initialize(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 140, 260, 260, true, false, "PlanetUIText" + identifier, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_infrastructureBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 130, 280, 60, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_researchBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 190, 280, 60, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_environmentBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 250, 280, 60, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_defenseBackground.Initialize(_xPos + 10, _yPos + 310, 280, 60, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_constructionProjectButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _xPos + 10, _yPos + 370, 280, 60, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_terrainLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 55, _yPos + 60, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_popLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 55, _yPos + 80, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_productionLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 55, _yPos + 100, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))

            if (!_infrastructureLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 140, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_infrastructureSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 160, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_infrastructureLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 160, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_researchLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 200, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_researchSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 220, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_researchLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 220, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_environmentLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 260, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_environmentSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 280, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_environmentLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 280, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_defenseLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 320, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_defenseSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 340, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_defenseLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 340, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_constructionLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 380, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_constructionSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 65, _yPos + 400, 200, 0, 100, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_constructionLockButton.Initialize("LockBG", "LockFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 267, _yPos + 400, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            if (!_transferLabel.Initialize(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 370, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
            if (!_popTransferSlider.Initialize(_xPos + 20, _yPos + 400, 260, 0, 1, true, true, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            if (!_relocateToButton.Initialize("RelocateToBG", "RelocateToFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 130, _yPos + 435, 75, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_relocateToButton.SetToolTip("RelocateToolTip" + identifier, "Set a friendly system as the destination of newly built ships", gameMain.ScreenWidth, gameMain.ScreenHeight, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_transferToButton.Initialize("TransferToBG", "TransferToFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, _xPos + 215, _yPos + 435, 75, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
            if (!_transferToButton.SetToolTip("TransferToToolTip" + identifier, "Send up to half of the population to another occupied system", gameMain.ScreenWidth, gameMain.ScreenHeight, gameMain.Random, out reason))

            reason = null;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            _gameMain = gameMain;

            _x = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 500;
            _y = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 305;
            if (!Initialize((gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 520, (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 320, 1040, 640, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            _shipNames = new BBStretchButton[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < _shipNames.Length; i++)
                _shipNames[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                if (!_shipNames[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _x + 80 + (150 * i), _y, 150, 40, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            _planetBackgrounds = new BBStretchButton[10];
            _planetNames = new BBLabel[10];
            _statusLabels = new BBLabel[11];
            _scrollBar = new BBScrollBar();

            _statusLabels[0] = new BBLabel();
            if (!_statusLabels[0].Initialize(_x, _y + 10, "Status", Color.White, out reason))
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                _planetBackgrounds[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                if (!_planetBackgrounds[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _x, _y + 40 + (50 * i), 980, 50, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;
                _planetNames[i] = new BBLabel();
                if (!_planetNames[i].Initialize(_x + 5, _y + 65 + (50 * i), string.Empty, Color.GreenYellow, out reason))
                    return false;
                _statusLabels[i + 1] = new BBLabel();
                if (!_statusLabels[i + 1].Initialize(_x + 5, _y + 45 + (50 * i), string.Empty, Color.Orange, out reason))
                    return false;

            _shipAmountLabels = new BBStretchButton[10][];
            for (int i = 0; i < _shipAmountLabels.Length; i++)
                _shipAmountLabels[i] = new BBStretchButton[6];
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    _shipAmountLabels[i][j] = new BBStretchButton();
                    if (!_shipAmountLabels[i][j].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, _x + 80 + (150 * j), _y + 43 + (i * 50), 150, 25, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                        return false;

            if (!_scrollBar.Initialize(_x + 980, _y + 40, 500, 10, 10, false, false, _gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            _maintenanceCostBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _maintenanceLabel = new BBLabel();
            _maintenanceAmountLabel = new BBLabel();
            _scrapButtons = new BBButton[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < _scrapButtons.Length; i++)
                _scrapButtons[i] = new BBButton();
                if (!_scrapButtons[i].Initialize("ScrapShipBG", "ScrapShipFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.LEFT, _x + 112 + (150 * i), _y + 540, 75, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            if (!_maintenanceCostBackground.Initialize(_x + 220, _y + 577, 280, 35, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_maintenanceLabel.Initialize(_x + 225, _y + 585, "Maintenance Cost:", Color.Orange, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_maintenanceAmountLabel.Initialize(_x + 495, _y + 585, string.Empty, Color.White, out reason))
                return false;

            _viewSpecsButton = new BBStretchButton();
            if (!_viewSpecsButton.Initialize("View Ship Specifications", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, _x + 500, _y + 577, 280, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            _fleetSpecsWindow = new FleetSpecsWindow();
            if (!_fleetSpecsWindow.Initialize(gameMain, "FleetList", out reason))
                return false;
            _fleetSpecsShowing = false;

            reason = null;
            return true;
        public bool Initialize(GameMain gameMain, out string reason)
            int x = (gameMain.ScreenWidth / 2) - 400;
            int y = (gameMain.ScreenHeight / 2) - 300;

            if (!base.Initialize(x, y, 800, 600, StretchableImageType.MediumBorder, gameMain, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            _shipStyleBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _shipSizeButtons = new BBStretchButton[4];
            _prevShipStyleButton = new BBButton();
            _nextShipStyleButton = new BBButton();

            if (!_shipStyleBackground.Initialize(x + 15, y + 385, 220, 200, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_prevShipStyleButton.Initialize("ScrollLeftBGButton", "ScrollLeftFGButton", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, x + 22, y + 477, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_nextShipStyleButton.Initialize("ScrollRightBGButton", "ScrollRightFGButton", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, x + 212, y + 477, 16, 16, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < _shipSizeButtons.Length; i++)
                _shipSizeButtons[i] = new BBStretchButton();
            if (!_shipSizeButtons[0].Initialize("Small", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, x + 235, y + 385, 80, 50, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_shipSizeButtons[1].Initialize("Medium", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, x + 235, y + 435, 80, 50, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_shipSizeButtons[2].Initialize("Large", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, x + 235, y + 485, 80, 50, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_shipSizeButtons[3].Initialize("Huge", ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderFG, x + 235, y + 535, 80, 50, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            _engineBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _engineButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _maneuverButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _engineSpeed = new BBLabel();
            _combatSpeed = new BBLabel();
            _costPerPowerLabel = new BBLabel();
            _spacePerPowerLabel = new BBLabel();
            _defenseRating = new BBLabel();

            if (!_engineBackground.Initialize(x + 15, y + 15, 300, 180, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_engineButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 25, y + 25, 280, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_maneuverButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 25, y + 62, 280, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_engineSpeed.Initialize(x + 25, y + 100, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_combatSpeed.Initialize(x + 165, y + 100, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_costPerPowerLabel.Initialize(x + 25, y + 120, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_spacePerPowerLabel.Initialize(x + 25, y + 140, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_defenseRating.Initialize(x + 25, y + 160, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;

            _defensiveEquipmentBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _armorButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _shieldButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _ECMButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _hitPointsLabel = new BBLabel();
            _absorbtionLabel = new BBLabel();
            _missileDefenseLabel = new BBLabel();
            if (!_defensiveEquipmentBackground.Initialize(x + 15, y + 195, 300, 190, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_armorButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 25, y + 206, 280, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_shieldButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 25, y + 243, 280, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_ECMButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 25, y + 280, 280, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_hitPointsLabel.Initialize(x + 25, y + 315, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_absorbtionLabel.Initialize(x + 25, y + 335, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_missileDefenseLabel.Initialize(x + 25, y + 355, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;

            _computerBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _computerButton = new BBStretchButton();
            _attackRating = new BBLabel();

            if (!_computerBackground.Initialize(x + 315, y + 15, 470, 55, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_computerButton.Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 325, y + 25, 280, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_attackRating.Initialize(x + 610, y + 30, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;

            _weaponsBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _weaponButtons = new BBStretchButton[4];
            _weaponCountLabels = new BBLabel[4];
            _weaponDescriptions = new BBLabel[4];
            _weaponCounts = new BBNumericUpDown[4];

            if (!_weaponsBackground.Initialize(x + 315, y + 70, 470, 220, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                _weaponButtons[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                _weaponCountLabels[i] = new BBLabel();
                _weaponDescriptions[i] = new BBLabel();
                _weaponCounts[i] = new BBNumericUpDown();

                if (!_weaponButtons[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 325, y + 80 + (i * 50), 280, 30, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;
                if (!_weaponCountLabels[i].Initialize(x + 695, y + 85 + (i * 50), "Count:", System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                    return false;
                if (!_weaponCounts[i].Initialize(x + 700, y + 85 + (i * 50), 70, 1, 99, 1, 1, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;
                if (!_weaponDescriptions[i].Initialize(x + 325, y + 112 + (i * 50), string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                    return false;

            _specialsBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _specialButtons = new BBStretchButton[3];
            _specialDescriptions = new BBTextBox[3];

            if (!_specialsBackground.Initialize(x + 315, y + 290, 470, 230, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                _specialButtons[i] = new BBStretchButton();
                _specialDescriptions[i] = new BBTextBox();

                if (!_specialButtons[i].Initialize(string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonBG, StretchableImageType.TinyButtonFG, x + 325, y + 300 + (i * 70), 450, 30, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;
                if (!_specialDescriptions[i].Initialize(x + 325, y + 332 + (i * 70), 450, 38, true, true, "SpecialDesc" + i, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                    return false;

            _statsBackground = new BBStretchableImage();
            _spaceLabel = new BBLabel();
            _costLabel = new BBLabel();
            _nameField = new BBSingleLineTextBox();

            if (!_statsBackground.Initialize(x + 315, y + 520, 470, 65, StretchableImageType.ThinBorderBG, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_spaceLabel.Initialize(x + 450, y + 559, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_costLabel.Initialize(x + 325, y + 559, string.Empty, System.Drawing.Color.White, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_nameField.Initialize(string.Empty, x + 325, y + 527, 150, 30, false, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            _clearButton = new BBButton();
            _confirmButton = new BBButton();

            if (!_clearButton.Initialize("CancelBG", "CancelFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, x + 595, y + 535, 75, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_confirmButton.Initialize("ConfirmBG", "ConfirmFG", string.Empty, ButtonTextAlignment.CENTER, x + 685, y + 535, 75, 35, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_clearButton.SetToolTip("ClearDesign", "Clear Ship Design", gameMain.ScreenWidth, gameMain.ScreenHeight, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;
            if (!_confirmButton.SetToolTip("ConfirmDesign", "Add Ship Design", gameMain.ScreenWidth, gameMain.ScreenHeight, gameMain.Random, out reason))
                return false;

            _equipmentSelection = new EquipmentSelection();
            if (!_equipmentSelection.Initialize(gameMain, out reason))
                return false;
            _equipmentSelection.OnSelectManeuver = OnSelectManeuver;
            _selectionShowing = false;

            _fleetSpecsWindow = new FleetSpecsWindow();
            if (!_fleetSpecsWindow.Initialize(gameMain, "ShipDesign", out reason))
                return false;
            _fleetSpecsWindow.ScrapAction = ScrapAction;
            _fleetSpecsShowing = false;

            return true;