public ActionResult EditLesson(int id, string title, string text, string pdf, string inactive) { ViewBag.error = ""; if (id > 0) { Boolean inActive = false; inActive = (inactive == "on") ? true : false; // retrieve the lesson with the id try { B2BDataContext db = new B2BDataContext(); B2BLesson lesson = new B2BLesson(); lesson = db.B2BLessons.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<B2BLesson>(); lesson.title = title; lesson.Text = text; lesson.inactive = inActive; db.SubmitChanges(); B2BVideo videoObj = new B2BVideo(); videoObj = db.B2BVideos.Where(x => x.lessonID ==<B2BVideo>(); db.SubmitChanges(); B2BResource pdfObj = new B2BResource(); pdfObj = db.B2BResources.Where(x => x.lessonID.Equals(<B2BResource>(); pdfObj.file_path = pdf; db.SubmitChanges(); ViewBag.lesson = lesson; = videoObj; ViewBag.pdf = pdfObj; ViewBag.msg = "The Lesson changes have been made."; } catch (Exception e) { ViewBag.error = e.Message; } } else { return RedirectToAction("Index"); } return View(); }
public static string DeleteVideo(int id) { try { B2BDataContext db = new B2BDataContext(); B2BVideo video = new B2BVideo(); video = db.B2BVideos.Where(x => == id).FirstOrDefault<B2BVideo>(); db.B2BVideos.DeleteOnSubmit(video); db.SubmitChanges(); return ""; } catch (Exception) { return "Error while deleting"; } }
public static B2BVideo getVideo(int videoID) { try { B2BDataContext db = new B2BDataContext(); B2BVideo video = new B2BVideo(); video = db.B2BVideos.Where(x => == videoID).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefault<B2BVideo>(); return video; } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Could not laod the video: " + e.Message); } }
public static void addVideo(int lessonID, string title, string mp4, string ogg, string webm, bool inActive) { try { // New Video B2BDataContext db = new B2BDataContext(); B2BVideo newVideo = new B2BVideo(); newVideo.title = title; newVideo.date_added = DateTime.Now; newVideo.sort = 1; newVideo.lessonID = lessonID; newVideo.inactive = inActive; db.B2BVideos.InsertOnSubmit(newVideo); db.SubmitChanges(); // New Video Sources int videoID =; foreach (B2BVideoType videoType in getVideoTypes()) { string type = videoType.type; B2BVideoSource newVideoSource = new B2BVideoSource(); newVideoSource.videoID = videoID; if (type == "mp4") { newVideoSource.filePath = mp4; newVideoSource.typeID =; } else if (type == "ogg") { newVideoSource.filePath = ogg; newVideoSource.typeID =; } else if (type == "webm") { newVideoSource.filePath = webm; newVideoSource.typeID =; } else { continue; } db.B2BVideoSources.InsertOnSubmit(newVideoSource); db.SubmitChanges(); }// end foreach videoType } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Could not add video: " + e.Message); } }