public async Task GetConfig_Integration_ReturnsExpectedResult_Test() { // Arrange var key = "GetConfigIntegrationTest"; var expectedData = "IntegrationTestDataContent"; var cloudTable = GetActualCloudTable(); var options = Options.Create <AzureStorageAccountOptions>(GetActualAzureStorageOptions()); var setting = new FeedProcessorConfigItem <string> { PartitionKey = options.Value.TableAccessOptions.PartitionKey, RowKey = key, Data = expectedData }; var setOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(setting); await cloudTable.ExecuteAsync(setOperation); // Act var reader = new AzureTableStorageConfigReader(cloudTable, options); var actual = await reader.GetConfigAsync <string>(key); // Assert actual.Should().Be(expectedData); // Cleanup var removeOperation = TableOperation.Delete(setting); await cloudTable.ExecuteAsync(removeOperation); }
public async Task GetConfigAsync_ReturnsExpectedResult_Test() { // Arrange string key = "getConfigTestKey"; string expected = "SomeExpectedValue"; var result = new TableResult() { Result = new FeedProcessorConfigItem <string>() { Data = expected } }; TableOperation op = TableOperation.Retrieve(_mockConfig.TableAccessOptions.PartitionKey, key); CloudTable table = GetMockCloudTable(); Mock.Get(table) .Setup(p => p.ExecuteAsync(It.IsAny <TableOperation>())) .ReturnsAsync(result); AzureTableStorageConfigReader reader = GetAzureTableStorageConfigReader(table); // Act var actual = await reader.GetConfigAsync <string>(key); // Assert actual.Should().Be(expected, "Because with a specified key expected data can be retrieved."); }
public void GetConfigAsync_WhenKeyNotFound_ThrowsException_Test() { // Arrange string key = "getConfigTestKey"; TableResult result = null; CloudTable table = GetMockCloudTable(); Mock.Get(table) .Setup(p => p.ExecuteAsync(It.IsAny <TableOperation>())) .ReturnsAsync(result); AzureTableStorageConfigReader reader = GetAzureTableStorageConfigReader(table); // Act Func <Task <string> > act = async() => await reader.GetConfigAsync <string>(key); // Assert act.Should().Throw <KeyNotFoundException>("Because when the key is missing, an exception should be raised."); }