public async Task when_filter_for_partition_key_then_filter_request_are_correct()
            var fakeValue = "{\"value\":[{\"PartitionKey\":\"1\", \"RowKey\": \"A\", \"Value\": 4},{\"PartitionKey\":\"2\", \"RowKey\": \"B\", \"Value\": 4}]}";

            var fakeHttpMessageHandler = new FakeHttpMessageHandler(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Content = new StringContent(fakeValue, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
            var httpClient = new HttpClient(fakeHttpMessageHandler);

            var apiHandler = Substitute.For <IAzureStorageHandler>();

            apiHandler.GetRequest(Arg.Is(StorageType.Table), Arg.Is(HttpMethod.Get), "faketable()?$filter=PartitionKey eq 'A'").Returns(
                x => { return(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "")); }
            var servant = new AzureTableClient(apiHandler, httpClient);

            var result = await servant.GetRowsAsync("faketable", "PartitionKey eq 'A'");

            fakeHttpMessageHandler.Requests.Contains(new Request {
                Method = HttpMethod.Get, Url = ""
        public void CreateQueryWithoutFilter()
            var tableClient = new AzureTableClient("myHub", ConnectionString);
            var stateQuery  = new OrchestrationStateQuery();

            TableQuery <AzureTableOrchestrationStateEntity> query = tableClient.CreateQueryInternal(stateQuery, 1, false);

            Assert.AreEqual("(PartitionKey eq 'IS')", query.FilterString);
        public void CreateQueryWithPrimaryFilter()
            var tableClient = new AzureTableClient("myHub", ConnectionString);
            var stateQuery  = new OrchestrationStateQuery();


            TableQuery <AzureTableOrchestrationStateEntity> query = tableClient.CreateQueryInternal(stateQuery, 1, false);

            Assert.AreEqual("(PartitionKey eq 'IS') and (RowKey ge 'ID_EID_myInstance') and (RowKey lt 'ID_EID_myInstancf')", query.FilterString);
        public void TestInitialize()
            var r = new Random();

            tableClient = new AzureTableClient("test00" + r.Next(0, 10000),

            client = TestHelpers.CreateTaskHubClient();

            taskHub = TestHelpers.CreateTaskHub();

        private void LoadSettings(AzureStorageAccountSettings settings)
            StorageSettings = settings;


            try {
                AzureStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(settings.ConnectionString);
                AzureTableClient    = AzureStorageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
                StorageTable        = AzureTableClient.GetTableReference(StorageSettings.TableName);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new TelemetryReportingException("Unable to connect to the Azure Storage Table (" + e.Message + "). See InnerException for additional details.", e);
        private static void Main()
            const string tableName      = "GeoLocations";
            const string tableConString = "<YourConnectionString>";
            var          tableClient    = new AzureTableClient(tableConString, tableName);

            // Insert single entity to table
            tableClient.InsertEntity(new GeoLocation
                Latitude  = "41", // Partition key
                Longitude = "29", // Row key
                Continent = "Europe",
                Country   = "Turkey",
                City      = "Istanbul"

            // Insert multiple entities to the table
            tableClient.InsertEntities(new List <GeoLocation>
                new GeoLocation
                    Latitude  = "36",  // Partition key
                    Longitude = "140", // Row key
                    Continent = "Asia",
                    Country   = "Japan",
                    City      = "Tokio"
                new GeoLocation
                    Latitude  = "40",  // Partition key
                    Longitude = "-74", // Row key
                    Continent = "North America",
                    Country   = "United States",
                    City      = "New York"

            // Retrieve a single entity. Fast query
            var istanbul = tableClient.GetEntity <GeoLocation>("41", "29");

            // Retrieve multiple entities that have the same partition key. Fast query
            var locationsByLatitude = tableClient.GetEntitiesByPartitionKey <GeoLocation>("41");

            // Retrieve multiple entities that have the same row key. Fast query
            var locationsByLongtitude = tableClient.GetEntitiesByRowKey <GeoLocation>("29");

            // Retrieve entities by custom property (not row or partition key). Slow query
            var locationsByCountry = tableClient.GetEntities <GeoLocation>("Country", "Turkey");
        public void when_filtering_then_string_is_encoded_for_request()
            var fakeHttpMessageHandler = new FakeHttpMessageHandler(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented));
            var httpClient             = new HttpClient(fakeHttpMessageHandler);

            var servant = new AzureTableClient(Substitute.For <IAzureStorageHandler>(), httpClient);
            var content = "test string '/?:@&=+,$ end test";

            var result = servant.GetEncodedFilterPropertyValue(content);

        IEnumerable <AzureTableOrchestrationStateEntity> CreateStateEntities(AzureTableClient client, string instanceId, string genId)
            var entities     = new List <AzureTableOrchestrationStateEntity>();
            var runtimeState = new OrchestrationState
                OrchestrationInstance = new OrchestrationInstance
                    InstanceId  = instanceId,
                    ExecutionId = genId
                Name            = "FooOrch",
                Version         = "1.0",
                CompletedTime   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                CreatedTime     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Status          = "Screwed",
                Input           = "INPUT_" + instanceId + "_" + genId,
                Output          = null

            entities.Add(new AzureTableOrchestrationStateEntity(runtimeState));
        IEnumerable <AzureTableOrchestrationHistoryEventEntity> CreateHistoryEntities(AzureTableClient client, string instanceId,
                                                                                      string genId, int count)
            var historyEntities = new List <AzureTableOrchestrationHistoryEventEntity>();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var eeStartedEvent = new ExecutionStartedEvent(-1, "EVENT_" + instanceId + "_" + genId + "_" + i);

                historyEntities.Add(new AzureTableOrchestrationHistoryEventEntity(instanceId, genId, i, DateTime.Now,