        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

            // Just for the sake of the sample, we use a short-lived token.  This can be useful to mitigate the security risks
            // of access tokens that are used over standard HTTP.
            // But this is just the lifetime of the access token.  The client can still renew it using their refresh token until
            // the authorization itself expires.
            accessToken.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);

            // Also take into account the remaining life of the authorization and artificially shorten the access token's lifetime
            // to account for that if necessary.
            //// TODO: code here

            // For this sample, we assume just one resource server.
            // If this authorization server needs to mint access tokens for more than one resource server,
            // we'd look at the request message passed to us and decide which public key to return.
            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey = CreateRSA();

            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            // Just for the sake of the sample, we use a short-lived token.  This can be useful to mitigate the security risks
            // of access tokens that are used over standard HTTP.
            // But this is just the lifetime of the access token.  The client can still renew it using their refresh token until
            // the authorization itself expires.
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken()
                Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromDays(14)

            // Also take into account the remaining life of the authorization and artificially shorten the access token's lifetime
            // to account for that if necessary.
            //// TODO: code here

            // For this sample, we assume just one resource server.
            // If this authorization server needs to mint access tokens for more than one resource server,
            // we'd look at the request message passed to us and decide which public key to return.
            // accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = CreateRSA();
            // string szPubKey = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC32W+vIY9eZYY13Z0TqONE5LG3BHH6x4EWgb/LSEV674eFRw/AOvxphM7FjvoS4auZ1Yom4G6oFjDCR917gttma2b+7IuEhV5XdHM3lbH0dSrglASKtM6uHR0qjW0FPQR6rCKMHC1xSytAudI46nr/OkpcPM8KeXgJYvp+BYE0E6gjbwydcrgULCtcC0A3mZABixshjSaxzxUWCxA9RC7hSKPp9JptEcHcrJddaWzVORZHW+lUiNcFqXsm1K4CxoXE/KHenaz7d9GtA2vAvk1miueA6tsH1UOmZUY9rNVTKLoig5kKtYePSaa9/CZTEFYnhPkQtHZNZDoiN/e327ld [email protected]";
            // accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey.ImportCspBlob(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(szPubKey));
            // accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey.ImportParameters(ResourceServerEncryptionPublicKey);

            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey = CreateRSA();

            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Acquires the access token and related parameters that go into the formulation of the token endpoint's response to a
        ///     client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessTokenRequestMessage">
        ///     Details regarding the resources that the access token will grant access to, and the identity of the client
        ///     that will receive that access.
        ///     Based on this information the receiving resource server can be determined and the lifetime of the access
        ///     token can be set based on the sensitivity of the resources.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A non-null parameters instance that DotNetOpenAuth will dispose after it has been used.</returns>
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            TimeSpan clientApplicationLifetime = GetClientLifetime(accessTokenRequestMessage);

            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken
                // Note: all other fields are assigned by IsAuthorizationValid() (i.e. ClientIdentifier, Scope, User and UtcIssued)

                // Set the crypto keys for accessing the secured services (assume there is only one secured service)
                AccessTokenSigningKey =
                ResourceServerEncryptionKey = GetRequestedSecureResourceCryptoKey(),

                // Set the limited lifetime of the token
                Lifetime = (clientApplicationLifetime != TimeSpan.Zero)
                    ? clientApplicationLifetime
                    : TimeSpan.FromMinutes(DefaultLifetime),

            // Insert user specific information
            string username = GetUserFromAccessTokenRequest(accessTokenRequestMessage);

            if (username.HasValue())
                IUserAuthInfo user = GetUserAuthInfo(username);
                if (user != null)
                    accessToken.ExtraData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(
                                                  RequireAuthorizationAttribute.ExtraDataRoles, String.Join(@",", user.Roles)));

            return(new AccessTokenResult(accessToken));
        /// <summary>
        /// Acquires the access token and related parameters that go into the formulation of the token endpoint's response to a client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessTokenRequestMessage">Details regarding the resources that the access token will grant access to, and the identity of the client
        /// that will receive that access.
        /// Based on this information the receiving resource server can be determined and the lifetime of the access
        /// token can be set based on the sensitivity of the resources.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A non-null parameters instance that DotNetOpenAuth will dispose after it has been used.
        /// </returns>
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

            accessToken.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = EncryptionKeys.GetResourceServerEncryptionPublicKey();
            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey       = EncryptionKeys.GetAuthorizationServerSigningPrivateKey();

            return(new AccessTokenResult(accessToken));
        /// <summary>
        /// Acquires the access token and related parameters that go into the formulation of the token endpoint's response to a client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessTokenRequestMessage">Details regarding the resources that the access token will grant access to, and the identity of the client
        /// that will receive that access.
        /// Based on this information the receiving resource server can be determined and the lifetime of the access
        /// token can be set based on the sensitivity of the resources.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A non-null parameters instance that DotNetOpenAuth will dispose after it has been used.
        /// </returns>
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            // If your resource server and authorization server are different web apps,
            // consider using asymmetric keys instead of symmetric ones by setting different
            // properties on the access token below.
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken {
                Lifetime          = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),
                SymmetricKeyStore = this.CryptoKeyStore,
            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

        /// <summary>
        /// Acquires the access token and related parameters that go into the formulation of the token endpoint's response to a client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessTokenRequestMessage">Details regarding the resources that the access token will grant access to, and the identity of the client that will receive that access.
        /// Based on this information the receiving resource server can be determined and the lifetime of the access token can be set based on the sensitivity of the resources.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A non-null parameters instance that DotNetOpenAuth will dispose after it has been used.</returns>
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            AuthorizationServerAccessToken accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

            accessToken.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
            accessToken.ExtraData.Add("userIdentity", "{ user: \"some identity\" }");

            //accessToken.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20);
            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = CreateRsaCryptoServiceProvider(ResourceServerEncryptionPublicKey);
            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey       = CreateRsaCryptoServiceProvider(AuthorizationServerSigningPrivateKey);

            return(new AccessTokenResult(accessToken));
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains parameters to go into the formulation of an access token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessTokenRequestMessage">Details regarding the resources that the access token will grant access to, and the identity of the client
        /// that will receive that access.
        /// Based on this information the receiving resource server can be determined and the lifetime of the access
        /// token can be set based on the sensitivity of the resources.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A non-null parameters instance that DotNetOpenAuth will dispose after it has been used.
        /// </returns>
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken()
                // For this sample, we assume just one resource server.
                // If this authorization server needs to mint access tokens for more than one resource server,
                // we'd look at the request message passed to us and decide which public key to return.
                ResourceServerEncryptionKey = OAuthResourceServer.CreateRSA(),

            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

        // Generate an access token, given parameters in request that tell use what scopes to include,
        // and thus what resource's encryption key to use in addition to the authroization server key
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken {
                Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)
            };                                                                                          // could parameterize lifetime

            var targetResource = _resourceRepository.FindWithSupportedScopes(accessTokenRequestMessage.Scope);

            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = targetResource.PublicTokenEncrypter;
            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey       = _tokenSigner.GetSigner();

            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();


            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken()
                AccessTokenSigningKey       = rsa,
                ResourceServerEncryptionKey = rsa,
            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

            result.AllowRefreshToken = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Token创建
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessTokenRequestMessage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

            accessToken.Lifetime = _configuration.TokenLifetime;//设置Token的有效时间

            // 设置加密公钥
            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey =
            // 设置签名私钥
            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)_configuration.SigningCertificate.PrivateKey;

            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

            accessToken.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);

            // Using the certificate of our one and only resource server blindly
            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey =

            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey =

            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            //Default to a lifespan of one hours for all tokens.
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken
                Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),

            //Provide both signing and encryption keys for the token (the private/public relationships will be reversed
            //when the resource server digests the token
            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey =
            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey =

            //Return an access token result.
            var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

            // TODO: work out and implement appropriate lifespan for access tokens based on your specific application requirements
            accessToken.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_tokenLifetime);

            // TODO: artificially shorten the access token's lifetime if the original authorization is due to expire sooner than the default lifespan.
            // (i.e. don't give out 7-day access tokens to somebody who has only granted your app access for 24 hours)

            // TODO: choose the appropriate signing keys for the specific resource server being used.
            // If you need to support multiple resource servers, there's two options.
            // 1) Use the same RSA key pair on every resource server.
            // 2) Select the appropriate key pair based on the requested scope (this assumes each scope maps to exactly one resource server)

            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = _dataServerKeys.PublicSigningKey;
            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey       = _authServerKeys.PrivateEncryptionKey;

            return(new AccessTokenResult(accessToken));
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var accessToken = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

            // Just for the sake of the sample, we use a short-lived token.  This can be useful to mitigate the security risks
            // of access tokens that are used over standard HTTP.
            // But this is just the lifetime of the access token.  The client can still renew it using their refresh token until
            // the authorization itself expires.
            accessToken.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20);

            // Also take into account the remaining life of the authorization and artificially shorten the access token's lifetime
            // to account for that if necessary.
            //// TODO: code here

            PublicEncryptionKey = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)EncryptionCertificate.PublicKey.Key;
            accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = PublicEncryptionKey;
            PrivateSigningKey = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)SigningCertificate.PrivateKey;
            accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey = PrivateSigningKey;

            return(new AccessTokenResult(accessToken));
    public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(
        IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
        var token = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

        token.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);

        var signCert = LoadCert(Config.STS_CERT);

        token.AccessTokenSigningKey =

        var encryptCert = LoadCert(Config.SERVICE_CERT);

        token.ResourceServerEncryptionKey =

        var result = new AccessTokenResult(token);

        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2.Messages.IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage)
            var token = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();

            token.Lifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2);

            token.ClientIdentifier = accessTokenRequestMessage.ClientIdentifier;

            foreach (string s in accessTokenRequestMessage.Scope)

            token.User = accessTokenRequestMessage.UserName;
            // token.ExtraData.Add("id_token","thisisthejwt");

            var signCert = LoadCert(Config.ALHAMBRA_AUTHORIZATION);

            token.AccessTokenSigningKey = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)signCert.PrivateKey;

            var encryptCert = LoadCert(Config.ALHAMBRA_RESOURCES);

            token.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)encryptCert.PublicKey.Key;

            var accessTokenResult = new AccessTokenResult(token);

            accessTokenResult.AccessToken.ClientIdentifier = accessTokenRequestMessage.ClientIdentifier;

            //Page 13 on draft 26 - Open Id Connect Basic Client Profile
            //if (token.Scope.Contains("offline_access"))
            //    accessTokenResult.AllowRefreshToken = true;

            accessTokenResult.AllowRefreshToken = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Create an access token using xAuth.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="accessTokenRequestMessage">A request from a client that should be responded to directly with an access token.</param>
        /// <param name="nonce">The nonce data.</param>
        /// <returns>Describes the parameters to be fed into creating a response to an access token request.</returns>
        public AccessTokenResult CreateAccessToken(IAccessTokenRequest accessTokenRequestMessage, string nonce)
            // Get the client for the consumer key
            var client = GetSpecificClient(accessTokenRequestMessage.ClientIdentifier);

            if (client != null)
                // Make sure then client has been authenticated.
                if (accessTokenRequestMessage.ClientAuthenticated)
                    long clientID = client.ClientID;

                    // Get the file store of the certificate to
                    // return the private key for use in signing
                    // the access token.
                    var cryptoKey = new Nequeo.DataAccess.CloudInteraction.Data.Extension.SymmetricCryptoKey().Select.SelectDataEntity(u => u.ClientID == clientID);
                    X509Certificate2 certificate = base.GetConsumerX509Certificate(client.ClientIdentifier);

                    var  accessToken     = new AuthorizationServerAccessToken();
                    long oAuthConsumerID = 0;

                    // Get the specific nonce
                    var nonceData = GetSpecificNonce(nonce);
                    if (nonceData != null)
                        oAuthConsumerID              = nonceData.OAuthConsumerID;
                        accessToken.Nonce            = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(nonce);
                        accessToken.ClientIdentifier = accessTokenRequestMessage.ClientIdentifier;
                        throw new Exception("Could not insert token; Internal database exception.");

                    // Insert the access token.
                    if (!InsertAccessToken(oAuthConsumerID, accessToken, client.Callback, accessTokenRequestMessage.Version.ToString(), AccessTokenLifetime))
                        throw new Exception("Could not insert token; Internal database exception.");

                    // If the certificate exists.
                    if (certificate != null)
                        // This can be useful to mitigate the security risks
                        // of access tokens that are used over standard HTTP.
                        // But this is just the lifetime of the access token.
                        // The client can still renew it using their refresh
                        // token until the authorization itself expires.
                        accessToken.Lifetime         = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(AccessTokenLifetime);
                        accessToken.ClientIdentifier = accessTokenRequestMessage.ClientIdentifier;

                        // For this sample, we assume just one resource server.
                        // If this authorization server needs to mint access tokens for more than one resource server,
                        // we'd look at the request message passed to us and decide which public key to return.
                        accessToken.ResourceServerEncryptionKey = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)certificate.PublicKey.Key;
                        accessToken.AccessTokenSigningKey       = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)certificate.PrivateKey;

                    // Create the access token result.
                    var result = new AccessTokenResult(accessToken);

                    // Return the new access token data.
                    throw new Exception("The client has not been authenticated.");
                throw new Exception("The client for consumer key : " + accessTokenRequestMessage.ClientIdentifier + " does not exist.");
 public AccessTokenResult(AuthorizationServerAccessToken accessToken)
     this.AllowRefreshToken = true;
     this.AccessToken       = accessToken;