public async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { try { // We use a CompletionSource to pass the query string back from the callback. // If a cancellation comes through, we need to cancel it as well, as we'll await it later. m_QueryString = new TaskCompletionSource <NameValueCollection>(); taskCancellationToken.Register(m_QueryString.SetCanceled); // Store the query string and redirect to replace headset webpage once the request arrives. App.HttpServer.AddHttpHandler(m_LocalPath, (context) => { m_QueryString.SetResult(context.Request.QueryString); context.Response.RedirectLocation = FinalRedirectPage; context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.SeeOther; }); App.OpenURL(url.Build().AbsoluteUri); var result = await m_QueryString.Task; return(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl(result.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, k => result[k]))); } finally { App.HttpServer.RemoveHttpHandler(m_LocalPath); } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var authorizationUrl = url.Build().ToString(); // The listener type depends on platform: // * .NET desktop: System.Net.HttpListener // * .NET Core: LimitedLocalhostHttpServer (above, HttpListener is not available in any version of netstandard) using (var listener = StartListener()) { Logger.Debug("Open a browser with \"{0}\" URL", authorizationUrl); bool browserOpenedOk; try { browserOpenedOk = OpenBrowser(authorizationUrl); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Failed to launch browser with \"{0}\" for authorization", authorizationUrl); throw new NotSupportedException( $"Failed to launch browser with \"{authorizationUrl}\" for authorization. See inner exception for details.", e); } if (!browserOpenedOk) { Logger.Error("Failed to launch browser with \"{0}\" for authorization; platform not supported.", authorizationUrl); throw new NotSupportedException( $"Failed to launch browser with \"{authorizationUrl}\" for authorization; platform not supported."); } return(await GetResponseFromListener(listener, taskCancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)); } }
async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ICodeReceiver.ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var authorizationUrl = url.Build().ToString(); using (var listener = new HttpListener()) { listener.Prefixes.Add(RedirectUri); try { listener.Start(); Process.Start(authorizationUrl); // Wait to get the authorization code response. var context = await listener.GetContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); NameValueCollection coll = context.Request.QueryString; // Write a "close" response. Thread.Sleep(200); // Create a new response URL with a dictionary that contains all the response query parameters. var codeResponse = new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl(coll.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, k => coll[k])); using (var writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream)) { writer.WriteLine(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(codeResponse.Error) ? successResponse : failureResponse); writer.Flush(); } context.Response.OutputStream.Close(); return(codeResponse); } finally { listener.Close(); } } }
public void TestBuild_DefaultValues() { var request = new AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(AuthorizationCodeUrl); var uri = request.Build(); Assert.Equal(new Uri(AuthorizationCodeUrl.ToString() + "?response_type=code"), uri); }
/// <summary>Asynchronously authorizes the web application to access user's protected data.</summary> /// <param name="userId">User identifier</param> /// <param name="taskCancellationToken">Cancellation token to cancel an operation</param> /// <returns> /// Auth result object which contains the user's credential or redirect URI for the authorization server /// </returns> public async Task <AuthResult> AuthorizeAsync(string userId, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { // Try to load a token from the data store. var token = await Flow.LoadTokenAsync(userId, taskCancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // Check if a new authorization code is needed. if (ShouldRequestAuthorizationCode(token)) { // Create an authorization code request. AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl codeRequest = Flow.CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(redirectUri); // Add a random number to the end of the state so we can indicate the original request was made by this // call. var oauthState = state; if (Flow.DataStore != null) { var rndString = new string('9', StateRandomLength); var random = new Random().Next(int.Parse(rndString)).ToString("D" + StateRandomLength); oauthState += random; await Flow.DataStore.StoreAsync(StateKey + userId, oauthState).ConfigureAwait(false); } codeRequest.State = oauthState; return(new AuthResult { RedirectUri = codeRequest.Build().ToString() }); } return(new AuthResult { Credential = new UserCredential(flow, userId, token) }); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var authorizationUrl = url.Build().AbsoluteUri; TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl>(); Console.WriteLine("Please visit the following URL in a web browser"); Console.WriteLine(authorizationUrl); Console.WriteLine(); var firebase = new FirebaseClient("", new FirebaseOptions() { }); var observable = firebase .Child("AUTHCODE") .AsObservable <string>() .Subscribe(d => { if (d.EventType == Firebase.Database.Streaming.FirebaseEventType.InsertOrUpdate) { if (d.Key == Key) { completionSource.SetResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl() { Code = d.Object }); } } }); taskCancellationToken.Register(() => { observable.Dispose(); }); return(completionSource.Task); }
public Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl>(); try { var webAuthDialog = new LoginForm(url.Build()); webAuthDialog.ShowDialog(); if (webAuthDialog.ResponseUrl == null) { tcs.SetCanceled(); } else { tcs.SetResult(webAuthDialog.ResponseUrl); } return(tcs.Task); } catch (Exception ex) { tcs.SetException(ex); return(tcs.Task); } }
/// <summary> /// The core logic for retrieving the authorization code. It MUST be called from the UI thread. /// </summary> /// <param name="url">The authorization code request URL.</param> /// <param name="taskCancellationToken">Cancellation token.</param> /// <returns>The authorization code response.</returns> private async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceivedCodeCoreAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { // Get the current window. PhoneApplicationFrame rootFrame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame; PhoneApplicationPage rootPage = rootFrame.Content as PhoneApplicationPage; UIElement currentLayout = rootPage.Content; // Create the web authentication user control and add it to the current window. var webAuthControl = new WebAuthenticationBrokerUserControl(); var oauthLayout = new Grid { HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch }; rootPage.Content = oauthLayout; oauthLayout.Children.Add(webAuthControl); try { return(await webAuthControl.Launch(url.Build())); } finally { // Change back to the old layout. webAuthControl.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; oauthLayout.Children.Remove(webAuthControl); rootPage.Content = currentLayout; } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var authorizationUrl = url.Build().AbsoluteUri; #if NETSTANDARD1_3 Logger.Debug("Requested user open a browser with \"{0}\" URL", authorizationUrl); Console.WriteLine("Please visit the following URL in a web browser, then enter the code shown after authorization:"); Console.WriteLine(authorizationUrl); Console.WriteLine(); #elif NET45 Logger.Debug("Open a browser with \"{0}\" URL", authorizationUrl); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(authorizationUrl); #else #error Unsupported target #endif string code = string.Empty; while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter code: "); code = Console.ReadLine(); } Logger.Debug("Code is: \"{0}\"", code); return(Task.FromResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl { Code = code })); }
//solo para documentos public ActionResult RedirectCentral(int?id, int?tiendaId, string nombreDocumento, int?usuarioId) { if (Session["TiendaId"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("IniciarSesion", "Login")); } tiendaId = (int)Session["TiendaId"]; usuarioId = (int)Session["Id"]; try { CrearCredencialNormal(); AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url = credentialClienteNormal.CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(redirectUri); url.State = tiendaId + "|" + id + "|" + nombreDocumento + "|" + usuarioId; return(new RedirectResult(url.Build().ToString())); } catch (Exception e) { TempData["msgEmail"] = "Aviso: Sistema de correo electrónico deshabilitado temporalmente."; //ReporteErrores.CrearReporteError(db, //"Catch antes de seleccionar email. Pista: " + pista + " MensajeException= " + e.Message + " ExeptionFULL= " + e.ToString()); return(RedirectToAction("ResultadoMail", new { msgTest = "ad1" })); } }
public IActionResult GoogleOAuth(string accountNumber, string userId) { _bankAccountService.SetAboutToConnectProperty(accountNumber, userId); string redirectUri = _oAuthConfig.Providers[0].RedirectUri; /* _configuration["OAUTH:redirectUri"];*/ string clientID = _oAuthConfig.Providers[0].ClientId; /*_configuration["OAUTH:clientID"];*/ string clientSecret = _oAuthConfig.Providers[0].ClientSecret; /*_configuration["OAUTH:clientSecret"];*/ var clientSecrets = new ClientSecrets { ClientId = clientID, ClientSecret = clientSecret }; var credential = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow(new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Initializer { ClientSecrets = clientSecrets, Scopes = new[] { GoogleScope.ImapAndSmtp.Name, GoogleScope.UserInfoEmailScope.Name } }); AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url = credential.CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(redirectUri); return(new RedirectResult(url.Build().ToString())); }
public Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl>(); var authorizationUrl = url.Build().ToString(); Logger.Debug("Open a browser with \"{0}\" URL", authorizationUrl); Process.Start(authorizationUrl); string code = string.Empty; while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter code: "); code = Console.ReadLine(); } Logger.Debug("Code is: \"{0}\"", code); tcs.SetResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl { Code = code }); return(tcs.Task); }
/// <summary>Asynchronously authorizes the web application to access user's protected data.</summary> /// <param name="userId">User identifier</param> /// <param name="taskCancellationToken">Cancellation token to cancel an operation</param> /// <returns> /// Auth result object which contains the user's credential or redirect URI for the authorization server /// </returns> public async Task <AuthResult> AuthorizeAsync(string userId, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { // Try to load a token from the data store. var token = await Flow.LoadTokenAsync(userId, taskCancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // If the stored token is null or it doesn't have a refresh token and the access token is expired, we need // to retrieve a new access token. if (token == null || (token.RefreshToken == null && token.IsExpired(flow.Clock))) { // Create a authorization code request. AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl codeRequest = Flow.CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(redirectUri); // Add a random number to the end of the state so we can indicate the original request was made by this // call. var oauthState = state; if (Flow.DataStore != null) { var rndString = new string('9', StateRandomLength); var random = new Random().Next(int.Parse(rndString)).ToString("D" + StateRandomLength); oauthState += random; await Flow.DataStore.StoreAsync(StateKey + userId, oauthState).ConfigureAwait(false); } codeRequest.State = oauthState; return(new AuthResult { RedirectUri = codeRequest.Build().ToString() }); } return(new AuthResult { Credential = new UserCredential(flow, userId, token) }); }
public async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var fileName = url.Build().ToString(); AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl authorizationCodeResponseUrl; using (var httpListener = new HttpListener()) { httpListener.Prefixes.Add(RedirectUri); try { httpListener.Start(); Logger.Debug("Open a browser with \"{0}\" URL", (object)fileName); Process.Start(fileName); var httpListenerContext = await httpListener.GetContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); var coll = httpListenerContext.Request.QueryString; using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpListenerContext.Response.OutputStream)) { streamWriter.WriteLine(ClosePageResponse); streamWriter.Flush(); } httpListenerContext.Response.OutputStream.Close(); var allKeys = coll.AllKeys; Expression <Func <string, string> > elementSelector = k => coll[k]; authorizationCodeResponseUrl = new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl(allKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, elementSelector.Compile())); } finally { httpListener.Close(); } } return(authorizationCodeResponseUrl); }
public void TestBuild_EscapeValues() { var request = new AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(AuthorizationCodeUrl) { ClientId = "pa$$word", RedirectUri = "???", Scope = "SC@PE", State = "!", }; var uri = request.Build(); Assert.Equal(new Uri(AuthorizationCodeUrl.ToString() + "?response_type=code&client_id=pa%24%24word&redirect_uri=%3F%3F%3F&scope=SC%40PE&state=%21"), uri); }
public void TestBuild() { var request = new AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl(AuthorizationCodeUrl) { ClientId = "100", RedirectUri = "200", Scope = "SCOPE", State = "state", }; var uri = request.Build(); Assert.Equal(new Uri(AuthorizationCodeUrl.ToString() + "?response_type=code&client_id=100&redirect_uri=200&scope=SCOPE&state=state"), uri); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var authorizationUrl = url.Build().AbsoluteUri; await Browser.OpenAsync(authorizationUrl, BrowserLaunchMode.SystemPreferred); string code = await authCodeTask; return(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl { Code = code }); }
public ActionResult <string> GetAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl([Required] string scope) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scope)) { throw new ArgumentException("message", nameof(scope)); } AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl authorizationCodeRequestUrl = flow.CreateAuthorizationCodeRequest(OAuthRedirectUri); authorizationCodeRequestUrl.Scope = scope; Uri authorizationUrl = authorizationCodeRequestUrl.Build(); return(authorizationUrl.AbsoluteUri); }
/// <summary> /// Receives the authorization code. /// </summary> /// <param name="url">The authorization code request URL</param> /// <param name="taskCancellationToken">Cancellation token</param> /// <returns>The authorization code response</returns> public Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var authorizationUrl = url.Build().ToString(); var tcsk = new TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> (); new NSObject().BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() => { var window = new MacAuthWindow(authorizationUrl, RedirectUri); var result = await window.ShowDialogAsync(NSApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow); tcsk.SetResult(result); }); return(tcsk.Task); }
public async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var authorizationUrl = url.Build().ToString(); using (var listener = new HttpListener()) { listener.Prefixes.Add(RedirectUri); try { listener.Start(); Logger.Debug("Open a browser with \"{0}\" URL", authorizationUrl); try { Process.Start(authorizationUrl); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Failed to launch browser with \"{0}\" for authorization", authorizationUrl); throw new NotSupportedException( $"Failed to launch browser with \"{authorizationUrl}\" for authorization. See inner exception for details.", e); } // Wait to get the authorization code response. var context = await listener.GetContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); NameValueCollection coll = context.Request.QueryString; // Write a "close" response. using (var writer = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream)) { writer.WriteLine(ClosePageResponse); writer.Flush(); } context.Response.OutputStream.Close(); // Create a new response URL with a dictionary that contains all the response query parameters. return(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl(coll.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, k => coll[k]))); } finally { listener.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// </summary> /// <param name="url"></param> /// <param name="taskCancellationToken"></param> /// <returns> /// </returns> public async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl>(); var fileName = url.Build().ToString(); Process.Start(fileName); var googleAuthCode = await GetCodeDeledateFunc(); completionSource.SetResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl { Code = googleAuthCode }); return(completionSource.Task.Result); }
public Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl authUrl, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var result = new TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl>(); if (showForm == false) { result.SetResult(null); return(result.Task); } var url = authUrl.Build().ToString(); var form = new CodeForm(url, 45); var success = false; form.OnResult += code => { success = true; form.Close(); result.SetResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl() { Code = code }); }; form.FormClosed += (sender, e) => { if (!success) { result.SetResult(null); } }; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(url); form.Show(); executed = true; return(result.Task); }
public Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl>(); if (url is GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_email)) { ((GoogleAuthorizationCodeRequestUrl)url).LoginHint = m_email; } m_authorizationUrl = url.Build(); Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RunBrowser)); t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); do { Thread.Yield(); } while (t.IsAlive); if (m_success) { tcs.SetResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl() { Code = m_code }); } else { tcs.SetResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl() { Error = m_code }); } return(tcs.Task); }
/// <inheritdoc/> public Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var authorizationUrl = url.Build().AbsoluteUri; Logger.Debug("Requested user open a browser with \"{0}\" URL", authorizationUrl); Console.WriteLine("Please visit the following URL in a web browser, then enter the code shown after authorization:"); Console.WriteLine(authorizationUrl); Console.WriteLine(); string code = string.Empty; while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter code: "); code = Console.ReadLine(); } Logger.Debug("Code is: \"{0}\"", code); return(Task.FromResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl { Code = code })); }
/// <summary>Asynchronously receives the authorization code.</summary> /// <param name="url">The authorization code request URL.</param> /// <param name="tcs">Task completion source whose result will be set to the authorization code.</param> private async Task ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> tcs) { const string Code = "code="; const string Error = "error="; try { WebAuthenticationResult result = await WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAsync (WebAuthenticationOptions.UseTitle, url.Build(), new Uri(GoogleAuthConsts.ApprovalUrl)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ResponseData)) { // Get the index of the error or the code. var index = result.ResponseData.IndexOf(Code); index = index != -1 ? index : result.ResponseData.IndexOf(Error); if (index != -1) { tcs.SetResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl(result.ResponseData.Substring(index))); return; } } tcs.SetException(new TokenResponseException( new TokenErrorResponse { Error = result.ResponseStatus.ToString(), ErrorDescription = "The WebAuthenticationBroker didn't return a code or an error. Details:" + result.ResponseErrorDetail, })); } catch (Exception ex) { tcs.SetException(ex); } }
public async Task <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, CancellationToken taskCancellationToken) { var l = new Microsoft.Net.Http.Server.WebListener(); //l.BaseAddress = new System.Uri(redirectUri); var authorizationUrl = url.Build().ToString(); //using (var listener = new HttpListener()) //using (var listener = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient()) //new Microsoft.Net.Http.Server.WebListenerSettings().UrlPrefixes.Add(RedirectUri); using (var listener = new Microsoft.Net.Http.Server.WebListener()) { //listener.Prefixes.Add(RedirectUri); //listener = new System.Uri(redirectUri); listener.Settings.UrlPrefixes.Add(RedirectUri); try { listener.Start(); Logger.Debug("Open a browser with \"{0}\" URL", authorizationUrl); //Process.Start(authorizationUrl); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { authorizationUrl = authorizationUrl.Replace("&", "^&"); Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("cmd", $"/c start {authorizationUrl}") { CreateNoWindow = true }); } // Wait to get the authorization code response. //var context = await listener..GetContextAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); //NameValueCollection coll = context.Request.QueryString; var context = await listener.AcceptAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); //NameValueCollection coll = context.Request.QueryString; string coll = context.Request.QueryString; // Write a "close" response. //using (var writer = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(context.Response.Body)) { writer.WriteLine(ClosePageResponse); writer.Flush(); } //context.Response.OutputStream.Close(); //context.Response coll = coll.Remove(0, 1); var pairs = coll.Split('&'); var queryString = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var pair in pairs) { var keyValue = pair.Split('='); queryString[keyValue[0]] = keyValue[1]; } return(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl(queryString)); // Create a new response URL with a dictionary that contains all the response query parameters. //return new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl(coll.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, k => coll[k])); } finally { listener.Dispose(); } } }
/// <summary>Asynchronously receives the authorization code.</summary> /// <param name="url">The authorization code request URL.</param> /// <param name="tcs">Task completion source whose result will be set to the authorization code.</param> private async Task ReceiveCodeAsync(AuthorizationCodeRequestUrl url, TaskCompletionSource <AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl> tcs) { var result = await PasswordVaultDataStore.Default.GetAsync <SerializableWebAuthResult>( SerializableWebAuthResult.Name); if (result == null) { // We should run WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAndContinue from the UI thread ONLY. await InvokeFromUIThread(() => WebAuthenticationBroker.AuthenticateAndContinue(url.Build(), new Uri(GoogleAuthConsts.LocalhostRedirectUri), null, WebAuthenticationOptions.None)); // No need to return anything, cause the application is going to be suspended now. return; } const string Code = "code="; const string Error = "error="; // Get the index of the error or the code. var index = result.ResponseData.IndexOf(Code); index = index != -1 ? index : result.ResponseData.IndexOf(Error); if (index != -1) { tcs.SetResult(new AuthorizationCodeResponseUrl(result.ResponseData.Substring(index))); return; } tcs.SetException(new TokenResponseException( new TokenErrorResponse { Error = result.ResponseStatus.ToString(), ErrorDescription = "The WebAuthenticationBroker didn't return a code or an error. Details: " + result.ResponseErrorDetail, })); }