        /// <summary>
        /// The class initiation.
        /// </summary>
        public EdFormRecordComment(
            Guid RecordGuid,
            Guid RecordFieldGuid,
            AuthorTypeCodes AuthorType,
            String UserId,
            String UserCommonName,
            String Content)
            this._RecordGuid      = RecordGuid;
            this._RecordFieldGuid = RecordFieldGuid;
            this._AuthorType      = AuthorType;
            this._UserId          = UserId;
            this._UserCommonName  = UserCommonName;
            this._Content         = Content;
            this._CommentDate     = DateTime.Now;

            // IF the record guid is not empty then set the comment type to record field.
            if (this._RecordGuid != Guid.Empty)
                _CommentType = CommentTypeCodes.Form;

            // IF the record field guid is not empty then set the comment type to record field.
            if (this._RecordFieldGuid != Guid.Empty)
                _CommentType = CommentTypeCodes.Form_Field;
        /// <summary>
        /// The class initiation.
        /// </summary>
        public EdFormRecordComment(
            Guid RecordGuid,
            AuthorTypeCodes AuthorType,
            String UserId,
            String UserCommonName,
            String Content,
            String Date)
            this._RecordGuid     = RecordGuid;
            this._AuthorType     = AuthorType;
            this._UserId         = UserId;
            this._UserCommonName = UserCommonName;
            this._Content        = Content;
            if (Date.Length > 0)
                this._CommentDate = DateTime.Parse(Date);

            // IF the record guid is not empty then set the comment type to record field.
            if (this._RecordGuid != Guid.Empty)
                _CommentType = CommentTypeCodes.Form;