         * Generate a remote content request based on the parameters
         * sent from the client.
         * @throws GadgetException
        private sRequest buildHttpRequest(HttpRequestWrapper request)
            Uri url = ValidateUrl(request.getParameter(URL_PARAM));

            sRequest req = new sRequest(url)
                           .setMethod(GetParameter(request, METHOD_PARAM, "GET"))
                           .setPostBody(request.getRequest().ContentEncoding.GetBytes(GetParameter(request, POST_DATA_PARAM, "")))

            String headerData = GetParameter(request, HEADERS_PARAM, "");

            if (headerData.Length > 0)
                String[] headerList = headerData.Split('&');
                foreach (String header in headerList)
                    String[] parts = header.Split('=');
                    if (parts.Length != 2)
                        throw new GadgetException(GadgetException.Code.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
                                                  "Malformed header specified,");
                    req.addHeader(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(parts[0]), HttpUtility.UrlDecode(parts[1]));



            if (request.getParameter(GADGET_PARAM) != null)
                req.Gadget = Uri.parse(request.getParameter(GADGET_PARAM));

            // Allow the rewriter to use an externally forced mime type. This is needed
            // allows proper rewriting of <script src="x"/> where x is returned with
            // a content type like text/html which unfortunately happens all too often

            // Figure out whether authentication is required
            AuthType auth = AuthType.Parse(GetParameter(request, AUTHZ_PARAM, null));

            req.AuthType = auth;
            if (auth != AuthType.NONE)
                req.setOAuthArguments(new OAuthArguments(auth, request.getRequest()));
         * Creates a new Preload from an xml node.
         * @param preload The Preload to create
         * @throws SpecParserException When the href is not specified
        public Preload(XmlElement preload, Uri _base)
            this._base = _base;
            href       = XmlUtil.getUriAttribute(preload, "href");
            if (href == null)
                throw new SpecParserException("Preload/@href is missing or invalid.");

            // Record all the associated views
            String           viewNames = XmlUtil.getAttribute(preload, "views", "");
            HashSet <String> views     = new HashSet <String>();

            foreach (String _s in viewNames.Split(','))
                String s = _s.Trim();
                if (s.Length > 0)
            this.views = views;

            auth       = AuthType.Parse(XmlUtil.getAttribute(preload, "authz"));
            signOwner  = XmlUtil.getBoolAttribute(preload, "sign_owner", true);
            signViewer = XmlUtil.getBoolAttribute(preload, "sign_viewer", true);
            Dictionary <String, String> attributes = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            XmlNamedNodeMap             attrs      = preload.Attributes;

            for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; ++i)
                XmlNode attr = attrs.Item(i);
                if (!KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES.Contains(attr.Name))
                    attributes.Add(attr.Name, attr.Value);
            this.attributes = attributes;
         * @param elements List of all views, in order, that make up this view.
         *     An ordered list is required per the spec, since values must
         *     overwrite one another.
         * @throws SpecParserException
        public View(String name, List <XmlElement> elements, Uri _base)
            this.name  = name;
            this._base = _base;
            bool        quirks                     = true;
            Uri         href                       = null;
            String      contentType                = null;
            ContentType type                       = null;
            int         preferredHeight            = 0;
            int         preferredWidth             = 0;
            String      auth                       = null;
            bool        signOwner                  = true;
            bool        signViewer                 = true;
            Dictionary <String, String> attributes = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            StringBuilder content                  = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (XmlElement element in elements)
                contentType = XmlUtil.getAttribute(element, "type");
                if (contentType != null)
                    ContentType newType = ContentType.Parse(contentType);
                    if (type != null && newType != type)
                        throw new SpecParserException("You may not mix content types in the same view.");
                        type = newType;
                href            = XmlUtil.getUriAttribute(element, "href", href);
                quirks          = XmlUtil.getBoolAttribute(element, "quirks", quirks);
                preferredHeight = XmlUtil.getIntAttribute(element, "preferred_height");
                preferredWidth  = XmlUtil.getIntAttribute(element, "preferred_width");
                auth            = XmlUtil.getAttribute(element, "authz", auth);
                signOwner       = XmlUtil.getBoolAttribute(element, "sign_owner", signOwner);
                signViewer      = XmlUtil.getBoolAttribute(element, "sign_viewer", signViewer);
                XmlNamedNodeMap attrs = element.Attributes;
                for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; ++i)
                    XmlNode attr = attrs.Item(i);
                    if (!KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES.Contains(attr.Name))
                        attributes.Add(attr.Name, attr.Value);
            this.content = content.ToString();
            this.needsUserPrefSubstitution = this.content.Contains("__UP_");
            this.quirks          = quirks;
            this.href            = href;
            this.rawType         = contentType ?? "html";
            this.type            = type ?? ContentType.HTML;
            this.preferredHeight = preferredHeight;
            this.preferredWidth  = preferredWidth;
            this.attributes      = attributes;
            this.authType        = AuthType.Parse(auth);
            this.signOwner       = signOwner;
            this.signViewer      = signViewer;
            if (type == ContentType.URL && this.href == null)
                throw new SpecParserException("Content@href must be set when Content@type is \"url\".");