static void Main(string[] args) { EnumSample enumsamp = new EnumSample(); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Mudur); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Ogrenci); AuthTree ogretmenVeli = (AuthTree.Veli | AuthTree.Ogretmen); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(ogretmenVeli); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Ogretmen); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.MudurYard); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Veli | AuthTree.Ogrenci); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Mudur | AuthTree.Ogretmen); int number = 10; int number2 = number++; Console.WriteLine((number2)); Console.WriteLine((number)); Console.WriteLine((++number)); Console.WriteLine((number)); PartialSample1 prt = new PartialSample1(); csharpbasics.A a1 = new A(5, 6); csharpbasics.A a2 = new A(5, 6); a1 += a2; csharpbasics.A a3 = a1 + a2; BoxingUnboxing.BoxandUnboxSample(); }
public ItemData GetFullData(String id) { var user = _userSvc.CurrentUser(); var cry = (CryptoService)HttpContext.Current.Session["DATA"]; var item = cry.FindById(id); AuthLeaf iteml = item as AuthLeaf; AuthTree itemt = item as AuthTree; if (iteml != null) { return(new ItemData { ExpireTime = iteml.ExpireTime, IsFolder = false, Id = iteml.Id, Notes = iteml.Notes, Title = iteml.Title, Url = iteml.Url, UserName = iteml.UserName, HasAttachment = iteml.HasAttachment }); } else if (itemt != null) { return(new ItemData { IsFolder = true, Id = itemt.Id, Title = itemt.Title }); } return(null); }
public bool OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree at) { AuthTree icerilenYetki = at & girebilenler; bool yetki = icerilenYetki > 0? girebilenler.HasFlag(icerilenYetki):false; if (yetki) { Console.WriteLine(at.ToString() + " odaya girebilir"); } else { Console.WriteLine(at.ToString() + " odaya giremez"); } return(yetki); }
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var sampleobj = Activator.CreateInstance("ReflectionSample", "ReflectionSample.SampleClass").Unwrap(); var methodreturn = sampleobj.GetType()?.GetMethod("GetProperty1")?.Invoke(sampleobj, null); sampleobj.GetType()?.GetProperty("property1")?.SetValue(sampleobj, "deneme"); methodreturn = sampleobj.GetType()?.GetMethod("GetProperty1")?.Invoke(sampleobj, null); var refas = Assembly.Load("ReflectionSample").GetType("ReflectionSample.SampleClass"); string location = typeof(EnumSample).Assembly.Location; var obj = Activator.CreateInstance("csharpbasicsstandart", "csharpbasics.AttributeSample"); var properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties(); EnumSample enumsamp = new EnumSample(); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Mudur); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Ogrenci); AuthTree ogretmenVeli = (AuthTree.Veli | AuthTree.Ogretmen); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(ogretmenVeli); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Ogretmen); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.MudurYard); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Veli | AuthTree.Ogrenci); enumsamp.OdayaGirebilir(AuthTree.Mudur | AuthTree.Ogretmen); MessageBox.Show(enumsamp.girebilenler.ToString()); int number = 10; int number2 = number++; Console.WriteLine((number2)); Console.WriteLine((number)); Console.WriteLine((++number)); Console.WriteLine((number)); PartialSample1 prt = new PartialSample1(); csharpbasics.A a1 = new A(5, 6); csharpbasics.A a2 = new A(5, 6); a1 += a2; csharpbasics.A a3 = a1 + a2; BoxingUnboxing.BoxandUnboxSample(); }
public String UpdateItem(ItemData item) { var user = _userSvc.CurrentUser(); var cry = (CryptoService)HttpContext.Current.Session["DATA"]; var file = (String)HttpContext.Current.Session["FILE"]; var toUpdate = cry.FindById(item.Id); var parentId = item.ParentId; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parentId)) { parentId = toUpdate.Parent.Id; } var parentItem = cry.FindById(parentId) as AuthTree; AuthTree toUpdatet = toUpdate as AuthTree; AuthLeaf toUpdatel = toUpdate as AuthLeaf; if (parentItem == cry.Root && toUpdatet == null) { throw new Exception("ONLY FOLDERS CAN BE ADDED TO ROOT!!"); } if (parentItem.Id != toUpdate.Parent.Id) { toUpdate.Parent.Children.Remove(toUpdate); parentItem.Children.Add(toUpdate); toUpdate.Parent = parentItem; } if (toUpdatet != null) { toUpdatet.Title = item.Title; } else if (toUpdatel != null) { toUpdatel.Notes = item.Notes; toUpdatel.UserName = item.UserName; toUpdatel.Url = item.Url; toUpdatel.Title = item.Title; toUpdatel.LastModifiedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; toUpdatel.HasAttachment = item.HasAttachment; } Save(); return(item.Id); }
public IEnumerable <Item> LoadChildren(String id) { var user = _userSvc.CurrentUser(); var cry = (CryptoService)HttpContext.Current.Session["DATA"]; AuthTree item = cry.FindById(id) as AuthTree; if (item == null) { yield break; } foreach (var sub in item.Children) { yield return(new Item { Id = sub.Id, IsFolder = sub is AuthTree, Title = sub.Title }); } }
public void CreateItem(ItemData item) { var user = _userSvc.CurrentUser(); var cry = (CryptoService)HttpContext.Current.Session["DATA"]; var file = (String)HttpContext.Current.Session["FILE"]; var parentId = item.ParentId; AuthTree ida = cry.FindById(parentId) as AuthTree; if (item.IsFolder) { var newNode = new AuthTree { Title = item.Title, Parent = ida }; ida.Children.Add(newNode); cry.RegisterNode(newNode); } else { var newNode = new AuthLeaf { Notes = item.Notes, ExpireTime = item.ExpireTime, Title = item.Title, Url = item.Url, UserName = item.UserName, Password = item.Password, Parent = ida, HasAttachment = item.HasAttachment }; ida.Children.Add(newNode); cry.RegisterNode(newNode); } Save(); }