/// <summary>
        /// Add Audit Log Entries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_Action"> Action happened </param>
        /// <param name="ctlr">Object of Current Controller, just use "this" keyword</param>
        public static void AddAuditLog(string AuditLogShortDesc, string AuditLogLongDesc, Controller ctlr = null)
            long?userID = null;

            if (ctlr != null && ctlr.User != null)
                if (ctlr.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                    using (DBEntities db = new DBEntities())
                        var user = db.Users.FirstOrDefault(m => m.EmailAddress == ctlr.User.Identity.Name);
                        userID = user.UserID;
            AuditLogs log = new AuditLogs()
                LogDate           = DateTime.Now,
                AuditLogShortDesc = AuditLogShortDesc,
                AuditLogLongDesc  = AuditLogLongDesc,
                UserID            = userID

            if (log.UserID == null)
                //If UserID is null it means this log is generated by Automation so add to AuditLog History Table in MVF_AuditHistory Database
                var auditLogRepository = new AuditLogRepository();
                var auditLogRepository = new AuditLogRepository();