public async Task Join(string songUrl = "") { if (_audio.Exist(Context.Guild.Id)) { await ReplyAsync("Already joined."); return; } IVoiceChannel vc = (Context.User as IGuildUser)?.VoiceChannel; if (vc == null) { await ReplyAsync("Your not in a voice channel, please join one and try again."); return; } AudioSession session = _audio.MakeSession(vc, Context.Channel); var bgw = new BackgroundWorker(); bgw.DoWork += (sender, args) => { session.ConnectAsync(); }; bgw.RunWorkerAsync(); if (songUrl != "") { await session.AddSong(new Uri(songUrl)); } //This is a test //session.AddSong("youtube", "P5MpLQ8TQcQ"); //var song = session.AddSong(""); The class will figure out the URL //session.Play(); //session.Play(song); Instantly push first in queue and play }