//============================================= public static bool OpenAudio(AudioLibrary audioLibrary, string asioDevice) { if (_usedLibrary != AudioLibrary.Null || (_playbackDevice != null && _playbackDevice.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing)) { return(false); } _usedLibrary = audioLibrary; if (_usedLibrary == AudioLibrary.NAudio) { // NAUDIO _mixer32 = new RecordableMixerStream32 { AutoStop = false }; // remove this comments if you wanna hear the sounds, but then only realtime recording is possible // //if (asioDevice != null) { // playbackDevice = new AsioOut(asioDevice); //} //// if failed, try normal wave out //if (playbackDevice == null) playbackDevice = new WaveOut(); //if (playbackDevice == null) return false; //playbackDevice.Init(Mixer32); //============================================= } return(true); }
//------------------------------------------- // Nut Collision private void HandleNutCollision(Collision c) { // Dont deal damage if dashing // if (m_dashAttackActive) { float forceFactor = 35.0F; c.gameObject.GetComponent <NutController>().AddForce(Vector3.up * forceFactor + m_rigidbody.velocity * forceFactor); m_audioPlayer.PlayOneShot(AudioLibrary.Get().buttStompHit01); return; } float fixedCollisionMagnitude = c.impulse.magnitude + m_rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * 4f; float nutVelocityThreshold = 10.0f; float collisionForce = 100f; float collisionThreshold = 68f; float nutStunTime = 0.3f; // If the nut's velocity is below nutVelocityThreshold then it will not do damamge // if (fixedCollisionMagnitude < collisionThreshold || c.rigidbody.velocity.magnitude < nutVelocityThreshold) { return; } // Apply an upward force if grounded // if (IsGrounded()) { m_rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3.up * collisionForce); } // TODO: Apply proper force Stun(nutStunTime, Vector3.zero); m_rigidbody.AddForce((-1 * Vector3.Normalize(transform.position - (transform.position - Vector3.down))) * collisionForce * m_rigidbody.velocity.magnitude); m_audioPlayer.PlayOneShot(AudioLibrary.Get().buttStompHit01); }
private void Start() { audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); audioLibrary = GetComponent <AudioLibrary>(); audioListPanel.SetActive(false); PopulateAudioList(); }
void Awake() { if (sInstance != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { sInstance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); audioLib = GetComponent <AudioLibrary>(); musicSources = new AudioSource[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GameObject newMusicSource = new GameObject("Music Source " + (i + 1)); newMusicSource.transform.parent = this.transform; musicSources[i] = newMusicSource.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); } GameObject newSfx2DSource = new GameObject("SFX 2D Source"); newSfx2DSource.transform.parent = this.transform; sfx2DSources = newSfx2DSource.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); LoadVolumeFormPrefs(); var target = FindObjectOfType <Player>(); if (target != null) { audioListenerTarget = target.transform; } } }
async void AlbumPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var loader = new Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.ResourceLoader(); string track = loader.GetString("Track"); string tracks = loader.GetString("Tracks"); ConnectionManager.ManageSystemTray(true); Filter filter = new Filter { Field = "album", Operator = "is", value = GlobalVariables.CurrentAlbum.Title }; Sort sort = new Sort { Method = "track", Order = "ascending", IgnoreArticle = true }; songsInAlbum = await AudioLibrary.GetSongs(filter : filter, sort : sort); SongsListView.ItemsSource = songsInAlbum; TrackCountTextBlock.Text = songsInAlbum.Count.ToString(); TracksTextBlock.Text = songsInAlbum.Count > 1 ? tracks : track; currentAlbum = await AudioLibrary.GetAlbumDetails(GlobalVariables.CurrentAlbum.AlbumId); AlbumInfoGrid.DataContext = currentAlbum; ConnectionManager.ManageSystemTray(false); }
private async void ReloadAll() { var loadSartTime = DateTime.Now; ConnectionManager.ManageSystemTray(true); allArtists = await AudioLibrary.GetArtists(); var groupedAllArtists = GroupingHelper.GroupList(allArtists, (Artist a) => { return(a.Label); }, true); ArtistsCVS.Source = groupedAllArtists; allAlbums = await AudioLibrary.GetAlbums(); var groupedAllAlbums = GroupingHelper.GroupList(allAlbums, (Album a) => { return(a.Label); }, true); AlbumsCVS.Source = groupedAllAlbums; allSongs = await AudioLibrary.GetAllSongs(); var groupedAllSongs = GroupingHelper.GroupList(allSongs, (Song s) => { return(s.Label); }, true); SongsCVS.Source = groupedAllSongs; ConnectionManager.ManageSystemTray(false); GlobalVariables.CurrentTracker.SendTiming((DateTime.Now.Subtract(loadSartTime)), TimingCategories.LoadTime, "AllMusic", "AllMusic"); }
void Awake() { if (instance != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); library = GetComponent <AudioLibrary>(); musicSources = new AudioSource[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GameObject newMusicSource = new GameObject("Music source " + (i + 1)); musicSources[i] = newMusicSource.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); newMusicSource.transform.parent = transform; } GameObject newSFX2DSource = new GameObject("2D SFX source"); sfx2DSource = newSFX2DSource.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); newSFX2DSource.transform.parent = transform; audioListener = FindObjectOfType <AudioListener>().transform; if (FindObjectOfType <CameraScript>()) { playerT = FindObjectOfType <CameraScript>().transform; } masterVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Master volume", 0); sfxVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("SFX volume", 0); musicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Music volume", 0); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } }
public static void Dispose() { if (mp3Channel != null) { mp3Channel.Dispose(); } DisposeVST(); if (UsedLibrary == AudioLibrary.NAudio) { //NAUDIO Samples.Clear(); if (playbackDevice != null) { playbackDevice.Stop(); playbackDevice.Dispose(); playbackDevice = null; } if (Mixer32 != null) { Mixer32.Dispose(); Mixer32 = null; } } UsedLibrary = AudioLibrary.Null; }
public static string UpdateVolume(Message message) { if (message.Volume < 0) { message.Volume = 0; } if (message.Volume > 100) { message.Volume = 100; } if (message.ProcessId != 0) { //loop through all active audio processes foreach (var ctl in AudioLibrary.EnumerateApplications()) { ctl.GetProcessId(out UInt32 pId); //Find required audio process and adjust volume if (pId == message.ProcessId) { AudioLibrary.SetApplicationVolume(ctl, message.Volume); break; } } } else { AudioLibrary.SetMasterVolume(message.Volume); } return(message.Volume.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Trigger the Interactable. /// </summary> public override void onInteract() { ToggleSecurityDoors(); AudioLibrary.PlayNormalSwitchSound(); if (alertFlashOnInteract) { AlertFlash.inst.PlayAlertFlash(); } if (_activatables.Length == 0) { return; } foreach (GameObject activatable in _activatables) { if (activatable.GetComponent <IActivatable>() != null) { activatable.GetComponent <IActivatable>().onActivate(); } } _sprite.sprite = _pressedSprite; if (_reusable) { StartCoroutine(spriteTimer(0.4f)); } }
//============================================= public static bool OpenAudio(AudioLibrary AL, int sampleRate, int channels) { if (UsedLibrary != AudioLibrary.Null || (playbackDevice != null && playbackDevice.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing)) { return(false); } UsedLibrary = AL; if (UsedLibrary == AudioLibrary.NAudio) { //NAUDIO Mixer32 = new RecordableMixerStream32(sampleRate, channels); Mixer32.AutoStop = false; // try asio playbackDevice = new AsioOut(0); // if failed, try normal wave out if (playbackDevice == null) { playbackDevice = new WaveOut(); } if (playbackDevice == null) { return(false); } playbackDevice.Init(Mixer32); //============================================= } return(true); }
private async void SearchAndReload(string query) { ConnectionManager.ManageSystemTray(true); Filter artistFilter = new Filter { Field = "artist", Operator = "contains", value = query }; Sort artistSort = new Sort { Method = "artist", Order = "ascending", IgnoreArticle = true }; ArtistSearchListView.ItemsSource = await AudioLibrary.GetArtists(artistFilter, sort : artistSort); Filter albumFilter = new Filter { Field = "album", Operator = "contains", value = query }; Sort albumSort = new Sort { Method = "album", Order = "ascending", IgnoreArticle = true }; AlbumSearchGridView.ItemsSource = await AudioLibrary.GetAlbums(albumFilter, sort : albumSort); Filter songFilter = new Filter { Field = "title", Operator = "contains", value = query }; Sort songSort = new Sort { Method = "title", Order = "ascending", IgnoreArticle = true }; SongsSearchListView.ItemsSource = await AudioLibrary.GetSongs(songFilter, sort : songSort); ConnectionManager.ManageSystemTray(false); }
/// <summary> /// Default Constructor public AttributeBoard(Game game, Texture2D background, ContentManager Content) : base(game) { centerX = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X; centerY = game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.Y + 50; this.Content = Content; Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch)); // Get the current spritebatch spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService( typeof(SpriteBatch)); // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); // for the mouse or touch cursor = new Cursor(game, spriteBatch); cursor.targetToLock = null; //Components.Add(cursor); UnassignedPtsBar = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/AttributeBoardTextures/UnassignedPtsBarNew"); statsFont = IngamePresentation.statsFont; menuLarge = IngamePresentation.largeFont; speedTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/AttributeBoardTextures/speed"); hitpointTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/AttributeBoardTextures/hit_point"); shootrateTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/AttributeBoardTextures/shooting_rate"); bulletStrengthTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/AttributeBoardTextures/strength"); this.game = game; }
protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { if (albums == null) { albums = await AudioLibrary.GetRecentlyAddedAlbums(new Limits { Start = 0, End = 12 }); MusicLLS.ItemsSource = albums; } if (episodes == null) { episodes = await VideoLibrary.GetRecentlyAddedEpisodes(new Limits { Start = 0, End = 10 }); TVShowsLLS.ItemsSource = episodes; } if (movies == null) { movies = await VideoLibrary.GetRecentlyAddedMovies(new Limits { Start = 0, End = 15 }); MoviesLLS.ItemsSource = movies; } base.OnNavigatedTo(e); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Console.WriteLine("--- Majora Terminal ---\n\n"); string path = ""; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please write the path to your file!"); AudioLibrary library; while (true) { path = ValidateFile(); try { library = AudioLibrary.CheckFile(path); break; } catch (Exception e) { AudioLibrary.LogError(e); } } if (!AudioLibrary.supported[Path.GetExtension(path)[1..]])
private void Awake() { if (instance != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); musicSources = new AudioSource[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { GameObject newMusicSource = new GameObject("Music source " + (i + 1)); musicSources[i] = newMusicSource.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); newMusicSource.transform.parent = transform; } GameObject newSfx2DSource = new GameObject("2D sfx source"); sfx2DSource = newSfx2DSource.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); newSfx2DSource.transform.parent = transform; audioListener = FindObjectOfType <AudioListener>().transform; library = GetComponent <AudioLibrary>(); masterVolumePercent = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("master vol", 1); sfxVolumePercent = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("sfx vol", 1); musicVolumePercent = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("music vol", 1); } }
public void CreatePoint() { if (LevelStateManager.canCreateTetherPoint()) { //Debug.Log("Create tether point"); //CreateTimeTetherIndicator(GameManager.GetPlayer().transform.position, LevelStateManager.curState + 1); LevelStateManager.createTetherPoint(); GameManager.GetPlayerScript().setPlaceAnchorAnim(); AudioLibrary.PlayTetherPlacementSound(); // Timeline arrow SetArrowTarget(LevelStateManager.curState, false, true); if (LevelStateManager.curState < tetherUICreateParticles.Length && tetherUICreateParticles[LevelStateManager.curState] != null) { tetherUICreateParticles[LevelStateManager.curState].Play(); } } else { if (!GlobalAudio.ClipIsPlaying(AudioLibrary.inst.tetherError)) { AudioLibrary.PlayTetherErrorSound(); } Debug.Log("Can't create tether point right now"); } }
private async void ReloadAll() { ConnectionManager.ManageSystemTray(true); allArtists = await AudioLibrary.GetArtists(); var groupedAllArtists = GroupingHelper.GroupList(allArtists, (Artist a) => a.Label, true); ArtistsCVS.Source = groupedAllArtists; (ArtistsSemanticZoom.ZoomedOutView as ListViewBase).ItemsSource = ArtistsCVS.View.CollectionGroups; Sort sort = new Sort { Method = "label", Order = "ascending", IgnoreArticle = true }; allAlbums = await AudioLibrary.GetAlbums(sort : sort); var groupedAllAlbums = GroupingHelper.GroupList(allAlbums, (Album a) => a.Label, true); AlbumsCVS.Source = groupedAllAlbums; (AlbumsSemanticZoom.ZoomedOutView as ListViewBase).ItemsSource = AlbumsCVS.View.CollectionGroups; allSongs = await AudioLibrary.GetSongs(sort : sort); var groupedAllSongs = GroupingHelper.GroupList(allSongs, (Song s) => s.Label, true); SongsCVS.Source = groupedAllSongs; (SongsSemanticZoom.ZoomedOutView as ListViewBase).ItemsSource = SongsCVS.View.CollectionGroups; ConnectionManager.ManageSystemTray(false); }
public void OnEnable() { _target = target as AudioLibrary; _list = new AudioLibraryList(_target, serializedObject, serializedObject.FindProperty("_items")); _propertyIsMaster = serializedObject.FindProperty("_isMaster"); _propertyMaster = serializedObject.FindProperty("_parent"); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="game">the main game object</param> /// <param name="normalFont">Font to regular items</param> /// <param name="selectedFont">Font to selected item</param> public TextMenuComponent(Game game, SpriteFont normalFont, SpriteFont selectedFont) : base(game) { regularFont = normalFont; this.selectedFont = selectedFont; menuItems = new List<string>(); rectMenuItems = new List<Rectangle>(); // Get the current spritebatch spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(SpriteBatch)); // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); float widthScale = (float)game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 1440; float heightScale = (float)game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 900; textScale = widthScale * heightScale; if (textScale > 1) textScale = 1; textScale = (float)System.Math.Sqrt((double)(textScale)); }
void OnDestroy() { if (this == instance) { instance = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Default Constructor public LevelObjectiveScene(Game game, Texture2D background, ContentManager Content, PlayGameScene playgamescene) : base(game) { this.Content = Content; Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch)); // Get the current spritebatch spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService( typeof(SpriteBatch)); // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); // for the mouse or touch //cursor = new Cursor(game, spriteBatch); //Components.Add(cursor); levelObjFont = IngamePresentation.facilityFont;//Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/levelObj"); objectiveBox = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/Miscellaneous/levelObjectiveBox"); achievedBox = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/Miscellaneous/achievedObjectiveBox"); this.playgamescene = playgamescene; this.game = game; }
public void PlayStep() { if (IsGrounded()) { AudioLibrary.Play(AudioName.Footstep); } }
void OnStasisCollected() { Debug.Log("Stasis ability collected"); //GameManager.inst.canUseStasis = true; StasisUIPanel.inst.UpdateStasisPanelActive(true, true); AudioLibrary.PlayCodePickupSound(); GameObject.Instantiate(pickupParticlesPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); }
public void prev() { if (count > 0) { loadStep(--count); AudioLibrary.CompletionStepSFX(); } }
public AudioLibraryList(AudioLibrary library, SerializedObject obj, SerializedProperty property) : base(obj, property, true, true, true, true) { _library = library; base.drawHeaderCallback += OnDrawHeader; base.drawElementCallback += OnDrawElement; base.elementHeightCallback += OnElementHeight; }
public void next() { if (index + 1 < steps.Length) { text.text = steps[++index]; AudioLibrary.CompletionStepSFX(); } }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player") { AudioLibrary.PlayAlarmShort(); this.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().enabled = false; } }
private void Awake() { if (instance != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); audioLibrary = GetComponent <AudioLibrary>(); musicManager = GetComponent <MusicManager>(); musicListInstance = new Dictionary <string, AudioSource>(); foreach (MusicManager.Track gm in musicManager.tracks) { try { AudioSource stp = new GameObject(gm.clip.name).AddComponent <AudioSource>(); /* * Esses objetos stp: abreviação para Song To Play * não deverão ser destruídos quando trocar de cena; * Eles são as instancias de AudioSource que terão o volume alterado * de acordo com as opções do usuário * * Para isso será utilizado o método DontDestroyOnLoad() da Unity, * que faz o trabalho de manter o objeto (GameObject) "Vivo" atravéz das cenas. * * */ DontDestroyOnLoad(stp); stp.clip = gm.clip; stp.volume = musicVol * masterVol; musicListInstance.Add(gm.trackName, stp); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Something horrible was happened!"); Debug.Log(e.Message); } } audioListener = FindObjectOfType <AudioListener>().transform; if (FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>() != null) { playerTransform = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>().transform; } masterVol = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MasterVolume", 1); sfxVol = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("SfxVolume", 1); musicVol = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("MusicVolume", 1); } }
//Knock out any enemy that you crash into public static void KnockOutEnemies(BoundingSphere boundingSphere, Vector3 Position, int MaxRangeX, int MaxRangeZ, BaseEnemy[] enemies, ref int enemiesAmount, SwimmingObject[] fishes, int fishAmount, AudioLibrary audio, GameMode gameMode) { for (int i = 0; i < enemiesAmount; i++) { if (boundingSphere.Intersects(enemies[i].BoundingSphere)) { PoseidonGame.audio.bodyHit.Play(); float healthiness = HydroBot.currentEnergy / GameConstants.PlayerStartingEnergy; if (healthiness > 1) healthiness = 1.0f; Vector3 oldPosition = enemies[i].Position; Vector3 pushVector = enemies[i].Position - Position; pushVector.Normalize(); //can't stun a submarine if (!(enemies[i] is Submarine)) { enemies[i].stunned = true; enemies[i].stunnedStartTime = PoseidonGame.playTime.TotalSeconds; if (HydroBot.sonicHipnotiseMode) { enemies[i].setHypnotise(); } } enemies[i].Position += (pushVector * GameConstants.ThorPushFactor); enemies[i].Position.X = MathHelper.Clamp(enemies[i].Position.X, -MaxRangeX, MaxRangeX); enemies[i].Position.Z = MathHelper.Clamp(enemies[i].Position.Z, -MaxRangeZ, MaxRangeZ); enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Center = enemies[i].Position; if (Collision.isBarrierVsBarrierCollision(enemies[i], enemies[i].BoundingSphere, fishes, fishAmount) || Collision.isBarrierVsBarrierCollision(enemies[i], enemies[i].BoundingSphere, enemies, enemiesAmount)) { enemies[i].Position = oldPosition; enemies[i].BoundingSphere.Center = oldPosition; } int healthloss = (int)(GameConstants.HermesDamage * healthiness * HydroBot.speed * HydroBot.speedUp * HydroBot.sandalPower); enemies[i].health -= healthloss; //audio.Shooting.Play(); //if (enemies[i].health <= 0) //{ // if (enemies[i].isBigBoss == true) PlayGameScene.isBossKilled = true; // for (int k = i + 1; k < enemiesAmount; k++) // { // enemies[k - 1] = enemies[k]; // } // enemies[--enemiesAmount] = null; // i--; //} Point point = new Point(); String point_string = "-" + healthloss.ToString() + "HP"; point.LoadContent(PoseidonGame.contentManager, point_string, enemies[i].Position, Color.DarkRed); if (gameMode == GameMode.ShipWreck) ShipWreckScene.points.Add(point); else if (gameMode == GameMode.MainGame) PlayGameScene.points.Add(point); else if (gameMode == GameMode.SurvivalMode) SurvivalGameScene.points.Add(point); } } }
public BulletManager(Game game) : base(game) { justShot = 0; bullets = new List <Bullet>(); // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); }
void Start() { instance = this; voiceSource = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); for (int i = 0; i < lastPlayed.Length; i++) { lastPlayed[i] = -1; } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - // On Jump Event Reaction //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - private void OnJump() { //TODO: Fix bools to triggers m_animator.SetBool("Jumping", true); m_audioPlayer.PlayOneShot(AudioLibrary.Get().jump01); //This is for the animation system Invoke("DisableJumpAnim", 0.5f); }
private void AddClipToList(AudioLibrary AudioLib, AudioClip audioClip) { //data.foldSettings.Add(false); //data._3DSettings.Add(false); //data._2DSettings.Add(false); AudioSample sample = new AudioSample(); sample.Clip = audioClip; AudioLib.Samples.Add(sample); }
public CreditScene(Game game, SpriteFont smallFont, SpriteFont largeFont, Texture2D background, Texture2D elements) : base(game) { _elements = elements; _spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(SpriteBatch)); _audio = (AudioLibrary)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Center)); _font = largeFont; }
public TextMenuComponent(Game game, SpriteFont normalFont, SpriteFont selectedFont) : base(game) { regularFont = normalFont; this.selectedFont = selectedFont; menuItems = new List<string>(); spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch) Game.Services.GetService(typeof (SpriteBatch)); audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof (AudioLibrary)); oldKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); oldGamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); }
public StartScene(Game game, SpriteFont smallFont, SpriteFont largeFont, Texture2D background, Texture2D elements) : base(game) { this._elements = elements; Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Center)); string[] items = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MenuItems)).Cast<MenuItems>().Select(s => s.GetDisplayOrName()).ToArray(); this._menu = new TextMenuComponent(game, smallFont, largeFont); this._menu.SetMenuItems(items); Components.Add(this._menu); this._spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(SpriteBatch)); this._audio = (AudioLibrary)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); }
public StartScene(Game game, SpriteFont smallFont, SpriteFont largeFont, Texture2D background, Texture2D elements) : base(game) { this.elements = elements; Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Center)); string[] items = {"One Player", "Two Players", "Help", "Credits", "Quit"}; menu = new TextMenuComponent(game, smallFont, largeFont); menu.SetMenuItems(items); Components.Add(menu); spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch) Game.Services.GetService(typeof (SpriteBatch)); audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof (AudioLibrary)); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = this; audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); audioSource.clip = backingTracks[0]; audioSource.Play(); effectsLibrary = GetComponent<AudioLibrary>(); } else if (this != _instance) Destroy (this); DontDestroyOnLoad (this); initVol = audioSource.volume; if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MusicOn") == 0) audioSource.volume = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Default Constructor public QuizzGameScene(Game game, Texture2D background, ContentManager Content, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) : base(game) { this.Content = Content; this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice; Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch)); // Get the current spritebatch spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService( typeof(SpriteBatch)); // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); //statsFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/StatsFont"); quizFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/quiz"); nextButtonTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/MinigameTextures/NextButton"); buttonTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/MinigameTextures/quizButton"); selectedButtonTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/MinigameTextures/quizButtonSelected"); introductionTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/MinigameTextures/QuizGameIntro"); this.game = game; quizzesLibrary = new QuizzesLibrary(); questionID = random.Next(quizzesLibrary.quizzesList.Count); positionQs = new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Left + 300, graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top + 105); positionA = new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Left + 100, graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.Y); positionB = new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Left + 100, graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.Y+100); positionC = new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Left + 100, graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.Y+200); positionD = new Vector2(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Left + 100, graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.Y+300); positionAns = new Vector2 (graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X, graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 50); rectA = new Rectangle((int)positionA.X, (int)positionA.Y, 60, 60); rectB = new Rectangle((int)positionB.X, (int)positionB.Y, 60, 60); rectC = new Rectangle((int)positionC.X, (int)positionC.Y, 60, 60); rectD = new Rectangle((int)positionD.X, (int)positionD.Y, 60, 60); nextButtonRect = new Rectangle(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Right - 220, graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 100, 200, 80); cursor = new Cursor(game, spriteBatch); cursor.targetToLock = null; //Components.Add(cursor); }
public static void Dispose() { if (mp3Channel != null) mp3Channel.Dispose(); DisposeVST(); if (UsedLibrary == AudioLibrary.NAudio) { //NAUDIO Samples.Clear(); if (playbackDevice != null) { playbackDevice.Stop(); playbackDevice.Dispose(); playbackDevice = null; } if (Mixer32 != null) { Mixer32.Dispose(); Mixer32 = null; } } UsedLibrary = AudioLibrary.Null; }
public CreditScene(Game game, Texture2D textureBack, Texture2D[] creditForgroundTextures, Texture2D textureNextButton, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) : base(game) { this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; backgroundTexture = textureBack; this.textureNextButton = textureNextButton; this.graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice; // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); cursor = new Cursor(game, spriteBatch); this.creditForgroundTextures = creditForgroundTextures; int creditSceneWidth = (int)(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width * 0.65); int creditSceneHeight = (int)(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height * 0.75); textureFrontRectangle = new Rectangle(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X - creditSceneWidth/2, graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.Y - creditSceneHeight/2, creditSceneWidth, creditSceneHeight); int nextRectangleWidth = (int)(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width * 0.05); int nextRectangleHeight = (int)(graphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Height * 0.0875); nextRectangle = new Rectangle(textureFrontRectangle.Center.X - nextRectangleWidth/2, textureFrontRectangle.Bottom - nextRectangleHeight, nextRectangleWidth, nextRectangleHeight); nextPressed = false; }
public static void Dispose() { if (mp3Channel != null) mp3Channel.Dispose(); if (GeneralSFZ != null) GeneralSFZ.Dispose(); DisposeVST(); if (UsedLibrary == AudioLibrary.NAudio) { //NAUDIO Samples.Clear(); if (playbackDevice != null) { playbackDevice.Stop(); playbackDevice.Dispose(); playbackDevice = null; } if (Mixer32 != null) { Mixer32.Dispose(); Mixer32 = null; } //============================================= } UsedLibrary = AudioLibrary.Null; //if (midiOut != null) midiOut.Close(); }
//============================================= public static bool OpenAudio(AudioLibrary AL, int sampleRate, int channels) { if (UsedLibrary != AudioLibrary.Null ||(playbackDevice != null && playbackDevice.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing)) return false; UsedLibrary = AL; if (UsedLibrary == AudioLibrary.NAudio) { //NAUDIO Mixer32 = new RecordableMixerStream32(sampleRate, channels); Mixer32.AutoStop = false; // try asio playbackDevice = new AsioOut(0); // if failed, try normal wave out if (playbackDevice == null) playbackDevice = new WaveOut(); if (playbackDevice == null) return false; playbackDevice.Init(Mixer32); //============================================= } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Default Constructor public TipScene(Game game, Texture2D background, ContentManager Content) : base(game) { this.Content = Content; Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch)); // Get the current spritebatch spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService( typeof(SpriteBatch)); // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); // for the mouse or touch //cursor = new Cursor(game, spriteBatch); //Components.Add(cursor); tipFont = IngamePresentation.tipFont;//Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/tip"); tipBox = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Image/Miscellaneous/tipBox"); this.game = game; }
void Start() { instance = this; voiceSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); for(int i = 0; i<lastPlayed.Length; i++) lastPlayed[i] = -1; }
void OnDestroy() { if(this == instance) instance = null; }
public void Load() { statsFont = IngamePresentation.statsFont; menuSmall = IngamePresentation.menuSmall; fishTalkFont = IngamePresentation.fishTalkFont; // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); terrain = new Terrain(Content); skillTextures = IngamePresentation.skillTextures; bulletTypeTextures = IngamePresentation.bulletTypeTextures; powerpacks = new List<Powerpack>(); resources = new List<Resource>(); powerpacks = new List<Powerpack>(); resources = new List<Resource>(); hydroBot.Load(Content); //prevTank.Load(Content); roundTimer = roundTime; PresentationParameters pp = graphics.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters; renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, false, graphics.GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Format, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8); afterEffectsAppliedRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, false, graphics.GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Format, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8); //for edge detection effect normalDepthRenderTargetLow = new RenderTarget2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, false, pp.BackBufferFormat, pp.DepthStencilFormat); normalDepthRenderTargetHigh = new RenderTarget2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, false, pp.BackBufferFormat, pp.DepthStencilFormat); edgeDetectionRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight, false, pp.BackBufferFormat, pp.DepthStencilFormat); graphicEffect = new GraphicEffect(this, this.spriteBatch, fishTalkFont); // Construct our particle system components. particleManager = new ParticleManagement(this.game, GraphicDevice); // Load lower left pannel button factoryPanelTexture = IngamePresentation.factoryPanelTexture; // Load Font for displaying extra information on factory panel factoryPanelFont = IngamePresentation.factoryPanelFont; // Load textures for partid animation for factories biofactoryAnimationTextures = IngamePresentation.biofactoryAnimationTextures; nuclearFactoryAnimationTextures = IngamePresentation.nuclearFactoryAnimationTextures; // Load factory and research lab models plasticFactoryModelStates = new List<Model>(); biodegradableFactoryModelStates = new List<Model>(); radioactiveFactoryModelStates = new List<Model>(); researchBuildingModelStates = new List<Model>(); int totalStates = 4; for (int i = 0; i < totalStates; i++) { plasticFactoryModelStates.Add(Content.Load<Model>("Models/FactoryModels/PlasticFactory_stage" + i)); biodegradableFactoryModelStates.Add(Content.Load<Model>("Models/FactoryModels/BiodegradableFactory_stage" + i)); radioactiveFactoryModelStates.Add(Content.Load<Model>("Models/FactoryModels/NuclearFactory_stage" + i)); researchBuildingModelStates.Add(Content.Load<Model>("Models/FactoryModels/ResearchFacility_stage" + i)); } radioactiveFactoryModel = radioactiveFactoryModelStates[radioactiveFactoryModelStates.Count - 1]; researchBuildingModel = researchBuildingModelStates[researchBuildingModelStates.Count - 1]; biodegradableFactoryModel = biodegradableFactoryModelStates[biodegradableFactoryModelStates.Count - 1]; plasticFactoryModel = plasticFactoryModelStates[plasticFactoryModelStates.Count - 1]; // Factory level textures plasticFactoryLevelTextures = IngamePresentation.plasticFactoryLevelTextures; biodegradableFactoryLevelTextures = IngamePresentation.biodegradableFactoryLevelTextures; // Load Trash biodegradableTrash = Content.Load<Model>("Models/TrashModels/biodegradableTrashVer4"); plasticTrash = Content.Load<Model>("Models/TrashModels/plasticTrashVer3"); radioactiveTrash = Content.Load<Model>("Models/TrashModels/radioactiveTrash"); //Load Powerpacks powerpackModels = new Model[5]; powerpackModels[1] = Content.Load<Model>("Models/PowerpackResource/speedPowerPack"); powerpackModels[2] = Content.Load<Model>("Models/PowerpackResource/strengthPowerPack"); powerpackModels[3] = Content.Load<Model>("Models/PowerpackResource/shootratePowerPack"); powerpackModels[4] = Content.Load<Model>("Models/PowerpackResource/healthPowerPack"); //Load Resource resourceModel = Content.Load<Model>("Models/PowerpackResource/resource"); //Load Strange Rock strangeRockModels = new Model[2]; strangeRockModels[0] = Content.Load<Model>("Models/Miscellaneous/strangeRock1Ver2"); strangeRockModels[1] = Content.Load<Model>("Models/Miscellaneous/strangeRock2Ver2"); //golden key //goldenKey = Content.Load<Model>("Models/Miscellaneous/Goldenkey"); //Initialize the game field InitializeGameField(Content); }
/// <summary> /// Default Constructor public TypingGameScene(Game game, SpriteFont font, Texture2D boxBackground, Texture2D theme, ContentManager Content) : base(game) { this.game = game; content = Content; //timeBetweenUpdates = (float)game.TargetElapsedTime.TotalSeconds; timeInterval = 6f; elapsedSeconds = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0); whichParagraph = random.Next(paragraphLib.paragraphLib.Count); displayBox = new Textbox(topLeftX + 10, height - 300, width - 20, 260, paragraphLib.paragraphLib[whichParagraph].content); typingBox = new WritingBox(topLeftX + 10, height - 80, width - 20, 20); isMatching = true; this.boxBackground = boxBackground; Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, theme, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch)); this.font = font; // Get the current spritebatch spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService( typeof(SpriteBatch)); // Get the audio library audio = PoseidonGame.audio; Load(); }
private void RemoveSample(AudioLibrary AudioLib, int removeAt) { //data.foldSettings.RemoveAt(removeAt); //data._3DSettings.RemoveAt(removeAt); //data._2DSettings.RemoveAt(removeAt); AudioLib.Samples.RemoveAt(removeAt); RemoveSavedFoldout("2D", removeAt); RemoveSavedFoldout("3D", removeAt); RemoveSavedFoldout("base", removeAt); }
public StartScene(Game game, SpriteFont smallFont, SpriteFont largeFont, Texture2D background, Texture2D elements, Texture2D teamLogo, GraphicsDevice graphicDevice) : base(game) { this.elements = elements; this.teamLogo = teamLogo; this.game = game; this.graphicsDevice = graphicDevice; widthScale = (float)game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 1440; heightScale = (float)game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 900; //textScale = widthScale * heightScale; //if (textScale > 1) textScale = 1; GameConstants.generalTextScaleFactor = (float)Math.Sqrt((double)widthScale * (double)heightScale); if (GameConstants.generalTextScaleFactor > 1) GameConstants.generalTextScaleFactor = 1; titleLine1SrcRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 588, 126);//Hydrobot (0,0, 588, 126) titleLine2SrcRect = new Rectangle(90, 169, 620, 126); //Adventure (90, 169, 620, 126) Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch)); // Create the Menu if (File.Exists("SurvivalMode")) { string[] items = { "New Game", "New Game Plus", "Load Saved Level", "Guardian Mode", "Config", "Help", "Credits", "Quit" }; menuItems = items; } else { string[] items = { "New Game", "Load Saved Level", "Config", "Help", "Credits", "Quit" }; menuItems = items; } menu = new TextMenuComponent(game, smallFont, largeFont); //starting values resetMenuStartPosition(); menu.Position = new Vector2((game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 2) , titleLine2DestRect.Bottom); menu.SetMenuItems(menuItems); Components.Add(menu); // Get the current spritebatch spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService( typeof(SpriteBatch)); // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); cursor = new Cursor(game, spriteBatch); }
//private static MidiOut midiOut = null; //============================================= public static bool OpenAudio(AudioLibrary AL,AudioEffectChain General) { if (UsedLibrary != AudioLibrary.Null ||(playbackDevice != null && playbackDevice.PlaybackState == PlaybackState.Playing)) return false; UsedLibrary = AL; if (UsedLibrary == AudioLibrary.NAudio) { //if (midiOut != null) midiOut.Close(); //NAUDIO Mixer32 = new RecordableMixerStream32(); Mixer32.Chain = General; Mixer32.AutoStop = false; playbackDevice = new AsioOut(0);//new WaveOut();// if (playbackDevice == null) playbackDevice = new WaveOut(); if (playbackDevice == null) return false; playbackDevice.Init(Mixer32); //============================================= } return true; }
ActionScene(Game game, Texture2D theTexture, Texture2D backgroundTexture, SpriteFont font) : base(game) { _audio = (AudioLibrary)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); _background = new ImageComponent(game, backgroundTexture, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch); Components.Add(_background); _actionTexture = theTexture; _spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch) Game.Services.GetService(typeof (SpriteBatch)); _meteors = new MeteorsManager(Game, ref _actionTexture); Components.Add(_meteors); _scoreFont = font; _scorePlayer1 = new Score(game, font, _player1FontColor) {Position = new Vector2(10, 10)}; Components.Add(_scorePlayer1); _rumblePad = new SimpleRumblePad(game); Components.Add(_rumblePad); _powerSource = new PowerSource(game, ref _actionTexture); _powerSource.Initialize(); Components.Add(_powerSource); _wrench = new Wrench(game, game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("wrench")); _wrench.Initialize(); Components.Add(_wrench); #if DEBUG _positionDebugText=new TextComponent(game,_scoreFont,new Vector2(),Color.Red); Components.Add(_positionDebugText); #endif }
ActionScene( Game game, Texture2D theTexture, Texture2D backgroundTexture, SpriteFont font, Vector2 gameoverPosition) : base(game) { this._audio = (AudioLibrary)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); this._background = new ImageComponent(game, backgroundTexture, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch); Components.Add(this._background); this._actionTexture = theTexture; this._spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(SpriteBatch)); this._meteors = new MeteorsManager(Game, ref this._actionTexture); Components.Add(this._meteors); this._scoreFont = font; this._gameoverPosition = gameoverPosition; this._scorePlayer1 = new Score(game, font, Color.Blue) { Position = new Vector2(10, 10) }; Components.Add(this._scorePlayer1); this._rumblePad = new SimpleRumblePad(game); Components.Add(this._rumblePad); this._powerSource = new PowerSource(game, ref this._actionTexture); Components.Add(this._powerSource); #if DEBUG this._positionDebugText = new TextComponent(game, this._scoreFont, new Vector2(), Color.Red); Components.Add(this._positionDebugText); #endif }
public ConfigScene(Game game, SpriteFont smallFont, SpriteFont largeFont, SpriteFont numberFont, Texture2D background, Texture2D configTitle, Texture2D unselectedCheckbox, Texture2D selectedCheckBox, Texture2D slidebar, Texture2D dragbutton, Texture2D okButton, GraphicsDevice graphicDevice) : base(game) { this.game = game; this.graphicsDevice = graphicDevice; regularFont = smallFont; selectedFont = largeFont; //widthScale = (float)game.Window.ClientBounds.Width / 1280; //heightScale = (float)game.Window.ClientBounds.Height / 800; textScale = GameConstants.generalTextScaleFactor;//(float)Math.Sqrt((double)(widthScale * heightScale)); uncheckedBox = unselectedCheckbox; checkedBox = selectedCheckBox; this.okButton = okButton; this.slideBar = slidebar; this.dragButton = dragbutton; this.numberFont = numberFont; Components.Add(new ImageComponent(game, background, ImageComponent.DrawMode.Stretch)); this.configTitle = configTitle; int titleWidth = (int)(330 * widthScale); int titleHeight = (int)(80 * heightScale); titleRect = new Rectangle(game.Window.ClientBounds.Center.X - titleWidth / 2, game.Window.ClientBounds.Top + titleHeight/3, titleWidth, titleHeight); string[] items = { "Music Volume", "Sound Volume", "Live Tutorial", "Special Effect", "Particle Level", "Fish School Size", "Difficulty" }; menuItems = items; itemRectList = new List<Rectangle>(menuItems.Length); iconRectList = new List<Rectangle>(menuItems.Length); int x, y, width, height, maxItemWidth; maxItemWidth = findMaxWidth(); x = game.Window.ClientBounds.Center.X - (int)( maxItemWidth * 0.7); y = titleRect.Bottom+titleHeight/4; height = (int)((regularFont.MeasureString(menuItems[0]).Y) * textScale); foreach (string menu in menuItems) { width = (int)(regularFont.MeasureString(menu).X * textScale); Rectangle itemRectangle = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height); itemRectList.Add(itemRectangle); y += (int)(regularFont.LineSpacing*1.2*textScale); } int iconPositionX = x + maxItemWidth + (int)(10 * widthScale); int barheight = (int)(20*heightScale), barwidth = (int)(200*widthScale); int checkBoxheight = (int)(30*heightScale) , checkboxWidth = (int)(30*widthScale); musicVolumeRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX, itemRectList[0].Center.Y - barheight / 2, barwidth, barheight); iconRectList.Add(musicVolumeRect); soundVolumeRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX, itemRectList[1].Center.Y - barheight / 2, barwidth, barheight); iconRectList.Add(soundVolumeRect); showLiveTipRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX+ barwidth/2, itemRectList[2].Center.Y - checkBoxheight/2, checkboxWidth, checkBoxheight); iconRectList.Add(showLiveTipRect); specialEffectRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX + barwidth/2, itemRectList[3].Center.Y - checkBoxheight / 2, checkboxWidth, checkBoxheight); iconRectList.Add(specialEffectRect); numParticleRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX, itemRectList[4].Center.Y - barheight / 2, barwidth, barheight); iconRectList.Add(numParticleRect); schoolFishRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX, itemRectList[5].Center.Y - barheight / 2, barwidth, barheight); iconRectList.Add(schoolFishRect); easyRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX, itemRectList[6].Center.Y - checkBoxheight / 2, checkboxWidth, checkBoxheight); iconRectList.Add(easyRect); mediumRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX + checkboxWidth * 3, itemRectList[6].Center.Y - checkBoxheight / 2, checkboxWidth, checkBoxheight); iconRectList.Add(mediumRect); hardRect = new Rectangle(iconPositionX + checkboxWidth * 6, itemRectList[6].Center.Y - checkBoxheight / 2, checkboxWidth, checkBoxheight); iconRectList.Add(hardRect); width = titleWidth/2; height = (int)(titleHeight*0.75); okBox = new Rectangle(game.Window.ClientBounds.Center.X - width / 2, game.Window.ClientBounds.Bottom - (int)(height * 1.5), width, height); // Get the current spritebatch spriteBatch = (SpriteBatch)Game.Services.GetService( typeof(SpriteBatch)); // Get the audio library audio = (AudioLibrary) Game.Services.GetService(typeof(AudioLibrary)); cursor = new Cursor(game, spriteBatch); selectedIndex = -1; }