void Attack() //método de ataque { Charge = true; //está carregando o ataque if (!alratack) //se já não tiver atacado { loadtime -= Time.deltaTime; //diminua o tempo para usar o ataque em um frame anim.SetBool("Charge", true); //"avisae pro animator que pode rodar a animação de carregar o ataque" if (loadtime > 0.0f) //até o tempo de carregamento do ataque acabar ¬ { // v rigb.velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, rigb.velocity.y); //fica parado, corno } } if (loadtime <= 0.0f) //se o tempo de carregamento do ataque acabou { AudioInterface a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); a.PlaySound("dash"); rigb.AddForce(new Vector2(speed * 4 * dir, 0.0f), ForceMode2D.Impulse); //empurre o inimigo na direção do jogador, muito rápido anim.SetBool("Charge", false); //"já parou de carregar, não precisa mais tocar a animação de carregamento" loadtime = load; // reinicia o tempo de carregamento do ataque alratack = true; // o inimigo acabou de atacar, não dá pra ele começar a carregar o ataque de novo até ele ficar parado e na distância certa(linha 116) } }
private void SetApplicationDefaultDevice() { ObservableProcess process = (cb_applications.SelectedItem as ObservableProcess); AudioInterface currentInterface = (cb_interfaces.SelectedItem as AudioInterface); AudioInterfaceCollection.ChangeDefaultApplicationDevice(currentInterface, process); UpdateApplicationAudioDevices(process, true); }
private void Start() { m_scenario = GetComponent <ScenarioManager>(); m_stats = GetComponent <StatsManager>(); m_scene = GetComponent <ScenesManager>(); m_audio = GameObject.Find("Audio Source").GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); state = State.Processing; }
void OnEnable() { GameEvents.StartListening("selectKeyButton", Unselect); thiscode = InputManager.instance.keybindings.CheckKey(innerName); keytext.text = thiscode.ToString(); Unselect(); a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); }
public Chip8XMachine() : base() { m_VideoInterface = new VideoInterface(this); m_AudioInterface = new AudioInterface(); m_CodeEngine = new Interpreter(this); m_HybridDynarec = new ILDynarec <ILEmitter1802>(); m_ResManager = new ChipResources(this); m_PatchEngine = new CodePatchEngine(); }
void jump() { AudioInterface a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); if ((!anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("attack") || this.gameObject.GetComponent <CombatEnemy>().stuncheck()) && isGrounded) { rigb.AddForce(new Vector2(-dir * jumpforce / 2, jumpforce), ForceMode2D.Impulse); isGrounded = false; a.PlaySound("jump"); } }
private Task StartPlaySilence(AudioInterface audioInterface) { if (audioInterface.IsActive && silentAudioEvent?.PlaybackState != PlaybackState.Playing) { SilenceProvider provider = new SilenceProvider(WaveFormat.CreateIeeeFloatWaveFormat(44100, 2)); silentAudioEvent = new WaveOutEvent() { DeviceNumber = GetWaveOutDeviceNumber(audioInterface) }; silentAudioEvent.Init(provider); silentAudioEvent.Play(); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private static int GetWaveOutDeviceNumber(AudioInterface audioInterface) { int deviceNameMaxLength = Math.Min(audioInterface.FriendlyName.Length, 31); string deviceNameTruncated = audioInterface.FriendlyName.Substring(0, deviceNameMaxLength); for (int i = 0; i < WaveOut.DeviceCount; i++) { if (WaveOut.GetCapabilities(i).ProductName == deviceNameTruncated) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
public void Reset() { m_PotController.ClearEffect(); m_PotController.SetColor(Color.white); m_TargetPotController.RandomSetting(); for (int i = 0; i < COUNTAINER_COUNT; i++) { m_itemContainerList[i].RemoveItem(); } m_AudioInterface = DouduckGameCore.GetSystem <AudioInterface> (); itemNameText.text = ""; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform; //busca por um objeto com a tag "Player" (tag = marcador/categoria) e coloca suas cordenadas na variável Player. trs = GetComponent <Transform> (); //acessa as coordenadas do inimigo e coloca dentro da variável trs rigb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); //this.gameObject vai acessar o objeto em que esse script foi colocado e, com o método GetComponent<RigidBody2D>() vai pegar o componente de física dele e jogar para a variável rigb; anim = GetComponent <Animator> (); // acessa o componente de animação (a Classe Animator) do inimigo e joga pra dentro da variável "anim" spr = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> (); mainCode = GetComponent <CombatEnemy>(); col = GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); }
private void UpdateApplicationAudioDevices(ObservableProcess process, bool announceChanges) { AudioInterface applicationRender = AudioInterfaceCollection.GetDefaultApplicationDevice(DataFlow.Render, process); AudioInterface applicationCapture = AudioInterfaceCollection.GetDefaultApplicationDevice(DataFlow.Capture, process); string previousAppRenderText = app_render.Text; app_render.Text = applicationRender?.FriendlyName ?? Properties.Resources.text_default; if (announceChanges && app_render.Text != previousAppRenderText) { AnnounceVisualElementChanged(app_render); } string previousAppCaptureText = app_capture.Text; app_capture.Text = applicationCapture?.FriendlyName ?? Properties.Resources.text_default; if (announceChanges && app_capture.Text != previousAppCaptureText) { AnnounceVisualElementChanged(app_capture); } }
private void Awake() { instance = this; InitSpectrum(); }
public RealityCoprocessor(Nintendo64 nintendo64) { this.nintendo64 = nintendo64; SP = new SignalProcessor(this); DP = new DisplayProcessor(this); PI = new ParallelInterface(this); SI = new SerialInterface(this); AI = new AudioInterface(this); VI = new VideoInterface(this); MI = new MIPSInterface(this); RI = new RDRAMInterface(this); MemoryMaps = new[] { new MappingEntry(0x00000000, 0x03FFFFFF, false) { Read = nintendo64.RAM.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = nintendo64.RAM.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x04000000, 0x040FFFFF, false) { Read = SP.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = SP.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x04100000, 0x041FFFFF, false) { Read = DP.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = DP.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x04300000, 0x043FFFFF, false) { Read = MI.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = MI.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x04400000, 0x044FFFFF, false) { Read = VI.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = VI.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x04500000, 0x045FFFFF, false) { Read = AI.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = AI.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x04600000, 0x046FFFFF, false) { Read = PI.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = PI.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x04700000, 0x047FFFFF, false) { Read = RI.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = RI.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x04800000, 0x048FFFFF, false) { Read = SI.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = SI.MemoryMaps.WriteWord }, new MappingEntry(0x10000000, 0x1FBFFFFF, false) { Read = PI.MemoryMaps.ReadWord }, new MappingEntry(0x1FC00000, 0x1FC007FF, false) { Read = SI.MemoryMaps.ReadWord, Write = SI.MemoryMaps.WriteWord } }; }
public void Init(int index, AudioInterface audioInterface) { this.index = index; this.audioInterface = audioInterface; material = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ().material; }
void Start() { trs = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Transform>(); a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); }
void Awake() { _instance = this; }
// public void SetInterface(AudioInterface i) { _interface = i; }
void Start() { a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); anim = this.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); sign_instance = Instantiate(dangerSign, new Vector3(this.gameObject.GetComponent <Transform>().position.x, -65, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)); }
void Start() { a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); mainCode = this.gameObject.GetComponent <MasterController>(); }
void ChangeMusic() { AudioInterface a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); a.PlaySound("boss"); }
void Start() { mainCode = this.gameObject.GetComponent <MasterController>(); a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); temprad = mainCode.radius; }
void Start() { mainCode = this.gameObject.GetComponent <MasterController>(); mainCode.knockback = Vector2.zero; a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); }
void Start() //método padrão do unity que roda no início da fase/cena { a = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); //this.gameObject vai acessar o objeto em que esse script foi colocado e, com o método GetComponent<AudioSource>() vai pegar o componente de áudio dele e jogar para a variável aud; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { this.iface = this.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); this.iface.AddTrack(AudioTracks.Tracks.HigherDrums); this.iface.AddTrack(AudioTracks.Tracks.LowerDrums); }
void Awake() { AnBook = GameObject.Find("AnotationBook").GetComponent <AnotationManager>(); a = ao.GetComponent <AudioInterface>(); }