        private void audio_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            currentAudio = (sender as CheckBox).Tag as XAudio;
            bool isLooped = false;

            if (AudioInFrameProps.Any(prop => (prop.StopFrame == currentFrame || (prop.StopFrames != null && prop.StopFrames.Intersect(previousFrames) == currentFrame)) && prop.Audio == currentAudio))
                AudioProperties audio = AudioInFrameProps.First(prop => (prop.StopFrame == currentFrame || (prop.StopFrames != null && prop.StopFrames.Intersect(previousFrames) == currentFrame)) && prop.Audio == currentAudio);
                if (audio.StopFrame == currentFrame)
                    audio.StopFrame = null;
                (sender as CheckBox).IsChecked = null;
                if (currentAudio.Type == "music ")
                    isLooped = true;
                    selectOnlyCurrentaudio(lastMusicChecked, currentAudio);
                    lastMusicChecked = currentAudio;
                    addAudioToLayer(currentAudio.Path, music, panelMusic, labelMusic);
                else if (currentAudio.Type == "sound ")
                    selectOnlyCurrentaudio(lastSoundChecked, currentAudio);
                    lastSoundChecked = currentAudio;
                    addAudioToLayer(currentAudio.Path, sound, panelSound, labelSound);
                    selectOnlyCurrentaudio(lastVoiceChecked, currentAudio);
                    lastVoiceChecked = currentAudio;
                    addAudioToLayer(currentAudio.Path, voice, panelVoice, labelVoice);

                if (addorselect)
                    AudioInFrameProps.Add(new AudioProperties()
                        Frame = currentFrame, Audio = currentAudio, Loop = isLooped

            audioPropsPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            show       = true;
            waschecked = true;
        private void saveOptions()
            containsMusic = AudioInFrameProps.Any(prop => prop.Audio.Type == "music ");
            containsSound = AudioInFrameProps.Any(prop => prop.Audio.Type == "sound ");
            containsVoice = AudioInFrameProps.Any(prop => prop.Audio.Type == "voice ");

            List <string> builder = new List <string> {

            if (File.Exists(projectFolder + "options.rpy"))
                FileStream   fs     = new FileStream(projectFolder + "options.rpy", FileMode.Open);
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fs);
                string       singleLine;

                while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    singleLine = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.name"))
                        builder.Add("define config.name = _(" + quote(title.Text) + ')');
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define gui.show_name"))
                        string show = "True"; if (titleVisible.IsChecked == false)
                            show = "False";
                        builder.Add("define gui.show_name = " + show);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.version"))
                        builder.Add("define config.version = " + quote(version.Text));
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define gui.about"))
                        builder.Add("define gui.about = _p(\"\"\"" + about.Text);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define build.name"))
                        builder.Add("define build.name = " + quote(buildName.Content.ToString()));
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.has_sound"))
                        string sound = "True"; if (containsSound == false)
                            sound = "False";
                        builder.Add("define config.has_sound = " + sound);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.has_music"))
                        string music = "True"; if (containsMusic == false)
                            music = "False";
                        builder.Add("define config.has_music = " + music);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.has_voice"))
                        string voice = "True"; if (containsVoice == false)
                            voice = "False";
                        builder.Add("define config.has_voice = " + voice);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("default preferences.text_cps"))
                        builder.Add("default preferences.text_cps = " + textShowSpeed.Text);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("default preferences.afm_time"))
                        builder.Add("default preferences.afm_time = " + autoReaderLatency.Text);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.enter_transition"))
                        builder.Add("define config.enter_transition = " + gameOpenTransition.SelectedItem);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.intra_transition"))
                        builder.Add("define config.intra_transition = " + gameIntraTransition.SelectedItem);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.exit_transition"))
                        builder.Add("define config.exit_transition = " + gameExitTransition.SelectedItem);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.after_load_transition"))
                        builder.Add("define config.after_load_transition = " + gameStartTransition.SelectedItem);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.end_game_transition"))
                        builder.Add("define config.end_game_transition = " + gameEndTransition.SelectedItem);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.window_show_transition"))
                        builder.Add("define config.window_show_transition = " + dialogShowTransition.SelectedItem);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.window_hide_transition"))
                        builder.Add("define config.window_hide_transition = " + dialogHideTransition.SelectedItem);
                    else if (singleLine.StartsWith("define config.window_icon"))
                        try { string iconPath = icon.Icon.Source.ToString(); builder.Add("define config.window_icon" + esQuote(iconPath.Substring(iconPath.IndexOf(game) + 6))); }
                        catch (Exception) { builder.Add(singleLine); }
                File.Create(projectFolder + "options.rpy").Close();
                builder.Add("define config.name = _(" + quote(title.Text) + ')');
                string show = "True"; if (titleVisible.IsChecked == false)
                    show = "False";
                builder.Add("define gui.show_name = " + show);
                builder.Add("define config.version = " + quote(version.Text));
                builder.Add("define gui.about = _p(\"\"\"" + about.Text);
                builder.Add("define build.name = " + quote(buildName.Content.ToString()));
                string sound = "True"; if (containsSound == false)
                    sound = "False";
                builder.Add("define config.has_sound = " + sound);
                string music = "True"; if (containsMusic == false)
                    music = "False";
                builder.Add("define config.has_music = " + music);
                string voice = "True"; if (containsVoice == false)
                    voice = "False";
                builder.Add("define config.has_voice = " + voice);
                builder.Add("default preferences.text_cps = " + textShowSpeed.Text);
                builder.Add("default preferences.afm_time = " + autoReaderLatency.Text);
                builder.Add("define config.enter_transition = " + gameOpenTransition.SelectedItem);
                builder.Add("define config.intra_transition = " + gameIntraTransition.SelectedItem);
                builder.Add("define config.exit_transition = " + gameExitTransition.SelectedItem);
                builder.Add("define config.after_load_transition = " + gameStartTransition.SelectedItem);
                builder.Add("define config.end_game_transition = " + gameEndTransition.SelectedItem);
                builder.Add("define config.window_show_transition = " + dialogShowTransition.SelectedItem);
                builder.Add("define config.window_hide_transition = " + dialogHideTransition.SelectedItem);
                { string iconPath = icon.Icon.Source.ToString();
                  builder.Add("define config.window_icon" + esQuote(iconPath.Substring(iconPath.IndexOf(game) + 6))); }
                catch (Exception) { };
            File.WriteAllLines(projectFolder + "options.rpy", builder);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void saveScript()
            projectExpander.IsExpanded = false;
            FileStream   fs     = new FileStream(projectFolder + "script.rpy", FileMode.Create);
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs);

            writer.WriteLine(scriptstart + nextLine);
            foreach (XImage image in backImageListView.Items)
                writer.WriteLine("image " + image.Alias + eQuote(image.Header));

            foreach (XImage image in imageListView.Items)
                writer.WriteLine("image " + image.Alias + eQuote(image.Header));

            foreach (XAudio audio in musicListView.Items)
                writer.WriteLine(define + "audio." + audio.Alias + eQuote(musicFolder + audio.Header));

            foreach (XAudio audio in soundListView.Items)
                writer.WriteLine(define + "audio." + audio.Alias + eQuote(soundsFolder + audio.Header));

            foreach (XAudio audio in voiceListView.Items)
                writer.WriteLine(define + "audio." + audio.Alias + eQuote(voicesFolder + audio.Header));

            foreach (XMovie movie in movieListView.Items)
                string mask = "";
                if (movie.MaskPath != null)
                    mask = ", mask" + eQuote(moviesFolder + movie.MaskPath);
                writer.WriteLine("image " + movie.Alias + "=Movie(play" + eQuote(moviesFolder + movie.Header) + mask + ")");

            for (int i = 4; i < characterList.Count; i++)
                XCharacter chosenCharacter = characterList[i] as XCharacter;
                string     icon = "", color = "", nvl = "", bold = "", italic = "", what_color = "", what_bold = "", what_italic = "";
                if (chosenCharacter.IsNvl)
                    nvl = ", kind=nvl";
                if (chosenCharacter.Icon != null)
                    icon = ", image" + eQuote(chosenCharacter.Alias); writer.WriteLine("image side " + chosenCharacter.Alias + eQuote(chosenCharacter.Content.ToString()));
                if (chosenCharacter.NameColor.ToString() != "")
                    color = ", color" + eQuote(chosenCharacter.NameColor.ToString().Remove(1, 2));
                if (chosenCharacter.NameIsBold)
                    bold = ", who_bold=True";
                if (chosenCharacter.NameIsItalic)
                    italic = ", who_italic=True";
                if (chosenCharacter.TextColor.ToString() != "")
                    what_color = ", what_color" + eQuote(chosenCharacter.TextColor.ToString().Remove(1, 2));
                if (chosenCharacter.TextIsBold)
                    what_bold = ", what_bold=True";
                if (chosenCharacter.TextIsItalic)
                    what_italic = ", what_italic=True";
                writer.WriteLine(define + chosenCharacter.Alias + character + quote(chosenCharacter.Content.ToString()) + nvl + icon + color + bold + italic + what_color + what_bold + what_italic + ")");

            //end init

            for (int chosenLabelNumber = 0; chosenLabelNumber < tabControlStruct.Items.Count - 1; chosenLabelNumber++)
                writer.WriteLine(nextLine + label + (tabControlStruct.Items[chosenLabelNumber] as XLabel).Text + ':');

                for (int chosenFrameNumber = 0; chosenFrameNumber < ((tabControlStruct.Items[chosenLabelNumber] as XLabel).Content as ListView).Items.Count; chosenFrameNumber++)
                    //все что касается конкретного кадра
                    XFrame chosenFrame = ((tabControlStruct.Items[chosenLabelNumber] as XLabel).Content as ListView).Items[chosenFrameNumber] as XFrame;
                    ImageBackProperties BackProp;

                    if (BackInFrameProps.Any(prop => prop.StopFrame == chosenFrame))
                        BackProp = BackInFrameProps.First(prop => prop.StopFrame == chosenFrame);
                        string animationType = "";
                        if (BackProp.AnimationOutType != 0)
                            animationType = " with " + animationOutTypeComboBox.Items[BackProp.AnimationOutType];
                        writer.WriteLine(tab + "hide " + BackProp.Image.Alias + animationType);
                    if (BackInFrameProps.Any(prop => prop.Frame == chosenFrame))
                        BackProp = BackInFrameProps.First(prop => prop.Frame == chosenFrame);
                        string animationType = "";
                        if (BackProp.AnimationInType != 0)
                            animationType = " with " + animationInTypeComboBox.Items[BackProp.AnimationInType];
                        writer.WriteLine(tab + "scene " + BackProp.Image.Alias + animationType);

                    if (ImageInFrameProps.Any(prop => prop.StopFrame == chosenFrame))
                        foreach (ImageCharProperties property in ImageInFrameProps.Where(prop => prop.StopFrame == chosenFrame))
                            string animationType = "";
                            if (property.AnimationOutType != 0)
                                animationType = " with " + animationOutTypeComboBox.Items[property.AnimationOutType];
                            writer.WriteLine(tab + "hide " + property.Image.Alias + animationType);
                    if (ImageInFrameProps.Any(prop => prop.Frame == chosenFrame))
                        foreach (ImageCharProperties property in ImageInFrameProps.Where(prop => prop.Frame == chosenFrame))
                            string align         = "";
                            string animationType = "";
                            if (property.Align != 0)
                                align = " at " + alignComboBox.Items[property.Align];
                            if (property.AnimationInType != 0)
                                animationType = " with " + animationInTypeComboBox.Items[property.AnimationInType];
                            writer.WriteLine(tab + "show " + property.Image.Alias + align + animationType);

                    if (AudioInFrameProps.Any(mus => mus.StopFrame == chosenFrame))
                        foreach (AudioProperties property in AudioInFrameProps.Where(prop => (prop.StopFrame == chosenFrame)))
                            if (property.Audio.Type == "music ")
                                writer.WriteLine(tab + "stop music");
                            else if (property.Audio.Type == "sound ")
                                writer.WriteLine(tab + "stop sound");
                                writer.WriteLine(tab + "stop voice");
                    if (AudioInFrameProps.Any(mus => mus.Frame == chosenFrame))
                        string fadein  = "";
                        string fadeout = "";
                        string loop    = "";
                        foreach (AudioProperties property in AudioInFrameProps.Where(prop => (prop.Frame == chosenFrame)))
                            if (property.FadeIn != 0)
                                fadein = " fadein " + property.FadeIn;
                            if (property.FadeOut != 0)
                                fadeout = " fadeout " + property.FadeOut;
                            if (!property.Loop && property.Audio.Type == "music ")
                                loop = " noloop";
                            else if (property.Loop && !(property.Audio.Type == "music "))
                                loop = " loop";
                            writer.WriteLine(tab + "play " + property.Audio.Type + property.Audio.Alias + fadein + fadeout + loop);

                    if (chosenFrame.Movie != null)
                        writer.WriteLine(tab + "$ renpy.movie_cutscene(" + quote(chosenFrame.Movie.Content.ToString()) + ")");

                    if (chosenFrame.MenuOptions != null)
                        writer.WriteLine(tab + "menu:");
                        if (chosenFrame.Text != "")
                            writer.WriteLine(tab + tab + quote(chosenFrame.Text));
                        foreach (XMenuOption option in chosenFrame.MenuOptions)
                            string optionLabel = "";
                            writer.WriteLine(tab + tab + quote(option.Choice) + ':');
                            if (option.MenuAction.SelectedItem != passAction)
                                optionLabel = " " + (option.ActionLabel.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem).Content.ToString();
                            writer.WriteLine(tab + tab + tab + (option.MenuAction.SelectedItem as ComboBoxItem).Content + optionLabel);
                        //Character and text
                        string character = "";
                        if (chosenFrame.Character != charNone)
                            character = chosenFrame.Character.Alias + " ";
                        writer.WriteLine(tab + character + quote(chosenFrame.Text));
                writer.WriteLine(tab + Return);