public void OneTagInTheMiddleShouldResultInThreeBlocks() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "b")); string expectedResultWithoutTags = "this is one block"; string text = "this is <b>one</b> block"; string resultWithoutTags; var result = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); result.Count.Should().Be(3); result[0].StartIndex.Should().Be(0); result[0].EndIndex.Should().Be(8); result[0].FontTag.Should().BeNull(); result[1].StartIndex.Should().Be(8); result[1].EndIndex.Should().Be(11); result[1].FontTag.Tag.Should().Be("b"); result[2].StartIndex.Should().Be(11); result[2].EndIndex.Should().Be(expectedResultWithoutTags.Length); result[2].FontTag.Should().BeNull(); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be(expectedResultWithoutTags); }
public void BeginningWithATagShouldHaveBeginTag() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "b")); string expectedResultWithoutTags = "one block"; string text = "<b>one</b> block"; string resultWithoutTags; var result = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); result.Count.Should().Be(2); result[0].StartIndex.Should().Be(0); result[0].EndIndex.Should().Be(3); result[0].FontTag.Tag.Should().Be("b"); result[1].StartIndex.Should().Be(3); result[1].EndIndex.Should().Be(9); result[1].FontTag.Should().BeNull(); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be(expectedResultWithoutTags); }
public void LinksSlashAtEndAreResolvedLikeAnyLink() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "a", FontTagAction.Link)); string resultWithoutTags; //link with quotes string text = "this is one <a href=''>font</a> to block"; var blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(3); blocks[1].TagProperties.Keys.Contains("href").Should().BeTrue(); blocks[1].TagProperties.Values.Contains("").Should().BeTrue(); blocks[1].FontTag.FontAction.Should().Be(FontTagAction.Link); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("this is one font to block"); }
public void TagsCanContainMultipleAttributes() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "q")); string resultWithoutTags; string text = "this is one <q la=1 la2=2>font</q> to block"; var blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(3); blocks[1].TagProperties.Keys.Contains("la").Should().BeTrue(); blocks[1].TagProperties.Keys.Contains("la2").Should().BeTrue(); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("this is one font to block"); }
public void LinksWithoutHrefShouldBeFlattenedAndPropertiesStripped() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "a", FontTagAction.Link)); string resultWithoutTags; //link without attributes var text = "this is one <a></a> to block"; var blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(3); blocks[1].TagProperties.Should().BeNull(); blocks[1].FontTag.FontAction.Should().Be(FontTagAction.Link); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("this is one to block"); }
public void LinkWithPlusAndMinosPropertiesAreParsedAsFull() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "a", FontTagAction.Link)); string resultWithoutTags; //link with quotes string text = "this is one <a href=''>fiets</a> to block"; var blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(3); blocks[1].TagProperties.Keys.Contains("href").Should().BeTrue(); blocks[1].TagProperties.Values.Contains("").Should().BeTrue(); blocks[1].FontTag.FontAction.Should().Be(FontTagAction.Link); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("this is one fiets to block"); }
public void LinksShouldBeFlattenedAndPropertiesStripped() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "a", FontTagAction.Link)); string resultWithoutTags; //standard link string text = "this is one <a href=>font</a> to block"; var blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(3); blocks[1].TagProperties.Keys.Contains("href").Should().BeTrue(); blocks[1].TagProperties.Values.Contains("").Should().BeTrue(); blocks[2].TagProperties.Should().BeNull(); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("this is one font to block"); }
protected override AttributedStringBaseFontWrapper Convert(string value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { if (parameter == null) { return(DefaultWrapper(value)); } try { string fontName = parameter.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fontName)) { return(DefaultWrapper(value)); } if (_assetPlugin == null) { _assetPlugin = MvvmCross.Mvx.IoCProvider.Resolve <IAssetPlugin>(); } if (_context == null) { _context = MvvmCross.Mvx.IoCProvider.Resolve <IMvxAndroidCurrentTopActivity>().Activity.BaseContext; } _extendedFont = _assetPlugin.GetFontByName(fontName) as Font; string cleanText = string.Empty; List <FontIndexPair> blockIndexes = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(value, fontName, _assetPlugin, out cleanText); SpannableString converted = new SpannableString(cleanText); foreach (FontIndexPair block in blockIndexes) { SetAttributed(converted, block, _extendedFont); } return(new AttributedStringBaseFontWrapper() { SpannableString = converted, Font = _extendedFont, ContainsClickable = _containsLink, ClickableFont = _clickableFont }); } catch (Exception e) { MvxBindingLog.Instance.Error(e.Message); } return(DefaultWrapper(value)); }
public void UnknownTagsShouldBeIgnored() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "strong")); string resultWithoutTags; string text = "las <p> this is <strong>one all</strong> block </p>"; var blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(3); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("las <p> this is one all block </p>"); text = "las <strong>this is <p>one all</p> block</strong>"; blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(2); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("las this is <p>one all</p> block"); text = "las <p>lala</p><p>lala</p> test <strong>this is <p>one all</p> block</strong>"; blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(2); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("las <p>lala</p><p>lala</p> test this is <p>one all</p> block"); text = " this is <strong>one <a href=''>font</a> to rule <a>them</a> all</strong> block "; blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(3); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be(" this is one <a href=''>font</a> to rule <a>them</a> all block "); text = "<p> this is <strong>one <a href=''>font</a> to rule <a>them</a> all</strong> block </p>"; blocks = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); blocks.Count.Should().Be(3); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("<p> this is one <a href=''>font</a> to rule <a>them</a> all block </p>"); }
public void TagWithoutClosingTagShould() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "b")); string text = "this is <b>one<b> block"; string resultWithoutTags; Assert.Throws(typeof(Exception), () => AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags)); }
public NSAttributedString ParseToAttributedText(string text, IBaseFont font) { try { if (font != null) { this.ConvertFontFileNameForPlatform(ref font); var assetPlugin = MvvmCross.Mvx.IoCProvider.Resolve <IAssetPlugin>(); string cleanText = string.Empty; var indexPairs = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, font.Name, assetPlugin, out cleanText); NSMutableAttributedString attributedText = new NSMutableAttributedString(cleanText); UIStringAttributes stringAttributes = CreateAttributesByFont(ref attributedText, font); attributedText.AddAttributes(stringAttributes, new NSRange(0, cleanText.Length)); //TODO add caching for same fonttags for the attributes foreach (FontIndexPair block in indexPairs) { //get the font for each tag and decorate the text if (block.FontTag != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(block.FontTag.OriginalFontName)) { FontTag fontTag = null; var tagFont = assetPlugin.GetFontByTagWithTag(font.Name, block.FontTag.Tag, out fontTag); tagFont = tagFont == null ? font : tagFont; UIStringAttributes attr = CreateAttributesByFont(ref attributedText, tagFont, block, fontTag); attributedText.SetAttributes(attr, new NSRange(block.StartIndex, block.EndIndex - block.StartIndex)); } } return(attributedText); } } catch (Exception e) { //just return the text as passed if something fails return(new NSMutableAttributedString(text)); } return(null); }
public void DoubleTagsShouldBeFormatted() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "strong")); string expectedResultWithoutTags = "TestExclusieve scherpe prijsTest tot"; string resultWithoutTags; string text = "Test<strong>Exclusieve scherpe prijs</strong>Test<strong> tot</strong>"; AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be(expectedResultWithoutTags); }
public void UnregisteredFontTagsShouldBeIgnored() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "H1", FontFilename = "H1.otf" }, new FontTag("Bold", "strong")); string text = "this is <strong>one <a href=''>font</a> to rule them all</strong> block"; string resultWithoutTags; AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "H1", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); resultWithoutTags.Should().Be("this is one <a href=''>font</a> to rule them all block"); }
public void NoTagTextShouldResultInOneBlock() { AssetPlugin plugin = new TestAssetPlugin(); plugin.AddFont(new BaseFont() { Name = "Bold", FontFilename = "Bold.otf" }); string text = "this is one block"; string resultWithoutTags; var result = AttributedFontHelper.GetFontTextBlocks(text, "Bold", plugin, out resultWithoutTags); result.Count.Should().Be(1); result.First().StartIndex.Should().Be(0); result.First().EndIndex.Should().Be(text.Length); result.First().FontTag.Should().BeNull();//if the font is not overriden it's not set resultWithoutTags.Should().Be(text); }