public static CreateGatheringByUserIdRequest FromDict(JsonData data)
     return(new CreateGatheringByUserIdRequest {
         namespaceName = data.Keys.Contains("namespaceName") && data["namespaceName"] != null ? data["namespaceName"].ToString(): null,
         userId = data.Keys.Contains("userId") && data["userId"] != null ? data["userId"].ToString(): null,
         player = data.Keys.Contains("player") && data["player"] != null?global::Gs2.Gs2Matchmaking.Model.Player.FromDict(data["player"]) : null,
                      attributeRanges = data.Keys.Contains("attributeRanges") && data["attributeRanges"] != null ? data["attributeRanges"].Cast <JsonData>().Select(value =>
             return AttributeRange.FromDict(value);
                                                                                                                                                                    ).ToList() : null,
                      capacityOfRoles = data.Keys.Contains("capacityOfRoles") && data["capacityOfRoles"] != null ? data["capacityOfRoles"].Cast <JsonData>().Select(value =>
             return CapacityOfRole.FromDict(value);
                                                                                                                                                                    ).ToList() : null,
                      allowUserIds = data.Keys.Contains("allowUserIds") && data["allowUserIds"] != null ? data["allowUserIds"].Cast <JsonData>().Select(value =>
             return value.ToString();
                                                                                                                                                        ).ToList() : null,
                      expiresAt = data.Keys.Contains("expiresAt") && data["expiresAt"] != null ? (long?)long.Parse(data["expiresAt"].ToString()) : null,
                      duplicationAvoider = data.Keys.Contains("duplicationAvoider") && data["duplicationAvoider"] != null ? data["duplicationAvoider"].ToString(): null,
        private ExtendedMaterial[] InitMaterialArray(Dictionary <IPXVertex, int> vDic)
            ExtendedMaterial[] ExMaterialArray = new ExtendedMaterial[Pmx.Material.Count];
            ARangeArray     = new AttributeRange[Pmx.Material.Count];
            ExMaterialArray = new ExtendedMaterial[Pmx.Material.Count];
            int faceOffset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Pmx.Material.Count; i++)
                IPXMaterial m = Pmx.Material[i];
                ARangeArray[i] = new AttributeRange
                    AttribId    = i,
                    FaceCount   = m.Faces.Count,
                    FaceStart   = faceOffset,
                    VertexCount = VIndices[i].Count,
                    VertexStart = vDic[m.Faces[0].Vertex1]
                faceOffset        += m.Faces.Count;
                ExMaterialArray[i] = new ExtendedMaterial
                    MaterialD3D = new Material
                        //Ambient = new Color4(1,m.Ambient.R,m.Ambient.G,m.Ambient.B),
                        Emissive = new Color4(1, m.Ambient.R, m.Ambient.G, m.Ambient.B),
                        Diffuse  = m.Diffuse.ToColor4(),
                        Power    = m.Power,
                        Specular = new Color4(m.Specular.ToColor3())
                    TextureFileName = m.Tex
        private void BuildMesh()
            var at = new AttributeRange[_cantLayers];

            for (int i = 0; i < _cantLayers; i++)
                var ar = new AttributeRange {
                    AttributeId = i
                int fi = -1, li = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < _cantFaces; j++)
                    if (_atributos[j] == i)
                        if (fi == -1)
                            fi = j;

                        li = j;
                if (fi != -1)
                    ar.FaceCount   = li - fi + 1;
                    ar.FaceStart   = fi;
                    ar.VertexStart = 0;
                    ar.VertexCount = _cantVertices;

                at[i] = ar;

            var m = new Mesh(_cantFaces, _cantVertices, MeshFlags.Use32Bit | MeshFlags.Managed, TgcSceneLoader.DiffuseMapVertexElements,

            var atrib = m.LockAttributeBufferArray(LockFlags.None);

            _atributos.CopyTo(atrib, 0);
            m.SetVertexBufferData(_vertices, LockFlags.None);
            m.SetIndexBufferData(_indices, LockFlags.None);

            _mesh = new TgcMesh(m, "mesh", TgcMesh.MeshRenderType.DIFFUSE_MAP)
                Materials        = _materialData,
                DiffuseMaps      = _textures,
                Enabled          = true,
                AlphaBlendEnable = false,

            _mesh.BoundingBox = new TgcBoundingBox(minVert, maxVert);
 public static UpdateGatheringRequest FromDict(JsonData data)
     return(new UpdateGatheringRequest {
         namespaceName = data.Keys.Contains("namespaceName") && data["namespaceName"] != null ? data["namespaceName"].ToString(): null,
         gatheringName = data.Keys.Contains("gatheringName") && data["gatheringName"] != null ? data["gatheringName"].ToString(): null,
         attributeRanges = data.Keys.Contains("attributeRanges") && data["attributeRanges"] != null ? data["attributeRanges"].Cast <JsonData>().Select(value =>
             return AttributeRange.FromDict(value);
                                                                                                                                                       ).ToList() : null,
         duplicationAvoider = data.Keys.Contains("duplicationAvoider") && data["duplicationAvoider"] != null ? data["duplicationAvoider"].ToString(): null,
 public AttributeRange[] GenerateAttributeTable(int vertex_start, int vertex_count)
     AttributeRange[] da = new AttributeRange[at.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < at.Count; i++)
         MqoAttributeRange ar = at[i];
         da[i].AttributeId = ar.AttributeId;
         da[i].FaceStart   = ar.FaceStart;
         da[i].FaceCount   = ar.FaceCount;
         da[i].VertexStart = vertex_start;
         da[i].VertexCount = vertex_count;
        private void CreateMesh()
            AttributeRange attributeRange = new AttributeRange();

            meshTerrain = new Mesh(indicesMesh.Length / 3, vertices.Length, MeshFlags.SystemMemory, CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format, map.device);
            attributeRange.AttributeId = 0;
            attributeRange.FaceStart   = 0;
            attributeRange.FaceCount   = indicesMesh.Length / 3;
            attributeRange.VertexStart = 0;
            attributeRange.VertexCount = vertices.Length;

            meshTerrain.VertexBuffer.SetData(vertices, 0, LockFlags.None);
            meshTerrain.IndexBuffer.SetData(indicesMesh, 0, LockFlags.None);
            meshTerrain.SetAttributeTable(new AttributeRange[] { attributeRange });
 public static void AddAttribute(Dictionary <Attributes, AttributeRange> attributes, string[] rawAttributes)
     if (rawAttributes == null)
     for (int i = 0; i < rawAttributes.Length / FIELD_COUNT; i++)
         int rowIndex       = i * FIELD_COUNT;
         var attribute      = (Attributes)Enum.Parse(typeof(Attributes), rawAttributes[rowIndex]);
         var minValue       = float.Parse(rawAttributes[rowIndex + 1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
         var maxValue       = float.Parse(rawAttributes[rowIndex + 2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
         var attributeRange = new AttributeRange(minValue, maxValue);
         attributes.Add(attribute, attributeRange);
        /// <summary>
        /// Invalidates the CompositionAdorner render.
        /// Used in TextServicesDisplayAttributePropertyRanges (for composition display attribute)
        /// </summary>
        internal void InvalidateAdorner()
            for (int i = 0; i < _attributeRanges.Count; i++)
                // Get the composition attribute range from the attribute range lists
                AttributeRange attributeRange = (AttributeRange)_attributeRanges[i];

                // Add the composition lines for rendering the composition lines

            // Invalidate the CompositionAdorner to update the rendering.
            AdornerLayer adornerLayer = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) as AdornerLayer;

            if (adornerLayer != null)
        public static void Hook0600002E(Mesh mesh, int i, ref Material mat)
            mat         = mesh.GetMaterials()[i].MaterialD3D;
            mat.Ambient = mat.Diffuse;
            Color4 col = new Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            if ((mesh.VertexFormat & VertexFormat.Texture1) != VertexFormat.None)
                int index = 0;
                int count = mesh.VertexCount;
                if (mesh.GetAttributeTable() != null && i < mesh.GetAttributeTable().Length)
                    AttributeRange attr = mesh.GetAttributeTable()[i];
                    if (attr != null)
                        index = attr.VertexStart;
                        count = attr.VertexCount;

                int stride = mesh.VertexBuffer.Description.SizeInBytes / mesh.VertexCount;
                count = Math.Min(count, mesh.VertexCount - index);
                if (count > 0 && mesh.VertexBuffer != null)
                    DataStream stream = mesh.VertexBuffer.Lock(stride * index, stride * count, LockFlags.ReadOnly);
                    for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j)
                        stream.Seek(stride - 8, SeekOrigin.Current);
                        Vector2 vec = stream.Read <Vector2>();
                        col.Red   = Math.Min(col.Red, vec.X);
                        col.Green = Math.Max(col.Green, vec.X);
                        col.Blue  = Math.Min(col.Blue, vec.Y);
                        col.Alpha = Math.Max(col.Alpha, vec.Y);

            mat.Specular = col;
        //  Protected Methods

        #region Protected Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Render override to render the composition adorner here.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
            // Get the matrix from AdornedElement to the visual parent to get the transformed
            // start/end point
            Visual parent2d = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this.AdornedElement) as Visual;

            if (parent2d == null)

            GeneralTransform transform = AdornedElement.TransformToAncestor(parent2d);

            if (transform == null)

            // Please note that we do the highlight adornment for the CONVERTED text only
            // for Simplified Chinese IMEs. Doing this uniformly across all IMEs wasnt possible
            // because it was noted that some of them (viz. Japanese) werent being consistent
            // about this attribute.

            bool isChinesePinyin = chinesePinyin.Equals(InputLanguageManager.Current.CurrentInputLanguage.IetfLanguageTag);

            // Render the each of the composition string attribute from the attribute ranges.
            for (int i = 0; i < _attributeRanges.Count; i++)
                DoubleCollection dashArray;

                // Get the composition attribute range from the attribute range lists
                AttributeRange attributeRange = (AttributeRange)_attributeRanges[i];

                // Skip the rendering composition lines if the composition line doesn't exist.
                if (attributeRange.CompositionLines.Count == 0)

                // Set the line bold and squiggle
                bool lineBold            = attributeRange.TextServicesDisplayAttribute.IsBoldLine ? true : false;
                bool squiggle            = false;
                bool hasVirtualSelection = (attributeRange.TextServicesDisplayAttribute.AttrInfo & UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_ATTR_INFO.TF_ATTR_TARGET_CONVERTED) != 0;

                Brush  selectionBrush   = null;
                double selectionOpacity = -1;
                Pen    selectionPen     = null;

                if (isChinesePinyin && hasVirtualSelection)
                    DependencyObject owner = _textView.TextContainer.Parent;
                    selectionBrush   = (Brush)owner.GetValue(TextBoxBase.SelectionBrushProperty);
                    selectionOpacity = (double)owner.GetValue(TextBoxBase.SelectionOpacityProperty);

                // Set the line height and cluse gap value that base on the ratio of text height
                double height     = attributeRange.Height;
                double lineHeight = height * (lineBold ? BoldLineHeightRatio : NormalLineHeightRatio);
                double clauseGap  = height * ClauseGapRatio;

                // Create Pen for drawing the composition lines with the specified line color
                Pen pen = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black), lineHeight);

                // Set the pen style that based on IME's composition line style
                switch (attributeRange.TextServicesDisplayAttribute.LineStyle)
                case UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_DOT:
                    // Add the dot length and specify the start/end line cap as the round
                    dashArray = new DoubleCollection();

                    pen.DashStyle    = new DashStyle(dashArray, 0);
                    pen.DashCap      = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round;
                    pen.StartLineCap = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round;
                    pen.EndLineCap   = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round;

                    // Update the line height for the dot line. Dot line will be more thickness than
                    // other line to show it clearly.
                    lineHeight = height * (lineBold ? BoldDotLineHeightRatio : NormalDotLineHeightRatio);


                case UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_DASH:
                    double dashLength    = height * (lineBold ? BoldDashRatio : NormalDashRatio);
                    double dashGapLength = height * (lineBold ? BoldDashGapRatio : NormalDashGapRatio);

                    // Add the dash and dash gap legth
                    dashArray = new DoubleCollection();

                    pen.DashStyle    = new DashStyle(dashArray, 0);
                    pen.DashCap      = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round;
                    pen.StartLineCap = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round;
                    pen.EndLineCap   = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round;


                case UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_SOLID:
                    pen.StartLineCap = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round;
                    pen.EndLineCap   = System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Round;


                case UnsafeNativeMethods.TF_DA_LINESTYLE.TF_LS_SQUIGGLE:
                    squiggle = true;

                double halfLineHeight = lineHeight / 2;

                // Draw the each of the composition line
                for (int j = 0; j < attributeRange.CompositionLines.Count; j++)
                    CompositionLine compositionLine = (CompositionLine)attributeRange.CompositionLines[j];

                    // Get the start/end point for composition adorner.
                    // Currently Text doesn't aware of the spaceroom for the drawing of the composition
                    // adorner(like as normal/bold dot/line/squggle), so we should draw the composition adorners
                    // to the closest area of the bottom text.
                    Point startPoint = new Point(compositionLine.StartPoint.X + clauseGap, compositionLine.StartPoint.Y - halfLineHeight);
                    Point endPoint   = new Point(compositionLine.EndPoint.X - clauseGap, compositionLine.EndPoint.Y - halfLineHeight);

                    // Apply composition line color which is actually the foreground of text as well
                    pen.Brush = new SolidColorBrush(compositionLine.LineColor);

                    // Apply matrix to start/end point
                    transform.TryTransform(startPoint, out startPoint);
                    transform.TryTransform(endPoint, out endPoint);

                    if (isChinesePinyin && hasVirtualSelection)
                        Rect rect = Rect.Union(compositionLine.StartRect, compositionLine.EndRect);
                        rect = transform.TransformBounds(rect);


                        drawingContext.DrawRectangle(selectionBrush, selectionPen, rect);


                    if (squiggle)
                        // Draw the squiggle line with using of the PathFigure and DrawGemetry.
                        // We may revisit this logic to render the smooth squiggle line.
                        Point pathPoint = new Point(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y - halfLineHeight);

                        double squiggleGap = halfLineHeight;

                        PathFigure pathFigure = new PathFigure();
                        pathFigure.StartPoint = pathPoint;

                        int indexPoint = 0;

                        while (indexPoint < ((endPoint.X - startPoint.X) / (squiggleGap)))
                            if (indexPoint % 4 == 0 || indexPoint % 4 == 3)
                                pathPoint = new Point(pathPoint.X + squiggleGap, pathPoint.Y + halfLineHeight);
                                pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(pathPoint, true));
                            else if (indexPoint % 4 == 1 || indexPoint % 4 == 2)
                                pathPoint = new Point(pathPoint.X + squiggleGap, pathPoint.Y - halfLineHeight);
                                pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(pathPoint, true));


                        PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry();

                        // Draw the composition line with the squiggle
                        drawingContext.DrawGeometry(null, pen, pathGeometry);
                        drawingContext.DrawLine(pen, startPoint, endPoint);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a mesh from the parsed 
        /// information of the file
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateMesh(Device d3dDevice)
            if(m_alNormals.Count == 0)
                throw new System.Exception("No normals were found for this mesh.");

            if(m_intNumFaces == 0)
                throw new System.Exception("No faces were found for this mesh.");

            if(m_intNumVerts == 0)
                throw new System.Exception("No vertices were found for this mesh.");

            //create a mesh with Poisiton, Normal, and Texture info.  Even if it doesn't contain TextCoords
            m_d3dMesh = new Mesh(m_intNumFaces, m_intNumVerts, MeshFlags.Managed, CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured.Format, d3dDevice);

            //index array
            short[] aryIndices = new short[m_alVertFormat.Count];
            CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured[] aryVerts = new CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured[m_intNumVerts];

            Vector3 v, t, n;
            CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured cvVert;

            //loop through each face and apply the format
            for(int i=0; i<m_intNumFaces * 3; i++)
                //parse the vertex information
                string[] aryVertInfo = (string[])m_alVertFormat[i];

                //first one is vertex index
                short index = short.Parse(aryVertInfo[0]);

                //OBJ format starts at 1 not 0

                //set the index arry
                aryIndices[i] = index;
                v = (Vector3)m_alVertices[index];

                t = new Vector3(0,0,0);
                //parse the texture coords
                if( aryVertInfo.Length == 3)
                    index = short.Parse(aryVertInfo[1]);

                    //set the texture coordinate
                    t = (Vector3)m_alTextCoords[index];

                    index = short.Parse(aryVertInfo[2]);

                    //set the normal
                    n = (Vector3)m_alNormals[index];
                    index = short.Parse(aryVertInfo[1]);

                    //set the normal
                    n = (Vector3)m_alNormals[index];

                cvVert = aryVerts[aryIndices[i]];

                cvVert.Position = v;

                cvVert.Normal = n;

                cvVert.Tu = t.X;
                cvVert.Tv = t.Y;

                aryVerts[aryIndices[i]] = cvVert;

            }//end for loop

            m_d3dMesh.VertexBuffer.SetData(aryVerts,0, LockFlags.None);

            AttributeRange ar = new AttributeRange();
            ar.AttributeId = 0;
            ar.FaceCount = m_intNumFaces;
            ar.FaceStart = 0;
            ar.VertexCount = m_intNumVerts;
            ar.VertexStart = 0;

            m_d3dMesh.SetAttributeTable(new AttributeRange[] {ar});

            int[] adj = new int[m_intNumFaces * 3];
            m_d3dMesh.GenerateAdjacency(0.01f, adj);
            m_d3dMesh.OptimizeInPlace(MeshFlags.OptimizeVertexCache | MeshFlags.OptimizeIgnoreVerts, adj);

            m_bLoaded = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a mesh from the given stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">A d3d mobile device which will be displaying
        /// the mesh</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream containing serialized mesh data
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="flags">Option flags</param>
        /// <param name="materials">Output array is filled with any needed
        /// materials</param>
        /// <param name="textures">Output array is filled with the filenames
        /// of any needed textures</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Mesh LoadMesh(Device device, Stream stream,
                                    MeshFlags flags, out Material [] materials,
                                    out string [] textures)
            if (device == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument device was invalid");
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument stream was invalid");

            byte []      rgb;
            byte []      rgbIb;
            byte []      rgbVb;
            Mesh         meshRet;
            VertexBuffer vb;
            IndexBuffer  ib;

            int           fileMagicNumber;
            int           fileVersion;
            VertexFormats flexibleVertexFormat;
            int           numberVertices;
            int           numberIndices;
            int           is16BitIndices;
            int           numberMaterials;
            int           numberAttrRanges;
            int           offsetVertex;
            int           offsetIndices;
            int           offsetAttrRange;
            int           offsetMaterial;
            int           bytesMaterials;
            int           bytesIndices;

            int []            attributeTable;
            AttributeRange [] attributeRanges;

            rgb = new byte [512];

            stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Read header, any errors will be propagated up
            stream.Read(rgb, 0, sizeofHeader);

            // read and verify magic number
            fileMagicNumber = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 0);
            if (fileMagicNumber != magicNumber)
                throw new MeshSerializationException(
                          "The serialized data does not represent a mesh");

            // read and verify version
            fileVersion = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 4);
            if (fileVersion != versionNumber)
                throw new MeshSerializationException(
                          "The format version was not recognized");

            flexibleVertexFormat = (VertexFormats)
                                   BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 8);
            numberVertices   = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 12);
            numberIndices    = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 16);
            is16BitIndices   = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 20);
            numberMaterials  = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 24);
            numberAttrRanges = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 28);
            offsetVertex     = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 32);
            offsetIndices    = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 36);
            offsetAttrRange  = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 40);
            offsetMaterial   = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 44);
            bytesMaterials   = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 48);

            // verify number of vertices
            if (numberVertices < 0)
                throw new MeshSerializationException(
                                        "Invalid number of  vertices: {0}", numberVertices));

            // verify number of indices
            if (numberIndices < 0 || numberIndices % 3 != 0)
                throw new MeshSerializationException(
                                        "Invalid number of indices: {0}", numberIndices));

            // verify number of materials
            if (numberMaterials < 0)
                throw new MeshSerializationException(
                                        "Invalid number of materials: {0}", numberMaterials));

            // verify number of attribute ranges
            if (numberAttrRanges < 0)
                throw new MeshSerializationException(
                                        "Invalid number of attribute ranges: {0}",

            // determine number of index bytes and verify Is16BitIndices
            if (is16BitIndices == 1)
                bytesIndices = numberIndices * 2;
            else if (is16BitIndices == 0)
                bytesIndices = numberIndices * 4;
                throw new MeshSerializationException(
                                        "Invalid value for is16BitIndices: {0}",

            // Managed Direct3D mobile uses different Fvf defines than
            // managed Direct3D for the desktop
            // when this code is linked against the desktop version
            // this will convert the Fvf to match MD3DM constants
            // when this code is linked against MD3DM this section will
            // not have changed anything.

            // determine the necessary Fvf
            int sourceFormat = (int)flexibleVertexFormat;
            int textureCount;

            flexibleVertexFormat = VertexFormats.Position;

            if ((sourceFormat & md3dmFvfNormal) != 0)
                flexibleVertexFormat |= VertexFormats.Normal;

            if ((sourceFormat & md3dmFvfDiffuse) != 0)
                flexibleVertexFormat |= VertexFormats.Diffuse;

            if ((sourceFormat & md3dmFvfSpecular) != 0)
                flexibleVertexFormat |= VertexFormats.Specular;

            // determine number of textures
            textureCount = (sourceFormat &
                           >> (int)md3dmFvfTextureCountShift;

            //limit to 4 textures
            if (textureCount > 4)
                textureCount = 4;

            // continue setting up necessary Fvf
            flexibleVertexFormat |= (VertexFormats)(
                textureCount << (int)VertexFormats.TextureCountShift);

            int bytesVertices =
                VertexInformation.GetFormatSize(flexibleVertexFormat) *

            // Verify none of the data regions overlap
            // the material section is variable size so we can't check
            // that one yet
            if (!((offsetVertex >= sizeofHeader) &&
                  (offsetIndices >= offsetVertex + bytesVertices) &&
                  (offsetAttrRange >= offsetIndices + bytesIndices) &&
                  (offsetMaterial >= offsetAttrRange + numberAttrRanges *
                   sizeofAttributeRange) &&
                  (stream.Length >= offsetMaterial + bytesMaterials)))
                throw new MeshSerializationException(
                          "The data regions are not " +
                          "within the stream or overlap");

            // create our data tables
            materials       = new Material[numberMaterials];
            textures        = new string[numberMaterials];
            attributeRanges = new AttributeRange[numberAttrRanges];
            attributeTable  = new int[numberIndices / 3];

            // move to the attribute range section, propagate up
            // any exception
            stream.Seek(offsetAttrRange, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // parse attribute ranges
            for (int i = 0; i < numberAttrRanges; i++)
                int attribId;
                int faceStart;
                int faceCount;
                int vertexStart;
                int vertexCount;

                // read in the attribute range data
                stream.Read(rgb, 0, sizeofAttributeRange);
                attribId    = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 0);
                faceStart   = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 4);
                faceCount   = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 8);
                vertexStart = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 12);
                vertexCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 16);

                // verify the data
                if ((vertexStart < 0 || vertexCount < 0 ||
                     vertexStart + vertexCount > numberVertices) ||
                    (faceStart < 0 || faceCount < 0 ||
                     (faceStart + faceCount) * 3 > numberIndices))
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                              "Invalid attribute range");

                // store the validated data
                attributeRanges[i].AttributeId = attribId;
                attributeRanges[i].FaceStart   = faceStart;
                attributeRanges[i].FaceCount   = faceCount;
                attributeRanges[i].VertexStart = vertexStart;
                attributeRanges[i].VertexCount = vertexCount;
                for (int j = faceStart; j < faceStart + faceCount; j++)
                    attributeTable[j] = attribId;

            // move to the material section
            stream.Seek(offsetMaterial, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // parse materials
            for (int i = 0; i < numberMaterials; i++)
                int cbTexture;

                // verify that we aren't reading past the end of the stream
                // its possible an invalid filename length the
                if (stream.Position + sizeofMaterial > stream.Length)
                    throw new MeshSerializationException(
                              "Material data region is" +
                              " corrupt");

                // read  in the material color data
                stream.Read(rgb, 0, sizeofMaterial);
                materials[i].DiffuseColor = new ColorValue(
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 0),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 4),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 8),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 12));

                materials[i].AmbientColor = new ColorValue(
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 16),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 20),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 24),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 28));

                materials[i].SpecularColor = new ColorValue(
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 32),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 36),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 40),
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 44));

                materials[i].SpecularSharpness =
                    BitConverter.ToSingle(rgb, 48);

                // read in the size of the texture filename
                cbTexture = BitConverter.ToInt32(rgb, 52);

                // verify that the texture filename has a valid length
                if (cbTexture < 0 || stream.Position + cbTexture >
                    throw new MeshSerializationException(
                              "Material data region is corrupt");

                // read the texture filename
                if (cbTexture > 0)
                    stream.Read(rgb, 0, cbTexture);
                    textures[i] = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(rgb, 0,

            // create data buffers
            rgbIb = new byte[bytesIndices];
            rgbVb = new byte[bytesVertices];

            // read in the index data
            stream.Seek(offsetIndices, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            stream.Read(rgbIb, 0, rgbIb.Length);

            // read in the vertex data
            stream.Seek(offsetVertex, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            stream.Read(rgbVb, 0, rgbVb.Length);

            // set the use 32 bit flag appropriately
            flags = (flags & ~(MeshFlags.Use32Bit)) |
                    ((is16BitIndices == 0) ? MeshFlags.Use32Bit : 0);

            // create a new empty mesh
            meshRet = new Mesh(numberIndices / 3, numberVertices,
                               flags, flexibleVertexFormat, device);

                // create the index and vertex buffer
                vb = meshRet.VertexBuffer;
                ib = meshRet.IndexBuffer;

                // write the vertex data
                vb.Lock(0, bytesVertices, LockFlags.None).Write(rgbVb, 0,

                // write the index data
                ib.Lock(0, rgbIb.Length, LockFlags.None).Write(rgbIb, 0,

                // set the attributes
            catch (DirectXException e)
                // release the mesh if anything went wrong
                meshRet = null;
                throw e;

        private void RebuildAsync(Object deviceObj)
                Device device = (Device)deviceObj;

                // Rebuild
                if (_line.Equals(""))
                    _lineSprite = null;
                    _valid = true;
                        int firstTick = Environment.TickCount;
                        System.Drawing.Font font = new System.Drawing.Font(_fontFace, _fontSize);
                        Bitmap b = new Bitmap(_lineWidth, _lineHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

                        Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b);
                        g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height));

                        g.DrawString(_displayString, font, new SolidBrush(Color.White), new PointF(0, 0));
                        //TextRenderer.DrawText(g, _displayString, font, new Point(0, 0), Color.White);

                        _lineTexture = Texture.FromBitmap(device, b, Usage.None, Pool.Managed);

                        //_lineTexture = new Texture(device, (int)_lineWidth * (int)Math.Pow(2.0, (double)mipLevels), (int)_lineHeight * (int)Math.Pow(2.0, (double)mipLevels), mipLevels + 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.Unknown, Pool.Default);

                        //Surface s = _lineTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(mipLevels);
                        //SurfaceLoader.FromSurface(s, Surface.FromBitmap(device, b, Pool.Default), Filter.Box, 0xFF0000);


                        //for (int i = 1; i <= mipLevels; i++)
                        //    int width = _lineWidth * (int)Math.Pow(2.0, (double)i);
                        //    int height = _lineHeight * (int)Math.Pow(2, (double)i);

                        //    b = new Bitmap(width, height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                        //    font = new System.Drawing.Font(_fontFace, _fontSize * (float)Math.Pow(2, (double)i));

                        //    g = Graphics.FromImage(b);
                        //    g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;

                        //    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), new Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height));
                        //    g.DrawString(displayString, font, new SolidBrush(Color.White), new PointF(0, 0));

                        //    s = _lineTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(mipLevels - i);
                        //    SurfaceLoader.FromSurface(s, Surface.FromBitmap(device, b, Pool.Default), Filter.Box, 0xFF0000);

                        //    g.Dispose();

                        // Set up the material
                        _lineMaterial = new Material();
                        _lineMaterial.Diffuse = _line.Color;
                        //_lineMaterial.Ambient = GetColor(_line.Type);

                        // Set up the rectangular mesh
                        CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured[] verts = new CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured[4];

                        verts[0].Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -_lineHeight);
                        verts[0].Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                        verts[0].Tu = 0; verts[0].Tv = 1;

                        verts[1].Position = new Vector3(_lineWidth, 0, -_lineHeight);
                        verts[1].Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                        verts[1].Tu = 1; verts[1].Tv = 1;

                        verts[2].Position = new Vector3(_lineWidth, 0, 0);
                        verts[2].Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                        verts[2].Tu = 1; verts[2].Tv = 0;

                        verts[3].Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                        verts[3].Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                        verts[3].Tu = 0; verts[3].Tv = 0;

                        AttributeRange[] attributes = new AttributeRange[1];
                        attributes[0].AttributeId = 0;
                        attributes[0].FaceCount = 2;
                        attributes[0].FaceStart = 0;
                        attributes[0].VertexCount = 4;
                        attributes[0].VertexStart = 0;

                        short[] indices = new short[]
                            0, 1, 2,
                            0, 2, 3

                        _lineSprite = new Mesh(2, 4, 0, CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured.Format, device);

                        _lineSprite.SetVertexBufferData(verts, LockFlags.Discard);
                        _lineSprite.SetIndexBufferData(indices, LockFlags.Discard);

                        //int[] adjacency = new int[_lineSprite.NumberFaces * 3];
                        //_lineSprite.GenerateAdjacency(0.01F, adjacency);
                        //_lineSprite.OptimizeInPlace(MeshFlags.OptimizeVertexCache, adjacency);

                        _valid = true;
                    catch (Exception)
                        _valid = false;
                        _lineTexture = null;
                        _lineSprite = null;
            catch (Exception)
                _valid = false;
                _lineTexture = null;
                _lineSprite = null;
                _building = false;
        public static Mesh CreateConeLimit(Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device d3dDevice, float fltHalfAngle, float fltHeight, int iSides)
            Mesh mesh;
            AttributeRange ar = new AttributeRange();

            float fltRotAmnt = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(360.0f/iSides);

            //create indices
            short[] aryIndices = new short[iSides * 3];

            //create vertices
            CustomVertex.PositionNormal[] aryVerts = new CustomVertex.PositionNormal[iSides + 1];

            //create mesh with desired vertex format and desired size
            mesh = new Mesh(aryIndices.Length/3, aryVerts.Length, MeshFlags.SystemMemory, CustomVertex.PositionNormal.Format, d3dDevice);

            //caclulate the bottom radius vertices
            Vector3 v3Current = new Vector3(0, 0,0);
            aryVerts[0].Position = v3Current;

            v3Current.Z = fltHeight;

            aryVerts[1].Position = v3Current;

            for(int i=2; i<iSides + 1; i++)
                aryVerts[i].Position = v3Current;

            //calculate the indices
            int j =0;
            for(int i=0; i<aryIndices.Length; i+=3)
                //get first triangle
                aryIndices[i] = (short)(0);
                aryIndices[i+1] = (short)(j + 2);
                aryIndices[i+2] = (short)(j + 1);

                if(i == aryIndices.Length - 3)
                    aryIndices[i] =	(short)(0);
                    aryIndices[i+1] = (short)(1);
                    aryIndices[i+2] = (short)(j + 1);

                    /*	TODO:  Remove when done
                    Debug.WriteLine("\nj = " + j.ToString());

            //			aryIndices[0] = 0;
            //			aryIndices[1] = 2;
            //			aryIndices[2] = 1;
            //			aryIndices[3] = 0;
            //			aryIndices[4] = 3;
            //			aryIndices[5] = 2;
            //			aryIndices[6] = 0;
            //			aryIndices[7] = 4;
            //			aryIndices[8] = 3;
            //			aryIndices[9] = 0;
            //			aryIndices[10] = 1;
            //			aryIndices[11] = 4;

            ar.AttributeId = 0;
            ar.FaceStart = 0;
            ar.FaceCount = aryIndices.Length/3;
            ar.VertexStart = 0;
            ar.VertexCount = aryVerts.Length;

            //set the mesh
            mesh.VertexBuffer.SetData(aryVerts, 0, LockFlags.None);
            mesh.IndexBuffer.SetData(aryIndices, 0, LockFlags.None);
            mesh.SetAttributeTable(new AttributeRange[]{ar});


            return (mesh);
        void SaveTexture(string filename)
            int     tWidth        = 1; // frames[0].avatar.Label.Image.Width;
            int     tHeight       = 1; // frames[0].avatar.Label.Image.Height;
            bool    flag          = true;
            Texture outputTexture = null;

            CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured[] vertexes = new CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured[4 * frames.Count];
            short[] indexes = new short[frames.Count * 6];
            for (int j = 0; j < frames.Count * 4; j++)
                vertexes[j].Color    = Color.White.ToArgb();
                vertexes[j].Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            //int maxWidth, maxHeight;
            if (frames.Count > 1)
                while (flag)
                    if (OTNode.wFlag)
                        tWidth += OTNode.widthNeed;
                        tHeight += OTNode.heightNeed;
                    //tWidth *= 2;
                    // tHeight *= 2;
                    if (outputTexture != null)
                    outputTexture = new Texture(d3dDevice, tWidth, tHeight, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Default);
                    Surface outputTextureSurface = outputTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
                    d3dDevice.ColorFill(outputTextureSurface, new Rectangle(0, 0, tWidth, tHeight), Color.Magenta);
           = outputTextureSurface;
                    OTNode node = new OTNode(new Rectangle(0, 0, tWidth, tHeight));

                    //maxHeight = maxWidth = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < frames.Count; i++)
                        toolStripProgressBar1.Value = (int)((float)(i + 1) / frames.Count * 100);
                        Rectangle rect = node.Insert(frames[i]);
                        if (rect == Rectangle.Empty)
                            flag = true;
                            flag = false;
                        //if (rect.Right > maxWidth)
                        //    maxWidth = rect.Right;
                        //if (rect.Bottom > maxHeight)
                        //    maxHeight = rect.Bottom;
                        vertexes[i * 4].X = -frames[i].centerPoint.X;
                        vertexes[i * 4].Y = frames[i].centerPoint.Y - frames[i].avatar.Label.Image.Height;

                        vertexes[i * 4 + 1].X = vertexes[i * 4].X;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Y = frames[i].centerPoint.Y;

                        vertexes[i * 4 + 2].X = frames[i].avatar.Label.Image.Width - frames[i].centerPoint.X;;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 2].Y = vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Y;

                        vertexes[i * 4 + 3].X = vertexes[i * 4 + 2].X;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 3].Y = vertexes[i * 4].Y;

                        vertexes[i * 4].Tu     = (rect.Left + 1) / (float)tWidth;
                        vertexes[i * 4].Tv     = (rect.Bottom - 1) / (float)tHeight;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Tu = vertexes[i * 4].Tu;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Tv = (rect.Top + 1) / (float)tHeight;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 2].Tu = (rect.Right - 1) / (float)tWidth;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 2].Tv = vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Tv;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 3].Tu = vertexes[i * 4 + 2].Tu;
                        vertexes[i * 4 + 3].Tv = vertexes[i * 4].Tv;

                        indexes[i * 6 + 0] = (short)(i * 4 + 0); indexes[i * 6 + 1] = (short)(i * 4 + 1); indexes[i * 6 + 2] = (short)(i * 4 + 2);
                        indexes[i * 6 + 3] = (short)(i * 4 + 3); indexes[i * 6 + 4] = (short)(i * 4 + 0); indexes[i * 6 + 5] = (short)(i * 4 + 2);
                int i = 0;
                tWidth  = frames[0].avatar.Label.Image.Width;
                tHeight = frames[0].avatar.Label.Image.Height;
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, frames[0].avatar.Label.Image.Width, frames[0].avatar.Label.Image.Height);
                vertexes[i * 4].X = -frames[i].centerPoint.X;
                vertexes[i * 4].Y = frames[i].centerPoint.Y - frames[i].avatar.Label.Image.Height;

                vertexes[i * 4 + 1].X = vertexes[i * 4].X;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Y = frames[i].centerPoint.Y;

                vertexes[i * 4 + 2].X = frames[i].avatar.Label.Image.Width - frames[i].centerPoint.X;;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 2].Y = vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Y;

                vertexes[i * 4 + 3].X = vertexes[i * 4 + 2].X;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 3].Y = vertexes[i * 4].Y;

                vertexes[i * 4].Tu     = (rect.Left + 1) / (float)tWidth;
                vertexes[i * 4].Tv     = (rect.Bottom - 1) / (float)tHeight;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Tu = vertexes[i * 4].Tu;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Tv = (rect.Top + 1) / (float)tHeight;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 2].Tu = (rect.Right - 1) / (float)tWidth;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 2].Tv = vertexes[i * 4 + 1].Tv;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 3].Tu = vertexes[i * 4 + 2].Tu;
                vertexes[i * 4 + 3].Tv = vertexes[i * 4].Tv;

                indexes[i * 6 + 0] = (short)(i * 4 + 0); indexes[i * 6 + 1] = (short)(i * 4 + 1); indexes[i * 6 + 2] = (short)(i * 4 + 2);
                indexes[i * 6 + 3] = (short)(i * 4 + 3); indexes[i * 6 + 4] = (short)(i * 4 + 0); indexes[i * 6 + 5] = (short)(i * 4 + 2);

                outputTexture = frames[0].texture;
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(2 * frames.Count, 4 * frames.Count, MeshFlags.Managed, CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured.Format, d3dDevice);

            mesh.SetVertexBufferData(vertexes, LockFlags.None);
            mesh.SetIndexBufferData(indexes, LockFlags.None);
            //Setting one of these does NOT work.  You MUST set both.
            AttributeRange[] attributeTable = new AttributeRange[frames.Count];
            int[]            attributes     = mesh.LockAttributeBufferArray(LockFlags.None);
            for (int i = 0; i < frames.Count; i++)
                attributes[i * 2]             = i;
                attributes[i * 2 + 1]         = i;
                attributeTable[i].AttributeId = i;  //ID is the value passed into the DrawSubset function of Mesh.
                attributeTable[i].FaceCount   = 2;  //Our subsets only have 1 face.
                attributeTable[i].FaceStart   = i * 2;
                attributeTable[i].VertexCount = 4;  //We need 3 vertices to make a face.
                attributeTable[i].VertexStart = i * 4;
            ExtendedMaterial[] em = new ExtendedMaterial[frames.Count];
            em[0].TextureFilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".dds";
            for (int i = 0; i < frames.Count; i++)
                Material mat = new Material();
                mat.Diffuse      = Color.White;
                mat.Ambient      = mat.Diffuse;
                mat.Specular     = mat.Diffuse;
                mat.Emissive     = Color.Black;
                em[i].Material3D = mat;
            mesh.Save(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".sht", (int[])null, em, null, XFileFormat.Binary);
            TextureLoader.Save(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + ".dds", ImageFileFormat.Dds, outputTexture);
        private void RebuildAsync(Object deviceObj)
                Device device = (Device)deviceObj;

                // Rebuild
                if (_bitmap == null)
                    _bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1);
                    _valid = true;
                        _imageTexture = Texture.FromBitmap(device, _bitmap, Usage.Dynamic, Pool.Default);

                        // Set up the material
                        _imageMaterial = new Material();
                        _imageMaterial.Diffuse = _color;

                        // Set up the rectangular mesh
                        CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured[] verts = new CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured[4];

                        verts[0].Position = new Vector3(0, 0, -_height);
                        verts[0].Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                        verts[0].Tu = 0; verts[0].Tv = 1;

                        verts[1].Position = new Vector3(_width, 0, -_height);
                        verts[1].Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                        verts[1].Tu = 1; verts[1].Tv = 1;

                        verts[2].Position = new Vector3(_width, 0, 0);
                        verts[2].Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                        verts[2].Tu = 1; verts[2].Tv = 0;

                        verts[3].Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                        verts[3].Normal = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
                        verts[3].Tu = 0; verts[3].Tv = 0;

                        AttributeRange[] attributes = new AttributeRange[1];
                        attributes[0].AttributeId = 0;
                        attributes[0].FaceCount = 2;
                        attributes[0].FaceStart = 0;
                        attributes[0].VertexCount = 4;
                        attributes[0].VertexStart = 0;

                        short[] indices = new short[]
                            0, 1, 2,
                            0, 2, 3

                        _imageSprite = new Mesh(2, 4, 0, CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured.Format, device);

                        _imageSprite.SetVertexBufferData(verts, LockFlags.Discard);
                        _imageSprite.SetIndexBufferData(indices, LockFlags.Discard);

                        _valid = true;
                    catch (Exception)
                        _valid = false;
                        _imageTexture = null;
                        _imageSprite = null;
            catch (Exception)
                _valid = false;
                _imageTexture = null;
                _imageSprite = null;
                _building = false;
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(AttributeRange obj)
     return((obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr);
            /// <summary>
            /// The create hill object.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="device">The device.</param>
            /// <param name="hillPoints">The hill points.</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            /// <remarks></remarks>
            public static Mesh createHillObject(Device device, List<Vector3> hillPoints)
                Mesh mesh;

                short[] arrayIndices = new short[(hillPoints.Count * 2 - 1) * 6];
                CustomVertex.PositionTextured[] arrayVertices = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured[hillPoints.Count * 2];
                AttributeRange attributeRange = new AttributeRange();

                // Create mesh with desired vertex format and desired size
                mesh = new Mesh(
                    arrayIndices.Length / 3,

                // For each point in the height field calculate the x, y, z and
                // texture coordinates.
                for (int y = 0; y < hillPoints.Count; y++)
                    CustomVertex.PositionTextured vertex = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(
                        hillPoints[y].X, hillPoints[y].Y, hillPoints[y].Z, 0, 0);
                    arrayVertices[y * 2] = vertex;
                    vertex = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(
                        hillPoints[y].X, hillPoints[y].Y, hillPoints[y].Z + hillHeight, 0, 0);
                    arrayVertices[y * 2 + 1] = vertex;

                // Calculate the index buffer.
                for (int y = 0; y < hillPoints.Count; y++)
                    int arrayIndex = (y * 2) * 6;
                    int vertexIndex = y * 2;

                    if (y != hillPoints.Count - 1)
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 0] = (short)vertexIndex;
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 1] = (short)(vertexIndex + 1);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 2] = (short)(vertexIndex + 2);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 3] = (short)(vertexIndex + 2);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 4] = (short)(vertexIndex + 1);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 5] = (short)(vertexIndex + 3);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 0] = (short)vertexIndex;
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 1] = (short)(vertexIndex + 1);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 2] = 0;
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 3] = 0;
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 4] = (short)(vertexIndex + 1);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 5] = 1;

                // There is only one attribute value for this mesh.
                // By specifying an attribute range the DrawSubset function
                // does not have to scan the entire mesh for all faces that are
                // are marked with a particular attribute id.
                attributeRange.AttributeId = 0;
                attributeRange.FaceStart = 0;
                attributeRange.FaceCount = arrayIndices.Length / 3;
                attributeRange.VertexStart = 0;
                attributeRange.VertexCount = arrayVertices.Length;

                mesh.VertexBuffer.SetData(arrayVertices, 0, LockFlags.None);
                mesh.IndexBuffer.SetData(arrayIndices, 0, LockFlags.None);
                mesh.SetAttributeTable(new[] { attributeRange });

                return mesh;
        public SceneImportResult LoadStaticMesh(string filename)
            var file                = new FileInfo(filename);
            VertexDescriptor vd     = VertexDescriptor.Get <ModelVertex>();
            List <MeshLayer> layers = new List <MeshLayer>();

            int[] adjacency;
            ExtendedMaterial[] meshMaterials;
            Mesh mesh = new Mesh(vd);
            List <MeshMaterial> material = new List <MeshMaterial>();

            using (SlimDX.Direct3D9.Mesh d3dMesh = SlimDX.Direct3D9.Mesh.FromFile(Engine.Graphics, filename, MeshFlags.Managed))
                adjacency     = d3dMesh.GetAdjacency();
                meshMaterials = d3dMesh.GetMaterials();

                for (int i = 0; i < meshMaterials.Length; i++)
                    var    matd3d          = meshMaterials[i].MaterialD3D;
                    string textureFilename = meshMaterials[i].TextureFileName;
                    if (textureFilename != null && !Path.IsPathRooted(textureFilename))
                        textureFilename = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), textureFilename);
                    material.Add(new MeshMaterial()
                        Name          = file.Name + "_material" + i,
                        Alpha         = matd3d.Diffuse.Alpha,
                        Diffuse       = matd3d.Diffuse.ToVector3(),
                        Specular      = matd3d.Specular.ToVector3(),
                        SpecularPower = Math.Max(1, matd3d.Power),
                        Reflectivity  = 0,
                        Refractitity  = 0,
                        EmissiveColor = matd3d.Emissive.ToVector3(),
                        DiffuseMap    = textureFilename != null && File.Exists(textureFilename) ?
                                        textureFilename : null

                ModelVertex[] vertexes = new ModelVertex[d3dMesh.VertexCount];
                Array         indices;

                if (d3dMesh.IndexBuffer.Description.Format == Format.Index16)
                    indices = new ushort[d3dMesh.FaceCount * 3];
                    indices = new uint[d3dMesh.FaceCount * 3];

                DataStream       vertexStream = d3dMesh.LockVertexBuffer(0);
                VertexDescriptor meshVD       = new VertexDescriptor(d3dMesh.GetDeclaration());
                int    positionOffset         = meshVD.GetOffset(DeclarationUsage.Position, 0);
                int    normalOffset           = meshVD.GetOffset(DeclarationUsage.Normal, 0);
                int    texCoordOffset         = meshVD.GetOffset(DeclarationUsage.TextureCoordinate, 0);
                byte[] buffer;
                    buffer = new byte[vertexStream.Length];
                    vertexStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)vertexStream.Length);
                    fixed(byte *_pter = buffer)
                        byte *pter = _pter;

                        for (int i = 0; i < d3dMesh.VertexCount; i++)
                            vertexes[i].Position = *((Vector3 *)(pter + positionOffset));
                            if (normalOffset > 0)
                                vertexes[i].Normal = *((Vector3 *)(pter + normalOffset));
                            if (texCoordOffset > 0)
                                vertexes[i].TexCoord = *((Vector2 *)(pter + texCoordOffset));

                            pter += d3dMesh.BytesPerVertex;


                    DataStream indexStream = d3dMesh.LockIndexBuffer(0);
                    GCHandle   handler     = GCHandle.Alloc(indices, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    byte *     indexPter   = (byte *)Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(indices, 0);

                    buffer = new byte[indexStream.Length];
                    indexStream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)indexStream.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < indexStream.Length; i++)
                        indexPter[i] = buffer[i];

                if (d3dMesh.IndexBuffer.Description.Format == Format.Index16)

                var d3dComponents = d3dMesh.GetAttributeTable();
                if (d3dComponents == null)
                    MeshLayer component = new MeshLayer();
                    material.Add(MeshMaterial.CreateDefaultMaterial(file.Name + "_default"));

                    component.materialIndex  = 0;
                    component.primitiveCount = mesh.FaceCount;
                    component.startIndex     = 0;
                    component.startVertex    = 0;
                    component.vertexCount    = mesh.VertexCount;
                    for (int i = 0; i < d3dComponents.Length; i++)
                        AttributeRange ar = d3dComponents[i];

                        MeshLayer component = new MeshLayer();

                        component.materialIndex  = ar.AttribId;
                        component.primitiveCount = ar.FaceCount;
                        component.startIndex     = ar.FaceStart * 3;
                        component.startVertex    = ar.VertexStart;
                        component.vertexCount    = ar.VertexCount;

                mesh.Materials = material.ToArray();

                if (normalOffset < 0)
                if (texCoordOffset < 0)



            StaticMeshSceneNode meshNode = new StaticMeshSceneNode(file.Name, mesh);

            return(new SceneImportResult {
                VisualSceneRoot = meshNode, VisualMaterials = material
        private void CreateMesh()
            AttributeRange attributeRange = new AttributeRange();

            meshTerrain = new Mesh(indicesMesh.Length / 3, vertices.Length, MeshFlags.SystemMemory, CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format, map.device);
            attributeRange.AttributeId = 0;
            attributeRange.FaceStart = 0;
            attributeRange.FaceCount = indicesMesh.Length / 3;
            attributeRange.VertexStart = 0;
            attributeRange.VertexCount = vertices.Length;

            meshTerrain.VertexBuffer.SetData(vertices, 0, LockFlags.None);
            meshTerrain.IndexBuffer.SetData(indicesMesh, 0, LockFlags.None);
            meshTerrain.SetAttributeTable(new AttributeRange[] { attributeRange });
            /// <summary>
            /// The create hill object.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="device">The device.</param>
            /// <param name="hillPoints">The hill points.</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            /// <remarks></remarks>
            public static Mesh createHillObject(Device device, List <Vector3> hillPoints)
                Mesh mesh;

                short[] arrayIndices = new short[(hillPoints.Count * 2 - 1) * 6];
                CustomVertex.PositionTextured[] arrayVertices = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured[hillPoints.Count * 2];
                AttributeRange attributeRange = new AttributeRange();

                // Create mesh with desired vertex format and desired size
                mesh = new Mesh(
                    arrayIndices.Length / 3,

                // For each point in the height field calculate the x, y, z and
                // texture coordinates.
                for (int y = 0; y < hillPoints.Count; y++)
                    CustomVertex.PositionTextured vertex = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(
                        hillPoints[y].X, hillPoints[y].Y, hillPoints[y].Z, 0, 0);
                    arrayVertices[y * 2] = vertex;
                    vertex = new CustomVertex.PositionTextured(
                        hillPoints[y].X, hillPoints[y].Y, hillPoints[y].Z + hillHeight, 0, 0);
                    arrayVertices[y * 2 + 1] = vertex;

                // Calculate the index buffer.
                for (int y = 0; y < hillPoints.Count; y++)
                    int arrayIndex  = (y * 2) * 6;
                    int vertexIndex = y * 2;

                    if (y != hillPoints.Count - 1)
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 0] = (short)vertexIndex;
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 1] = (short)(vertexIndex + 1);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 2] = (short)(vertexIndex + 2);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 3] = (short)(vertexIndex + 2);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 4] = (short)(vertexIndex + 1);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 5] = (short)(vertexIndex + 3);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 0] = (short)vertexIndex;
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 1] = (short)(vertexIndex + 1);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 2] = 0;
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 3] = 0;
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 4] = (short)(vertexIndex + 1);
                        arrayIndices[arrayIndex + 5] = 1;

                // There is only one attribute value for this mesh.
                // By specifying an attribute range the DrawSubset function
                // does not have to scan the entire mesh for all faces that are
                // are marked with a particular attribute id.
                attributeRange.AttributeId = 0;
                attributeRange.FaceStart   = 0;
                attributeRange.FaceCount   = arrayIndices.Length / 3;
                attributeRange.VertexStart = 0;
                attributeRange.VertexCount = arrayVertices.Length;

                mesh.VertexBuffer.SetData(arrayVertices, 0, LockFlags.None);
                mesh.IndexBuffer.SetData(arrayIndices, 0, LockFlags.None);
                mesh.SetAttributeTable(new[] { attributeRange });
