static public void CreateCefBrowser(BrowserPrivateType BrowserPrivateType, object LinkedObject, string WebEntityInfoPropertyName, string FileFullPath, ref UserControl viewControl) { WebEntryInfo webEntryInfo = null; if (LinkedObject != null) { IList <WebEntryInfoWrap> webEntryInfos = WebEntryInfo.GetWebEntryInfosFromObject(LinkedObject); if (webEntryInfos.Count > 1) { if (WebEntityInfoPropertyName == null) { throw new Exception("WebEntityInfoPropertyName not set, but found more than one WebEntityInfo"); } else { WebEntryInfoWrap webEntryInfoWrap = webEntryInfos.Where <WebEntryInfoWrap>(s => s.Property.Name == WebEntityInfoPropertyName).FirstOrDefault(); if (webEntryInfoWrap == null) { throw new Exception("Not found WebEntityInfo with specified name: " + WebEntityInfoPropertyName); } else { webEntryInfo = webEntryInfoWrap.WebEntryInfo; } } } else if (webEntryInfos.Count == 1) { webEntryInfo = webEntryInfos[0].WebEntryInfo; } } else { webEntryInfo = new WebEntryInfo(); } //if (viewControl == null || !(viewControl is EmbeddedBrowserControl)) //{ webEntryInfo.BrowserPrivateType = BrowserPrivateType; if (BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_OLD_DISK_CACHE //|| BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_NEW_DISK_CACHE ) { string path = null; JActor actor = null; if (LinkedObject != null) { var pl = LinkedObject.GetType().GetProperties(); Type at = typeof(JActor); foreach (var p in pl) { if (p.PropertyType == at) { actor = AttrHelper.GetPropertyValue(LinkedObject, p) as JActor; break; } } } //PropertyInfo actorProperty = AttrHelper.GetProperty(typeof(JActor), LinkedObject.GetType()); //if (actorProperty != null) actor = AttrHelper.GetPropertyValue(LinkedObject, actorProperty) as JActor; if (actor != null) { path = Dm.Instance.GetCacheFullPathForObjectUniqueForCompAndUser(actor); } else { path = Dm.Instance.GetCacheFullPathForObjectUniqueForCompAndUser(LinkedObject); } webEntryInfo.CachePath = path; } else if (BrowserPrivateType == BrowserPrivateType.COMMON_CACHE) { string path = Dm.Instance.GetBrowserCommonCachePathUniqueForCompAndUser(); webEntryInfo.CachePath = path; } viewControl = new EmbeddedBrowserControl(FileFullPath, webEntryInfo, EmbeddedBrowserHelper.MultiThreadedMessageLoop); }
override public List <ToolStripItem> CreateOpenInBrowserContextMenu(WebEntryInfo webEntryInfo, IContentContainer contentContainer, object selectedObject, string webEntityInfoPropertyName = null) { string url = webEntryInfo != null ? webEntryInfo.Url : null; ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = null; List <ToolStripItem> subs = new List <ToolStripItem>(); List <ToolStripItem> subs1 = new List <ToolStripItem>(); List <ToolStripItem> subs2 = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) == false) { ViewType recоmmendedViewType = webEntryInfo.RecоmmendedViewType; bool isFile = false; bool isUrl = false; FileUtils.IsFilePath(url, out isFile, out isUrl); string oTitle = isFile ? WebAccountLibRes.Path : WebAccountLibRes.URL; string uri = isFile? FileUtils.FilePathWithBookmarkToFileUrl(url) : url; if (isFile) { if (recоmmendedViewType == ViewType.NONE) { recоmmendedViewType = GetViewTypeByFilePath(url); } } else { recоmmendedViewType = ViewType.CefBrowser; } ////////////////// //open favorit ///////////////// //default if (FileUtils.IsHtmlFileWithBookmark(url) && AppLocator.ChromePath != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_Chrome; menuItem.Font = new Font(menuItem.Font, FontStyle.Bold); menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.ChromePath, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs.Add(menuItem); } else { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in + " " + WebAccountLibRes.In_default_external_application; menuItem.Font = new Font(menuItem.Font, FontStyle.Bold); menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.OpenFile(url); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs.Add(menuItem); } //internal CreateOpenInInternalBrowserContextMenu(subs, ViewType.CefBrowser, recоmmendedViewType, BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_OLD_DISK_CACHE, url, webEntryInfo, contentContainer, selectedObject, webEntityInfoPropertyName); //external if (isFile) { //open folder menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_folder; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.OpenFile(FileUtils.GetDirectorNameForPath(url)); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs.Add(menuItem); } ////////////////////////////////// OpenOtherTools(webEntryInfo, subs); ////////////////////////////// ///internal browser subs2 = new List <ToolStripItem>(); CreateOpenInInternalBrowserContextMenu(subs2, ViewType.CefBrowser, recоmmendedViewType, BrowserPrivateType.COMMON_CACHE, url, webEntryInfo, contentContainer, selectedObject, webEntityInfoPropertyName); CreateOpenInInternalBrowserContextMenu(subs2, ViewType.CefBrowser, recоmmendedViewType, BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_OLD_DISK_CACHE, url, webEntryInfo, contentContainer, selectedObject, webEntityInfoPropertyName); CreateOpenInInternalBrowserContextMenu(subs2, ViewType.CefBrowser, recоmmendedViewType, BrowserPrivateType.PERSONAL_IN_MEMORY_CACHE, url, webEntryInfo, contentContainer, selectedObject, webEntityInfoPropertyName); string commonCachePath = Dm.Instance.GetBrowserCommonCachePathUniqueForCompAndUser(); string objectCachepath = Dm.Instance.GetCacheFullPathForObjectUniqueForCompAndUser(selectedObject); menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Clear_browser_cache_for_entity; if (Directory.Exists(objectCachepath) == false) { menuItem.Enabled = false; } menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (Directory.Exists(objectCachepath)) { FileUtils.DeleteDirectory(objectCachepath); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); JActor actor = null; var pl = selectedObject.GetType().GetProperties(); Type at = typeof(JActor); foreach (var p in pl) { if (p.PropertyType == at) { actor = AttrHelper.GetPropertyValue(selectedObject, p) as JActor; break; } } if (actor != null) { string actorCachepath = Dm.Instance.GetCacheFullPathForObjectUniqueForCompAndUser(actor); menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Clear_browser_cache_for_entity_actor; if (Directory.Exists(actorCachepath) == false) { menuItem.Enabled = false; } menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (Directory.Exists(actorCachepath)) { FileUtils.DeleteDirectory(actorCachepath); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Clear_common_browser_cache; if (Directory.Exists(commonCachePath) == false) { menuItem.Enabled = false; } menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (Directory.Exists(commonCachePath)) { FileUtils.DeleteDirectory(commonCachePath); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); //open folder if (isFile) { CreateOpenInInternalBrowserContextMenu(subs2, ViewType.Simple, recоmmendedViewType, BrowserPrivateType.COMMON_CACHE, url, webEntryInfo, contentContainer, selectedObject, webEntityInfoPropertyName); CreateOpenInInternalBrowserContextMenu(subs2, ViewType.WORD, recоmmendedViewType, BrowserPrivateType.COMMON_CACHE, url, webEntryInfo, contentContainer, selectedObject, webEntityInfoPropertyName); } //level 1 menu - open menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_embedded_browser; menuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(subs2.ToArray <ToolStripItem>()); subs1.Add(menuItem); ///////////////////////////////// /////Open in external browser ////////////////////////////// //open external app level 2 subs2 = new List <ToolStripItem>(); if (AppLocator.EdgePath != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_Microsoft_Edge; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; //open local files (or local uri to file) not supported // ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram("cmd.exe", "/c start microsoft-edge:" + url); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } if (AppLocator.InternetExplorerPath != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_IE__deprecated_; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.InternetExplorerPath, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_IE__deprecated_ + " (" + WebAccountLibRes.private_mode + ")"; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; //InPrivate Browsing helps prevent your browsing history, temporary Internet files, form data, cookies, and user names and passwords from being retained by the browser. You can start InPrivate Browsing from the Safety menu, by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P, or from the New Tab page. Internet Explorer will launch a new browser session that won’t keep any information about webpages you visit or searches you perform. Closing the browser window will end your InPrivate Browsing session. ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.InternetExplorerPath, "-private " + uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } if (AppLocator.ChromePath != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_Chrome; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.ChromePath, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_Chrome + " (" + WebAccountLibRes.private_mode + ")"; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.ChromePath, "-incognito " + uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } if (AppLocator.FirefoxPath != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_FireFox; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.FirefoxPath, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } if (AppLocator.FirefoxProtablePath != null && File.Exists(AppLocator.FirefoxProtablePath)) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_FireFox + " " + WebAccountLibRes.Portable; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.FirefoxProtablePath, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } if (AppLocator.ChromeProtablePath != null && File.Exists(AppLocator.ChromeProtablePath)) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_Chrome + " " + WebAccountLibRes.Portable; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.ChromeProtablePath, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } if (AppLocator.OperaPath != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_Opera; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.OperaPath, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } if (AppLocator.SafariPath != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_Safary; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram(AppLocator.SafariPath, uri); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } if (webEntryInfo.Url != null && webEntryInfo.Login != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_IE__KeeForm__and_try_to_autocomplate_web_form__ + webEntryInfo.Login; menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { if (CheckIfWeNeedVPN(webEntryInfo) == false) { return; } AppManager.Instance.CurrentWebEntryInfo = webEntryInfo; StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(); args.Append(webEntryInfo.Url); args.Append(" "); args.Append(webEntryInfo.Login); args.Append(" "); args.Append(webEntryInfo.Password != null ? webEntryInfo.Password : "******"); if (webEntryInfo.Password != null) { args.Append(" "); //args.Append("{TAB}{TAB}{ENTERFORM}"); args.Append("{ENTERFORM}"); } Console.WriteLine("Args: " + args.ToString()); ProcessUtils.ExecuteProgram("KeeForm.exe", args.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs2.Add(menuItem); } //level 1 menu - open menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in_external + "..."; menuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(subs2.ToArray <ToolStripItem>()); subs1.Add(menuItem); OpenInOtherBrowsers(webEntryInfo, uri, subs1); //level 0 menu - open menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Open_in + "..."; menuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange(subs1.ToArray <ToolStripItem>()); subs.Add(menuItem); //copy url menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Copy + " " + oTitle + " " + WebAccountLibRes.to_clipboard + ": " + (url.Length <= 50 ? url : (url.Substring(0, 50) + "...")); menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(url, TextDataFormat.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs.Add(menuItem); if (url.Equals(uri) == false) { //copy uri menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Copy + " " + oTitle + " " + WebAccountLibRes.to_clipboard + ": " + (uri.Length <= 50 ? uri : (uri.Substring(0, 50) + "...")); menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(uri, TextDataFormat.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs.Add(menuItem); } } //////////////login password if (webEntryInfo != null && webEntryInfo.Login != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Copy_login_to_clipboard + ": " + webEntryInfo.Login; menuItem.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(webEntryInfo.Login); menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(webEntryInfo.Login, TextDataFormat.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs.Add(menuItem); } if (webEntryInfo != null && webEntryInfo.Password != null) { menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = WebAccountLibRes.Copy_password_to_clipboard; menuItem.Enabled = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(webEntryInfo.Password); menuItem.Click += (s, em) => { try { Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(webEntryInfo.Password, TextDataFormat.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ShowError(ex); } }; subs.Add(menuItem); } return(subs); }