        } // End of AddAttendanceBLL

        /// <summary>
        /// Business Logic for modifying Attendances table records
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attendance">AttendanceModDTO object with properties to modify</param>
        /// <param name="userClaims">ClaimsPrincipal object containing User Identity</param>
        /// <returns>object Exception or AttendanceModDTO</returns>
        internal object ModifyAttendanceBLL(AttendanceModDTO attendance, ClaimsPrincipal userClaims)

            // Create a new APIException object to store possible exceptions as checks are performed. 
            APIException exceptionList = new APIException();

            // Due to the number of checks, this approach is more appropriate
            Dictionary<string, bool> exceptionTests = new Dictionary<string, bool>()
                { "Specified RecordID does not exist", !_context.AttendanceRecords.Any(x => x.RecordID == attendance.RecordID) },
                { "Specified AttendanceStateID does not exist", !_context.AttendanceStates.Any(x => x.StateID == attendance.AttendanceStateID) }

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, bool> kvp in exceptionTests)
                if (kvp.Value) exceptionList.AddExMessage(kvp.Key);

            if (!exceptionList.HasExceptions)
                return attendance;
                return exceptionList;
        } // End of ModifyAttendanceBLL
        public async Task <ActionResult> ModifyAttendance([FromBody] AttendanceModDTO attendance)
            if (AttendanceExists(attendance.RecordID))
                // Call BLL method to run validation
                object BLLResponse = new AttendanceBLL(_context).ModifyAttendanceBLL(attendance: attendance, userClaims: User);

                if (BLLResponse.GetType().BaseType == typeof(Exception))
                    // Create log entries for Debug log
                    ((APIException)BLLResponse).Exceptions.ForEach(ex => Logger.Msg <AttendancesController>((Exception)ex, Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Debug));

                    // Return response from API
                    return(BadRequest(new { errors = ((APIException)BLLResponse).Exceptions.Select(x => x.Message).ToArray() }));
                        // Cast the response to the correct type
                        AttendanceModDTO modAttendanceRecord = (AttendanceModDTO)BLLResponse;

                        // Modify the Attendance Record
                        Attendance attendanceRecord = _context.AttendanceRecords.Where(x => x.RecordID == modAttendanceRecord.RecordID).First();

                        attendanceRecord.AttendanceStateID = attendance.AttendanceStateID;
                        attendanceRecord.Comment           = attendance.Comment;

                        // Save changes
                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        Logger.Msg <AttendancesController>($"[{User.FindFirstValue("email")}] [MODIFY] attendance RecordID '{attendanceRecord.RecordID}' updated", Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Information);
                        AttendanceDTO response = new AttendanceDTO(attendanceRecord);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Local log entry. Database reconciliation issues are more serious so reported as Error
                        Logger.Msg <AttendancesController>($"[MODIFY] Database sync error {ex.Message}", Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Error);

                        // Return response to client
                        return(StatusCode(500, new { errors = "Database update failed. Contact the administrator to resolve this issue." }));
        } // End of ModifyAttendance