public static bool ShouldPanic(Mech mech, AttackDirector.AttackSequence attackSequence)
            if (mech == null || attackSequence == null)

            if (mech.IsDead || (mech.IsFlaggedForDeath && mech.HasHandledDeath) || == null)
            var id = attackSequence.chosenTarget.GUID;

            if (!attackSequence.GetAttackDidDamage(id)) //no point in panicking over nothing

            if (attackSequence.GetStructureDamageDealt(id) < 1 && !attackSequence.GetLowArmorStruck(id)) //no structure damage and didn't strike low armour
                float totalArmor = 0, maxArmor = 0;

                maxArmor = GetTotalMechArmour(mech, maxArmor);

                totalArmor = GetCurrentMechArmour(mech, totalArmor);

                if ((totalArmor / maxArmor * 100) + ((BasicPanic.Settings.MinimumArmourDamagePercentageRequired * maxArmor / 100) / maxArmor * 100) >= 100)  //basically if this equals to 100%, mech didn't lose enough armour

            if ( == mech.Combat.LocalPlayerTeam && !BasicPanic.Settings.PlayerTeamCanPanic)
            else if ( != mech.Combat.LocalPlayerTeam && !BasicPanic.Settings.EnemiesCanPanic)

            int PanicRoll = 0;

            Pilot pilot   = mech.GetPilot();
            var   weapons = mech.Weapons;
            var   guts    = mech.SkillGuts;
            var   tactics = mech.SkillTactics;
            var   total   = guts + tactics;
            int   index   = -1;

            index = PanicHelpers.GetTrackedPilotIndex(mech);

            float lowestRemaining = mech.CenterTorsoStructure + mech.CenterTorsoFrontArmor;
            float panicModifiers  = 0;

            if (index < 0)
                Holder.TrackedPilots.Add(new PanicTracker(mech)); //add a new tracker to tracked pilot, then we run it all over again;

                index = PanicHelpers.GetTrackedPilotIndex(mech);
                if (index < 0)

            if (Holder.TrackedPilots[index].trackedMech != mech.GUID)

            if (Holder.TrackedPilots[index].trackedMech == mech.GUID &&
                Holder.TrackedPilots[index].ChangedRecently && BasicPanic.Settings.AlwaysGatedChanges)

            // pilot health
            if (pilot != null)
                float pilotHealthPercent = 1 - ((float)pilot.Injuries / pilot.Health);

                if (pilotHealthPercent < 1)
                    panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.PilotHealthMaxModifier * (1 - pilotHealthPercent);

            if (mech.IsUnsteady)
                panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.UnsteadyModifier;

            // Head
            var headHealthPercent = (mech.HeadArmor + mech.HeadStructure) / (mech.GetMaxArmor(ArmorLocation.Head) + mech.GetMaxStructure(ChassisLocations.Head));

            if (headHealthPercent < 1)
                panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.HeadDamageMaxModifier * (1 - headHealthPercent);

            // CT
            var ctPercent = (mech.CenterTorsoFrontArmor + mech.CenterTorsoStructure) / (mech.GetMaxArmor(ArmorLocation.CenterTorso) + mech.GetMaxStructure(ChassisLocations.CenterTorso));

            if (ctPercent < 1)
                panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.CTDamageMaxModifier * (1 - ctPercent);
                lowestRemaining = Math.Min(mech.CenterTorsoStructure, lowestRemaining);

            // side torsos
            var ltStructurePercent = mech.LeftTorsoStructure / mech.GetMaxStructure(ChassisLocations.LeftTorso);

            if (ltStructurePercent < 1)
                panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.SideTorsoInternalDamageMaxModifier * (1 - ltStructurePercent);

            var rtStructurePercent = mech.RightTorsoStructure / mech.GetMaxStructure(ChassisLocations.RightTorso);

            if (rtStructurePercent < 1)
                panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.SideTorsoInternalDamageMaxModifier * (1 - rtStructurePercent);

            // legs
            if (mech.RightLegDamageLevel == LocationDamageLevel.Destroyed || mech.LeftLegDamageLevel == LocationDamageLevel.Destroyed)
                float legPercent;

                if (mech.LeftLegDamageLevel == LocationDamageLevel.Destroyed)
                    legPercent = (mech.RightLegStructure + mech.RightLegArmor) / (mech.GetMaxStructure(ChassisLocations.RightLeg) + mech.GetMaxArmor(ArmorLocation.RightLeg));
                    legPercent = (mech.LeftLegStructure + mech.LeftLegArmor) / (mech.GetMaxStructure(ChassisLocations.LeftLeg) + mech.GetMaxArmor(ArmorLocation.LeftLeg));

                if (legPercent < 1)
                    lowestRemaining = Math.Min(legPercent * (mech.GetMaxStructure(ChassisLocations.LeftLeg) + mech.GetMaxArmor(ArmorLocation.LeftLeg)), lowestRemaining);
                    panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.LeggedMaxModifier * (1 - legPercent);

            // next shot could kill
            if (lowestRemaining <= attackSequence.cumulativeDamage)
                panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.NextShotLikeThatCouldKill;

            // weaponless
            if (weapons.TrueForAll(w =>
                                   w.DamageLevel == ComponentDamageLevel.Destroyed || w.DamageLevel == ComponentDamageLevel.NonFunctional))
                panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.WeaponlessModifier;

            // alone
            if (mech.Combat.GetAllAlliesOf(mech).TrueForAll(m => m.IsDead || m == mech as AbstractActor))
                panicModifiers += BasicPanic.Settings.AloneModifier;
            //straight up add guts, tactics, and morale to this as negative values
            panicModifiers -= total;
            if ( == mech.Combat.LocalPlayerTeam)
                MoraleConstantsDef moraleDef = mech.Combat.Constants.GetActiveMoraleDef(mech.Combat);
                panicModifiers -= Math.Max(mech.Combat.LocalPlayerTeam.Morale - moraleDef.CanUseInspireLevel, 0) / (float)2;

            //reduce modifiers by 5 to account change to D20 roll instead of D100 roll, then min it t0 20 or modified floor
            panicModifiers /= 5;

            PanicRoll = PanicRoll + (int)panicModifiers;

            if ((total >= 20 || PanicRoll <= 0) && !BasicPanic.Settings.AtLeastOneChanceToPanic)

            PanicRoll = Math.Min(PanicRoll, 20);

            if (PanicRoll < 0)
                PanicRoll = 0;                                   //make this have some kind of chance to happen
            PanicRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(PanicRoll, 20); // actual roll
            //we get this far, we reduce total to under the max panic chance
            total = Math.Min(total, (int)BasicPanic.Settings.MaxPanicResistTotal);

            int rngRoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(total, 20);

            if (rngRoll <= PanicRoll)
                ApplyPanicDebuff(mech, index);
            mech.Combat.MessageCenter.PublishMessage(new AddSequenceToStackMessage(new ShowActorInfoSequence(mech, $"Resisted Morale Check!", FloatieMessage.MessageNature.Buff, true)));