        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the joint poses calculated from the Leap Motion Controller to the jointPoses Dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetJointPoses()
            foreach (TrackedHandJoint joint in TrackedHandJointEnum)
                if (attachmentHand != null && attachmentHand.isTracked)
                    // Is the current joint a metacarpal
                    bool isMetacarpal = metacarpals.Contains(joint);

                    // AttachmentPointFlags does not include metacarpals.
                    if (isMetacarpal)
                        MixedRealityPose metacarpalPose = GetMetacarpalPose(joint);

                        jointPoses[joint] = metacarpalPose;
                        AttachmentPointFlags leapAttachmentFlag = ConvertMRTKJointToLeapJoint(joint);

                        // Get the pose of the leap joint
                        AttachmentPointBehaviour leapJoint = attachmentHand.GetBehaviourForPoint(leapAttachmentFlag);

                        // Set the pose calculated by the leap motion to a mixed reality pose
                        MixedRealityPose pose = new MixedRealityPose(leapJoint.transform.position, leapJoint.transform.rotation);

                        jointPoses[joint] = pose;
                    jointPoses[joint] = MixedRealityPose.ZeroIdentity;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     _thisFinger = GetComponent <AttachmentPointBehaviour>();
     if (_palm != null && _thisFinger != null)
        private void onUpdateFrame(Frame frame)
            if (frame == null)
                Debug.Log("Frame null");

            var hand = frame.Hands.Query()
                       .FirstOrDefault(h => h.IsLeft == (whichHand == Chirality.Left));

            bool shouldStream = false;
            Pose streamPose   = Pose.identity;

            if (hand != null)
                _isHandTracked = true;

                if (enabled && gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    Vector3 pointPosition; Quaternion pointRotation;
                    AttachmentPointBehaviour.GetLeapHandPointData(hand, attachmentPoint,
                                                                  out pointPosition,
                                                                  out pointRotation);

                    // Replace wrist rotation data with that from the palm for now.
                    if (attachmentPoint == AttachmentPointFlags.Wrist &&
                        Vector3 unusedPos;
                        AttachmentPointBehaviour.GetLeapHandPointData(hand, AttachmentPointFlags.Palm,
                                                                      out unusedPos,
                                                                      out pointRotation);
                    if (attachmentPoint == AttachmentPointFlags.Wrist)
                        // TODO: Fix wrist position for edit-time hands.
                        // Artificially shift the wrist position down because for some reason it's
                        // not so great.
                        if (!Application.isPlaying)
                            pointPosition -= pointRotation * Vector3.forward * 0.02f;

                    this.transform.position = pointPosition;
                    this.transform.rotation = pointRotation;

                    streamPose = new Pose(pointPosition, pointRotation);
                    var streamOffset = Pose.identity;
                    if (usePoseStreamOffset && poseStreamOffsetSource != null)
                        streamOffset = poseStreamOffsetSource.transform.ToWorldPose()
                    streamPose   = streamPose.Then(streamOffset);
                    shouldStream = true;
                _isHandTracked = false;

            // Pose Stream data.
            shouldStream &= doPoseStream;
            shouldStream &= Application.isPlaying;
            shouldStream &= this.enabled && gameObject.activeInHierarchy;
            if (!shouldStream && _isStreamOpen)
                _isStreamOpen = false;
            if (shouldStream && !_isStreamOpen)
                _isStreamOpen = true;
            if (shouldStream)
 private void Awake()
     _attachment          = GetComponent <AttachmentPointBehaviour>();
     _HandLeftPositionId  = Shader.PropertyToID("_HandLeftPosition");
     _HandRightPositionId = Shader.PropertyToID("_HandRightPosition");