 public AttachmentDescription2KHR
     StructureType sType = StructureType.AttachmentDescription2,
     void *pNext         = default,
     AttachmentDescriptionFlags flags = default,
     Format format                    = default,
     SampleCountFlags samples         = default,
     AttachmentLoadOp loadOp          = default,
     AttachmentStoreOp storeOp        = default,
     AttachmentLoadOp stencilLoadOp   = default,
     AttachmentStoreOp stencilStoreOp = default,
     ImageLayout initialLayout        = default,
     ImageLayout finalLayout          = default
     SType          = sType;
     PNext          = pNext;
     Flags          = flags;
     Format         = format;
     Samples        = samples;
     LoadOp         = loadOp;
     StoreOp        = storeOp;
     StencilLoadOp  = stencilLoadOp;
     StencilStoreOp = stencilStoreOp;
     InitialLayout  = initialLayout;
     FinalLayout    = finalLayout;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AttachmentDescription"/> structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="flags">A bitmask specifying additional properties of the attachment.</param>
 /// <param name="format">
 /// Specifies the format of the image that will be used for the attachment.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="samples">The number of samples of the image.</param>
 /// <param name="loadOp">
 /// Specifies how the contents of color and depth components of the attachment are treated at
 /// the beginning of the subpass where it is first used.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="storeOp">
 /// Specifies how the contents of color and depth components of the attachment are treated at
 /// the end of the subpass where it is last used.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="stencilLoadOp">
 /// Specifies how the contents of stencil components of the attachment are treated at the
 /// beginning of the subpass where it is first used, and must be one of the same values
 /// allowed for <see cref="LoadOp"/> above.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="stencilStoreOp">
 /// Specifies how the contents of stencil components of the attachment are treated at the end
 /// of the last subpass where it is used, and must be one of the same values allowed for <see
 /// cref="StoreOp"/> above.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="initialLayout">
 /// The layout the attachment image subresource will be in when a render pass instance begins.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="finalLayout">
 /// The layout the attachment image subresource will be transitioned to when a render pass
 /// instance ends. During a render pass instance, an attachment can use a different layout in
 /// each subpass, if desired.
 /// </param>
 public AttachmentDescription(
     AttachmentDescriptions flags,
     Format format,
     SampleCounts samples,
     AttachmentLoadOp loadOp,
     AttachmentStoreOp storeOp,
     AttachmentLoadOp stencilLoadOp,
     AttachmentStoreOp stencilStoreOp,
     ImageLayout initialLayout,
     ImageLayout finalLayout)
     Flags          = flags;
     Format         = format;
     Samples        = samples;
     LoadOp         = loadOp;
     StoreOp        = storeOp;
     StencilLoadOp  = stencilLoadOp;
     StencilStoreOp = stencilStoreOp;
     InitialLayout  = initialLayout;
     FinalLayout    = finalLayout;
        public unsafe RenderPass(Api api, SwapChain swapChain, DepthBuffer depthBuffer, AttachmentLoadOp colorBufferLoadOp, AttachmentLoadOp depthBufferLoadOp)
            _api = api;

            var colorAttachment = new AttachmentDescription();

            colorAttachment.Format         = swapChain.Format;
            colorAttachment.Samples        = SampleCountFlags.SampleCount1Bit;
            colorAttachment.LoadOp         = colorBufferLoadOp;
            colorAttachment.StoreOp        = AttachmentStoreOp.Store;
            colorAttachment.StencilLoadOp  = AttachmentLoadOp.DontCare;
            colorAttachment.StencilStoreOp = AttachmentStoreOp.DontCare;
            colorAttachment.InitialLayout  = colorBufferLoadOp == AttachmentLoadOp.Clear ? ImageLayout.Undefined : ImageLayout.PresentSrcKhr;
            colorAttachment.FinalLayout    = ImageLayout.PresentSrcKhr;

            var depthAttachment = new AttachmentDescription();

            depthAttachment.Format         = depthBuffer.Format;
            depthAttachment.Samples        = SampleCountFlags.SampleCount1Bit;
            depthAttachment.LoadOp         = depthBufferLoadOp;
            depthAttachment.StoreOp        = AttachmentStoreOp.DontCare;
            depthAttachment.StencilLoadOp  = AttachmentLoadOp.DontCare;
            depthAttachment.StencilStoreOp = AttachmentStoreOp.DontCare;
            depthAttachment.InitialLayout  = depthBufferLoadOp == AttachmentLoadOp.Clear ? ImageLayout.Undefined : ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal;
            depthAttachment.FinalLayout    = ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal;

            var colorAttachmentRef = new AttachmentReference();

            colorAttachmentRef.Attachment = 0;
            colorAttachmentRef.Layout     = ImageLayout.ColorAttachmentOptimal;

            var depthAttachmentRef = new AttachmentReference();

            depthAttachmentRef.Attachment = 1;
            depthAttachmentRef.Layout     = ImageLayout.DepthStencilAttachmentOptimal;

            var subpass = new SubpassDescription();

            subpass.PipelineBindPoint       = PipelineBindPoint.Graphics;
            subpass.ColorAttachmentCount    = 1;
            subpass.PColorAttachments       = (AttachmentReference *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref colorAttachmentRef);
            subpass.PDepthStencilAttachment = (AttachmentReference *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref depthAttachmentRef);

            var dependency = new SubpassDependency();

            dependency.SrcSubpass    = Vk.SubpassExternal;
            dependency.DstSubpass    = 0;
            dependency.SrcStageMask  = PipelineStageFlags.PipelineStageColorAttachmentOutputBit;
            dependency.SrcAccessMask = 0;
            dependency.DstStageMask  = PipelineStageFlags.PipelineStageColorAttachmentOutputBit;
            dependency.DstAccessMask = AccessFlags.AccessColorAttachmentReadBit | AccessFlags.AccessColorAttachmentWriteBit;

            Span <AttachmentDescription> attachments = stackalloc AttachmentDescription[]

            var renderPassInfo = new RenderPassCreateInfo();

            renderPassInfo.SType           = StructureType.RenderPassCreateInfo;
            renderPassInfo.AttachmentCount = (uint)attachments.Length;
            renderPassInfo.PAttachments    = (AttachmentDescription *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref attachments[0]);
            renderPassInfo.SubpassCount    = 1;
            renderPassInfo.PSubpasses      = (SubpassDescription *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref subpass);
            renderPassInfo.DependencyCount = 1;
            renderPassInfo.PDependencies   = (SubpassDependency *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref dependency);

                _api.Vk.CreateRenderPass(_api.Vk.CurrentDevice.Value, renderPassInfo, default, out _vkRenderPass),
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public AttachmentDescription(AttachmentDescriptionFlags flags, Format format, SampleCountFlags samples, AttachmentLoadOp loadOp, AttachmentStoreOp storeOp, AttachmentLoadOp stencilLoadOp, AttachmentStoreOp stencilStoreOp, ImageLayout initialLayout, ImageLayout finalLayout)
     this.Flags          = flags;
     this.Format         = format;
     this.Samples        = samples;
     this.LoadOp         = loadOp;
     this.StoreOp        = storeOp;
     this.StencilLoadOp  = stencilLoadOp;
     this.StencilStoreOp = stencilStoreOp;
     this.InitialLayout  = initialLayout;
     this.FinalLayout    = finalLayout;