 /// <summary>
 /// Set <see cref="AttributeAttachmentLevel"/> from string. If the string is not valid then <see cref="AttributeAttachmentLevel"/> is set to <see cref="AttachmentLevel.None"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">
 /// The attachment level
 /// </param>
 public void SetAttachmentLevel(string level)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(level) || !Enum.TryParse(level, true, out this._attributeAttachmentLevel))
         this._attributeAttachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.None; // redundant but specified for readability
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// internal constructor that creates an AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">action represented by this instance</param>
        /// <param name="attachedAnnotation">annotation that was added/deleted/modified</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachedAnchor">if action is modified, previous attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachmentLevel">if action is modified, previous attachment level</param>
        internal AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs(AttachedAnnotationAction action, IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel)
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null);

            _action                  = action;
            _attachedAnnotation      = attachedAnnotation;
            _previousAttachedAnchor  = previousAttachedAnchor;
            _previousAttachmentLevel = previousAttachmentLevel;
 // Token: 0x06007BEA RID: 31722 RVA: 0x0022D40C File Offset: 0x0022B60C
 internal void Update(object attachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, DependencyObject parent)
     this._attachedAnchor     = attachedAnchor;
     this._attachmentLevel    = attachmentLevel;
     this._selectionProcessor = this._locatorManager.GetSelectionProcessor(attachedAnchor.GetType());
     if (parent != null)
         this._parent = parent;
     this._parent = this._selectionProcessor.GetParent(this._attachedAnchor);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create an instance of AttachedAnnotation with a specified parent.  Takes an optional 
        ///     parent for the attached annotation.  This is useful when the parent is known before
        ///     hand and not available through the normal means (such as in printing).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">the LocatorManager providing processors for this anchored annotation</param>
        /// <param name="annotation">the annotation itself</param>
        /// <param name="anchor">the annotation's anchor represented by the attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="attachedAnchor">the attached anchor itself</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">the level of the attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="parent">parent of the selection</param>
        internal AttachedAnnotation(LocatorManager manager, Annotation annotation, AnnotationResource anchor, Object attachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, DependencyObject parent)
            Debug.Assert(manager != null, "LocatorManager can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(annotation != null, "Annotation can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(anchor != null, "Anchor can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(attachedAnchor != null, "AttachedAnchor can not be null");

            _annotation = annotation;
            _anchor = anchor;
            _locatorManager = manager;
            Update(attachedAnchor, attachmentLevel, parent);
        public AttributeCriterionMap()
            Map(o => o.Name).ToAttribute("id", true)
            .Set(v => _name = v)
            .Converter(new StringConverter());

            Map(o => o.AttachmentLevel).ToAttribute("attachmentLevel", false)
            .Set(v => _attachmentLevel = v)
            .Converter(new EnumConverter <AttachmentLevel>());

            Map(o => o.Value).ToContent()
            .Set(v => _value = v)
            .Converter(new StringConverter());
        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Update the attached anchor and level for this attached annotation.  Internal method called by
        /// the annotation service when a change to an anchor is processed.  Optional parent will be used
        /// if present.  Otherwise we get the parent from the selection processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachedAnchor">the new attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">the new attachment level</param>
        /// <param name="parent">optional, the parent of the attached annotation</param>
        internal void Update(object attachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, DependencyObject parent)
            Debug.Assert(attachedAnchor != null, "AttachedAnchor can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(attachmentLevel > AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && attachmentLevel <= AttachmentLevel.Incomplete,
                         "Undefined attachment level");

            _attachedAnchor     = attachedAnchor;
            _attachmentLevel    = attachmentLevel;
            _selectionProcessor = _locatorManager.GetSelectionProcessor(attachedAnchor.GetType());
            // Use optional parent if available
            if (parent != null)
                _parent = parent;
                _parent = _selectionProcessor.GetParent(_attachedAnchor);
            Debug.Assert(_selectionProcessor != null, SR.Get(SRID.NoProcessorForSelectionType, attachedAnchor.GetType()));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Resolves a single locator starting at the given startNode.  
        /// Sets the selection and attachmentLevel if necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selection">object representing the content that has been resolved 
        /// so far; updated if the locator passed in is resolved</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">attachmentLevel of content that has been resolved 
        /// so far; updated based on the resolution of the passed in locator</param>
        /// <param name="attemptedLevel">the level that is represented by this locator - 
        /// start, middle or end</param>
        /// <param name="locator">the locator to resolve</param>
        /// <param name="offset">the offset into the locator to start the resolution at</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the node to start the resolution at</param>
        /// <param name="skipStartNode">whether or not the start node should be looked at</param> 
        /// <returns>the data representing the resolution of the single locator; used for 
        /// special cases by calling code to override results from this method</returns>
        private ResolvingLocatorState ResolveSingleLocator(ref object selection, ref AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel attemptedLevel, ContentLocator locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, bool skipStartNode)
            ResolvingLocatorState data = new ResolvingLocatorState();
            data.LocatorPartIndex = offset;
            data.ContentLocatorBase = locator;

            PrePostDescendentsWalker<ResolvingLocatorState> walker = new PrePostDescendentsWalker<ResolvingLocatorState>(TreeWalkPriority.VisualTree, ResolveLocatorPart, TerminateResolve, data);
            walker.StartWalk(startNode, skipStartNode);

            if (data.AttachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.Full && data.AttachedAnchor != null)
                // Merge the results with pre-existing selection
                if (selection != null)
                    SelectionProcessor selProcessor = GetSelectionProcessor(selection.GetType());
                    object newSelection;
                    if (selProcessor != null)
                        if (selProcessor.MergeSelections(selection, data.AttachedAnchor, out newSelection))
                            selection = newSelection;
                            // If we can't merge, them this locator isn't included in final results so we
                            // we turn off the level that we are attempting to resolve
                            attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel;
                        // If not selection processor, the locator can't be resolved so 
                        // we turn off the level that we were attempting to resolve
                        attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel;
                    selection = data.AttachedAnchor;
                // ContentLocator didn't fully resolve so we turn off the level
                // that we were attempting to resolve
                attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel;

            return data;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Searches the element subtree for a node that maps to the 
        ///     passed in ContentLocatorBase.  
        ///     Note: For LocatorGroups the startNode, offset, and prefixes
        ///     are ignored.  Due to the nature of LocatorGroups, we always
        ///     start searching at the node with the service enabled, with
        ///     the first locator part, ignoring all prefixes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startNode">the root of the subtree to search</param>
        /// <param name="prefixes">locators for the root of the subtree</param>
        /// <param name="locator">the ContentLocatorBase we are resolving to an anchor</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">type of the anchor returned</param>
        /// <returns>the anchor for the passed in ContentLocatorBase; will return null if no match can be found</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">startNode or locator is null</exception>
        internal Object FindAttachedAnchor(DependencyObject startNode, ContentLocator[] prefixes, ContentLocatorBase locator, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            if (locator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator");
            // Set it to unresolved initially
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            Object anchor = null;            
            bool matched = true;
            int locatorPartIdx = FindMatchingPrefix(prefixes, locator, out matched);

            // The annotation's locator starts with at least 
            // one of the locators for the local root.
            if (matched)
                ContentLocator realLocator = locator as ContentLocator;
                if (realLocator == null || locatorPartIdx < realLocator.Parts.Count)
                    // Now we try to resolve.  If any locator parts were matched to the startNode we want to 
                    // start resolving with its children, skipping a revisit to the startNode.
                    anchor = InternalResolveLocator(locator, locatorPartIdx, startNode, locatorPartIdx != 0 /*skipStartNode*/, out attachmentLevel);

                // If nothing was returned, we base our return values on the results
                // of matching against the local root.
                if (attachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && locatorPartIdx > 0)
                    if (locatorPartIdx == 0)
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
                    // If there was anything left to resolve then its incomplete
                    else if (realLocator != null && locatorPartIdx < realLocator.Parts.Count)
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Incomplete;
                        anchor = startNode;
                    // otherwise its fully resolved 
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
                        anchor = startNode;

            return anchor;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates a selection object spanning the portion of 'startNode' 
 ///     specified by 'locatorPart'.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="locatorPart">locator part specifying data to be spanned</param>
 /// <param name="startNode">the node to be spanned by the created 
 /// selection</param>
 /// <param name="attachmentLevel">describes the level of resolution reached when resolving the locator part</param>
 /// <returns>a selection spanning the portion of 'startNode' specified by     
 /// 'locatorPart'</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are 
 /// null</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">locatorPart is of the incorrect type</exception>
 public abstract Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel);
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        ///     Create an instance of AttachedAnnotation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">the LocatorManager providing processors for this anchored annotation</param>
        /// <param name="annotation">the annotation itself</param>
        /// <param name="anchor">the annotation's anchor represented by the attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="attachedAnchor">the attached anchor itself</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">the level of the attached anchor</param>
        internal AttachedAnnotation(LocatorManager manager, Annotation annotation, AnnotationResource anchor, Object attachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            : this(manager, annotation, anchor, attachedAnchor, attachmentLevel, null)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a selection object spanning the portion of 'startNode' 
        ///     specified by 'locatorPart'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locatorPart">locator part specifying data to be spanned</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the node to be spanned by the created 
        /// selection</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">set to AttachmentLevel.Full if the entire range of text
        /// was resolved, otherwise set to StartPortion, MiddlePortion, or EndPortion based on
        /// which part of the range was resolved</param>
        /// <returns>a selection spanning the portion of 'startNode' specified by     
        /// 'locatorPart', null if selection described by locator part could not be
        /// recreated</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are 
        /// null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">locatorPart is of the incorrect type</exception>
        public override Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");

            if (CharacterRangeElementName != locatorPart.PartType)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.IncorrectLocatorPartType, locatorPart.PartType.Namespace + ":" + locatorPart.PartType.Name), "locatorPart");

            // First we extract the offset and length of the 
            // text range from the locator part.
            int startOffset = 0;
            int endOffset = 0;

            string stringCount = locatorPart.NameValuePairs[CountAttribute];
            if (stringCount == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocatorPart, TextSelectionProcessor.CountAttribute));                
            int count = Int32.Parse(stringCount,NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            TextAnchor anchor = new TextAnchor();

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved; 
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                GetLocatorPartSegmentValues(locatorPart, i, out startOffset, out endOffset);

                // Now we grab the TextRange so we can create a selection.  
                // TextBox doesn't expose its internal TextRange so we use
                // its API for creating and getting the selection.
                ITextPointer elementStart;
                ITextPointer elementEnd;
                // If we can't get the start/end of the node then we can't resolve the locator part
                if (!GetNodesStartAndEnd(startNode, out elementStart, out elementEnd))
                    return null;

                // If the offset is not withing the element's text range we return null
                int textRangeLength = elementStart.GetOffsetToPosition(elementEnd);
                if (startOffset > textRangeLength)
                    return null;

                ITextPointer start = elementStart.CreatePointer(startOffset);// new TextPointer((TextPointer)elementStart, startOffset);

                ITextPointer end = (textRangeLength <= endOffset) ?
                    elementEnd.CreatePointer() : //new TextPointer((TextPointer)elementEnd) :
                    elementStart.CreatePointer(endOffset);// new TextPointer((TextPointer)elementStart, endOffset);

                //we do not process 0 length selection
                if (start.CompareTo(end) >= 0)
                    return null;

                anchor.AddTextSegment(start, end);

            //we do not support 0 or negative length selection
            if (anchor.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.IncorrectAnchorLength), "locatorPart");

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full; 
            if (_clamping)
                ITextPointer currentStart = anchor.Start;
                ITextPointer currentEnd = anchor.End;
                IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null;
                ITextView textView = null;

                if (_targetPage != null)
                    serviceProvider = _targetPage as IServiceProvider;
                    FlowDocument content = currentStart.TextContainer.Parent as FlowDocument;
                    serviceProvider = PathNode.GetParent(content as DependencyObject) as IServiceProvider;

                Invariant.Assert(serviceProvider != null, "No ServiceProvider found to get TextView from.");
                textView = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITextView)) as ITextView;
                Invariant.Assert(textView != null, "Null TextView provided by ServiceProvider.");

                anchor = TextAnchor.TrimToIntersectionWith(anchor, textView.TextSegments);

                if (anchor == null)
                    attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
                    if (anchor.Start.CompareTo(currentStart) != 0)
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.StartPortion;
                    if (anchor.End.CompareTo(currentEnd) != 0)
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.EndPortion;

            return anchor;
        // Token: 0x06007C10 RID: 31760 RVA: 0x0022E31C File Offset: 0x0022C51C
        private object InternalResolveLocator(ContentLocatorBase locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, bool skipStartNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
            object result = null;
            ContentLocatorGroup contentLocatorGroup = locator as ContentLocatorGroup;
            ContentLocator      contentLocator      = locator as ContentLocator;
            AttachmentLevel     attachmentLevel2    = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            if (contentLocator != null && offset == contentLocator.Parts.Count - 1)
                ContentLocatorPart locatorPart = contentLocator.Parts[offset];
                SelectionProcessor selectionProcessorForLocatorPart = this.GetSelectionProcessorForLocatorPart(locatorPart);
                if (selectionProcessorForLocatorPart != null)
                    result          = selectionProcessorForLocatorPart.ResolveLocatorPart(locatorPart, startNode, out attachmentLevel2);
                    attachmentLevel = attachmentLevel2;
            IList <ContentLocator> list;

            if (contentLocatorGroup == null)
                list = new List <ContentLocator>(1);
                AnnotationService service = AnnotationService.GetService(startNode);
                if (service != null)
                    startNode = service.Root;
                list          = contentLocatorGroup.Locators;
                offset        = 0;
                skipStartNode = false;
            bool flag = true;

            if (list.Count > 0)
                LocatorManager.ResolvingLocatorState resolvingLocatorState = this.ResolveSingleLocator(ref result, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.StartPortion, list[0], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);
                if (list.Count == 1)
                    result          = resolvingLocatorState.AttachedAnchor;
                    attachmentLevel = resolvingLocatorState.AttachmentLevel;
                    if (list.Count > 2)
                        AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel3 = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
                        AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel4 = attachmentLevel;
                        for (int i = 1; i < list.Count - 1; i++)
                            resolvingLocatorState = this.ResolveSingleLocator(ref result, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion, list[i], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);
                            if (attachmentLevel3 == AttachmentLevel.Unresolved || (attachmentLevel & AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion) != AttachmentLevel.Unresolved)
                                attachmentLevel3 = attachmentLevel;
                            attachmentLevel = attachmentLevel4;
                        attachmentLevel = attachmentLevel3;
                        flag = false;
                    resolvingLocatorState = this.ResolveSingleLocator(ref result, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.EndPortion, list[list.Count - 1], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);
                    if (!flag && attachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion)
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion;
                    if (attachmentLevel == (AttachmentLevel.StartPortion | AttachmentLevel.EndPortion))
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
                attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
        // Token: 0x06007C11 RID: 31761 RVA: 0x0022E4B0 File Offset: 0x0022C6B0
        private LocatorManager.ResolvingLocatorState ResolveSingleLocator(ref object selection, ref AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel attemptedLevel, ContentLocator locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, bool skipStartNode)
            LocatorManager.ResolvingLocatorState resolvingLocatorState = new LocatorManager.ResolvingLocatorState();
            resolvingLocatorState.LocatorPartIndex   = offset;
            resolvingLocatorState.ContentLocatorBase = locator;
            PrePostDescendentsWalker <LocatorManager.ResolvingLocatorState> prePostDescendentsWalker = new PrePostDescendentsWalker <LocatorManager.ResolvingLocatorState>(TreeWalkPriority.VisualTree, new VisitedCallback <LocatorManager.ResolvingLocatorState>(this.ResolveLocatorPart), new VisitedCallback <LocatorManager.ResolvingLocatorState>(this.TerminateResolve), resolvingLocatorState);

            prePostDescendentsWalker.StartWalk(startNode, skipStartNode);
            if (resolvingLocatorState.AttachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.Full && resolvingLocatorState.AttachedAnchor != null)
                if (selection != null)
                    SelectionProcessor selectionProcessor = this.GetSelectionProcessor(selection.GetType());
                    if (selectionProcessor != null)
                        object obj;
                        if (selectionProcessor.MergeSelections(selection, resolvingLocatorState.AttachedAnchor, out obj))
                            selection = obj;
                            attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel;
                        attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel;
                    selection = resolvingLocatorState.AttachedAnchor;
                attachmentLevel &= ~attemptedLevel;
 /// <summary>
 /// Set <see cref="AttributeAttachmentLevel"/> from string. If the string is not valid then <see cref="AttributeAttachmentLevel"/> is set to <see cref="AttachmentLevel.None"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="level">
 /// The attachment level
 /// </param>
 public void SetAttachmentLevel(string level)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(level) || !Enum.TryParse(level, true, out this._attributeAttachmentLevel))
         this._attributeAttachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.None; // redundant but specified for readability
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create an instance of AttachedAnnotation with a specified parent.  Takes an optional
        ///     parent for the attached annotation.  This is useful when the parent is known before
        ///     hand and not available through the normal means (such as in printing).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">the LocatorManager providing processors for this anchored annotation</param>
        /// <param name="annotation">the annotation itself</param>
        /// <param name="anchor">the annotation's anchor represented by the attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="attachedAnchor">the attached anchor itself</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">the level of the attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="parent">parent of the selection</param>
        internal AttachedAnnotation(LocatorManager manager, Annotation annotation, AnnotationResource anchor, Object attachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, DependencyObject parent)
            Debug.Assert(manager != null, "LocatorManager can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(annotation != null, "Annotation can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(anchor != null, "Anchor can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(attachedAnchor != null, "AttachedAnchor can not be null");

            _annotation     = annotation;
            _anchor         = anchor;
            _locatorManager = manager;
            Update(attachedAnchor, attachmentLevel, parent);
        // Token: 0x06007C46 RID: 31814 RVA: 0x0022F3A8 File Offset: 0x0022D5A8
        public override object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");
            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");
            if (TextSelectionProcessor.CharacterRangeElementName != locatorPart.PartType)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get("IncorrectLocatorPartType", new object[]
                    locatorPart.PartType.Namespace + ":" + locatorPart.PartType.Name
                }), "locatorPart");
            int    num  = 0;
            int    num2 = 0;
            string text = locatorPart.NameValuePairs["Count"];

            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get("InvalidLocatorPart", new object[]
            int        num3       = int.Parse(text, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
            TextAnchor textAnchor = new TextAnchor();

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
            for (int i = 0; i < num3; i++)
                TextSelectionProcessor.GetLocatorPartSegmentValues(locatorPart, i, out num, out num2);
                ITextPointer textPointer;
                ITextPointer textPointer2;
                if (!this.GetNodesStartAndEnd(startNode, out textPointer, out textPointer2))
                int offsetToPosition = textPointer.GetOffsetToPosition(textPointer2);
                if (num > offsetToPosition)
                ITextPointer textPointer3 = textPointer.CreatePointer(num);
                ITextPointer textPointer4 = (offsetToPosition <= num2) ? textPointer2.CreatePointer() : textPointer.CreatePointer(num2);
                if (textPointer3.CompareTo(textPointer4) >= 0)
                textAnchor.AddTextSegment(textPointer3, textPointer4);
            if (textAnchor.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get("IncorrectAnchorLength"), "locatorPart");
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
            if (this._clamping)
                ITextPointer     start = textAnchor.Start;
                ITextPointer     end   = textAnchor.End;
                IServiceProvider serviceProvider;
                if (this._targetPage != null)
                    serviceProvider = this._targetPage;
                    FlowDocument node = start.TextContainer.Parent as FlowDocument;
                    serviceProvider = (PathNode.GetParent(node) as IServiceProvider);
                Invariant.Assert(serviceProvider != null, "No ServiceProvider found to get TextView from.");
                ITextView textView = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITextView)) as ITextView;
                Invariant.Assert(textView != null, "Null TextView provided by ServiceProvider.");
                textAnchor = TextAnchor.TrimToIntersectionWith(textAnchor, textView.TextSegments);
                if (textAnchor == null)
                    attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
                    if (textAnchor.Start.CompareTo(start) != 0)
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.StartPortion;
                    if (textAnchor.End.CompareTo(end) != 0)
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.EndPortion;
        /// <summary>
        /// Service indicates attached annotation has changed.
        /// For now, take all annotation components maped from old attached annotation and map from new.
        /// Then iterate through annotation components to let them know.
        /// Note, this needs to change later.  If modify is radical, existing component might not want it anymore,
        /// and new one might need to be found...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachedAnnotation">The modified attached annotation</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachedAnchor">The previous attached anchor for the attached annotation</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachmentLevel">The previous attachment level for the attached annotation</param>
        private void ModifyAttachedAnnotation(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel)
            Debug.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null, "attachedAnnotation should not be null");
            Debug.Assert(previousAttachedAnchor != null, "previousAttachedAnchor should not be null");

            // if there was no component found for this attached annotation
            // then we treat the modify case as an add
            if (!_attachedAnnotations.ContainsKey(attachedAnnotation))
                // this is not necessarily a bug, it can be that the old attached annotation does not have an
                // associated annotation component.
                this.AddAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true);

            // we have a previous component for this attached annotation
            // we find the chooser for the new attached annotation
            // and ask it to choose a component
            // 1- if it returned null then we just remove the attached annotation
            // 2- if it returned a different component, then we treat it as a remove/add
            // 3- if it returned the same component then we call ModifyAttachedAnnotation on the component
            IAnnotationComponent newComponent = FindComponent(attachedAnnotation);

            if (newComponent == null)
                RemoveAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true);
                IList <IAnnotationComponent> currentList = _attachedAnnotations[attachedAnnotation]; //save the current list

                // if we found the new component in any of the list of components we already have for this
                // attached annotation
                if (currentList.Contains(newComponent))
                    // ask the components to handle the anchor modification event
                    foreach (IAnnotationComponent component in currentList)
                        component.ModifyAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, previousAttachedAnchor, previousAttachmentLevel);  // let the annotation component know
                        if (component.AttachedAnnotations.Count == 0)
                            // if component decides it can not handle it, remove it
                            component.PresentationContext.RemoveFromHost(component, true);
                    // remove all components
                    RemoveAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true);

                    // add the new component
                    AddComponent(attachedAnnotation, newComponent, true);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a selection object spanning the portion of 'startNode' 
        ///     specified by 'locatorPart'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locatorPart">locator part specifying data to be spanned</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the node to be spanned by the created 
        /// selection</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">always set to AttachmentLevel.Full</param>
        /// <returns>a selection spanning the portion of 'startNode' specified by     
        /// 'locatorPart'</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are 
        /// null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">locatorPart is of the incorrect type</exception>
        public override Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(startNode));

            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(locatorPart));

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;

            return startNode;
        /// <summary> 
        /// Service indicates attached annotation has changed. 
        /// For now, take all annotation components maped from old attached annotation and map from new.
        /// Then iterate through annotation components to let them know. 
        /// Note, this needs to change later.  If modify is radical, existing component might not want it anymore,
        /// and new one might need to be found...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachedAnnotation">The modified attached annotation</param> 
        /// <param name="previousAttachedAnchor">The previous attached anchor for the attached annotation</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachmentLevel">The previous attachment level for the attached annotation</param> 
        private void ModifyAttachedAnnotation(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel) 
            Debug.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null, "attachedAnnotation should not be null"); 
            Debug.Assert(previousAttachedAnchor != null, "previousAttachedAnchor should not be null");

            // if there was no component found for this attached annotation
            // then we treat the modify case as an add 
            if (!_attachedAnnotations.ContainsKey(attachedAnnotation))
                // this is not necessarily a bug, it can be that the old attached annotation does not have an 
                // associated annotation component.
                this.AddAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true); 

            // we have a previous component for this attached annotation 
            // we find the chooser for the new attached annotation
            // and ask it to choose a component 
            // 1- if it returned null then we just remove the attached annotation 
            // 2- if it returned a different component, then we treat it as a remove/add
            // 3- if it returned the same component then we call ModifyAttachedAnnotation on the component 
            IAnnotationComponent newComponent = FindComponent(attachedAnnotation);
            if (newComponent == null)
                RemoveAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true); 
                IList<IAnnotationComponent> currentList = _attachedAnnotations[attachedAnnotation]; //save the current list
                // if we found the new component in any of the list of components we already have for this
                // attached annotation
                if (currentList.Contains(newComponent))
                    // ask the components to handle the anchor modification event
                    foreach (IAnnotationComponent component in currentList) 
                        component.ModifyAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, previousAttachedAnchor, previousAttachmentLevel);  // let the annotation component know
                        if (component.AttachedAnnotations.Count == 0) 
                            // if component decides it can not handle it, remove it
                            component.PresentationContext.RemoveFromHost(component, true);
                    // remove all components 
                    RemoveAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true);

                    // add the new component
                    AddComponent(attachedAnnotation, newComponent, true); 
        // Token: 0x06007C0A RID: 31754 RVA: 0x0022DEF4 File Offset: 0x0022C0F4
        internal object FindAttachedAnchor(DependencyObject startNode, ContentLocator[] prefixes, ContentLocatorBase locator, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");
            if (locator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator");
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
            object result = null;
            bool   flag   = true;
            int    num    = this.FindMatchingPrefix(prefixes, locator, out flag);

            if (flag)
                ContentLocator contentLocator = locator as ContentLocator;
                if (contentLocator == null || num < contentLocator.Parts.Count)
                    result = this.InternalResolveLocator(locator, num, startNode, num != 0, out attachmentLevel);
                if (attachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && num > 0)
                    if (num == 0)
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
                    else if (contentLocator != null && num < contentLocator.Parts.Count)
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Incomplete;
                        result          = startNode;
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
                        result          = startNode;
        // Token: 0x06007C8E RID: 31886 RVA: 0x002306D0 File Offset: 0x0022E8D0
        private void ModifyAttachedAnnotation(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel)
            if (!this._attachedAnnotations.ContainsKey(attachedAnnotation))
                this.AddAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true);
            IAnnotationComponent annotationComponent = this.FindComponent(attachedAnnotation);

            if (annotationComponent == null)
                this.RemoveAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true);
            IList <IAnnotationComponent> list = this._attachedAnnotations[attachedAnnotation];

            if (list.Contains(annotationComponent))
                using (IEnumerator <IAnnotationComponent> enumerator = list.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        IAnnotationComponent annotationComponent2 = enumerator.Current;
                        annotationComponent2.ModifyAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, previousAttachedAnchor, previousAttachmentLevel);
                        if (annotationComponent2.AttachedAnnotations.Count == 0)
                            annotationComponent2.PresentationContext.RemoveFromHost(annotationComponent2, true);
            this.RemoveAttachedAnnotation(attachedAnnotation, true);
            this.AddComponent(attachedAnnotation, annotationComponent, true);
 // Token: 0x06007CBB RID: 31931 RVA: 0x001279B5 File Offset: 0x00125BB5
 public void ModifyAttachedAnnotation(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel)
     throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get("NotSupported"));
        /// <summary>
        ///     This processor doesn't resolve ContentLocatorParts.  It simply returns null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locatorPart">locator part specifying data to be spanned</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the node to be spanned by the created 
        /// selection</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">always set to AttachmentLevel.Unresolved</param>
        /// <returns>always returns null; this processor does not resolve ContentLocatorParts</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are null</exception>
        public override Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");

            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            // ContentLocator Parts generated by this selection processor cannot be resolved
            return null;
 // Token: 0x06007BDE RID: 31710 RVA: 0x0022D33B File Offset: 0x0022B53B
 internal AttachedAnnotation(LocatorManager manager, Annotation annotation, AnnotationResource anchor, object attachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel) : this(manager, annotation, anchor, attachedAnchor, attachmentLevel, null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Asks the LocatorManager to find the attached anchor for a certain anchor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anchor">the anchor to be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">the attachment level of the resulting attached anchor</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object FindAttachedAnchor(AnnotationResource anchor, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            Invariant.Assert(anchor != null, "Parameter 'anchor' is null.");

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
            Object attachedAnchor = null;

            foreach (ContentLocatorBase locator in anchor.ContentLocators)
                attachedAnchor = LocatorManager.FindAttachedAnchor(_root,
                                                                    out attachmentLevel);
                if (attachedAnchor != null)

            return attachedAnchor;
 // Token: 0x06007BDF RID: 31711 RVA: 0x0022D34B File Offset: 0x0022B54B
 internal AttachedAnnotation(LocatorManager manager, Annotation annotation, AnnotationResource anchor, object attachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, DependencyObject parent)
     this._annotation     = annotation;
     this._anchor         = anchor;
     this._locatorManager = manager;
     this.Update(attachedAnchor, attachmentLevel, parent);
        // Token: 0x06007BD3 RID: 31699 RVA: 0x0022CD00 File Offset: 0x0022AF00
        public override object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");
            DocumentPage documentPage = null;
            FixedPage    fixedPage    = startNode as FixedPage;

            if (fixedPage != null)
                documentPage = this.GetDocumentPage(fixedPage);
                DocumentPageView documentPageView = startNode as DocumentPageView;
                if (documentPageView != null)
                    documentPage = (documentPageView.DocumentPage as FixedDocumentPage);
                    if (documentPage == null)
                        documentPage = (documentPageView.DocumentPage as FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage);
            if (documentPage == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get("StartNodeMustBeDocumentPageViewOrFixedPage"), "startNode");
            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
            ITextView textView = (ITextView)((IServiceProvider)documentPage).GetService(typeof(ITextView));
            ReadOnlyCollection <TextSegment> textSegments = textView.TextSegments;

            if (textSegments == null || textSegments.Count <= 0)
            TextAnchor textAnchor = new TextAnchor();

            if (documentPage != null)
                string text = locatorPart.NameValuePairs["Count"];
                if (text == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get("InvalidLocatorPart", new object[]
                int num = int.Parse(text, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    Point point;
                    Point point2;
                    this.GetLocatorPartSegmentValues(locatorPart, i, out point, out point2);
                    ITextPointer textPointer;
                    if (double.IsNaN(point.X) || double.IsNaN(point.Y))
                        textPointer = FixedTextSelectionProcessor.FindStartVisibleTextPointer(documentPage);
                        textPointer = textView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(point, true);
                    if (textPointer != null)
                        ITextPointer textPointer2;
                        if (double.IsNaN(point2.X) || double.IsNaN(point2.Y))
                            textPointer2 = FixedTextSelectionProcessor.FindEndVisibleTextPointer(documentPage);
                            textPointer2 = textView.GetTextPositionFromPoint(point2, true);
                        Invariant.Assert(textPointer2 != null, "end TP is null when start TP is not");
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
                        textAnchor.AddTextSegment(textPointer, textPointer2);
            if (textAnchor.TextSegments.Count > 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GesmesAttributeGroup"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map">
        /// The map.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="level">
        /// The attachment level 
        /// </param>
        public GesmesAttributeGroup(GesmesKeyMap map, RelStatus level)
            this._map = map;
            switch (level)
                case RelStatus.None:
                    throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ErrorInvalidAttachmentLevel, "level");
                case RelStatus.DataSet:

                    // no dimension
                    this._dimensionValues = new string[0];
                    this._level = AttachmentLevel.DataSet;
                case RelStatus.Sibling:

                    // all dimensions. FREQ is wildcarded
                    this._dimensionValues = new string[map.Count];
                    this._dimensionValues[0] = string.Empty;
                    this._firstDimension = 1;
                    this._level = AttachmentLevel.Group;
                case RelStatus.Series:

                    // all dimensions
                    this._dimensionValues = new string[map.Count];
                    this._level = AttachmentLevel.Series;
                case RelStatus.Observation:

                    // all dimensions plus time period and time format
                    this._dimensionValues = new string[map.Count + 2];
                    this._timePeriodPosition = map.Count;
                    this._timeFormatPosition = this._timePeriodPosition + 1;
                    this._level = AttachmentLevel.Observation;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a selection object spanning the portion of 'startNode'
        ///     specified by 'locatorPart'. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locatorPart">locator part specifying data to be spanned</param> 
        /// <param name="startNode">the node to be spanned by the created 
        /// selection</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">always set to AttachmentLevel.Full</param> 
        /// <returns>a selection spanning the portion of 'startNode' specified by
        /// 'locatorPart'</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are
        /// null</exception> 
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">locatorPart is of the incorrect type</exception>
        public override Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel) 
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode"); 

            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
            return startNode; 
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a selection object spanning the portion of 'startNode'
        ///     specified by 'locatorPart'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locatorPart">locator part specifying data to be spanned</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the node to be spanned by the created
        /// selection</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">set to AttachmentLevel.Full if the entire range of text
        /// was resolved, otherwise set to StartPortion, MiddlePortion, or EndPortion based on
        /// which part of the range was resolved</param>
        /// <returns>a selection spanning the portion of 'startNode' specified by
        /// 'locatorPart', null if selection described by locator part could not be
        /// recreated</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are
        /// null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">locatorPart is of the incorrect type</exception>
        public override Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");

            if (CharacterRangeElementName != locatorPart.PartType)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.IncorrectLocatorPartType, locatorPart.PartType.Namespace + ":" + locatorPart.PartType.Name), "locatorPart");

            // First we extract the offset and length of the
            // text range from the locator part.
            int startOffset = 0;
            int endOffset   = 0;

            string stringCount = locatorPart.NameValuePairs[CountAttribute];

            if (stringCount == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocatorPart, TextSelectionProcessor.CountAttribute));
            int count = Int32.Parse(stringCount, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

            TextAnchor anchor = new TextAnchor();

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                GetLocatorPartSegmentValues(locatorPart, i, out startOffset, out endOffset);

                // Now we grab the TextRange so we can create a selection.
                // TextBox doesn't expose its internal TextRange so we use
                // its API for creating and getting the selection.
                ITextPointer elementStart;
                ITextPointer elementEnd;
                // If we can't get the start/end of the node then we can't resolve the locator part
                if (!GetNodesStartAndEnd(startNode, out elementStart, out elementEnd))

                // If the offset is not withing the element's text range we return null
                int textRangeLength = elementStart.GetOffsetToPosition(elementEnd);
                if (startOffset > textRangeLength)

                ITextPointer start = elementStart.CreatePointer(startOffset);// new TextPointer((TextPointer)elementStart, startOffset);

                ITextPointer end = (textRangeLength <= endOffset) ?
                                   elementEnd.CreatePointer() :           //new TextPointer((TextPointer)elementEnd) :
                                   elementStart.CreatePointer(endOffset); // new TextPointer((TextPointer)elementStart, endOffset);

                //we do not process 0 length selection
                if (start.CompareTo(end) >= 0)

                anchor.AddTextSegment(start, end);

            //we do not support 0 or negative length selection
            if (anchor.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.IncorrectAnchorLength), "locatorPart");

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;

            if (_clamping)
                ITextPointer     currentStart    = anchor.Start;
                ITextPointer     currentEnd      = anchor.End;
                IServiceProvider serviceProvider = null;
                ITextView        textView        = null;

                if (_targetPage != null)
                    serviceProvider = _targetPage as IServiceProvider;
                    FlowDocument content = currentStart.TextContainer.Parent as FlowDocument;
                    serviceProvider = PathNode.GetParent(content as DependencyObject) as IServiceProvider;

                Invariant.Assert(serviceProvider != null, "No ServiceProvider found to get TextView from.");
                textView = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITextView)) as ITextView;
                Invariant.Assert(textView != null, "Null TextView provided by ServiceProvider.");

                anchor = TextAnchor.TrimToIntersectionWith(anchor, textView.TextSegments);

                if (anchor == null)
                    attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
                    if (anchor.Start.CompareTo(currentStart) != 0)
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.StartPortion;
                    if (anchor.End.CompareTo(currentEnd) != 0)
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.EndPortion;

 // Token: 0x06007C56 RID: 31830 RVA: 0x0022F999 File Offset: 0x0022DB99
 public override object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
     if (locatorPart == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");
     if (startNode == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");
     attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
        /// <summary>
        /// factory method to create an AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs for the action modified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachedAnnotation">the IAttachedAnnotation associated with the event</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachedAnchor">the previous attached anchor for the attached annotation</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachmentLevel">the previous attachment level for the attached annotation</param>
        /// <returns>the constructed AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs</returns>
        internal static AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs Modified(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel)
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null && previousAttachedAnchor != null);

            return(new AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs(AttachedAnnotationAction.AnchorModified, attachedAnnotation, previousAttachedAnchor, previousAttachmentLevel));
 /// <summary> 
 /// Modify an attached annotation that is held by the component
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="attachedAnnotation">The attached annotation after modification</param>
 /// <param name="previousAttachedAnchor">The attached anchor previously associated with the attached annotation.</param> 
 /// <param name="previousAttachmentLevel">The previous attachment level of the attached annotation.</param>
 public void ModifyAttachedAnnotation(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel) 
     throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Get(SRID.NotSupported));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a TextRange object spanning the portion of 'startNode'
        ///     specified by 'locatorPart'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locatorPart">FixedTextRange locator part specifying start and end point of
        /// the TextRange</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the FixedPage containing this locator part</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">set to AttachmentLevel.Full if the FixedPage for the locator
        /// part was found, AttachmentLevel.Unresolved otherwise</param>
        /// <returns>a TextRange spanning the text between start end end point in the FixedTextRange
        /// locator part
        /// , null if selection described by locator part could not be
        /// recreated</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are
        /// null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">locatorPart is of the incorrect type</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">startNode is not a FixedPage</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">startNode does not belong to the DocumentViewer</exception>
        public override Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            DocumentPage docPage = null;
            FixedPage    page    = startNode as FixedPage;

            if (page != null)
                docPage = GetDocumentPage(page);
                // If we were passed a DPV because we are walking the visual tree,
                // extract the DocumentPage from it;  its TextView will be used to
                // turn coordinates into text positions
                DocumentPageView dpv = startNode as DocumentPageView;
                if (dpv != null)
                    docPage = dpv.DocumentPage as FixedDocumentPage;
                    if (docPage == null)
                        docPage = dpv.DocumentPage as FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage;

            if (docPage == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.StartNodeMustBeDocumentPageViewOrFixedPage), "startNode");

            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            ITextView tv = (ITextView)((IServiceProvider)docPage).GetService(typeof(ITextView));

            Debug.Assert(tv != null);

            ReadOnlyCollection <TextSegment> ts = tv.TextSegments;

            //check first if a TextRange can be generated
            if (ts == null || ts.Count <= 0)

            TextAnchor resolvedAnchor = new TextAnchor();

            if (docPage != null)
                string stringCount = locatorPart.NameValuePairs["Count"];
                if (stringCount == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocatorPart, TextSelectionProcessor.CountAttribute));
                int count = Int32.Parse(stringCount, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    // First we extract the start and end Point from the locator part.
                    Point start;
                    Point end;
                    GetLocatorPartSegmentValues(locatorPart, i, out start, out end);

                    //calulate start ITextPointer
                    ITextPointer segStart;
                    if (double.IsNaN(start.X) || double.IsNaN(start.Y))
                        //get start of the page
                        segStart = FindStartVisibleTextPointer(docPage);
                        //convert Point to TextPointer
                        segStart = tv.GetTextPositionFromPoint(start, true);

                    if (segStart == null)
                        //selStart can be null if there are no insertion points on this page

                    //calulate end ITextPointer
                    ITextPointer segEnd;
                    if (double.IsNaN(end.X) || double.IsNaN(end.Y))
                        segEnd = FindEndVisibleTextPointer(docPage);
                        //convert Point to TextPointer
                        segEnd = tv.GetTextPositionFromPoint(end, true);

                    //end TP can not be null when start is not
                    Invariant.Assert(segEnd != null, "end TP is null when start TP is not");

                    attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;  // Not always true right?
                    resolvedAnchor.AddTextSegment(segStart, segEnd);

            if (resolvedAnchor.TextSegments.Count > 0)
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a TextRange object spanning the portion of 'startNode' 
        ///     specified by 'locatorPart'.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locatorPart">FixedTextRange locator part specifying start and end point of 
        /// the TextRange</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the FixedPage containing this locator part</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">set to AttachmentLevel.Full if the FixedPage for the locator 
        /// part was found, AttachmentLevel.Unresolved otherwise</param>
        /// <returns>a TextRange spanning the text between start end end point in the FixedTextRange
        /// locator part
        /// , null if selection described by locator part could not be
        /// recreated</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are 
        /// null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">locatorPart is of the incorrect type</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">startNode is not a FixedPage</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">startNode does not belong to the DocumentViewer</exception>
        public override Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            DocumentPage docPage = null;
            FixedPage page = startNode as FixedPage;

            if (page != null)
                docPage = GetDocumentPage(page);
                // If we were passed a DPV because we are walking the visual tree,
                // extract the DocumentPage from it;  its TextView will be used to
                // turn coordinates into text positions
                DocumentPageView dpv = startNode as DocumentPageView;
                if (dpv != null)
                    docPage = dpv.DocumentPage as FixedDocumentPage;
                    if (docPage == null)
                        docPage = dpv.DocumentPage as FixedDocumentSequenceDocumentPage;

            if (docPage == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.StartNodeMustBeDocumentPageViewOrFixedPage), "startNode");

            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            ITextView tv = (ITextView)((IServiceProvider)docPage).GetService(typeof(ITextView));
            Debug.Assert(tv != null);

            ReadOnlyCollection<TextSegment> ts = tv.TextSegments;

            //check first if a TextRange can be generated
            if (ts == null || ts.Count <= 0)
                return null;

            TextAnchor resolvedAnchor = new TextAnchor();
            if (docPage != null)
                string stringCount = locatorPart.NameValuePairs["Count"];
                if (stringCount == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.InvalidLocatorPart, TextSelectionProcessor.CountAttribute));                
                int count = Int32.Parse(stringCount, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);

                for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    // First we extract the start and end Point from the locator part.
                    Point start;
                    Point end;
                    GetLocatorPartSegmentValues(locatorPart, i, out start, out end);

                    //calulate start ITextPointer
                    ITextPointer segStart;
                    if (double.IsNaN(start.X) || double.IsNaN(start.Y))
                        //get start of the page
                        segStart = FindStartVisibleTextPointer(docPage);
                        //convert Point to TextPointer
                        segStart = tv.GetTextPositionFromPoint(start, true);

                    if (segStart == null)
                        //selStart can be null if there are no insertion points on this page 

                    //calulate end ITextPointer
                    ITextPointer segEnd;
                    if (double.IsNaN(end.X) || double.IsNaN(end.Y))
                        segEnd = FindEndVisibleTextPointer(docPage);
                        //convert Point to TextPointer
                        segEnd = tv.GetTextPositionFromPoint(end, true);

                    //end TP can not be null when start is not
                    Invariant.Assert(segEnd != null, "end TP is null when start TP is not");

                    attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;  // Not always true right?
                    resolvedAnchor.AddTextSegment(segStart, segEnd);

            if (resolvedAnchor.TextSegments.Count > 0)
                return resolvedAnchor;
                return null;
        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Update the attached anchor and level for this attached annotation.  Internal method called by
        /// the annotation service when a change to an anchor is processed.  Optional parent will be used
        /// if present.  Otherwise we get the parent from the selection processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachedAnchor">the new attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">the new attachment level</param>
        /// <param name="parent">optional, the parent of the attached annotation</param>
        internal void Update(object attachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel, DependencyObject parent)
            Debug.Assert(attachedAnchor != null, "AttachedAnchor can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(attachmentLevel > AttachmentLevel.Unresolved && attachmentLevel <= AttachmentLevel.Incomplete,
                         "Undefined attachment level");

            _attachedAnchor = attachedAnchor;
            _attachmentLevel = attachmentLevel;
            _selectionProcessor = _locatorManager.GetSelectionProcessor(attachedAnchor.GetType());
            // Use optional parent if available
            if (parent != null)
                _parent = parent;
                _parent = _selectionProcessor.GetParent(_attachedAnchor);
            Debug.Assert(_selectionProcessor != null, SR.Get(SRID.NoProcessorForSelectionType, attachedAnchor.GetType()));
        /// <summary>
        /// factory method to create an AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs for the action modified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attachedAnnotation">the IAttachedAnnotation associated with the event</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachedAnchor">the previous attached anchor for the attached annotation</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachmentLevel">the previous attachment level for the attached annotation</param>
        /// <returns>the constructed AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs</returns>
        internal static AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs Modified(IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel)
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null && previousAttachedAnchor != null);

            return new AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs(AttachedAnnotationAction.AnchorModified, attachedAnnotation, previousAttachedAnchor, previousAttachmentLevel);
        //  Constructors

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// internal constructor that creates an AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">action represented by this instance</param>
        /// <param name="attachedAnnotation">annotation that was added/deleted/modified</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachedAnchor">if action is modified, previous attached anchor</param>
        /// <param name="previousAttachmentLevel">if action is modified, previous attachment level</param>
        internal AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs(AttachedAnnotationAction action, IAttachedAnnotation attachedAnnotation, object previousAttachedAnchor, AttachmentLevel previousAttachmentLevel) 
            Invariant.Assert(attachedAnnotation != null);

            _action = action;       
            _attachedAnnotation = attachedAnnotation;
            _previousAttachedAnchor = previousAttachedAnchor;
            _previousAttachmentLevel = previousAttachmentLevel;
 // Token: 0x06007C28 RID: 31784
 public abstract object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Produces an anchor spanning the content specified by 'locator'.
        ///     This method traverses the tree and, using the registered 
        ///     processors, resolves the locator in the current element tree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locator">the locator to be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="offset">the index of the locator part to begin resolution with, ignored for 
        /// LocatorGroups which always start with the first locator part</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the tree node to start the resolution from</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">type of the returned anchor</param>
        /// <returns>an anchor that spans the content specified by locator; may return
        /// null if the locator could not be resolved (in which case type is set to
        /// AttachmentLevel.Unresolved</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locator or startNode are null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">offset is negative or greater than
        /// locator.Count - 1</exception>
        public Object ResolveLocator(ContentLocatorBase locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)

            if (locator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator");

            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");
            // Offset need only be checked for Locators
            ContentLocator realLocator = locator as ContentLocator;
            if (realLocator != null)
                if (offset < 0 || offset >= realLocator.Parts.Count)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");

            return InternalResolveLocator(locator, offset, startNode, false /*skipStartNode*/, out attachmentLevel);
        /// <summary>
        ///     This processor doesn't resolve ContentLocatorParts.  It simply returns null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locatorPart">locator part specifying data to be spanned</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the node to be spanned by the created
        /// selection</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">always set to AttachmentLevel.Unresolved</param>
        /// <returns>always returns null; this processor does not resolve ContentLocatorParts</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">locatorPart or startNode are null</exception>
        public override Object ResolveLocatorPart(ContentLocatorPart locatorPart, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (locatorPart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locatorPart");

            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            // ContentLocator Parts generated by this selection processor cannot be resolved
        /// <summary>
        ///     Resolves a locator starting on a specified locator part with a specified tree node.
        ///     The tree node can optionally be skipped (if some previous locator part has already
        ///     matched it) in which case the resolution starts with its children.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locator">the locator to resolve</param>
        /// <param name="offset">the index of the first locator part to resolve</param>
        /// <param name="startNode">the node to start the resolution at</param>
        /// <param name="skipStartNode">specifies whether to start with the startNode or its children</param>
        /// <param name="attachmentLevel">return value specifying how successful the resolution was</param>
        /// <returns>the attached anchor the locator was resolved to</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">if a locator set is resolved and the individual selections
        /// can't be merged</exception>
        private Object InternalResolveLocator(ContentLocatorBase locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, bool skipStartNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            Debug.Assert(locator != null, "locator can not be null");
            Debug.Assert(startNode != null, "startNode can not be null");

            // Set it to unresolved initially
            attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
            Object selection = null;            
            ContentLocatorGroup locatorGroup = locator as ContentLocatorGroup;
            ContentLocator realLocator = locator as ContentLocator;
            AttachmentLevel individualAttachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            // If only one locator part left, it might represent a selection so we take
            // care of that case before trying to resolve the locator part
            if (realLocator != null && offset == realLocator.Parts.Count - 1)
                ContentLocatorPart locatorPart = realLocator.Parts[offset];
                SelectionProcessor selProcessor = GetSelectionProcessorForLocatorPart(locatorPart);

                if (selProcessor != null)
                    selection = selProcessor.ResolveLocatorPart(locatorPart, startNode, out individualAttachmentLevel);
                    attachmentLevel = individualAttachmentLevel;
                    // No node has actually been matched in this case so we 
                    // return the default Unresolved (set at top of method).  
                    // Its up to the caller to know if the node and 
                    // index passed in represented an incomplete resolution.

                    return selection;
            IList<ContentLocator> locators = null;             

            // Setup the locators and other inputs before the loop.  Normal locators
            // are put in an array of locators (with one element).  LocatorGroups have
            // their Locators collection used.
            if (locatorGroup == null)
                Debug.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset < realLocator.Parts.Count, "offset out of range");

                locators = new List <ContentLocator> (1);
                // If there is a service, start at its root.
                AnnotationService svc = AnnotationService.GetService(startNode);
                if (svc != null)
                    startNode = svc.Root; 

                locators = locatorGroup.Locators;

                // Always start resolving locator groups from the beginning
                // and use the node the service is enabled on to start
                offset = 0;
                skipStartNode = false;

            bool middlePortionExists = true;

            if (locators.Count > 0)
                // Otherwise we need to resolve each of the locators in the locator set
                // and then try to merge the anchors that are returned
                ResolvingLocatorState data = ResolveSingleLocator(ref selection, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.StartPortion, locators[0], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);
                // Special case - when there is only one locator we simply use the anchor and level
                // returned from resolving that single locator
                if (locators.Count == 1)
                    selection = data.AttachedAnchor;
                    attachmentLevel = data.AttachmentLevel;
                    // Resolve all locators after the first and before the last
                    if (locators.Count > 2)
                        AttachmentLevel tempLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;
                        AttachmentLevel savedLevel = attachmentLevel;
                        for (int i = 1; i < locators.Count - 1; i++)
                            data = ResolveSingleLocator(ref selection, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion, locators[i], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);

                            //if there are >1 middle locators some of them might be resolved, some other - not
                            //if even one middle locator is resolved we should save its attachmenLevel
                            if ((tempLevel == AttachmentLevel.Unresolved) || ((attachmentLevel & AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion) != 0))
                                tempLevel = attachmentLevel;

                            attachmentLevel = savedLevel;
                        attachmentLevel = tempLevel;
                        // We make note that there were no middle portion locators
                        middlePortionExists = false;

                    // Process the last locator
                    data = ResolveSingleLocator(ref selection, ref attachmentLevel, AttachmentLevel.EndPortion, locators[locators.Count - 1], offset, startNode, skipStartNode);

                    // If no locators exists for the middle portion we need to make
                    // sure its not the only portion left on.
                    if (!middlePortionExists && attachmentLevel == AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion)
                        attachmentLevel &= ~AttachmentLevel.MiddlePortion;

                    //if start and end is resolved we consider this as fully resolved
                    //this will handle the case of empty middle page in fixed
                    if (attachmentLevel == (AttachmentLevel.StartPortion | AttachmentLevel.EndPortion))
                        attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Full;
                // There are no locators to resolve
                attachmentLevel = AttachmentLevel.Unresolved;

            return selection;
        // Token: 0x06007C06 RID: 31750 RVA: 0x0022DE04 File Offset: 0x0022C004
        public object ResolveLocator(ContentLocatorBase locator, int offset, DependencyObject startNode, out AttachmentLevel attachmentLevel)
            if (locator == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("locator");
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");
            ContentLocator contentLocator = locator as ContentLocator;

            if (contentLocator != null && (offset < 0 || offset >= contentLocator.Parts.Count))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
            return(this.InternalResolveLocator(locator, offset, startNode, false, out attachmentLevel));