void BindAttachmentList() { List <Attachment> atms = AttachmentHelper.GetAttachments(ArticleID); DataGridView.DataSource = atms; DataGridView.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 取得当前的文章 /// </summary> /// <returns>文章实体</returns> protected virtual Article GetThisArticle() { Article article = null; Attachments = new List <Attachment>(); if (DesignHelper.IsDesigning) { DesignHelper.FillItems <Article>(out article, PageSize); Attachments.Add(new Attachment() { ArticleID = article.ID, FilePath = DesignHelper.GetAttachment() }); Attachments.Add(new Attachment() { ArticleID = article.ID, FilePath = DesignHelper.GetAttachment() }); Attachments.Add(new Attachment() { ArticleID = article.ID, FilePath = DesignHelper.GetAttachment() }); Attachments.Add(new Attachment() { ArticleID = article.ID, FilePath = DesignHelper.GetAttachment() }); } else { if (We7Helper.IsEmptyID(BindColumnID) && !We7Helper.IsEmptyID(ArticleID)) { article = ArticleHelper.GetArticle(ArticleID, null); } else { List <Article> articles = GetArticleListFromDB(); if (articles.Count > 0) { article = articles[0]; } } } if (article != null) { List <Article> list = new List <Article>(); list.Add(article); FormatArticlesData(list); article = list[0]; if (AttachmentNum > 0) { Attachments = AttachmentHelper.GetAttachments(article.ID); } } else { article = new Article(); } return(article); }
void LoadArticle() { Attachments = new List <Attachment>(); if (!We7Helper.IsEmptyID(ArticleID)) { Article a = ArticleHelper.GetArticle(ArticleID); if (a != null) { TitleLabel.Text = a.Title; ContentLabel.Text = a.Content; Attachments = AttachmentHelper.GetAttachments(a.ID); } } }
public async Task <bool> SendAsync(EmailMessage email, bool deleteAttachmentes, params string[] attachments) { var config = this.Config as Config; if (config == null) { email.Status = Status.Cancelled; return(false); } try { Api.ApiKey = config.ApiKey; email.Status = Status.Executing; var emailAttachements = AttachmentHelper.GetAttachments(attachments); var result = await Api.Email.SendAsync(email.Subject, email.FromIdentifier, email.FromName, to : email.SendTo.Split(','), bodyText : email.IsBodyHtml? "" : email.Message, bodyHtml : email.IsBodyHtml?email.Message : "", attachmentFiles : emailAttachements, replyTo : email.ReplyToEmail, replyToName : email.ReplyToName) .ConfigureAwait(false); email.Status = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(result.TransactionID) ? Status.Completed : Status.Failed; return(true); } // ReSharper disable once CatchAllClause catch (Exception ex) { email.Status = Status.Failed; Log.Warning(@"Could not send email to {To} using ElasticEmail API. {Ex}. ", email.SendTo, ex); } finally { if (deleteAttachmentes && email.Status == Status.Completed) { FileHelper.DeleteFiles(attachments); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 取得附件名称 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">文章ID</param> /// <param name="type">附件类型</param> /// <returns>附件名称</returns> public string GetAttachmentName(string id, string type) { string attachmentName = ""; string attachmentType = ""; int index = 0; if (type == "0" && AttachmentOneName != null) { attachmentType = AttachmentOneType; } if (type == "1" && AttachmentTwoName != null) { attachmentType = AttachmentTwoType; index = 1; } List <Attachment> list = AttachmentHelper.GetAttachments(id); { if (list.Count > 0) { if (attachmentType == "" || attachmentType == ".*" || attachmentType == "*.*") { if (list.Count > index) { attachmentName = Context.Server.UrlEncode(list[index].FileName); } } else { foreach (Attachment attachment in list) { if (attachment.FileType == attachmentType) { attachmentName = Context.Server.UrlEncode(attachment.FileName); } break; } } } } return(attachmentName); }
/// <summary> /// 取得图片 /// </summary> /// <param name="id">文章ID</param> /// <returns>图片地址</returns> public string GetImage(string id) { Attachment attach = AttachmentHelper.GetAttachments(id).Find(a => !a.FileName.StartsWith("thumb_", true, null)); return(attach != null?Path.Combine(attach.FilePath, attach.FileName).Replace("\\", "/") : ""); }
/// <summary> /// 格式化列表中的数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="list">文章列表</param> protected List <Article> FormatArticlesData(List <Article> list) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; foreach (Article a in list) { if (ShowField("Thumbnail")) { a.TagThumbnail = GetTagThumbnail(a, ThumbnailTag); //a.GetTagThumbnail(ThumbnailTag); } //Channel ch = ChannelHelper.GetChannel(a.OwnerID, null); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ShowChannel)) { string channelName = a.ChannelName; if (ChannelHasLink) { channelName = string.Format("<a href='{1}' target='{2}'>{0}</a>", a.ChannelName, a.ChannelFullUrl, LinkTarget); } a.FullChannelPath = string.Format(ShowChannel, channelName); } a.Icon = GetIcon(a.State); if (NoLink) { a.LinkUrl = ""; } else { if (a.ContentType == (int)TypeOfArticle.LinkArticle) { a.LinkUrl = a.ContentUrl; } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.ChannelFullUrl) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.ModelName)) { //这儿只能做一个容错处理 List <Channel> chs = ChannelHelper.GetChannelByModelName(a.ModelName); if (chs.Count > 0) { a.ChannelFullUrl = chs[0].FullUrl; } } a.LinkUrl = String.Format("{0}{1}", a.ChannelFullUrl, a.FullUrl); } } if (DateFormat == null || DateFormat == "") { TimeSpan ts = now - a.Updated; a.TimeNote = GetTimeNote(ts); } else { a.TimeNote = a.Updated.ToString(DateFormat); } if (ShowField("ToolTip")) { a.FullTitle = a.Title; a.FullTitle += "," + a.TimeNote; if (a.Clicks > 0) { a.FullTitle += ",阅读量:" + a.Clicks; } } else { a.FullTitle = a.Title; } if (TitleMaxLength > 0 && a.Title.Length > TitleMaxLength) { a.Title = a.Title.Substring(0, TitleMaxLength) + "..."; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(KeyWord)) { a.Title = a.Title.Replace(KeyWord, "<em>" + KeyWord + "</em>"); } if (Show("Description")) { if (SummaryMaxLength > 0 && a.Description != null && a.Description.Length > SummaryMaxLength) { a.Description = a.Description.Substring(0, SummaryMaxLength) + "..."; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Description) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Content)) { string content = We7Helper.RemoveHtml(a.Content); if (content.Length > summaryMaxLength) { a.Description = content.Substring(0, SummaryMaxLength) + "..."; } else { a.Description = content; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(KeyWord) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Description)) { a.Description = a.Description.Replace(KeyWord, "<em>" + KeyWord + "</em>"); } } if (AttachmentNum > 0) { a.Attachments = AttachmentHelper.GetAttachments(a.ID); } } return(list); }