public void set_StructuralIntegrityField(float force) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField: set_StructuralIntegrityField beginn"); if (backup_Parts == null) { backup_Parts = new Dictionary <Part, Dictionary <string, float> >() { }; } foreach (Part p in this.ShipSelected.Parts) { if (!backup_Parts.ContainsKey(p)) { backup_values = new Dictionary <string, float>() { }; backup_values.Add("crashTolerance", p.crashTolerance); backup_values.Add("breakingForce", p.breakingForce); backup_values.Add("breakingTorque", p.breakingTorque); backup_values.Add("maxTemp", p.maxTemp); backup_values.Add("temperature", p.temperature); backup_Parts.Add(p, backup_values); backup_values = null; } p.crashTolerance = (force >= 1) ? backup_Parts[p]["crashTolerance"] * force : backup_Parts[p]["crashTolerance"]; p.breakingForce = (force >= 1) ? backup_Parts[p]["breakingForce"] * force : backup_Parts[p]["breakingForce"]; p.breakingTorque = (force >= 1) ? backup_Parts[p]["breakingTorque"] * force : backup_Parts[p]["breakingTorque"]; p.maxTemp = (force >= 1) ? backup_Parts[p]["maxTemp"] * force : backup_Parts[p]["maxTemp"]; p.temperature = (p.temperature > 20f) ? p.temperature - (0.005f * force) : p.temperature; //FromGO(UnityEngine.GameObject obj) foreach (AttachNode an in p.attachNodes) { //an.attachedPart //an.attachMethod //an.breakingForce //an.breakingTorque //an.nodeType //an.position } //p.attachNodes //AttachNode.attachedPart Part parentPart1 = p.localRoot; if (parentPart1 != null && p != parentPart1 && p.attachJoint == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField: set_StructuralIntegrityField 1 parentPart1=" +; AttachNode nodeToParent = p.findAttachNodeByPart(parentPart1); AttachNode nodeFromParent = parentPart1.findAttachNodeByPart(p); AttachModes m = (AttachModes)AttachNodeMethod.FIXED_JOINT; p.attachJoint = PartJoint.Create(p, parentPart1, nodeToParent, nodeFromParent, m); p.attachJoint.SetBreakingForces(p.breakingForce * force * 20000, p.breakingTorque * force * 20000); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField: set_StructuralIntegrityField 3 parentPart1=" +; addForceToAttachNodes(parentPart1, p, nodeToParent, nodeFromParent, force); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField: set_StructuralIntegrityField 3 parentPart1=" +; } Part parentPart2 = p.parent; if (parentPart2 != null && p != parentPart2 && p.attachJoint == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField: set_StructuralIntegrityField 1 parentPart2=" +; AttachNode nodeToParent = p.findAttachNodeByPart(parentPart2); AttachNode nodeFromParent = parentPart2.findAttachNodeByPart(p); AttachModes m = (AttachModes)AttachNodeMethod.LOCKED_JOINT; p.attachJoint = PartJoint.Create(p, parentPart2, nodeToParent, nodeFromParent, m); p.attachJoint.SetBreakingForces(p.breakingForce * force * 20000, p.breakingTorque * force * 20000); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField: set_StructuralIntegrityField 2 parentPart2=" +; //addForceToAttachNodes(parentPart2, p, nodeToParent, nodeFromParent, force); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("LCARS_StructuralIntegrityField: set_StructuralIntegrityField 3 parentPart2=" +; } /* */ if (p.children.Count > 0) { //addForceToPartChildConnections(p,force); } /* * if (p.parent != null) * { * } */ float power = PT.L1_usage + (force / 10 * PT.L2_usage / 10); this.PowSys.draw(PT.takerName, power); } }
public PartSim(Part thePart, int id, double atmosphere, LogMsg log) { part = thePart; partId = id; name =; if (log != null) log.buf.AppendLine("Create PartSim for " + name); parent = null; parentAttach = part.attachMode; fuelCrossFeed = part.fuelCrossFeed; noCrossFeedNodeKey = part.NoCrossFeedNodeKey; decoupledInStage = DecoupledInStage(part); isFuelLine = part is FuelLine; isFuelTank = part is FuelTank; isSepratron = IsSepratron(); inverseStage = part.inverseStage; //MonoBehaviour.print("inverseStage = " + inverseStage); cost = part.partInfo.cost; foreach (PartResource resource in part.Resources) { cost -= (float)((resource.maxAmount - resource.amount) *; } // Work out if the part should have no physical significance isNoPhysics = part.HasModule<LaunchClamp>() || part.physicalSignificance == Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE || part.PhysicsSignificance == 1; if (!isNoPhysics) baseMass = part.mass; if (SimManager.logOutput) MonoBehaviour.print((isNoPhysics ? "Ignoring" : "Using") + " part.mass of " + part.mass); foreach (PartResource resource in part.Resources) { // Make sure it isn't NaN as this messes up the part mass and hence most of the values // This can happen if a resource capacity is 0 and tweakable if (!Double.IsNaN(resource.amount)) { if (SimManager.logOutput) MonoBehaviour.print(resource.resourceName + " = " + resource.amount); resources.Add(, resource.amount); resourceFlowStates.Add(, resource.flowState ? 1 : 0); } else { MonoBehaviour.print(resource.resourceName + " is NaN. Skipping."); } } startMass = GetMass(); hasVessel = (part.vessel != null); isLanded = hasVessel && part.vessel.Landed; if (hasVessel) { vesselName = part.vessel.vesselName; vesselType = part.vesselType; } initialVesselName = part.initialVesselName; hasMultiModeEngine = part.HasModule<MultiModeEngine>(); hasModuleEnginesFX = part.HasModule<ModuleEnginesFX>(); hasModuleEngines = part.HasModule<ModuleEngines>(); isEngine = hasMultiModeEngine || hasModuleEnginesFX || hasModuleEngines; if (SimManager.logOutput) MonoBehaviour.print("Created " + name + ". Decoupled in stage " + decoupledInStage); }
public PartSim(Part thePart, int id, double atmosphere, LogMsg log) { part = thePart; partId = id; name =; if (log != null) { log.buf.AppendLine("Create PartSim for " + name); } parent = null; parentAttach = part.attachMode; fuelCrossFeed = part.fuelCrossFeed; noCrossFeedNodeKey = part.NoCrossFeedNodeKey; decoupledInStage = DecoupledInStage(part); isFuelLine = part is FuelLine; isFuelTank = part is FuelTank; isSepratron = IsSepratron(); inverseStage = part.inverseStage; //MonoBehaviour.print("inverseStage = " + inverseStage); cost = part.partInfo.cost; foreach (PartResource resource in part.Resources) { cost -= (float)((resource.maxAmount - resource.amount) *; } // Work out if the part should have no physical significance isNoPhysics = part.HasModule <LaunchClamp>() || part.physicalSignificance == Part.PhysicalSignificance.NONE || part.PhysicsSignificance == 1; if (!isNoPhysics) { baseMass = part.mass; } if (SimManager.logOutput) { MonoBehaviour.print((isNoPhysics ? "Ignoring" : "Using") + " part.mass of " + part.mass); } foreach (PartResource resource in part.Resources) { // Make sure it isn't NaN as this messes up the part mass and hence most of the values // This can happen if a resource capacity is 0 and tweakable if (!Double.IsNaN(resource.amount)) { if (SimManager.logOutput) { MonoBehaviour.print(resource.resourceName + " = " + resource.amount); } resources.Add(, resource.amount); resourceFlowStates.Add(, resource.flowState ? 1 : 0); } else { MonoBehaviour.print(resource.resourceName + " is NaN. Skipping."); } } startMass = GetMass(); hasVessel = (part.vessel != null); isLanded = hasVessel && part.vessel.Landed; if (hasVessel) { vesselName = part.vessel.vesselName; vesselType = part.vesselType; } initialVesselName = part.initialVesselName; hasMultiModeEngine = part.HasModule <MultiModeEngine>(); hasModuleEnginesFX = part.HasModule <ModuleEnginesFX>(); hasModuleEngines = part.HasModule <ModuleEngines>(); isEngine = hasMultiModeEngine || hasModuleEnginesFX || hasModuleEngines; if (SimManager.logOutput) { MonoBehaviour.print("Created " + name + ". Decoupled in stage " + decoupledInStage); } }