public void Start() { viewport = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Renderer>().GetViewport(0); var cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>(); boxSprite = cache.GetResource <Sprite2D>("Sprites/Box.png"); ballSprite = cache.GetResource <Sprite2D>("Sprites/Ball.png"); var ground = Scene.CreateChild("Ground"); ground.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, -5.0f, 0.0f); ground.Scale = new Vector3(200.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); ground.CreateComponent <RigidBody2D>(); ground.CreateComponent <StaticSprite2D>().Sprite = boxSprite; // Create box collider for ground var groundShape = ground.CreateComponent <CollisionBox2D>(); // Set box size groundShape.Size = new Vector2(0.32f, 0.32f); // Set friction groundShape.Friction = 0.5f; }
public void Start() { if (halfWidth == 0.0f) { random = new FloatRandom(); var graphics = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Graphics>(); halfWidth = graphics.Width * Constants.PIXEL_SIZE * 0.5f; halfHeight = graphics.Height * Constants.PIXEL_SIZE * 0.5f; var cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>(); animationSet = cache.GetResource <AnimationSet2D>("Sprites/butterfly.scml"); } speed = 1 + 2.0f * random.Random(); direction = random.Random() * (float)Math.PI * 2.0f; pos = Node.Position2D; sprite = (AnimatedSprite2D)Node.CreateComponent("AnimatedSprite2D"); sprite.Speed = .1f + random.Random() * 2.0f; sprite.AnimationSet = animationSet; sprite.SetAnimation("idle"); sprite.Color = new Color(.1f + random.Random() * .9f, .1f + random.Random() * .9f, .1f + random.Random() * .9f, 1); sprite.BlendMode = BlendMode.BLEND_ALPHA; }
public override void Start() { Scene scene = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player>().LoadScene("Scenes/Scene.scene"); // Test the ability to get instances of components from default and external dlls // using various Node methods var defaultDllComponent = scene.GetCSComponent <DefaultDllComponent>(true); Assert(defaultDllComponent != null, "Could not get DefaultDllComponent with GetCSComponent"); var defaultDllDerivedComponent = scene.GetCSComponent <DefaultDllDerivedComponent>(true); Assert(defaultDllComponent != null, "Could not get DefaultDllDerivedComponent with GetCSComponent"); var defaultDllComponents = new Vector <DefaultDllComponent>(); scene.GetDerivedCSComponents(defaultDllComponents, true); Assert(defaultDllComponents.Count >= 2, "Could not get all DefaultDllComponents with GetDerivedCSComponents"); var externalDllComponent = scene.GetCSComponent <ExternalDllComponent>(true); Assert(externalDllComponent != null, "Could not get ExternalDllComponent with GetCSComponent"); var externalDllDerivedComponent = scene.GetCSComponent <ExternalDllDerivedComponent>(true); Assert(externalDllDerivedComponent != null, "Could not get ExternalDllDerivedComponent with GetCSComponent"); var externalDllComponents = new Vector <ExternalDllComponent>(); scene.GetDerivedCSComponents(externalDllComponents, true); Assert(externalDllComponents.Count >= 2, "Could not get all ExternalDllComponents with GetDerivedCSComponents"); }
public override void Start() { Art.Load(); var graphics = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Graphics>(); float width = graphics.Width; float height = graphics.Height; ScreenSize = new Vector2(width, height); ScreenBounds = new IntRect(0, 0, (int)ScreenSize.X, (int)ScreenSize.Y); var renderer = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Renderer>(); var viewport = renderer.GetViewport(0); renderer.HDRRendering = true; var cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>(); var renderpath = viewport.GetRenderPath().Clone(); renderpath.Append(cache.GetResource <XMLFile>("RenderPath/BloomHDR.xml")); renderpath.Append(cache.GetResource <XMLFile>("RenderPath/Blur.xml")); viewport.SetRenderPath(renderpath); Scene = new Scene(); Scene.CreateComponent <Octree>(); var camera = Scene.CreateChild("Camera").CreateComponent <Camera>(); camera.Node.Position = new Vector3(width / 2.0f, height / 2.0f, 0.0f); camera.Orthographic = true; camera.OrthoSize = height; viewport.Scene = Scene; viewport.Camera = camera; CustomRenderer.Initialize(); ParticleManager = new ParticleManager <ParticleState>(1024 * 20, ParticleState.UpdateParticle); #if ATOMIC_DESKTOP const int maxGridPoints = 1600; #else const int maxGridPoints = 400; #endif float amt = (float)Math.Sqrt(ScreenBounds.Width * ScreenBounds.Height / maxGridPoints); Vector2 gridSpacing = new Vector2(amt, amt); IntRect expandedBounds = ScreenBounds; expandedBounds.Inflate((int)gridSpacing.X, (int)gridSpacing.Y); Grid = new Grid(expandedBounds, gridSpacing); EntityManager.Add(PlayerShip.Instance); SubscribeToEvent("Update", HandleUpdate); SubscribeToEvent("RenderPathEvent", HandleRenderPathEvent); }
public static void Initialize() { var graphics = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Graphics>(); pixelShader = graphics.GetShader(ShaderType.PS, "Atomic2D"); vertexShader = graphics.GetShader(ShaderType.VS, "Atomic2D"); vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(); vertexBuffer.SetSize(maxVertices, Constants.MASK_POSITION | Constants.MASK_COLOR | Constants.MASK_TEXCOORD1, true); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // create the service var app = NETServiceApplication.Create(); // Subscribe to IPC NET commands app.SubscribeToEvent("IPCCmd", (eventType, eventData) => { // get the command string command = eventData["command"]; switch (command) { // parse assembly for component information case "parse": // Get the assembly to parse string assemblyPath = eventData["assemblyPath"]; // Inspect the assembly for components var assemblyJSON = AtomicTools.InspectAssembly(assemblyPath); // Return result var vmap = new ScriptVariantMap(); // FIXME: update index operator to a generic vmap.SetUInt("id", eventData.GetUInt("id")); vmap["command"] = command; vmap["result"] = assemblyJSON; AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <IPC>().SendEventToBroker("IPCCmdResult", vmap); break; // exit service case "exit": app.SendEvent("ExitRequested"); break; } }); // Managed code in charge of main loop while (app.RunFrame()) { } // Shut 'er down app.Shutdown(); }
void Update(float timeStep) { var input = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Input>(); if (input.GetMouseButtonDown(Constants.MOUSEB_LEFT)) { var mousePos = input.GetMousePosition(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { createButterflyNode(new Vector2(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y)); } } }
private static void LoadFile() { ResourceCache cache = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>(); using (Stream stream = cache.GetFileStream("Test.txt")) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { string str = reader.ReadToEnd(); Log.Debug(str); } } GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); }
} // a single white pixel public static void Load() { var cache = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>(); SpriteSheet2D sheet = cache.GetResource <SpriteSheet2D>("Sprites/AtomicBlasterSprites.xml"); Player = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("Player")); Seeker = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("Seeker")); Wanderer = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("Wanderer")); Bullet = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("Bullet")); Pointer = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("Pointer")); BlackHole = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("BlackHole")); LineParticle = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("Laser")); Glow = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("Glow")); Pixel = new CustomSprite(sheet.GetSprite("Pixel")); }
public override void Start() { Scene scene = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player>().LoadScene("Scenes/Scene.scene"); Vector <Camera> cameras = new Vector <Camera>(); scene.GetComponents(cameras, true); Graphics graphics = GetSubsystem <Graphics>(); Renderer renderer = GetSubsystem <Renderer>(); int numCameras = cameras.Count; views = new UIView[numCameras]; renderer.SetNumViewports((uint)numCameras); int viewportWidth = graphics.Width / numCameras; for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; ++i) { Viewport viewport = new Viewport(scene, cameras[i]); viewport.Rect = new IntRect( i * viewportWidth, 0, (i + 1) * viewportWidth, graphics.Height); renderer.SetViewport((uint)i, viewport); UIView view = new UIView(); UILayout layout = new UILayout() { // See for a layout cheatsheet: // Specifies which y position widgets in a AXIS_X layout should have, or which x position widgets in a AXIS_Y layout should have. LayoutPosition = UI_LAYOUT_POSITION.UI_LAYOUT_POSITION_RIGHT_BOTTOM, // Specifies how widgets should be moved horizontally in a AXIS_X layout(or vertically in a AXIS_Y layout) if there is extra space available. LayoutDistributionPosition = UI_LAYOUT_DISTRIBUTION_POSITION.UI_LAYOUT_DISTRIBUTION_POSITION_RIGHT_BOTTOM, Rect = viewport.Rect }; layout.AddChild(new UITextField() { FontDescription = fontDescription, Text = cameras[i].Node.Name }); view.AddChild(layout); views[i] = view; } }
private void CreateSceneLoadButton(string sceneName) { UIButton emptyButton = new UIButton() { Text = sceneName, FontDescription = fontDescription, Gravity = UI_GRAVITY.UI_GRAVITY_NONE }; emptyButton.SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent>(emptyButton, (eventData) => { if (eventData.Type == UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { var player = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player>(); if (sceneName != "Clear") { if (currentScene != null) { // This tests that CSComponents (and other components) and cleaned up when keeping scene, though removing all the nodes currentScene.RemoveAllChildren(); } currentScene = player.LoadScene("Scenes/" + sceneName + ".scene"); player.SetCurrentScene(currentScene); } else { currentScene = null; player.UnloadAllScenes(); } GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>().ReleaseAllResources(true); System.GC.Collect(); } }); layout.AddChild(emptyButton); }
public override void Start() { AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player>().LoadScene("Scenes/Scene.scene"); // set up the DebugHud to show metrics and update at 10hz var ui = GetSubsystem <UI>(); ui.SetDebugHudProfileMode(DebugHudProfileMode.DEBUG_HUD_PROFILE_METRICS); ui.ShowDebugHud(true); ui.DebugHudRefreshInterval = 0.1f; SubscribeToEvent <UpdateEvent>(e => { loadFileTime -= e.TimeStep; if (loadFileTime <= 0.0f) { loadFileTime = 10.0f; LoadFile(); } }); }
public override void Start() { AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player>().LoadScene("Scenes/Scene.scene"); }
public static bool WasBombButtonPressed() { var input = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Input>(); return(input.GetKeyPress((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_SPACE)); }
void Start() { viewport = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Renderer>().GetViewport(0); }
public override void Start() { AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player> ().LoadScene("Scenes/Scene.scene"); var ui = GetSubsystem <UI> (); ui.AddFont("Textures/BrokenGlass.ttf", "BrokenGlass"); // add a gooder font ui.LoadSkin("Textures/desktop.tb.txt"); // load in the app skin ResourceCache cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache> (); Graphics graphics = GetSubsystem <Graphics> (); graphics.SetWindowTitle("PeriodicApp"); Image icon = cache.GetResource <Image> ("Textures/AtomicLogo32.png"); graphics.SetWindowIcon(icon); myuivew = new UIView(); mylayout = new UILayout(); // make the host widget for all visible ui mylayout.SetId("UIPeriodicTable"); // tag it, like a big game scientist mylayout.SetRect(myuivew.GetRect()); //size it to fill the screen area mylayout.SetLayoutConfig("YAGAC"); //all-in-one setting mylayout.SetSkinBg("background_solid"); // make it look gooder mylayout.Load("Scenes/main_layout.ui.txt"); // load the main layout myuivew.AddChild(mylayout); // And make it show up. UITabContainer maintb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("maintabs"); UITabContainer acttb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("primarytabs"); UITabContainer semitb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("moretabs"); UITabContainer viewtb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("supporttabs"); UITabContainer supporttb = (UITabContainer)mylayout.GetWidget("atomictabs"); supporttb.SetCurrentPage(0); viewtb.SetCurrentPage(0); semitb.SetCurrentPage(0); acttb.SetCurrentPage(0); maintb.SetCurrentPage(0); // do this or else the tab contents look like crap! mylog = (UITextField)mylayout.GetWidget("LogText"); UIWidget ea = mylayout.GetWidget("exitapp"); var cota = new code_table(); cota.Setup(mylayout); var cobg = new code_uibargraph(); cobg.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuibargraph")); var cobu = new code_uibutton(); cobu.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuibutton")); var cocb = new code_uicheckbox(); cocb.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuicheckbox")); var cocl = new code_uiclicklabel(); cocl.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiclicklabel")); var coch = new code_uicolorwheel(); coch.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuicolorwheel")); var cocw = new code_uicolorwidget(); cocw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuicolorwidget")); var coco = new code_uicontainer(); coco.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuicontainer")); var coef = new code_uieditfield(); coef.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuieditfield")); var cofw = new code_uifinderwindow(); cofw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuifinderwindow")); var cofd = new code_uifontdescription(); cofd.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuifontdescription")); var coiw = new code_uiimagewidget(); coiw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiimagewidget")); var cois = new code_uiinlineselect(); cois.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiinlineselect")); var colo = new code_uilayout(); colo.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuilayout")); var colp = new code_uilayoutparams(); colp.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuilayoutparams")); var comi = new code_uimenuitem(); comi.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuimenuitem")); var comw = new code_uimenuwindow(); comw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuimenuwindow")); var come = new code_uimessagewindow(); come.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuimessagewindow")); var copw = new code_uipromptwindow(); copw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuipromptwindow")); var copd = new code_uipulldownmenu(); copd.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuipulldownmenu")); var corb = new code_uiradiobutton(); corb.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiradiobutton")); var cosv = new code_uisceneview(); cosv.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuisceneview")); var cosb = new code_uiscrollbar(); cosb.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiscrollbar")); var cosc = new code_uiscrollcontainer(); cosc.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiscrollcontainer")); var cose = new code_uisection(); cose.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuisection")); var cosd = new code_uiselectdropdown(); cosd.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiselectdropdown")); var cosi = new code_uiselectitem(); cosi.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiselectitem")); var cosl = new code_uiselectlist(); cosl.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiselectlist")); var cosp = new code_uiseparator(); cosp.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiseparator")); var cosk = new code_uiskinimage(); cosk.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiskinimage")); var cosa = new code_uislider(); cosa.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuislider")); var cotc = new code_uitabcontainer(); cotc.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuitabcontainer")); var cotf = new code_uitextfield(); cotf.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuitextfield")); var cotw = new code_uitexturewidget(); cotw.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuitexturewidget")); var cowd = new code_uiwidget(); cowd.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiwidget")); var cowi = new code_uiwindow(); cowi.Setup(mylayout.GetWidget("pageuiwindow")); SubscribeToEvent <WidgetEvent> (ea, ev => { if (ev.Type == UI_EVENT_TYPE.UI_EVENT_TYPE_CLICK) { GetSubsystem <Engine> ().Exit(); } }); SubscribeToEvent <KeyDownEvent> (e => { if (e.Key == Constants.KEY_ESCAPE) { GetSubsystem <Engine> ().Exit(); } }); }
public static Vector2 GetMovementDirection() { var input = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Input>(); Vector2 direction = new Vector2(0, 0); #if ATOMIC_DESKTOP if (input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_a)) { direction.X -= 1; } if (input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_d)) { direction.X += 1; } if (input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_s)) { direction.Y -= 1; } if (input.GetKeyDown((int)SDL.SDL_Keycode.SDLK_w)) { direction.Y += 1; } #endif #if ATOMIC_MOBILE var touchPos = lastTouchPos; if (input.NumTouches == 1) { touchPos = input.GetTouchPosition(0); lastTouchPos = touchPos; } if (touchPos != IntVector2.Zero) { direction = new Vector2((float)touchPos.X, (float)touchPos.Y); } Vector2 shipPos = PlayerShip.Instance.Position; shipPos.Y = GameRoot.ScreenBounds.Height - shipPos.Y; direction -= shipPos; direction.Y = -direction.Y; if (touchPos == IntVector2.Zero || direction.Length < 4.0f) { direction = Vector2.Zero; } #endif #if ATOMIC_IOS uint numJoySticks = 0; #else uint numJoySticks = input.GetNumJoysticks(); #endif if (numJoySticks > 0) { var state = input.GetJoystickByIndex(0); float x = state.GetAxisPosition(0); float y = state.GetAxisPosition(1); if (x < -0.15f) { direction.X = x; } if (x > 0.15f) { direction.X = x; } if (y < -0.15f) { direction.Y = -y; } if (y > 0.15f) { direction.Y = -y; } } // Clamp the length of the vector to a maximum of 1. if (direction.LengthSquared > 1) { direction.Normalize(); } return(direction); }
void Start() { SubscribeToEvent <KeyDownEvent>(e => { if (e.Key == Constants.KEY_ESCAPE) { GetSubsystem <Engine>().Exit(); } }); Node objectNode = Scene.CreateChild("AtomicMutant"); objectNode.Scale = new Vector3(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f); objectNode.Position = Node.Position; // spin node Node adjustNode = objectNode.CreateChild("AdjNode"); adjustNode.Rotation = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 180); // Create the rendering component + animation controller AnimatedModel animatedModel = adjustNode.CreateComponent <AnimatedModel>(); var cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>(); animatedModel.Model = cache.GetResource <Model>("Models/Mutant/Mutant.mdl"); animatedModel.Material = cache.GetResource <Material>("Models/Mutant/Materials/mutant_M.material"); animatedModel.CastShadows = true; // Create animation controller adjustNode.CreateComponent <AnimationController>(); // Create rigidbody, and set non-zero mass so that the body becomes dynamic RigidBody body = objectNode.CreateComponent <RigidBody>(); body.CollisionLayer = 1; body.Mass = 1.0f; // Set zero angular factor so that physics doesn't turn the character on its own. // Instead we will control the character yaw manually body.AngularFactor = Vector3.Zero; // Set the rigidbody to signal collision also when in rest, so that we get ground collisions properly body.CollisionEventMode = CollisionEventMode.COLLISION_ALWAYS; // Set a capsule shape for collision CollisionShape shape = objectNode.CreateComponent <CollisionShape>(); shape.SetCapsule(1.5f, 1.8f, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.9f, 0.0f)); character = objectNode.CreateComponent <Character>(); AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Renderer>().ShadowMapSize = 2048; // Get Camera from Scene Vector <Node> children = new Vector <Node>(); Scene.GetChildrenWithComponent <Camera>(children, true); if (children.Size > 0) { cameraNode = children[0]; } }
unsafe public static void End() { List <DrawItem> drawList = new List <DrawItem>(); if (totalVertex == 0) { return; } IntPtr vertexData = vertexBuffer.Lock(0, totalVertex, true); if (vertexData == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } uint startVertex = 0; PositionColorUVVertex *vout = (PositionColorUVVertex *)vertexData; foreach (var layer in layerBatches) { foreach (var batch in layer.Value.Values) { if (totalVertex + batch.VertexCount >= maxVertices) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Ran out of vertices"); } if (batch.VertexCount == 0) { continue; } // faster blit possible? for (uint i = 0; i < batch.VertexCount; i++, vout++) { *vout = batch.Vertices[i]; } var item = new DrawItem(); item.Texture = batch.Texture; item.StartVertex = startVertex; item.VertexCount = batch.VertexCount; startVertex += batch.VertexCount; drawList.Add(item); } } vertexBuffer.Unlock(); var renderer = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Renderer>(); var graphics = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Graphics>(); var view = renderer.GetViewport(0).View; var camera = renderer.GetViewport(0).Camera; if (view == null || camera == null) { return; } graphics.SetBlendMode(BlendMode.BLEND_ADDALPHA); graphics.SetCullMode(CullMode.CULL_NONE); graphics.SetFillMode(FillMode.FILL_SOLID); graphics.SetDepthTest(CompareMode.CMP_ALWAYS); graphics.SetShaders(vertexShader, pixelShader); view.SetCameraShaderParameters(camera); graphics.SetShaderParameter(ShaderParams.VSP_MODEL, Matrix3x4.IDENTITY); graphics.SetShaderParameter(ShaderParams.PSP_MATDIFFCOLOR, Color.White); graphics.SetVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer); foreach (var item in drawList) { graphics.SetTexture((int)TextureUnit.TU_DIFFUSE, item.Texture); graphics.Draw(PrimitiveType.TRIANGLE_LIST, item.StartVertex, item.VertexCount); } graphics.SetTexture(0, null); }
void Update(float timeStep) { if (spawnDelta > 0) { spawnDelta -= timeStep; return; } var input = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Input>(); if (input.GetMouseButtonDown(Constants.MOUSEB_LEFT)) { var mousePos = input.GetMousePosition(); var screenPos = viewport.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos.X, mousePos.Y, 0); if ((lastSpawn - screenPos).Length < 0.35) { return; } lastSpawn = screenPos; spawnDelta = .025f; var node = Scene.CreateChild("RigidBody"); node.SetPosition(new Vector3(screenPos.X, screenPos.Y, 0.0f)); // Create rigid body var body = node.CreateComponent <RigidBody2D>(); body.BodyType = BodyType2D.BT_DYNAMIC; var staticSprite = node.CreateComponent <StaticSprite2D>(); if (spawnCount % 2 == 0) { staticSprite.Sprite = boxSprite; // Create box var box = node.CreateComponent <CollisionBox2D>(); // Set size box.Size = new Vector2(0.32f, 0.32f); // Set density box.Density = 1.0f; // Set friction box.Friction = 0.5f; // Set restitution box.Restitution = 0.1f; } else { staticSprite.Sprite = ballSprite; // Create circle var circle = node.CreateComponent <CollisionCircle2D>(); // Set radius circle.Radius = 0.16f; // Set density circle.Density = 1.0f; // Set friction. circle.Friction = 0.5f; // Set restitution circle.Restitution = 0.1f; } spawnCount++; } }
/// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> static void Main(string[] args) { AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Player>().LoadScene("Scenes/Scene.scene"); }
private static Vector2 GetMouseAimDirection() { var input = AtomicNET.GetSubsystem <Input>(); Vector2 direction = new Vector2(); #if ATOMIC_DESKTOP direction = new Vector2((float)input.GetMousePosition().X, (float)input.GetMousePosition().Y); #endif #if ATOMIC_IOS uint numJoySticks = 0; #else uint numJoySticks = input.GetNumJoysticks(); #endif if (numJoySticks > 0) { Vector2 dir = new Vector2(0, 0); var state = input.GetJoystickByIndex(0); float x = state.GetAxisPosition(0); float y = state.GetAxisPosition(1); if (x < -0.15f) { dir.X = x; } if (x > 0.15f) { dir.X = x; } if (y < -0.15f) { dir.Y = -y; } if (y > 0.15f) { dir.Y = -y; } // Clamp the length of the vector to a maximum of 1. if (dir.LengthSquared > 1) { dir.Normalize(); } return(dir); } #if !ATOMIC_MOBILE direction = new Vector2((float)input.GetMousePosition().X, (float)input.GetMousePosition().Y); #else { direction = PlayerShip.Instance.Velocity; return(Vector2.Normalize(direction)); } #endif Vector2 shipPos = PlayerShip.Instance.Position; shipPos.Y = GameRoot.ScreenBounds.Height - shipPos.Y; direction -= shipPos; direction.Y = -direction.Y; if (direction == Vector2.Zero) { return(Vector2.Zero); } else { return(Vector2.Normalize(direction)); } }