public void TestChangeListenerNotification() { const int numDocs = 50; var atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0); database.Changed += (sender, e) => atomicInteger.IncrementAndGet(); CreateDocuments(database, numDocs); Assert.AreEqual(numDocs, atomicInteger.Get()); }
/// <summary> /// 服务并发量自增 /// </summary> internal void IncrementConcurrentExecutionCount() { var serviceCount = serviceConcurrentExecutionCount.IncrementAndGet(); if (serviceCount > serviceMaxConcurrentExecutionCount.Value) { serviceMaxConcurrentExecutionCount.GetAndSet(serviceCount); } }
public TestResults(int happenings) { var times = new AtomicInteger(0); safely = AccessSafely .AfterCompleting(happenings) .WritingWith <int>("times", _ => times.IncrementAndGet()) .ReadingWith("times", times.Get); }
public ICompletes <Response> DefineWith(Data data) { var taggedData = new Data(data, NextId.IncrementAndGet()); _entities.AddOrUpdate(data.Id, taggedData, (k, value) => value); return(Xoom.Common.Completes.WithSuccess(Response.Of(ResponseStatus.Created, JsonSerialization.Serialized(taggedData)))); }
public CounterHolder(int times) { var counter = new AtomicInteger(0); _safely = AccessSafely .AfterCompleting(times) .WritingWith <int>("counter", _ => counter.IncrementAndGet()) .ReadingWith("counter", counter.Get); }
public override bool IncrementToken() { bool hasNext = input.IncrementToken(); if (hasNext) { PayloadAtt.Payload = new BytesRef(new[] { (byte)PayloadCount.IncrementAndGet() }); } return(hasNext); }
/// <summary>Increment the reference count.</summary> /// <exception cref="ClosedChannelException">If the status is closed.</exception> public virtual void Reference() { int curBits = status.IncrementAndGet(); if ((curBits & StatusClosedMask) != 0) { status.DecrementAndGet(); throw new ClosedChannelException(); } }
public void TestNoDeclareWithCachedConnections() { var services = new ServiceCollection(); var config = new ConfigurationBuilder().Build(); services.AddLogging(b => { b.AddDebug(); b.AddConsole(); }); services.AddSingleton <IConfiguration>(config); services.AddRabbitHostingServices(); var mockConnectionFactory = new Mock <RC.IConnectionFactory>(); var mockConnections = new List <RC.IConnection>(); var mockChannels = new List <RC.IModel>(); var connectionNumber = new AtomicInteger(-1); var channelNumber = new AtomicInteger(-1); mockConnectionFactory.Setup(f => f.CreateConnection(It.IsAny <string>())) .Callback(() => { var connection = new Mock <RC.IConnection>(); var connectionNum = connectionNumber.IncrementAndGet(); mockConnections.Add(connection.Object); connection.Setup(c => c.IsOpen).Returns(true); connection.Setup(c => c.ToString()).Returns("mockConnection" + connectionNum); connection.Setup(c => c.CreateModel()) .Callback(() => { var channel = new Mock <RC.IModel>(); mockChannels.Add(channel.Object); channel.Setup(c => c.IsOpen).Returns(true); var channelNum = channelNumber.IncrementAndGet(); channel.Setup(c => c.ToString()).Returns("mockChannel" + channelNum); }) .Returns(() => mockChannels[channelNumber.Value]); }) .Returns(() => mockConnections[connectionNumber.Value]); var ccf = new CachingConnectionFactory(mockConnectionFactory.Object, false, CachingConnectionFactory.CachingMode.CONNECTION); var queue = new Queue("foo"); services.AddRabbitQueue(queue); var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); var context = provider.GetApplicationContext(); var admin = new RabbitAdmin(context, ccf); ccf.CreateConnection().Close(); ccf.Destroy(); Assert.Empty(mockChannels); }
/// <summary> /// Note: Document instance is re-used per-thread </summary> public virtual Document NextDoc() { string line; lock (this) { line = Reader.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { // Always rewind at end: if (LuceneTestCase.VERBOSE) { Console.WriteLine("TEST: LineFileDocs: now rewind file..."); } Dispose(); Open(null); line = Reader.ReadLine(); } } DocState docState = ThreadDocs.Value; if (docState == null) { docState = new DocState(UseDocValues); ThreadDocs.Value = docState; } int spot = line.IndexOf(SEP); if (spot == -1) { throw new Exception("line: [" + line + "] is in an invalid format !"); } int spot2 = line.IndexOf(SEP, 1 + spot); if (spot2 == -1) { throw new Exception("line: [" + line + "] is in an invalid format !"); } docState.Body.StringValue = line.Substring(1 + spot2, line.Length - (1 + spot2)); string title = line.Substring(0, spot); docState.Title.StringValue = title; if (docState.TitleDV != null) { docState.TitleDV.BytesValue = new BytesRef(title); } docState.TitleTokenized.StringValue = title; docState.Date.StringValue = line.Substring(1 + spot, spot2 - (1 + spot)); docState.Id.StringValue = Convert.ToString(Id.IncrementAndGet()); return(docState.Doc); }
internal virtual Future <byte[]> SubmitAllocate() { count.IncrementAndGet(); Future <byte[]> f = pool.Submit(new _Callable_438(this)); lock (arrays) { arrays.AddItem(f); } return(f); }
public void Add(T data) { if (_data.Length == 0) { return; } int index = (_count.IncrementAndGet() - 1) % _data.Length; _data[index] = data; }
public MockCompletes(int times) : base((Scheduler)null) { _safely = AccessSafely.AfterCompleting(times) .WritingWith <T>("outcome", val => { _outcome.Set(val); _withCount.IncrementAndGet(); }) .ReadingWith("outcome", _outcome.Get) .ReadingWith("count", _withCount.Get); }
public ScanResult(int times) { var foundCount = new AtomicInteger(0); var notFoundCount = new AtomicInteger(0); safely = AccessSafely .AfterCompleting(times) .WritingWith <int>("foundCount", _ => foundCount.IncrementAndGet()) .ReadingWith("foundCount", foundCount.Get) .WritingWith <int>("notFoundCount", _ => notFoundCount.IncrementAndGet()) .ReadingWith("notFoundCount", notFoundCount.Get); }
public bool TryAcquire() { int count = UsedCount.IncrementAndGet(); if (count > Count) { UsedCount.DecrementAndGet(); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 获取订单流水号。 /// 生成方式:日期+long(商家ID+订单类型+主机ID+AtomicInteger) /// 实现方式:通过位移与或运算 /// 符号位(1)+当前秒数(17)+商家ID(14)+订单类型(4)+服务器ID(4)+AtomichInteger(24) /// 参考: /// </summary> /// <param name="mechId">商户ID</param> /// <param name="type">订单类型</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string Next(long mechId, long type) { long second = ToSeconds() - ToSeconds(DateTime.Now.BeginOfDay()); long serverId = 1;//这个地方可以根据服务器参数来设置的 long serial = Serial.IncrementAndGet(); long secondShift = second << (64 - 1 - ShiftsForTimestamp); long unionShift = mechId << (64 - 1 - ShiftsForTimestamp - ShiftsForUnion); long typeShift = type << (64 - 1 - ShiftsForTimestamp - ShiftsForUnion - ShiftsForType); long nodeShift = serverId << (64 - 1 - ShiftsForTimestamp - ShiftsForUnion - ShiftsForType - ShiftsForNode); long number = secondShift | unionShift | typeShift | nodeShift | (serial & MaskForSerial); return(string.Format("{0}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + number)); }
public override void Merge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge) { if (merge.MaxNumSegments != -1 && (First || merge.Segments.Count == 1)) { First = false; if (VERBOSE) { Console.WriteLine("TEST: maxNumSegments merge"); } MergeCount.IncrementAndGet(); } base.Merge(merge); }
public MessageCountingResults(int times) { _access = AccessSafely.AfterCompleting(times); _access.WritingWith("ctor", (InstantiationType type) => { _ctor.IncrementAndGet(); if (type == InstantiationType.Reader) { _readerCtor.IncrementAndGet(); } else if (type == InstantiationType.Writer) { _writerCtor.IncrementAndGet(); } }); _access.ReadingWith("ctor", () => _ctor.Get()); _access.ReadingWith("readerCtor", () => _readerCtor.Get()); _access.ReadingWith("writerCtor", () => _writerCtor.Get()); _access.WritingWith("read", (string id, int totalPartitions) => { _read.IncrementAndGet(); var partition = PartitioningStateStore.PartitionOf(id, totalPartitions); _readPartitions.TryGetValue(partition, out var count); _readPartitions.AddOrUpdate(partition, i => 1, (x, y) => count + 1); }); _access.ReadingWith("read", () => _read.Get()); _access.WritingWith <int>("readAll", one => _readAll.IncrementAndGet()); _access.ReadingWith("readAll", () => _readAll.Get()); _access.WritingWith <int>("streamAllOf", one => _streamAllOf.IncrementAndGet()); _access.ReadingWith("streamAllOf", () => _streamAllOf.Get()); _access.WritingWith <int>("streamSomeUsing", one => _streamSomeUsing.IncrementAndGet()); _access.ReadingWith("streamSomeUsing", () => _streamSomeUsing.Get()); _access.WritingWith("write", (string id, int totalPartitions) => { _write.IncrementAndGet(); var partition = PartitioningStateStore.PartitionOf(id, totalPartitions); _writePartitions.TryGetValue(partition, out var count); _writePartitions.AddOrUpdate(partition, i => 1, (x, y) => count + 1); }); _access.ReadingWith("write", () => _write.Get()); _access.WritingWith <int>("entryReader", one => _entryReader.IncrementAndGet()); _access.ReadingWith("entryReader", () => _entryReader.Get()); }
public void TestAlwaysAccessible() { var pool = new ByteBufferPool(1, 100); var count = new AtomicInteger(0); var work1 = new Thread(() => { for (int c = 0; c < 10_000_000; ++c) { var pooled = pool.Access(); pooled.Clear().Put(Converters.TextToBytes("I got it: 1!")).Flip(); pooled.Release(); } count.IncrementAndGet(); }); var work2 = new Thread(() => { for (int c = 0; c < 10_000_000; ++c) { var pooled = pool.Access(); pooled.Clear().Put(Converters.TextToBytes("I got it: 2!")).Flip(); pooled.Release(); } count.IncrementAndGet(); }); work1.Start(); work2.Start(); work1.Join(); work2.Join(); Assert.Equal(2, count.Get()); }
public ExchangeReceivers() { Access = AccessSafely.AfterCompleting(5); DoStepOneReceiver = new DoStepOneReceiver(Access); DoStepTwoReceiver = new DoStepTwoReceiver(Access); DoStepThreeReceiver = new DoStepThreeReceiver(Access); DoStepFourReceiver = new DoStepFourReceiver(Access); DoStepFiveReceiver = new DoStepFiveReceiver(Access); var stepCount = new AtomicInteger(0); Access.WritingWith <int>("stepCount", delta => stepCount.IncrementAndGet()) .ReadingWith("stepCount", () => stepCount.Get()); }
// wait for whatever we wait on /// <summary>Transmit the current buffer to bookkeeper.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Transmit the current buffer to bookkeeper. /// Synchronised at the FSEditLog level. #write() and #setReadyToFlush() /// are never called at the same time. /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> private void Transmit() { if (!transmitResult.CompareAndSet(BKException.Code.Ok, BKException.Code.Ok)) { throw new IOException("Trying to write to an errored stream;" + " Error code : (" + transmitResult.Get() + ") " + BKException.GetMessage(transmitResult.Get())); } if (bufCurrent.GetLength() > 0) { byte[] entry = Arrays.CopyOf(bufCurrent.GetData(), bufCurrent.GetLength()); lh.AsyncAddEntry(entry, this, null); bufCurrent.Reset(); outstandingRequests.IncrementAndGet(); } }
public AccessSafely AfterCompleting(int times) { var interestedIn = new AtomicInteger(0); var informDiscovered = new AtomicInteger(0); var informUnregistered = new AtomicInteger(0); _access = AccessSafely.AfterCompleting(times) .WritingWith <int>("interestedIn", _ => interestedIn.IncrementAndGet()) .ReadingWith("interestedIn", () => interestedIn.Get()) .WritingWith <int>("informDiscovered", _ => informDiscovered.IncrementAndGet()) .ReadingWith("informDiscovered", () => informDiscovered.Get()) .WritingWith <int>("informUnregistered", _ => informUnregistered.IncrementAndGet()) .ReadingWith("informUnregistered", () => informUnregistered.Get()); return(_access); }
/** * 打开数据库 * * @return SQLiteDatabase */ public SQLiteDatabase openDatabase() { if (mOpenCounter.IncrementAndGet() == 1) { // Opening new database try { mDatabase = mDBHelper.WritableDatabase; } catch (Java.Lang.Exception) { mDatabase = mDBHelper.ReadableDatabase; } } return(mDatabase); }
internal bool UpdateDocument(IEnumerable <IndexableField> doc, Analyzer analyzer, Term delTerm) { bool hasEvents = PreUpdate(); ThreadState perThread = FlushControl.ObtainAndLock(); DocumentsWriterPerThread flushingDWPT; try { if (!perThread.Active) { EnsureOpen(); Debug.Assert(false, "perThread is not active but we are still open"); } EnsureInitialized(perThread); Debug.Assert(perThread.Initialized); DocumentsWriterPerThread dwpt = perThread.Dwpt; int dwptNumDocs = dwpt.NumDocsInRAM; try { dwpt.UpdateDocument(doc, analyzer, delTerm); NumDocsInRAM.IncrementAndGet(); } finally { if (dwpt.CheckAndResetHasAborted()) { if (dwpt.PendingFilesToDelete().Count > 0) { PutEvent(new DeleteNewFilesEvent(dwpt.PendingFilesToDelete())); } SubtractFlushedNumDocs(dwptNumDocs); FlushControl.DoOnAbort(perThread); } } bool isUpdate = delTerm != null; flushingDWPT = FlushControl.DoAfterDocument(perThread, isUpdate); } finally { perThread.Unlock(); } return(PostUpdate(flushingDWPT, hasEvents)); }
public void TestDirectoryScan() { var scanFound = new AtomicInteger(0); var address1 = World.AddressFactory.UniqueWith("test-actor1"); var address2 = World.AddressFactory.UniqueWith("test-actor2"); var address3 = World.AddressFactory.UniqueWith("test-actor3"); var address4 = World.AddressFactory.UniqueWith("test-actor4"); var address5 = World.AddressFactory.UniqueWith("test-actor5"); var address6 = World.AddressFactory.UniqueWith("test-actor6"); var address7 = World.AddressFactory.UniqueWith("test-actor7"); World.Stage.Directory.Register(address1, new TestInterfaceActor()); World.Stage.Directory.Register(address2, new TestInterfaceActor()); World.Stage.Directory.Register(address3, new TestInterfaceActor()); World.Stage.Directory.Register(address4, new TestInterfaceActor()); World.Stage.Directory.Register(address5, new TestInterfaceActor()); var until = Until(7); Action <INoProtocol> afterConsumer = actor => { Assert.NotNull(actor); scanFound.IncrementAndGet(); until.Happened(); }; World.Stage.ActorOf <INoProtocol>(address5).After(afterConsumer); World.Stage.ActorOf <INoProtocol>(address4).After(afterConsumer); World.Stage.ActorOf <INoProtocol>(address3).After(afterConsumer); World.Stage.ActorOf <INoProtocol>(address2).After(afterConsumer); World.Stage.ActorOf <INoProtocol>(address1).After(afterConsumer); World.Stage.ActorOf <INoProtocol>(address6).After(actor => { Assert.Null(actor); until.Happened(); }); World.Stage.ActorOf <INoProtocol>(address7).After(actor => { Assert.Null(actor); until.Happened(); }); until.Completes(); Assert.Equal(5, scanFound.Get()); }
/// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> protected internal virtual object PassThrough(InvocationOnMock invocation) { try { object ret = invocation.CallRealMethod(); returnValue = ret; return(ret); } catch (Exception t) { thrown = t; throw; } finally { resultCounter.IncrementAndGet(); resultLatch.CountDown(); } }
private void PutRunnable() { Logger.Info(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " started."); int i = 0; while (!_stop.Get()) { i++; // put new value and update last state // note: the value in the map/Near Cache is *always* larger or equal to valuePut // assertion: valueMap >= valuePut _map.Put(Key, i.ToString()); _valuePut.Set(i); // check if we see our last update var valueMapStr = _map.Get(Key); if (valueMapStr == null) { continue; } int valueMap = int.Parse(valueMapStr); if (valueMap != i) { _assertionViolationCount.IncrementAndGet(); Logger.Warning("Assertion violated! (valueMap = " + valueMap + ", i = " + i + ")"); // sleep to ensure Near Cache invalidation is really lost Thread.Sleep(100); // test again and stop if really lost valueMapStr = _map.Get(Key); valueMap = int.Parse(valueMapStr); if (valueMap != i) { Logger.Warning("Near Cache invalidation lost! (valueMap = " + valueMap + ", i = " + i + ")"); _failed.Set(true); _stop.Set(true); } } } Logger.Info(Thread.CurrentThread.Name + " performed " + i + " operations."); }
public void TestChangeListenerNotificationBatching() { const int numDocs = 50; var atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0); var doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); database.Changed += (sender, e) => atomicInteger.IncrementAndGet(); database.RunInTransaction(() => { CreateDocuments(database, numDocs); doneSignal.CountDown(); return(true); }); var success = doneSignal.Await(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); Assert.IsTrue(success); Assert.AreEqual(1, atomicInteger.Get()); }
public virtual void AddBinaryUpdate(BinaryDocValuesUpdate update, int docIDUpto) { OrderedDictionary fieldUpdates; if (!BinaryUpdates.TryGetValue(update.Field, out fieldUpdates)) { fieldUpdates = new OrderedDictionary(); BinaryUpdates[update.Field] = fieldUpdates; BytesUsed.AddAndGet(BYTES_PER_BINARY_FIELD_ENTRY); } BinaryDocValuesUpdate current = null; if (fieldUpdates.Contains(update.Term)) { current = fieldUpdates[update.Term] as BinaryDocValuesUpdate; } if (current != null && docIDUpto < current.DocIDUpto) { // Only record the new number if it's greater than or equal to the current // one. this is important because if multiple threads are replacing the // same doc at nearly the same time, it's possible that one thread that // got a higher docID is scheduled before the other threads. return; } update.DocIDUpto = docIDUpto; // since it's an OrderedDictionary, we must first remove the Term entry so that // it's added last (we're interested in insertion-order). if (current != null) { fieldUpdates.Remove(update.Term); } fieldUpdates[update.Term] = update; NumBinaryUpdates.IncrementAndGet(); if (current == null) { BytesUsed.AddAndGet(BYTES_PER_BINARY_UPDATE_ENTRY + update.SizeInBytes()); } }
public virtual void StartMerge(ICollection <T> inputs) { if (!closed) { numPending.IncrementAndGet(); IList <T> toMergeInputs = new AList <T>(); IEnumerator <T> iter = inputs.GetEnumerator(); for (int ctr = 0; iter.HasNext() && ctr < mergeFactor; ++ctr) { toMergeInputs.AddItem(iter.Next()); iter.Remove(); } Log.Info(GetName() + ": Starting merge with " + toMergeInputs.Count + " segments, while ignoring " + inputs.Count + " segments"); lock (pendingToBeMerged) { pendingToBeMerged.AddLast(toMergeInputs); Sharpen.Runtime.NotifyAll(pendingToBeMerged); } } }
public ResourceFailureTest(ITestOutputHelper output) { _output = output; var converter = new Converter(output); Console.SetOut(converter); _world = World.StartWithDefaults("test-request-failure"); var resource = new FailResource(output); _port = NextPort.IncrementAndGet(); _server = ServerFactory.StartWith( _world.Stage, Resources.Are(resource.Routes()), Filters.None(), _port, Configuration.SizingConf.DefineConf(), Configuration.TimingConf.DefineConf()); }