public static void Execute(Atom parent) { var nb =new NavList (); nb.Add ("Tables"); nb.Add ("Forms"); nb.Add ("Modals"); nb.Add ("Panels"); nb.AddDivider (); nb.Add ("Exit"); var log = new Div (); var code = new Div (); new Div (d=>{ d.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; d.JQuery.Append(nb).Append(log).Append("C# code".Header(4)).Append(code); parent.Append(d); }); nb.Selected += (e) => { var i = e.CurrentTarget.As<NavItem> (); log.Text= "{0} Clicked".Fmt(i.Text); }; var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demonavlist.html"); rq.Done (s=> code.Text=s); }
public static void Execute(Atom parent) { var nb =new NavBar (); nb.BrandText="App Title"; nb.Add ("Home"); nb.Add ("License"); nb.Add ("Contact"); var dd = new DropdownMenu (); dd.Text = "Config"; dd.Nav.Add ("Users"); dd.Nav.Add ("Groups"); nb.Add (dd); var log = new Div (); var code = new Div (); new Div (d=>{ d.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; d.JQuery.Append(nb).Append(log).Append("C# code".Header(4)).Append(code); parent.Append(d); }); nb.Selected += (e) => { var i = e.CurrentTarget.As<NavItem> (); log.Text= "{0} Clicked".Fmt(i.Text); }; var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demonavbar.html"); rq.Done (s=> code.Text=s); }
public static void Execute (Atom parent){ var nb =new NavList (); nb.Add ("Simple Bootbox Dialog", handler: e=> Bootbox.Dialog("cayita is awesome")); nb.Add ("Custom Bootbox.Dialog I", handler: CustomDialog_1); nb.Add ("Custom Bootbox.Dialog 2", handler: CustomDialog_2); nb.Add ("Custom Bootbox.Dialog 3", handler: CustomDialog_3); nb.AddDivider (); nb.Add ("Alert", handler: e=> Bootbox.Alert("Alert!",()=> "Alert callback...".LogInfo())); nb.Add ("Confirm", handler: e=> Bootbox.Confirm("Confirm...",(c)=> ("Confirm callback "+c).LogInfo())); nb.Add ("Prompt", handler: e=> Bootbox.Prompt("Pormpt...",(s)=> ("Prompt callback "+s).LogInfo())); var code = new Div (); new Div (d=>{ d.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; d.JQuery.Append(nb).Append("C# code".Header(4)).Append(code); parent.Append(d); }); var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demomodals.html"); rq.Done (s=> code.InnerHTML=s); }
public static UserForm UserForm (Atom parent) { var f = new Form ().As<UserForm>(); f.ClassName="form-horizontal"; f.Append("<style>.form-horizontal .controls { margin-left: 100px; } @media (max-width: 480px) { .form-horizontal .controls { margin-left: 0px; } } </style>"); new Div(f, tb=>{ tb.ClassName="nav"; f.ButtonCreate=new ButtonIcon(tb, bt=>{bt.IconClass="icon-file icon-large"; bt.Disabled=true;}); f.ButtonSave=new ButtonIcon(tb, bt=>{bt.IconClass="icon-save icon-large"; bt.Disabled=true; bt.Type="submit";}); f.ButtonDestroy=new ButtonIcon(tb, bt=>{bt.IconClass="icon-remove icon-large"; bt.Disabled=true; }); }); new NumericInput (f, i => { i.Name = "Id"; i.Hidden = true; }); new TextField(f, i=>{i.Name="Name"; i.Text="Name"; i.Required=true;}); new TextField(f, i=>{i.Name="City"; i.Text="City"; i.Required=true;}); new TextField(f, i=>{i.Name="Address"; i.Text="Address"; }); new DateField(f, i=>{i.Name="DoB"; i.Text="Birthday"; i.Picker.DateFormat=""; i.Required=true; }); new EmailField(f, i=>{i.Name="Email"; i.Text="Email"; i.Required=true;}); new IntField(f, i=>{i.Name="Rating"; i.Text="Rating"; }); new RadioGroup<string> (f, rg => { rg.Required = true; rg.Text = "Level"; rg.Name = "Level"; rg.Add ("A"); rg.Add ("B"); rg.Add ("C"); }); new CheckField(f, i=>{i.Name="IsActive"; i.Input.Text="Is active?";}); f.JQuery.Find("label[class='control-label']").CSS("width", "80px"); f.CopyToUser= ()=>{ User u = new User(); f.Populate (u); return u; }; parent.Append (f); return f; }
public static void Execute (Atom parent){ Task v= new Task( ()=> Firebug.Console.Log("hello")); v.Start (); var store = new UserStore (); var grid = new UserGrid (parent, store); store.Read (); var form = new UserForm (parent); form.ButtonCreate.Disabled = false; form.ButtonCreate.Clicked+= (e) => { grid.ClearSelection(); form.Clear(); }; form.ButtonDestroy.Clicked+= (e) => { form.Clear(); var u = store.First(r=>r.Id== int.Parse( grid.SelectedRow.RecordId )); store.Remove(u); }; form.Changed+= (e) => { form.ButtonSave.Disabled= !form.HasChanges(); }; form.Updated += (fr, ac) => { form.ButtonDestroy.Disabled= ac == FormUpdatedAction.Clear; form.ButtonSave.Disabled=true; }; form.SubmitHandler = fr => SubmitHandler (grid, form, store); grid.RowSelected += (g, row) => { var u = store.First(r=>r.Id== int.Parse( row.RecordId)); form.PopulateFrom(u); }; parent.Append("Paged Tables".Header (3)); var cu = new CustomerStore (); new CustomerGrid(parent, cu); parent.Append (new StorePager<Customer>(cu)); cu.Read (); parent.Append ("Filters".Header (3)); var cu2 = new CustomerStore (); new TextInput (parent, i=> { i.Placeholder="Country"; i.On("keyup", evt=>{ var st = i.Value.ToUpper(); cu2.Filter( f=>f.Country.ToUpper().StartsWith(st)); }); }); new CustomerGrid (parent, cu2); parent.Append (new StorePager<Customer>(cu2)); cu2.Read (); parent.Append ("C# code".Header(3)); var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demotables.html"); rq.Done (s=> { var code=new Div(); code.InnerHTML= s; parent.Append(code); }); }
public static void Execute(Atom parent) { var code = new Div (); new Div (d=>{ d.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; UI.CreateContainer( d, ct=>{ UI.CreateRowFluid(ct, r=>{ new Div(r, sp=>{ sp.ClassName="span5"; var p1 =CreatePanel("Apps"); new Div(pi=>{ pi.ClassName="c-icons"; pi.Append("<style>img {height: 40px;} .c-icon {height: 95px;}</style>"); foreach( var app in GetApps()){ new ImgPicture(pi, img=>{ img.Img.Src=app.Icon; img.Text=app.Title; img.Clicked+= (e) =>{e.PreventDefault(); app.Title.LogInfo();}; }); } p1.Add(pi); }); var p2 =CreatePanel("Demo"); var color = new TextField(); var bb = new Button("Change background"); bb.Clicked+= (e) => p2.Body.Style.BackgroundColor= color.Value; var bc = new Button("collapse"); bc.Clicked+= (e) => p2.Collapse(); p2.Add(color); p2.Add(bb); p2.Add(bc); sp.JQuery.Append(p1).Append(p2); }); new Div(r, sp=>{ sp.ClassName="span5"; var p1 =CreatePanel("El Coyote"); new Div( cy=>{ cy.ClassName="span2"; new Image(cy,i=>{ i.Src="img/coyote.jpg"; i.Style.Height="100px"; }); p1.Add(cy); }); new Div( cy=>{ cy.ClassName="span10"; cy.Append(@"<i><b>El <a href='' title='Coyote' target='_blank'>Coyote</a> y el <a href='' title='Geococcyx californianus' target='_blank'>Correcaminos</a></b></i> (<i><b>Wile E. Coyote</b> and the <b>Road Runner</b></i>) son los personajes de una serie <a href='' title='Estados Unidos' target='_blank'>estadounidense</a> de <a href='' title='Dibujos animados' target='_blank'>dibujos animados</a> creada en el año de <a href='' title='1949' target='_blank'>1949</a> por el animador <a href='' title='Chuck Jones' target='_blank'>Chuck Jones</a> para <a href='' title='Warner Brothers' target='_blank'>Warner Brothers</a>. Chuck Jones se inspiró para crear a estos personajes en un libro de <a href='' title='Mark Twain' target='_blank'>Mark Twain</a>, titulado <i>Roughin It</i>, en el que Twain denotaba que los coyotes hambrientos podrían cazar un correcaminos. <a href='' title='Coyote' target='_blank'>El Coyote (wikipedia)</a> "); p1.Add(cy); }); var p2 =CreatePanel("Table"); var tb = new Table<App>("title"); tb.Load(GetApps()); p2.Add(tb); sp.JQuery.Append(p1).Append(p2); }); }); }); var wn=1; new Button(d, bt=>{ bt.Text="Window I"; bt.Clicked+=evt=>{ new Panel( new PanelOptions{Overlay=true}){ Caption="Window " +(wn++).ToString(), Left=(wn*5).ToString()+"px", Top=(wn*15).ToString()+"px", Width="300px", Height="100px", }.Show(); }; }); new Button(d, bt=>{ bt.Text="Window II"; bt.Clicked+=evt=>{ var panel= new Panel( new PanelOptions{ Overlay=true, Caption="Custom Close Icon and Handler", Left="200px", Top="300px", Width="auto", CloseIconClass="icon-th-large", CloseIconHandler=p=>{ p.Caption="Close icon changed !!!"; p.CloseIcon.ClassName= "icon-remove-circle"; p.CloseIconHandler= pn=> {pn.Close(); "Panel was closed".LogError(5000); }; p.Height="400px"; } }); panel.Add( new Button(b=>{ b.Text="click me !"; b.Style.Width="100%"; b.Style.Height="100%"; b.Clicked+= (e) => "button clicked".LogSuccess(); })); panel.Show(); }; }); new Button(d, bt=>{ bt.Text="Window III"; bt.Clicked+=evt=>{ var panel= new Panel( new PanelOptions{ Overlay=true, Caption="no closable, no collapsible", Left="200px", Top="300px", Width="auto", Collapsible=false, Closable=false, }); panel.Add( new Button(b=>{ b.Text="click me !"; b.Style.Width="100%"; b.Style.Height="100%"; b.Clicked+= (e) => { panel.Caption ="now closable and collapsible"; panel.Closable=true; panel.Collapsible=true; b.Disabled=true; }; })); panel.Show(); }; }); d.JQuery.Append("C# code".Header(4)).Append(code); parent.Append(d); }); var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demopanels.html"); rq.Done (s=> code.InnerHTML=s); }
public static void Execute (Atom parent) { var d = new Div ("bs-docs-example"); var top = new TabPanel (new TabPanelOptions{ TabsPosition="top", Bordered=true, }); top.Content.Style.MinHeight = "100px"; var t1 = new Tab (); t1.Caption="First Tab"; t1.Body.Append ("Firs tab body"); AlertFn.Success (t1.Body.FirstChild, "Cayita is awesome"); top.Add (t1); top.Add (tab=>{ tab.Caption= "Second Tab"; tab.Body.AddClass("well"); tab.Body.Append("Hello second tab"); tab.Body.Style.Color="red"; }); top.Add (tab=>{ tab.Caption= "El Coyote"; tab.Body.Append( new Div(cd=>{ cd.ClassName="span1"; cd.Append( new Image{Src="img/coyote.jpg"}); })); tab.Body.Append( new Div(cd=>{ cd.ClassName="span11"; cd.Append( CoyoteText); })); }); d.Append (top); parent.JQuery.Append ("Tabs on top".Header(3)).Append(d); var right = new TabPanel (new TabPanelOptions{ TabsPosition="right", }, pn=>{ pn.Add( tab=>{ tab.Caption="First tab"; tab.Body.Append("Hello first tab".Header(3)); }); pn.Add( tab=>{ tab.Caption= "Second tab"; tab.Body.AddClass("well"); tab.Body.Append("Hello second tab"); tab.Body.Style.Color="blue"; tab.Body.Style.Height="80px"; }); pn.Add( tab=>{ tab.Caption= "El Coyote"; tab.Body.Append( new Div(cd=>{ cd.ClassName="span1"; cd.Append( new Image{Src="img/coyote.jpg"}); })); tab.Body.Append( new Div(cd=>{ cd.ClassName="span11"; cd.Append( CoyoteText); })); }); }); new Div (ex=>{ ex.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; ex.Append(right); parent.JQuery.Append ("Tabs on right".Header(3)).Append(ex); }); right.Show (2); var bottom = new TabPanel (new TabPanelOptions{ TabsPosition="below", }, pn=>{ pn.Add( tab=>{ tab.Caption="First tab"; tab.Body.Append("Hello first tab".Header(3)); }); pn.Add( tab=>{ tab.Caption= "Second tab"; tab.Body.AddClass("well"); tab.Body.Append("Hello second tab"); tab.Body.Style.Color="blue"; tab.Body.Style.Height="80px"; }); pn.Add( tab=>{ tab.Caption= "El Coyote"; tab.Body.Append( new Div(cd=>{ cd.ClassName="span1"; cd.Append( new Image{Src="img/coyote.jpg"}); })); tab.Body.Append( new Div(cd=>{ cd.ClassName="span11"; cd.Append( CoyoteText); })); }); }); bottom.Content.Style.MinHeight = "150px"; new Div (ex=>{ ex.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; ex.Append(bottom); parent.JQuery.Append ("Tabs on bottom".Header(3)).Append(ex); }); bottom.Show (1); var left = new TabPanel (new TabPanelOptions{ TabsPosition="left", Bordered=true }, pn=>{ pn.Add( tab=>{ tab.Caption="First tab"; tab.Body.Append("Hello first tab".Header(3)); }); pn.Add( tab=>{ tab.Caption= "Second tab"; tab.Body.AddClass("well"); tab.Body.Append("Hello second tab"); tab.Body.Style.Color="blue"; tab.Body.Style.Height="80px"; }); pn.Add( tab=>{ new Image(tab, i=>{i.Src="img/coyote.jpg"; i.Style.Height="106px";}); new Label(tab, "El Coyote"); tab.Body.Append(CoyoteText); }); }); left.Content.Style.MinHeight = "220px"; new Div (ex=>{ ex.ClassName="bs-docs-example"; ex.Append(left); parent.JQuery.Append ("Tabs on left".Header(3)).Append(ex); }); left.Show (0); parent.Append ("C# code".Header(3)); var rq =jQuery.GetData<string> ("code/demotabpanel.html"); rq.Done (s=> { var code=new Div(); code.InnerHTML= s; parent.Append(code); }); }