protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); if (!IsPostBack) { CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; } AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name; PlaceAndDate.Text = AthlComp.Location + ", " + AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Global gl = new Global(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != null) && (CompCodeText.Length > 1)) { CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCode.Text); } Athl_Competition CompetitionRec = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); CompetitionRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionName.Text = CompetitionRec.Name; ClubCode.Text = " "; string SelClub = Request.QueryString.Get("Club"); if ((SelClub != null) && (SelClub.Length > 0)) { ClubCode.Text = SelClub; PageInfoText.Text = "Upplýsingar um félag: " + ClubCode.Text; } SelectedBibNo.Text = "0"; string SelBib = Request.QueryString.Get("BibNo"); if ((SelBib != null) && (SelBib.Length > 0)) { SelectedBibNo.Text = SelBib; PageInfoText.Text = "Upplýsingar um keppanda með rásnúmer: " + SelectedBibNo.Text; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsPostBack) { UpdateDatabase(); } else { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlCompetitionRec = new Athl_Competition(); string CompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); AthlCompetitionRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode); if ((AthlCompetitionRec.Staða_móts == 2) || (AthlCompetitionRec.Staða_móts == 4)) { SaveValues.Visible = true; SaveAndReturn.Visible = true; } else { SaveValues.Visible = false; SaveAndReturn.Visible = false; } } LoadCompetitorsPage(); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global gl = new Global(); Int32 CurrentAccessLevel = 0; if ((UserID.Text == "") && (OldPassword.Text == "")) { MessageBox.Text = "Þú verður að fylla út Notandann og gamla lykilorðið."; } else { CurrentAccessLevel = AthlCRUD.CheckUserNameAndPw(UserID.Text, OldPassword.Text); if (CurrentAccessLevel == -1) { MessageBox.Text = "Notandi finnst ekki eða gamla lykilorðið er rangt."; } else { if ((NewPassword1.Text == NewPassword2.Text) && (NewPassword1.Text != "")) { AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthlEnt.ChangePassword(UserID.Text, OldPassword.Text, NewPassword1.Text, UserID.Text); //Response.Write("<script language=javascript>alert('Lykilorðinu þínu hefur verið breytt. Þú verður að skrá þig aftur og nú með nýja lykilorðinu.')</script>"); Session["CurrentUserName"] = ""; Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = 0; Session["ComingFromPage"] = ""; gl.SetGlobalValue("LoginMsg", "Lykilorðinu þínu hefur verið breytt. Þú verður að skrá þig aftur og nú með nýja lykilorðinu."); Response.Redirect("AthleticsLogon.aspx"); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string CompCode = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); string EventLineNo = Request.QueryString.Get("LineNo"); Int32 EventLin = Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthlEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode, EventLin); if (AthlEvent.stadakeppni == 0) { Response.Redirect("CompetitorsInEv.aspx?Code=" + CompCode + "&LineNo=" + EventLineNo); } else if (AthlEvent.stadakeppni == 1) { Response.Redirect("EventProgressLiveUpdate.aspx?EventLineNo=" + EventLineNo + "&Code=" + CompCode); } else if (AthlEvent.stadakeppni == 2) { Response.Redirect("PrintEventResults.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNo + "&Code=" + CompCode); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global gl = new Global(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); //Int32 EvLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(gl.GetCompetitionEventNo()); //EventLineNo.Text = gl.GetCompetitionEventNo(); string EventLineNoText = Request.QueryString.Get("Event"); Int32 EvLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNoText); EventLineNo.Text = EventLineNoText; AthlCompEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode.Text, EvLineNo); EventName.Text = AthlCompEvent.heitigreinar; Gender.Text = AthlCompEvent.kyn.ToString(); if (AthlCompEvent.aldurtil == 0) { AgeTo.Text = "999"; } else { AgeTo.Text = AthlCompEvent.aldurtil.ToString(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); if (!IsPostBack) { string LoginUserID = Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString(); if ((LoginUserID != null) && (LoginUserID != "")) { Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEv = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); CompCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); CompName.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionName(); EventLineNo.Text = Gl.GetGlobalValue("EventLineNo"); CompetitorBibNo.Text = Gl.GetGlobalValue("CompetitorBibNo"); Club.Text = Gl.GetGlobalValue("SelectedClub"); AthlCompEv = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode.Text, Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo.Text)); EventName.Text = AthlCompEv.heitigreinar; RelayTeamName.Text = Gl.GetGlobalValue("RelayTeamName"); } else { CompCode.Text = ""; CompName.Text = ""; EventLineNo.Text = ""; CompetitorBibNo.Text = ""; Club.Text = ""; Vista.Visible = false; ErrorMsg.Text = "Notandi er ekki lengur skráður inn"; return; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CompCodeText)) { CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); CompetitionName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name; } else { CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); CompetitionName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); } if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 1) { Response.Redirect("~/PointsStandingMIYngri.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text); } }
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "DeleteCompetitorInComp") { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "1") || (AccessLevelText == "2")) { Global gl = new Global(); int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow CurrentRow = GridView1.Rows[index]; string CompCode = GridView1.DataKeys[0].Value.ToString(); int IndexOfBibno = gl.GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "rasnumer"); int BibNo = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentRow.Cells[IndexOfBibno].Text); if ((CompCode != "") & (BibNo > 0)) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition Competitor = new Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition(); Competitor = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitorInComp(CompCode, BibNo); AthlCompCRUD.DeleteCompetitorInCompetition(Competitor); GridView1.DataBind(); } } } if (e.CommandName == "RegisterEvents") { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "1") || (AccessLevelText == "2")) { Global gl = new Global(); int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow CurrentRow = GridView1.Rows[index]; string CompCode = GridView1.DataKeys[0].Value.ToString(); int IndexOfBibno = gl.GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "rasnumer"); int BibNo = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentRow.Cells[IndexOfBibno].Text); if ((CompCode != "") & (BibNo > 0)) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition Competitor = new Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition(); Competitor = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitorInComp(CompCode, BibNo); Int32 YearOfBirth; YearOfBirth = Competitor.faedingarar; Int32 CompetitorAge = gl.GetCompetitionYear() - YearOfBirth; gl.SetSelComp(CompCode, Competitor.kennitala, Competitor.nafn, Competitor.kyn.ToString(), Competitor.faedingarar.ToString(), Competitor.felag, CompetitorAge.ToString(), "0"); gl.SetBibNumber(BibNo); Response.Redirect("RegisterCompetitorInEvent.aspx"); } } } }
protected void MotArsins_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); string CompetitionCode = MotArsins.SelectedValue.ToString(); Gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompetitionCode); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompetitionCode); Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } //Response.Redirect("NyttMot.aspx?Comp=" + CompetitionCode); // Response.Redirect("NyttMot.aspx"); Int32 CompetitionHasBeenFinalized = 0; System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter CompetitionStatus = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("CompetitionStatus", "0"); ///AthlEnt.ReturnNoOfHeatsInEvent(CompCode, EventLin, OutNoOfHeats); AthlEnt.CompetitionIsFinalized(CompetitionCode, CompetitionStatus); CompetitionHasBeenFinalized = Convert.ToInt32(CompetitionStatus.Value); if (CompetitionHasBeenFinalized == 1) { Response.Redirect("SelectedCompetitionResults.aspx?Code=" + CompetitionCode); } else { Response.Redirect("SelectedCompetitionEvents.aspx?Code=" + CompetitionCode); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { SelBest8.Visible = false; Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitionEvents CompEventRec = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt1 = new AthleticsEntities1(); string EventLineNoText = Request.QueryString.Get("Event"); CompEventRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(gl.GetCompetitionCode(), Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNoText)); //gl.GetCompetitionEventNo())); if (gl.GetEventType() == "TRACK") { SelectSeedingTypeTrack.Visible = true; SelectSeedingTypeField.Visible = false; if (CompEventRec.fjoldiibrauta < 1) { throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format( "Þú verður að fylla út fjölda brauta í hlaupi '{0}'", CompEventRec.heitigreinar)); } } else { SelectSeedingTypeTrack.Visible = false; SelectSeedingTypeField.Visible = true; Int32 IsEventReadyForFinal3Rounds = 0; ObjectParameter readyReturnValue = new ObjectParameter("readyReturnValue", 0); //AthlEnt1.ReadyForSelectFirst8ForFinal(gl.GetCompetitionCode(), // Convert.ToInt32(gl.GetCompetitionEventNo()), readyReturnValue); AthlEnt1.ReadyForSelectFirst8ForFinal(gl.GetCompetitionCode(), Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNoText), readyReturnValue); IsEventReadyForFinal3Rounds = Convert.ToInt32(readyReturnValue.Value); if (IsEventReadyForFinal3Rounds == 1) { SelBest8.Visible = true; } } EventName.Text = gl.GetCompetitonEventName(); } }
protected void ModifyDateTime_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //EKKI NOTAÐ LENGUR - Var notað í GridViw3 bool RefreshPage = false; AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); Global gl = new Global(); string CompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string NewDateText = ""; string NewTimeText = ""; Int32 CurrentRowNo = 0; Int32 CurrentEventLineNo = 0; Int32 NoOfEvents = GridView3.Rows.Count; DateTime NewDate; DateTime NewTime; DateTime EmptyDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact("17530101 00:00:00", "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); for (CurrentRowNo = 0; CurrentRowNo < NoOfEvents; CurrentRowNo++) { CurrentEventLineNo = (Int32)this.GridView3.DataKeys[CurrentRowNo]["greinnumer"]; TextBox EventDateTextBox = (TextBox)GridView3.Rows[CurrentRowNo].FindControl("DagsGreinar"); NewDateText = EventDateTextBox.Text; TextBox EventTimeTextBox = (TextBox)GridView3.Rows[CurrentRowNo].FindControl("TimiGreinar"); NewTimeText = EventTimeTextBox.Text; NewDate = gl.TryConvertStringToDate(NewDateText); NewTime = gl.TryConvertStringToTime(NewTimeText); if ((NewDate > EmptyDateTime) && (NewTime > EmptyDateTime)) { AthlEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode, CurrentEventLineNo); if ((NewDate.ToString("d") != AthlEvent.dagsetning.ToString("d")) || (NewTime.ToShortTimeString() != AthlEvent.timi.ToShortTimeString())) { AthlEvent.dagsetning = NewDate; AthlEvent.timi = NewTime; AthlEnt.UpdateEventDateTimeAndStatus(CompCode, CurrentEventLineNo, NewDate, NewTime, AthlEvent.stadakeppni, AthlEvent.tilkynnaverdlaunaafhendingu); RefreshPage = true; } } } if (RefreshPage == true) { Response.Redirect("NyttMot.aspx" + "?Comp=" + CompCode); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); if (!IsPostBack) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); CompetitionName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); EventName.Text = gl.GetCompetitonEventName(); EventLineNo.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("EventLineNo"); AthlEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode.Text, Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo.Text)); AthlCompetitionRec = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); Int32 TrackEventNoForLynx = AthlEvent.Númer_hlaupagreinar_f__Lynx + 1000; WindReadingRequired = AthlEvent.krefstvindmaelis; LifFilePrefix.Text = TrackEventNoForLynx.ToString().Substring(1, 3); SelectFileInfo.Text = LifFilePrefix.Text + " : "; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global gl = new Global(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); TopIAAFPoints.DataBind(); } CompName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); }
protected void SelectButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition AthlCompInCompetition = new Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition(); //Int32 EvLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(gl.GetCompetitionEventNo()); string EventLineNoText = Request.QueryString.Get("Event"); Int32 EvLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNoText); GridViewRow CurrRow; Int32 Index = 0; bool Res = false; Int32 BibNo = 0; AthlCompEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode.Text, EvLineNo); CheckBox SelectedCandidate; for (int i = 0; i < Candidates.Rows.Count; i++) { SelectedCandidate = (CheckBox)Candidates.Rows[i].FindControl("ValinChk"); if (SelectedCandidate.Checked) { CurrRow = Candidates.Rows[i]; Index = gl.GetColumnIndexByName(CurrRow, "rasnumer"); Res = int.TryParse(CurrRow.Cells[Index].Text, out BibNo); if (Res == false) { BibNo = -1; } if (BibNo > 0) { AthlCompInCompetition = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitorInComp(CompCode.Text, BibNo); AthlCRUD.RegisterCompetitorInEvent(CompCode.Text, AthlCompEvent, BibNo, AthlCompInCompetition, 1, 999); } } } Response.Redirect("UpdateEventResults.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNoText); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); if (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] == "0") { SaveRaceResultOrder.Visible = false; } string CompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); //string EventLineNo = gl.GetCompetitionEventNo(); string EventLineNo = Request.QueryString.Get("Event"); Int32 EventLin = Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); ; Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthlEvent = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode, EventLin); EventName.Text = AthlEvent.heitigreinar; FillPage(CompCode, EventLin, AthlEvent); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); CompCode.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("CompCode"); if ((CompCode.Text == "") || (CompCode.Text == null)) { CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); } SelectedClub.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("Club"); SelectedPlace.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("Place"); SelectedGender.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("Gender"); if ((CompCode.Text != "") && (CompCode.Text != null)) { AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name; } SelectionDescription.Text = ""; if ((SelectedClub.Text != "") && (SelectedClub.Text != null)) { if (SelectedGender.Text == "0") { SelectionDescription.Text = "Karlar og konur " + SelectedClub.Text + " í " + SelectedPlace.Text + ". sæti"; } else if (SelectedGender.Text == "1") { SelectionDescription.Text = "Karlar " + SelectedClub.Text + " í " + SelectedPlace.Text + ". sæti"; } else { SelectionDescription.Text = "Konur " + SelectedClub.Text + " í " + SelectedPlace.Text + ". sæti"; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Global gl = new Global(); //EventName.Text = gl.GetCompetitonEventName(); string CompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); //Int32 EventLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(gl.GetCompetitionEventNo()); string EventLineNoText = Request.QueryString.Get("Event"); Int32 EventLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNoText); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_HeightsInHJandPV AthlHeighs = new Athl_HeightsInHJandPV(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEv = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthlCompEv = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode, EventLineNo); EventName.Text = AthlCompEv.heitigreinar; AthlHeighs = AthlCRUD.GetHeightsInHJandPVRec(CompCode, EventLineNo, -1); OpeningHeight.Text = AthlHeighs.OpeningHeight; FirstIncreaseBy.Text = AthlHeighs.FirstIncreaseBy; FirstLimit.Text = AthlHeighs.FirstLimit; SecondIncreaseBy.Text = AthlHeighs.SecondIncreaseBy; SecondLimit.Text = AthlHeighs.SecondLimit; ThirdIncreaseBy.Text = AthlHeighs.ThirdIncreaseBy; } }
protected void GridView3_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { string HeitiG = ""; Global gl = new Global(); if (e.CommandName == "DeleteCompEvent") //DELETE THE COMPETITION EVENT - NOT USED ANY MORE { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow CurrentRow = GridView3.Rows[index]; string CompCode = (string)this.GridView3.DataKeys[index]["mot"]; Int32 EventLineNo = (Int32)this.GridView3.DataKeys[index]["greinnumer"]; if ((CompCode != "") & (EventLineNo > 0)) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompetitionEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthlCompetitionEvent = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode, EventLineNo); AthlCompCRUD.DeleteCompetitonEvent(AthlCompetitionEvent); GridView3.DataBind(); } } if (e.CommandName == "ShowCompetitors") { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow CurrentRow = GridView3.Rows[index]; string CompCode = (string)this.GridView3.DataKeys[index]["mot"]; Int32 EventLineNo = (Int32)this.GridView3.DataKeys[index]["greinnumer"]; //gl.SetCompetitionEventNo(GridView3.DataKeys[index].Values[1].ToString()); string EventLineNoText = GridView3.DataKeys[index].Values[1].ToString(); index = GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "heitigreinar"); HeitiG = CurrentRow.Cells[index].Text; HeitiG = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(HeitiG); gl.SetCompetitionEventName(HeitiG); AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if (AccessLevelText == "0") { Response.Redirect("ComppetitorsInEv.aspx?Code=" + gl.GetCompetitionCode() + "&LineNo=" + EventLineNoText); } else { Response.Redirect("CompetitorsInEvent.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNoText); } } if (e.CommandName == "EnterEventResults") { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow CurrentRow = GridView3.Rows[index]; string CompCode = (string)this.GridView3.DataKeys[index]["mot"]; Int32 EventLineNo = (Int32)this.GridView3.DataKeys[index]["greinnumer"]; //gl.SetCompetitionEventNo(GridView3.DataKeys[index].Values[1].ToString()); string EventLineNoText = GridView3.DataKeys[index].Values[1].ToString(); index = GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "heitigreinar"); HeitiG = CurrentRow.Cells[index].Text; HeitiG = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(HeitiG); gl.SetCompetitionEventName(HeitiG); Response.Redirect("UpdateEventResults.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNoText); } if (e.CommandName == "ShowResults") { string EventCode = ""; string Gend; string EventStatus = ""; string EventLineNoText = ""; Int32 index; index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow CurrentRow = GridView3.Rows[index]; EventLineNoText = GridView3.DataKeys[index].Values[1].ToString(); //gl.SetCompetitionEventNo(EventLineNoText); index = GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "heitigreinar"); HeitiG = CurrentRow.Cells[index].Text; HeitiG = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(HeitiG); gl.SetCompetitionEventName(HeitiG); index = GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "greinnumer"); EventCode = CurrentRow.Cells[index].Text; //gl.SetSelectedEventCode(EventCode); gl.SetSelectedEventCode(EventLineNoText); index = GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "kyn"); if (CurrentRow.Cells[index].Text.Substring(0, 1) == "B") { gl.SetSelectedGender("0"); } else { Gend = CurrentRow.Cells[index].Text; if (Gend == "Karl") { gl.SetSelectedGender("1"); } else { gl.SetSelectedGender("2"); } } index = GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "StaðaKeppni"); EventStatus = CurrentRow.Cells[index].Text; Global Gl = new Global(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEv = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRU = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Int32 EvNumInt = Gl.TryConvertStringToInt32(EventLineNoText); AthlCompEv = AthlCRU.GetCompetitionEvent(Gl.GetCompetitionCode(), EvNumInt); if ((EventStatus == "Stendur yfir") && (AthlCompEv.tegundgreinar == 2) && (AthlCompEv.nanaritegundargreining != 7)) //Field Event and not MultiEv { Response.Redirect("EventProgressLiveUpdate.aspx?EventLineNo=" + EventLineNoText + "&EventName=" + HeitiG); } else { Response.Redirect("PrintEventResults.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNoText); } } if (e.CommandName == "PrizeCeremonyFinished") { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow CurrentRow = GridView3.Rows[index]; string CompCode = (string)this.GridView3.DataKeys[index]["mot"]; Int32 EventLineNo = (Int32)this.GridView3.DataKeys[index]["greinnumer"]; string EventLineNoText = GridView3.DataKeys[index].Values[1].ToString(); EventLineNo = Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNoText); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitionEvents CompEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); if ((CompCode != "") && (EventLineNo > 0)) { CompEvent = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode, EventLineNo); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthlEnt.UpdateEventDateTimeAndStatus(CompCode, EventLineNo, CompEvent.dagsetning, CompEvent.timi, CompEvent.stadakeppni, 2); //Set Prize Ceremony has finished for this Event Int32 ColNoForPrizeCeremonyStatus = 0; ColNoForPrizeCeremonyStatus = GetColumnIndexByName(CurrentRow, "tilkynnaverdlaunaafhendingu"); CurrentRow.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremonyStatus].Text = "Lokið"; } } }
protected void GridView3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { string[] WordsArray; string AgeGr; Int32 Gend; Int32 AgeFr; Int32 AgeTo; Int32 ColNo; string EventLineNoText = ""; bool UserIsSignedin = false; if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header) { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) { UserIsSignedin = false; //ModifyDateTime.Visible = false; SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible = false; } else { UserIsSignedin = true; AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); if (CompCode4.Text != "") { AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompetitionCode.Text); if (AthlComp.DisplayColumnForPrizeCeremony == 1) { SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible = true; } } } ColNoForPrizeCeremony = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "tilkynnaverdlaunaafhendingu"); } if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { int RowIx = e.Row.RowIndex; EventLineNoText = GridView3.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[1].ToString(); ColNo = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "ShowCompetitors"); HyperLink hp = new HyperLink(); hp.Text = "Keppendur"; //e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Text; hp.NavigateUrl = "UpdateEventResults.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNoText; e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Controls.Add(hp); ColNo = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "Aldursflokkur"); AgeGr = e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Text; WordsArray = AgeGr.Split(';'); Gend = Convert.ToInt32(WordsArray[0]); AgeFr = Convert.ToInt32(WordsArray[1]); AgeTo = Convert.ToInt32(WordsArray[2]); switch (Gend) { case 1: if ((AgeFr == 0) & ((AgeTo == 0) | (AgeTo == 999))) { AgeGr = "Karlar"; } else { if (AgeFr == 0) { if (AgeTo > 22) { AgeGr = "Karlar"; } else { AgeGr = "Piltar " + AgeTo.ToString() + " og yngri"; } } else { if (AgeTo == 999) { AgeGr = "Karlar " + AgeFr.ToString() + " og eldri"; } else { if (AgeFr == AgeTo) { AgeGr = "Piltar " + AgeFr.ToString(); } else { AgeGr = "Piltar " + AgeFr.ToString() + "-" + AgeTo.ToString(); } } } } break; case 2: if ((AgeFr == 0) && ((AgeTo == 0) || (AgeTo == 999))) { AgeGr = "Konur"; } else { if (AgeFr == 0) { if (AgeTo > 22) { AgeGr = "Konur"; } else { AgeGr = "Stúlkur " + AgeTo.ToString() + " og yngri"; } } else { if (AgeTo == 999) { AgeGr = "Konur " + AgeFr.ToString() + " og eldri"; } else { if (AgeFr == AgeTo) { AgeGr = "Stúlkur " + AgeFr.ToString(); } else { AgeGr = "Stúlkur " + AgeFr.ToString() + "-" + AgeTo.ToString(); } } } } break; } //e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Text = AgeGr; } if (SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible == false) { e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremony].Visible = false; e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremony + 1].Visible = false; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); if (IsPostBack) { Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVEventStat", EventStat.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVGenderFilter", GenderFilter.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVSelectedDate", SelectDay.SelectedValue.ToString()); } if (IsPostBack == false) { AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); var CompCodeForScoreboard = new ObjectParameter("compCodeForScorb", typeof(global::System.String)); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); int RetValue = 0; RetValue = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionForScoreb(CompCodeForScoreboard); CompCode.Text = CompCodeForScoreboard.Value.ToString(); Athl_Competition AthlCompetitionRecord = new Athl_Competition(); AthlCompetitionRecord = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); CompName.Text = AthlCompetitionRecord.Name; Int32 NoOfDates = 0; ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(CompCode.Text); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(result); // +"%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; SelectDay.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfDates <= 1) { SelectDay.Visible = false; SelDayLabel.Visible = false; } else { SelectDay.Visible = true; SelDayLabel.Visible = true; } string SelectedEventStatus = Gl.GetGlobalValue("TVEventStat"); string SelectedGenderFilter = Gl.GetGlobalValue("TVGenderFilter"); string SelectedEventDate = Gl.GetGlobalValue("TVSelectedDate"); if ((SelectedEventStatus == "") && (SelectedGenderFilter == "") && (SelectedEventDate == "")) { Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVEventStat", EventStat.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVGenderFilter", GenderFilter.SelectedValue.ToString()); Gl.SetGlobalValue("TVSelectedDate", SelectDay.SelectedValue.ToString()); } else { EventStat.SelectedValue = SelectedEventStatus; GenderFilter.SelectedValue = SelectedGenderFilter; SelectDay.SelectedValue = SelectedEventDate; } } }
// AccessLevelText = "0" : Not logged in - Aðeins fyrirspurnir // AccessLevelText = "1" : Club Representative // AccessLevelText = "2" : Administrator // AccessLevelText = "3" : Can edit entry sheets // AccessLevelText = "4" : Competition Administrator protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global Gl = new Global(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); CompCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); ExportLynxFiles.Visible = false; if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { //CompCodeText = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(CompCodeText); //Má gera þetta? CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); if (AthlComp.tungumal > 0) //Not Icelandic { CompEventsLbl.Text = "Keppnisgreinar móts - Competition Events"; } if (AthlComp.Code != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionCode(CompCodeText); CompCode.Text = CompCodeText; Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } //Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = ""; } } Competitors.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionCompetitors.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; CompetitionResults.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionResults.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStanding.NavigateUrl = "~/Points.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStandingMIYngri.NavigateUrl = "~/PointsStandingMIYngri.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); string CompDates = AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString(); if (AthlComp.Date2 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01")) { if (AthlComp.Date3 > Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01")) { CompDates = CompDates + ", " + AthlComp.Date2.ToShortDateString() + " og " + AthlComp.Date3.ToShortDateString(); } else { CompDates = CompDates + " og " + AthlComp.Date2.ToShortDateString(); } } CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name + " - " + CompDates + " - " + AthlComp.Location; // if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 5) //Meistaramót Íslands m IAAF stigum if ((AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 1) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 2) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 5)) //Mi yngri, bikar eða Meistaramót Íslands m IAAF stigum { PointsStanding.Visible = true; } else { PointsStanding.Visible = false; } if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 3) { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = true; } else { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = false; } LinkToPage.Text = "" + CompCode.Text; // LinkToPage.Text = "" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(CompCode.Text); if (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] == null) { Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = "0"; } AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); UpdCompEvents.Visible = false; CompSetup.Visible = false; if (AccessLevelText == "0") { YourCompetitors.Visible = false; YourCompetitorsLabel.Visible = false; } else if ((AccessLevelText != "1") || (Gl.UserCanUpdateMeet(AthlComp.Code, Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString()) == 1)) { if ((AthlComp.Staða_móts == 2) || (AthlComp.Staða_móts == 3) || (AthlComp.Staða_móts == 4)) { //2 = Opið fyrir skráningu, 3 = Lokað fyrir skráningu, 4 = Stendur yfir ExportLynxFiles.Visible = true; UpdCompEvents.Visible = true; } } if (Session["CurrentUserName"] == null) { Session["CurrentUserName"] = ""; } if (Gl.UserCanUpdateMeet(AthlComp.Code, Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString()) == 1) //2 = Admin { UpdCompEvents.Visible = true; CompSetup.Visible = true; CompSetup.NavigateUrl = "~/CompetitionSetup.aspx?Code=" + AthlComp.Code; } if (!IsPostBack) { EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Clear(); Int32 NoOfDates = 0; ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "Allir dagar"; newItem.Value = "%"; EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); //AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(Gl.GetCompetitionCode()); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(result) + "%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfDates <= 1) { EventDateFilterLabel.Visible = false; EventDateFilterDropDown.Visible = false; } else { EventDateFilterLabel.Visible = true; EventDateFilterDropDown.Visible = true; } } }
protected void VistaNyttMot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); bool reiknaungl = false; bool reiknaIAAF = false; DateTime Dags; bool dagsOk = false; Int16 tegstigak = -1; string valinnv = ""; if (HeitiMots.Text == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú verður að fylla út heiti mótsins"; return; } if (EnsktHeiti.Text == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú ættir að fylla út enska heiti mótsins"; //return; } dagsOk = DateTime.TryParse(Dagsetning.Text, out Dags); if (!dagsOk) { Message.Text = "Dagsetning er ekki í lagi."; return; } valinnv = Convert.ToString(Vellir.SelectedValue); if (valinnv == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú verður að velja keppnisvöllinn"; return; } if (Motshaldari.Text == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú verður að fylla út upplýsingar um mótshaldarann"; return; } if (Yfirdomari.Text == String.Empty) { Message.Text = "Þú ættir að fylla út heiti yfirdómarans"; //return; } if (SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text == String.Empty) { SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text = "0"; } if (SkranGjPrBodhl.Text == String.Empty) { SkranGjPrBodhl.Text = "0"; } if (ReiknaUnglStig.SelectedValue == "1") { reiknaungl = true; } else { reiknaungl = false; } if (ReiknaIAAFStig.SelectedValue == "1") { reiknaIAAF = true; } else { reiknaIAAF = false; } tegstigak = Convert.ToInt16(TegundStigakeppni.SelectedValue.ToString()); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); if (CompetitionCode.Text == "") { AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.InitAthlComp(); } else { AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompetitionCode.Text); } AthlComp.Name = HeitiMots.Text; AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti = EnsktHeiti.Text; AthlComp.Date = Dags; AthlComp.keppnisvollur = valinnv; AthlComp.Location = Stadur.Text; if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "Utanhúss") { AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors = 0; } else { AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors = 1; } AthlComp.Organizer = Motshaldari.Text.ToUpper(); AthlComp.Judge = Yfirdomari.Text; AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein = Convert.ToDecimal(SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text); AthlComp.Skráningargjld_f__boðhlaup = Convert.ToDecimal(SkranGjPrBodhl.Text); AthlComp.Skráningargj__yngri_en_18_ára = Convert.ToDecimal(SkranGjPrGreinU18.Text); AthlComp.Skráningargj__f_boðhl_y_18_ára = Convert.ToDecimal(SkranGjPrBodhlU18.Text); AthlComp.Reikna_unglingastig = Convert.ToByte(reiknaungl); AthlComp.Reikna_IAAF_stig = Convert.ToByte(reiknaIAAF); AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni = tegstigak; AthlComp.CompetitonType = 1; //Hlaup = 0, Mót = 1 if (CompetitionCode.Text == "") { CompetitionCode.Text = AthlCompCRUD.InsertNewRec(AthlComp); } else { AthlCompCRUD.UpdateRec(AthlComp); } Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); if (IsPostBack) { Message.Text = ""; DateTime DateValue; string ValinnV = Convert.ToString(Vellir.SelectedValue); string InnslDags = Dagsetning.Text; if (ValinnV != GamliVollur.Text) { MotADO ado = new MotADO(); ado.GeymaVallarupplys(ValinnV); Stadur.Text = ado.ValinnStadur; UtiEdaInni.Text = ado.ValidUtiInni; if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "0") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utanhúss"; } if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "1") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Innanhúss"; } if (UtiEdaInni.Text == "2") { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utan- eða Innanhúss"; } GamliVollur.Text = ValinnV.ToString(); } if (InnslDags != GamlaDags.Text) { string[] separators = { ".", "/", " " }; string[] words = InnslDags.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (words[0].Length == 1) { words[0] = "0" + words[0]; } if (words[1].Length == 1) { words[1] = "0" + words[1]; } if (words[2].Length == 1) { words[2] = "200" + words[2]; } else if (words[2].Length == 2) { words[2] = "20" + words[2]; } InnslDags = words[0] + "." + words[1] + "." + words[2]; // if (words[0].Length > if (InnslDags.Length == 8) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(4, 4); HeitiMots.Focus(); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 7) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(3, 4); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 6) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + ".20" + InnslDags.Substring(4, 2); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 5) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + ".20" + InnslDags.Substring(3, 2); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 4) { InnslDags = InnslDags.Substring(0, 2) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(2, 2) + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 3) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags.Substring(0, 1) + "." + InnslDags.Substring(1, 2) + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 2) { InnslDags = InnslDags + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM.yyyy"); } else if (InnslDags.Length == 1) { InnslDags = "0" + InnslDags + "." + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM.yyyy"); } if (!DateTime.TryParse(InnslDags, out DateValue)) { Message.Text = "Dagsetning " + InnslDags + " er ekki í lagi."; } else { InnslDags = DateValue.ToShortDateString(); } Dagsetning.Text = InnslDags; GamlaDags.Text = InnslDags; HeitiMots.Focus(); } } else //Not Postback - Page Load { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) { NewCompetitorButton.Visible = false; YourCompetitors.Visible = false; AddNewCompetitorsBtn.Visible = false; SetupEvents.Visible = false; Vista.Visible = false; HeitiMots.ReadOnly = true; EnsktHeiti.ReadOnly = true; Dagsetning.ReadOnly = true; //Vellir.ReadOnly = true; Stadur.ReadOnly = true; UtiEdaInni.ReadOnly = true; Motshaldari.ReadOnly = true; Yfirdomari.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjaldPrGrein.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrBodhl.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrGreinU18.ReadOnly = true; SkranGjPrBodhlU18.ReadOnly = true; } if (Gl.GetCompetitionCode() != "") { { CompetitionCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); CompCode2.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; CompCode4.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; CompCode7.Text = CompetitionCode.Text; AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(Gl.GetCompetitionCode()); HeitiMots.Text = AthlComp.Name; EnsktHeiti.Text = AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti; Dagsetning.Text = AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString(); Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Int16 VenueIndex = 0; System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter Indx = new System.Data.Objects.ObjectParameter("Indx", typeof(Int32)); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); AthlEnt.IndexCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur, Indx); if (Int16.TryParse(Indx.Value.ToString(), out VenueIndex) == false) { VenueIndex = 0; } //VenueIndex = ReturnIndexOfVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur); if (VenueIndex > 0) { Vellir.SelectedIndex = VenueIndex; } Stadur.Text = AthlComp.Location; if (AthlComp.CompetitonType == 0) { CompetitionEventsHdr.Text = HeitiMots.Text + " - Keppnisgreinar hlaups:"; } else { CompetitionEventsHdr.Text = HeitiMots.Text + " - Keppnisgreinar móts:"; } if (AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors == 0) { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Utanhúss"; } else { UtiEdaInni.Text = "Innanhúss"; } Motshaldari.Text = AthlComp.Organizer; Yfirdomari.Text = AthlComp.Judge; SkranGjaldPrGrein.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein); //AthlComp.skraningargjaldprgrein.ToString(); SkranGjPrBodhl.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargjld_f__boðhlaup); //.ToString(); SkranGjPrGreinU18.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargj__yngri_en_18_ára); SkranGjPrBodhlU18.Text = string.Format("{0:N2}", AthlComp.Skráningargj__f_boðhl_y_18_ára); if (AthlComp.Reikna_unglingastig == 1) { ReiknaUnglStig.Text = "Já"; } else { ReiknaUnglStig.Text = "Nei"; } if (AthlComp.Reikna_IAAF_stig == 1) { ReiknaIAAFStig.Text = "Já"; } else { ReiknaIAAFStig.Text = "Nei"; } Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } Int32 NoOfDates = 0; ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "Allir dagar"; newItem.Value = "%"; EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); //AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); var DatesInCompetition = AthlEnt.ReturnCompetitionEventDates(Gl.GetCompetitionCode()); foreach (var result in DatesInCompetition) { NoOfDates = NoOfDates + 1; newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(result); // "Dagur 1"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(result) + "%"; // "D1%"; // Convert.ToString(result.Dags) + "%"; EventDateFilterDropDown.Items.Add(newItem); } if (NoOfDates <= 1) { EventDateFilterLabel.Visible = false; EventDateFilterDropDown.Visible = false; } else { EventDateFilterLabel.Visible = true; EventDateFilterDropDown.Visible = true; } } HeitiMots.Focus(); NyrKeppandiTbl.Visible = false; } else { string SelNafn; SelNafn = Gl.GetSelNafn(); if (SelNafn != "") { KennitText.Text = Gl.GetSelKt(); NafnText.Text = SelNafn; FaedArText.Text = Gl.GetSelFar(); FelagText.Text = Gl.GetSelFel(); Gl.SetSelComp("", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); } } } }
protected void RegEventsForComp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Athl_CompetitorsInEvent AthlCompetitorInEvRec = new Athl_CompetitorsInEvent(); Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlCompEvent = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition AthlCompetitorInComp = new Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); Int32 i; CheckBox SelectedEvent; GridViewRow CurrRow; Int32 SelCellIndex = -1; Global gl = new Global(); Int32 EventLine; bool Res; string CurrentUserID = Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString(); AthlCompetitorInComp = AthlCompCRUD.InitCompetitorInComp(); for (i = 0; i < AvailableEvents.Rows.Count; i++) { SelectedEvent = (CheckBox)AvailableEvents.Rows[i].FindControl("ValinChk"); if (SelectedEvent.Checked) { CurrRow = AvailableEvents.Rows[i]; if (SelCellIndex < 0) { SelCellIndex = gl.GetColumnIndexByName(CurrRow, "EventLine"); } Res = int.TryParse(CurrRow.Cells[SelCellIndex].Text, out EventLine); if (Res == false) { EventLine = -1; } else { if (AthlCompetitorInComp.rasnumer == 0) { AthlCompetitorInComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitorInComp(gl.GetCompetitionCode(), gl.GetBibNumber()); } AthlCompetitorInEvRec = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitorInEvent(gl.GetCompetitionCode(), gl.GetBibNumber(), EventLine); if (AthlCompetitorInEvRec == null) { AthlCompetitorInEvRec = AthlCompCRUD.InitCompetitorInEvent(); } if (AthlCompetitorInEvRec.rasnumer == null) { AthlCompetitorInEvRec.rasnumer = 0; } if (AthlCompetitorInEvRec.rasnumer == 0) { AthlCompEvent = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(gl.GetCompetitionCode(), EventLine); AthlCompCRUD.RegisterCompetitorInEvent(gl.GetCompetitionCode(), AthlCompEvent, gl.GetBibNumber(), AthlCompetitorInComp, 1, 999); AthlEnt.InsertToLogFile(CurrentUserID, "Skráning í grein (b)", gl.GetCompetitionCode(), AthlCompetitorInComp.keppendanumer, AthlCompEvent.grein + ";" + AthlCompEvent.kyn.ToString() + AthlCompEvent.flokkur); } else if (AthlCompetitorInEvRec.rasnumer > 0) { AthlEnt.DeleteCompetitorInEvent(AthlCompetitorInEvRec.mot, AthlCompetitorInEvRec.greinarnumer, AthlCompetitorInEvRec.rasnumer); } } } //else //{ // if //} } // Response.Redirect("~/NyttMot.aspx?Comp=" + gl.GetCompetitionCode()); Response.Redirect("CompetitorsForUser.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Global Gl = new Global(); string CompCodeText = Request.QueryString.Get("Code"); if ((CompCodeText != "") && (CompCodeText != null)) { CompCodeText = CompCodeText.ToUpper(); AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCodeText); if (AthlComp.Code != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionCode(AthlComp.Code); CompCode.Text = AthlComp.Code; Gl.SetGlobalValue("CompetitionName", AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetGlobalValue("EnglishCompetitionName", AthlComp.ensktheitiamoti); Gl.SetOutdoorsOrIndoors(AthlComp.OutdoorsOrIndoors.ToString()); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); Gl.SetCompetionYear(AthlComp.Date.Year); if (AthlComp.keppnisvollur != "") { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.keppnisvollur + ", " + AthlComp.Location); } else { Gl.SetCompetitionVenue(AthlComp.Location); } //Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = ""; } } CompCode.Text = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); Events.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionEvents.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; CompetitionResults.NavigateUrl = "~/SelectedCompetitionResults.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStanding.NavigateUrl = "~/Points.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; PointsStandingMIYngri.NavigateUrl = "~/PointsStandingMIYngri.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text; if ((CompCode.Text == "") || (CompCode.Text == null)) { Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); } AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthlComp = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); Gl.SetCompetitionName(AthlComp.Name); CompetitionName.Text = AthlComp.Name + " - " + AthlComp.Date.ToShortDateString() + " - " + AthlComp.Location; if ((AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 1) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 2) || (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 5)) //Yngri, bikar eða Meistaramót Íslands m IAAF stigum { PointsStanding.Visible = true; } else { PointsStanding.Visible = false; } if (AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni == 3) { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = true; } else { PointsStandingMIYngri.Visible = false; } if (Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] == null) { Session["CurrentAccessLevel"] = "0"; } AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if (!IsPostBack) { LinkToPage.Text = "" + CompCode.Text; AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if (AccessLevelText == "0") { //AddCompeitors.Visible = false; YourCompetitors.Visible = false; YourCompetitorsLabel.Visible = false; CoachPage.Visible = false; CoachPageLabel.Visible = false; } } }
protected void GridView3_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { string[] WordsArray; string AgeGr; Int32 Gend; Int32 AgeFr; Int32 AgeTo; Int32 ColNo; Int32 TegundStigak = 0; string EventLineNoText = ""; bool UserIsSignedin = false; if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header) { AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) { UserIsSignedin = false; //ModifyDateTime.Visible = false; SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible = false; } else { UserIsSignedin = true; AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_Competition AthlComp = new Athl_Competition(); if (CompCode.Text != "") { AthlComp = AthlCompCRUD.GetCompetitionRec(CompCode.Text); if (AthlComp.DisplayColumnForPrizeCeremony == 1) { SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible = true; } TegundStigak = AthlComp.tegundstigakeppni; } } ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "heitihtmlskrar"); ColNoForPrizeCeremony = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "tilkynnaverdlaunaafhendingu"); ColNoForPDFResults = ColNoForPrizeCeremony + 3; ColNoForStigagrein = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "stigagrein"); } if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { int RowIx = e.Row.RowIndex; EventLineNoText = GridView3.DataKeys[e.Row.RowIndex].Values[1].ToString(); ColNo = GetColumnIndexByName(e.Row, "ShowCompetitors"); HyperLink hp = new HyperLink(); hp.Text = "Keppendur"; //e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Text; AccessLevelText = Session["CurrentAccessLevel"].ToString(); if ((AccessLevelText == "0") || (AccessLevelText == "") || (AccessLevelText == null)) { hp.NavigateUrl = "CompetitorsInEv.aspx?Code=" + CompCode.Text + "&LineNo=" + EventLineNoText; } else { hp.NavigateUrl = "UpdateEventResults.aspx?Event=" + EventLineNoText; } e.Row.Cells[ColNo].Controls.Add(hp); } if (TegundStigak == 0) { e.Row.Cells[ColNoForStigagrein].Visible = false; } if (SetPrizeCermonyColumnVisible == false) { e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremony].Visible = false; e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPrizeCeremony + 1].Visible = false; } //WrkFileName = @"C:/Pdfs/" + CompCode.Text + @"/" + e.Row.Cells[ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar].Text; //WrkFileName = @"~/" + e.Row.Cells[ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar].Text; String path = Server.MapPath(@"~/" + e.Row.Cells[ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar].Text); //MyResources/PassedFileName.pdf"); //if (File.Exists(path)) e.Row.Cells[ColNoForHeitiHTMLSkrar].Visible = false; //if (File.Exists(WrkFileName)) ////if (File.Exists(path)) ////{ //// e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPDFResults].Visible = true; //// HyperLink hp = new HyperLink(); //// hp.Text = "."; //// hp.NavigateUrl = path; // WrkFileName; //// e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPDFResults].Controls.Add(hp); ////} ////else ////{ e.Row.Cells[ColNoForPDFResults].Visible = false; ////} }
protected void SelectCompetitorGridView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global Gl = new Global(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition AthlCompetitorInComp = new Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition(); string CompetitorCode; bool WasOkToMove = false; string ErrorMessageText = ""; GridViewRow CurrRow = SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow; Int32 IndexForCompetitorCode = Gl.GetColumnIndexByName(CurrRow, "CompetitorCode"); CompetitorCode = CurrRow.Cells[IndexForCompetitorCode].Text; string ChangeToClub = ""; if (RegistrationAction.SelectedValue.ToString() == "1") //(ChangeClubsCheckBox.Checked == true) { ChangeToClub = SelectedClub.SelectedValue.ToString(); } else { ChangeToClub = ""; } AthlCompetitorInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyCompetitorToCompetition(CompetitorCode, Gl.GetCompetitionCode(), Gl.GetCompetitionYear(), ChangeToClub, out WasOkToMove, out ErrorMessageText); if (WasOkToMove == false) { ErrorMsgBox.Text = ErrorMessageText; } //AthlCompetitorInComp = AthlCompCRUD.InitCompetitorInComp(); //AthlCompetitorInComp.mot = Gl.GetCompetitionCode(); //AthlCompetitorInComp.rasnumer = Gl.ReturnNextBibno(AthlCompetitorInComp.mot); //string KeppNo = SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text; //KeppNo = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(KeppNo); //AthlCompetitorInComp.keppendanumer = KeppNo; //if (SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text == "Karl") //{ // AthlCompetitorInComp.kyn = 1; //} //else //{ // AthlCompetitorInComp.kyn = 2; //} //AthlCompetitorInComp.kennitala = SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[3].Text; //string Name = SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[4].Text; //Name = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Name); //AthlCompetitorInComp.nafn = Name; //AthlCompetitorInComp.faedingarar = Convert.ToInt16(SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[5].Text); //AthlCompetitorInComp.aldurkeppanda = Convert.ToInt32(SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[6].Text); //string Club = SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[7].Text; //Club = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Club); //AthlCompetitorInComp.felag = Club; ////string NoOfPerf = SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[8].Text; //AthlCompetitorInComp.faedingardagur = Convert.ToDateTime(SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[9].Text); //string Land = SelectCompetitorGridView.SelectedRow.Cells[10].Text; //Land = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Land); // = Land; AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompetitorInCompetition(AthlCompetitorInComp); //Gl.SetSelComp(CompCode, Kennitala, Name, Gender, YearOfBirth, Club, Age, NoOfPerf); Response.Redirect("~/CompetitorsForUser.aspx"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Global gl = new Global(); CompName.Text = gl.GetCompetitionName(); CompCode.Text = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); EventLineNo.Text = Request.QueryString.Get("Event"); if (!IsPostBack) { Athl_CompetitionEvents AthlEv = new Athl_CompetitionEvents(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); AthlEv = AthlCRUD.GetCompetitionEvent(CompCode.Text, Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo.Text)); CompName.Text = AthlEv.heitigreinar; string CurrentUserName = Session["CurrentUserName"].ToString(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); ListItem newItem = new ListItem(); var ClubsForCurrUsr = AthlEnt.ClubsForUser(CurrentUserName); foreach (var ClubRec in ClubsForCurrUsr) { newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = Convert.ToString(ClubRec.Club) + " - " + Convert.ToString(ClubRec.NameOfClub); newItem.Value = Convert.ToString(ClubRec.Club); SelectClubDropDownL.Items.Add(newItem); } newItem = new ListItem(); newItem.Text = "*Öll félög - Fyrir blandaðar sveitir"; newItem.Value = "%"; SelectClubDropDownL.Items.Add(newItem); string TeamBibNo = Request.QueryString.Get("TeamBibNo"); Leg1.Text = ""; Bib1.Text = ""; Name1.Text = ""; Yob1.Text = ""; Age1.Text = ""; Leg2.Text = ""; Bib2.Text = ""; Name2.Text = ""; Yob2.Text = ""; Age2.Text = ""; Leg3.Text = ""; Bib3.Text = ""; Name3.Text = ""; Yob3.Text = ""; Age3.Text = ""; Leg4.Text = ""; Bib4.Text = ""; Name4.Text = ""; Yob4.Text = ""; Age4.Text = ""; if ((TeamBibNo != "") && (TeamBibNo != null)) { Int32 TeamBibNoInt = 0; if (Int32.TryParse(TeamBibNo, out TeamBibNoInt)) { Int32 LegNo = 0; var TeamComp = AthlEnt.GetRelayTeamMembers(CompCode.Text, Convert.ToInt32(EventLineNo.Text), TeamBibNoInt); foreach (var TeamCompetitor in TeamComp) { LegNo = LegNo + 1; switch (LegNo) { case 1: TeamName.Text = TeamCompetitor.NameOfTeam; Leg1.Text = TeamCompetitor.Sprettur.ToString(); Bib1.Text = TeamCompetitor.Rásnúmer_keppanda.ToString(); Name1.Text = TeamCompetitor.Nafn_keppanda; Yob1.Text = TeamCompetitor.YearOfBirth.ToString(); Age1.Text = TeamCompetitor.AgeOfComp.ToString(); break; case 2: Leg2.Text = TeamCompetitor.Sprettur.ToString(); Bib2.Text = TeamCompetitor.Rásnúmer_keppanda.ToString(); Name2.Text = TeamCompetitor.Nafn_keppanda; Yob2.Text = TeamCompetitor.YearOfBirth.ToString(); Age2.Text = TeamCompetitor.AgeOfComp.ToString(); break; case 3: Leg3.Text = TeamCompetitor.Sprettur.ToString(); Bib3.Text = TeamCompetitor.Rásnúmer_keppanda.ToString(); Name3.Text = TeamCompetitor.Nafn_keppanda; Yob3.Text = TeamCompetitor.YearOfBirth.ToString(); Age3.Text = TeamCompetitor.AgeOfComp.ToString(); break; case 4: Leg4.Text = TeamCompetitor.Sprettur.ToString(); Bib4.Text = TeamCompetitor.Rásnúmer_keppanda.ToString(); Name4.Text = TeamCompetitor.Nafn_keppanda; Yob4.Text = TeamCompetitor.YearOfBirth.ToString(); Age4.Text = TeamCompetitor.AgeOfComp.ToString(); break; } } } } } else { } }
protected void InsertSelected_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (RegistrationAction.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0") { string strMsg = "Þú verður að tilgreina hvort þú viljir flytja valda keppendur yfir í félagið þitt!"; Response.Write("<script>alert('" + strMsg + "')</script>"); //string Jascript = "<script language="\""javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">alert('" + strMsg + "');</script>"; //Response.Write(Jascript); return; } Int32 i; Int32 SelCellIndex; Int32 CompetitionYear; string CompetitorCode; CheckBox SelectedCompetitor; Global gl = new Global(); string CompCode = gl.GetCompetitionCode(); AthleticCompetitionCRUD AthlCompCRUD = new AthleticCompetitionCRUD(); Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition AthlCompetitorInComp = new Athl_CompetitorsInCompetition(); AthleticsEntities1 AthlEnt = new AthleticsEntities1(); GridViewRow CurrRow; bool WasOkToMove = false; string Kennit = ""; string CurrentClub = ""; string ErrorMsgText; string UseThisClub = SelectedClub.SelectedValue.ToString(); string MoveToClub; if (RegistrationAction.SelectedValue.ToString() == "2") //(ChangeClubsCheckBox.Checked == true) { MoveToClub = UseThisClub; } else { MoveToClub = ""; } CompetitionYear = Convert.ToInt32(gl.GetCompetitionYear()); for (i = 0; i < SelectCompetitorGridView.Rows.Count; i++) //Mens Events { SelectedCompetitor = (CheckBox)SelectCompetitorGridView.Rows[i].FindControl("ValinChk"); if (SelectedCompetitor.Checked) { ((CheckBox)SelectCompetitorGridView.Rows[i].FindControl("ValinChk")).Checked = false; CurrRow = SelectCompetitorGridView.Rows[i]; SelCellIndex = gl.GetColumnIndexByName(CurrRow, "Félag"); CurrentClub = CurrRow.Cells[SelCellIndex].Text; SelCellIndex = gl.GetColumnIndexByName(CurrRow, "CompetitorCode"); CompetitorCode = CurrRow.Cells[SelCellIndex].Text; if ((CompetitorCode == "") || (CompetitorCode == " ")) { SelCellIndex = gl.GetColumnIndexByName(CurrRow, "Kennitala"); Kennit = CurrRow.Cells[SelCellIndex].Text; if (Kennit != "") { string ClubForNewCompetitor = UseThisClub; if (MoveToClub != "") { ClubForNewCompetitor = MoveToClub; } ObjectParameter NewCompetitorNo; NewCompetitorNo = new ObjectParameter("CompetitorCodeOut", ""); AthlEnt.RegisterCompetitorFromNatReg(Kennit, ClubForNewCompetitor, NewCompetitorNo); CompetitorCode = NewCompetitorNo.Value.ToString(); } } AthlCompetitorInComp = AthlCompCRUD.CopyCompetitorToCompetition(CompetitorCode, CompCode, CompetitionYear, MoveToClub, out WasOkToMove, out ErrorMsgText); if ((WasOkToMove == false) && ((ErrorMsgText == "") == false)) { Response.Write("<script>alert('" + ErrorMsgText + "')</script>"); return; } AthlCompCRUD.InsertCompetitorInCompetition(AthlCompetitorInComp); } } Response.Redirect("SelectedCompetitionCompetitors.aspx?Code=" + CompCode); }