public static float IdealAge(AthleteSex ASex, float dist)
                if (Wava.list == null)
                    Wava.list = WavaTable();

                int sex = 1;
                if (ASex == AthleteSex.Female) { sex = 0; }

                int dlow = lowDistIndex(dist);
                if (Math.Abs(dist - aDist[dlow + 1]) < Math.Abs(dist - aDist[dlow]))

                int alow = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i <= maxAge - minAge; i++)
                    if (Wava.list[sex, i, dlow] < Wava.list[sex, alow, dlow])

                return alow + minAge;
            public static float IdealTime(AthleteSex ASex, float dist, float age)
                if (Wava.list == null)
                    Wava.list = WavaTable();

                //The array is "complete" - otherwise there have to be some interpolations

                int sex = 1;
                if (ASex == AthleteSex.Female) { sex = 0; }

                int alow = (int)age - minAge;
                if (alow < 0) { alow = 0; }
                int maxIndex = maxAge - minAge - 1;
                if (alow > maxIndex) { alow = maxIndex; }

                int dlow = lowDistIndex(dist);

                float af = (age - alow - minAge); //high-low diff always 1
                float df = (dist - aDist[dlow]) / (aDist[dlow + 1] - aDist[dlow]);

                float time =
                       (1 - af) * (1 - df) * Wava.list[sex, alow + 0, dlow + 0] +
                       (1 - af) * (0 + df) * Wava.list[sex, alow + 0, dlow + 1] +
                       (0 + af) * (1 - df) * Wava.list[sex, alow + 1, dlow + 0] +
                       (0 + af) * (0 + df) * Wava.list[sex, alow + 1, dlow + 1];

                return time;
 public static void SetAgeSexFromActivity(IActivity act)
     Predict.Sex = Plugin.GetApplication().Logbook.Athlete.Sex;
     DateTime d;
     if (act == null)
         d = DateTime.Now;
         d = act.StartTime;
     float age = (float)(d - Plugin.GetApplication().Logbook.Athlete.DateOfBirth).TotalDays / 365.24f;
     if (!float.IsNaN(age))
         Predict.CurrentAge = age;