 /// <summary>
 /// async to instantiate the gameObjects.
 /// if the FPS is lower. the interval between instantiations will expend.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">which one</param>
 /// <param name="count">the amount</param>
 /// <param name="onInst">callback when instaniate every one</param>
 /// <param name="result">the container if you want to collect the result</param>
 /// <param name="autoCollectResult">true if you want to collect the result, but you dont need the cache result.</param>
 /// <param name="toBeContinue">To be continue or stop immediately. true if continue, false otherwise. it accept a index of cloning gameObject</param>
 public void InstantiateAsync(GameObject source, int count, Action <GameObject, int> onInst, Action <GameObject> onCompleted, IList <GameObject> result = null, bool autoCollectResult = true, Predicate <int> toBeContinue = null)
     if (count <= 0)
         throw new Exception(string.Format("InstantiateAsync do not allow the count ({0}) equals to or less than zero.", count));
     if (result == null && autoCollectResult)
         result = new List <GameObject>(count);
     mAsyncInstAssetsInfo.Add(AsyncInstAssetInfo.Alloc(source, count, onInst, onCompleted, result, toBeContinue));
        private void CleanupInvalidTasks()
            if (mAsyncInstTransiting)
                DebugUtility.LogError(LoggerTags.AssetManager, "Check the error call.");
            mAsyncInstTransiting = true;
            int length = mAsyncInstAssetsInfo.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var task = mAsyncInstAssetsInfo[i];
                if (task.state == AsyncInstAssetInfo.EAsyncState.ToStop)
                    AsyncInstAssetInfo.Dealloc(ref task);
            mAsyncInstTransiting = false;
            mAsyncInstAssetsInfo.RemoveAll(task => task.state == AsyncInstAssetInfo.EAsyncState.ToStop);
            internal static void Dealloc(ref AsyncInstAssetInfo info)
                MemoryPool <AsyncInstAssetInfo> .defaultInstance.Push(info);

                info = null;