public async Task TestCancel()
            var delayer = new AsyncDelayer();

            using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <TaskCanceledException>(() => delayer.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), cts.Token)).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task TestDelay()
            var delayer    = new AsyncDelayer();
            var startDelay = delayer.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), default);
            var checkDelay = Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10), default);
            await startDelay.ConfigureAwait(false);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected sealed override async Task MonitorLifetimes(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Logger.LogTrace("Entered MonitorLifetimes");

            // this function is responsible for calling HandlerMonitorWakeup when necessary and manitaining the MonitorState
            var iteration = 1;

            for (MonitorAction nextAction = MonitorAction.Continue; nextAction != MonitorAction.Exit; ++iteration)
                // always start out with continue
                nextAction = MonitorAction.Continue;

                // dump some info to the logs
                Logger.LogDebug("Iteration {0} of monitor loop", iteration);
                    Logger.LogDebug("Server Compile Job ID: {0}", Server.Dmb.CompileJob.Id);

                    // load the activation tasks into local variables
                    Task activeServerLifetime          = Server.Lifetime;
                    var  activeServerReboot            = Server.OnReboot;
                    Task activeLaunchParametersChanged = ActiveParametersUpdated.Task;
                    var  newDmbAvailable = DmbFactory.OnNewerDmb;

                    // cancel waiting if requested
                    var cancelTcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
                    using (cancellationToken.Register(() => cancelTcs.SetCanceled()))
                        var toWaitOn = Task.WhenAny(activeServerLifetime, activeServerReboot, newDmbAvailable, cancelTcs.Task, activeLaunchParametersChanged);

                        // wait for something to happen
                        await toWaitOn.ConfigureAwait(false);


                    var chatTask = Task.CompletedTask;
                    using (await SemaphoreSlimContext.Lock(Semaphore, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                        // always run HandleMonitorWakeup from the context of the semaphore lock
                        // multiple things may have happened, handle them one at a time
                        for (var moreActivationsToProcess = true; moreActivationsToProcess && (nextAction == MonitorAction.Continue || nextAction == MonitorAction.Skip);)
                            MonitorActivationReason activationReason = default;                             // this will always be assigned before being used

                            // process the tasks in this order and call HandlerMonitorWakup for each
                            bool CheckActivationReason(ref Task task, MonitorActivationReason testActivationReason)
                                var taskCompleted = task?.IsCompleted == true;

                                task = null;
                                if (nextAction == MonitorAction.Skip)
                                    nextAction = MonitorAction.Continue;
                                else if (taskCompleted)
                                    activationReason = testActivationReason;


                            if (CheckActivationReason(ref activeServerLifetime, MonitorActivationReason.ActiveServerCrashed) ||
                                CheckActivationReason(ref activeServerReboot, MonitorActivationReason.ActiveServerRebooted) ||
                                CheckActivationReason(ref newDmbAvailable, MonitorActivationReason.NewDmbAvailable) ||
                                CheckActivationReason(ref activeLaunchParametersChanged, MonitorActivationReason.ActiveLaunchParametersUpdated))
                                Logger.LogTrace("Monitor activation: {0}", activationReason);
                                nextAction = await HandleMonitorWakeup(activationReason, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                                moreActivationsToProcess = false;

                    // full reboot required
                    if (nextAction == MonitorAction.Restart)
                        Logger.LogDebug("Next state action is to restart");

                        for (var retryAttempts = 1; nextAction == MonitorAction.Restart; ++retryAttempts)
                            Exception launchException = null;
                            using (await SemaphoreSlimContext.Lock(Semaphore, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                                    // use LaunchImplNoLock without announcements or restarting the monitor
                                    await LaunchImplNoLock(false, false, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                                    if (Running)
                                        Logger.LogDebug("Relaunch successful, resetting monitor state...");
                                        break;                                         // continue on main loop
                                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                            catch (Exception e)
                                launchException = e;

                            await chatTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

                            if (!Running)
                                if (launchException == null)
                                    Logger.LogWarning("Failed to automatically restart the watchdog! Attempt: {0}", retryAttempts);
                                    Logger.LogWarning("Failed to automatically restart the watchdog! Attempt: {0}, Exception: {1}", retryAttempts, launchException);
                                var retryDelay = Math.Min(Math.Pow(2, retryAttempts), 3600);                                 // max of one hour, increasing by a power of 2 each time
                                chatTask = Chat.SendWatchdogMessage(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed to restart watchdog (Attempt: {0}), retrying in {1} seconds...", retryAttempts, retryDelay), cancellationToken);
                                await Task.WhenAll(AsyncDelayer.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(retryDelay), cancellationToken), chatTask).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    Logger.LogDebug("Monitor cancelled");
                catch (Exception e)
                    // really, this should NEVER happen
                    Logger.LogError("Monitor crashed! Iteration: {0}, NextAction: {1}, Exception: {2}", iteration, nextAction, e);
                    await Chat.SendWatchdogMessage(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Monitor crashed, this should NEVER happen! Please report this, full details in logs! Restarting monitor... Error: {0}", e.Message), cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Logger.LogTrace("Monitor exiting...");
                #pragma warning restore CA1502

        /// <inheritdoc />
                #pragma warning disable CA1502 // TODO: Decomplexify
        protected override async Task InitControllers(Action callBeforeRecurse, Task chatTask, WatchdogReattachInformation reattachInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Debug.Assert(alphaServer == null && bravoServer == null, "Entered LaunchNoLock with one or more of the servers not being null!");

            // don't need a new dmb if reattaching
            var doesntNeedNewDmb = reattachInfo?.Alpha != null && reattachInfo?.Bravo != null;
            var dmbToUse         = doesntNeedNewDmb ? null : DmbFactory.LockNextDmb(2);

            // if this try catches something, both servers are killed
                // start the alpha server task, either by launch a new process or attaching to an existing one
                // The tasks returned are mainly for writing interop files to the directories among other things and should generally never fail
                // The tasks pertaining to server startup times are in the ISessionControllers
                Task <ISessionController> alphaServerTask;
                if (!doesntNeedNewDmb)
                    alphaServerTask = SessionControllerFactory.LaunchNew(ActiveLaunchParameters, dmbToUse, null, true, true, false, cancellationToken);
                    alphaServerTask = SessionControllerFactory.Reattach(reattachInfo.Alpha, cancellationToken);

                // retrieve the session controller
                var startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                alphaServer = await alphaServerTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

                // failed reattaches will return null

                // extra delay for total ordering
                var now   = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                var delay = now - startTime;

                // definitely not if reattaching though
                if (reattachInfo == null && delay.TotalSeconds < AlphaBravoStartupSeperationInterval)
                    await AsyncDelayer.Delay(startTime.AddSeconds(AlphaBravoStartupSeperationInterval) - now, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // now bring bravo up
                if (!doesntNeedNewDmb)
                    bravoServer = await SessionControllerFactory.LaunchNew(ActiveLaunchParameters, dmbToUse, null, false, false, false, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    bravoServer = await SessionControllerFactory.Reattach(reattachInfo.Bravo, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // failed reattaches will return null

                // possiblity of null servers due to failed reattaches
                if (alphaServer == null || bravoServer == null)
                    await chatTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var bothServersDead = alphaServer == null && bravoServer == null;
                    if (bothServersDead ||
                        (alphaServer == null && reattachInfo.AlphaIsActive) ||
                        (bravoServer == null && !reattachInfo.AlphaIsActive))
                        // we lost the active server, just restart entirely
                        const string FailReattachMessage = "Unable to properly reattach to active server! Restarting...";
                        Logger.LogDebug(bothServersDead ? "Also could not reattach to inactive server!" : "Inactive server was reattached successfully!");
                        chatTask = Chat.SendWatchdogMessage(FailReattachMessage, cancellationToken);
                        await LaunchImplNoLock(true, false, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        await chatTask.ConfigureAwait(false);


                    // we still have the active server but the other one is dead to us, hand it off to the monitor to restart
                    const string InactiveReattachFailureMessage = "Unable to reattach to inactive server. Leaving for monitor to reboot...";
                    chatTask = Chat.SendWatchdogMessage(InactiveReattachFailureMessage, cancellationToken);

                    if (reattachInfo.AlphaIsActive)
                        bravoServer = SessionControllerFactory.CreateDeadSession(reattachInfo.Bravo.Dmb);
                        alphaServer = SessionControllerFactory.CreateDeadSession(reattachInfo.Alpha.Dmb);

                var alphaLrt = CheckLaunchResult(alphaServer, "Alpha", cancellationToken);
                var bravoLrt = CheckLaunchResult(bravoServer, "Bravo", cancellationToken);

                // this task completes when both serers have finished booting
                var allTask = Task.WhenAll(alphaLrt, bravoLrt);

                await allTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

                // both servers are now running, alpha is the active server(unless reattach), huzzah
                alphaIsActive = reattachInfo?.AlphaIsActive ?? true;

                var activeServer = AlphaIsActive ? alphaServer : bravoServer;
                activeServer.ClosePortOnReboot = true;
                if (dmbToUse != null)
                    // we locked 2 dmbs
                    if (bravoServer == null)
                        // bravo didn't get control of his
                        if (alphaServer == null)
                            dmbToUse.Dispose();                             // alpha didn't get control of his
                else if (doesntNeedNewDmb)                 // we have reattachInfo
                    if (bravoServer == null)
                        // bravo didn't get control of his
                        if (alphaServer == null)
                            reattachInfo.Alpha?.Dmb.Dispose();                             // alpha didn't get control of his

                // kill the controllers