private void fillField() { int i = (int)(((Boundary.Width + Boundary.Height) / 2) / (20 * Density)); do { Vector2 asteroidPos = new Vector2(rand.Next(Boundary.X, Boundary.X + Boundary.Width), rand.Next(Boundary.Y, Boundary.Y + Boundary.Height)); float asteroidSpeed = rand.NextFloat(MinSpeed, MaxSpeed); float asteroidRotation = 0.025f; Asteroids.Add(new Asteroid(asteroidPos, asteroidSpeed, asteroidRotation)); }while (--i > 0); }
private void GenerateLevel() { var maxAsteroids = Level * 1.2f; Ship.Respawn(); for (int i = 0; i < maxAsteroids; i++) { var asteroid = new Asteroid(); asteroid.GenerateLargeAsteroid(LargeAsteroidTextures, Ship, Random); Asteroids.Add(asteroid); } }
private void Model_OnFrameUpdate(object sender, FrameEventArgs e) { Application.Current?.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Asteroids.Clear(); var sec = e.Seconds % 60; var min = e.Seconds / 60; ElapsedTime = min.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + sec.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); foreach (Asteroid asteroid in e.Asteroids) { Asteroids.Add(asteroid); } Player = e.Player; }); }
private void SpawnAsteroids() { if (AsteroidCount <= 0) { return; } if (m_AsteroidTemplates.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError("No Asteroid Templates!"); return; } var prng = new System.Random(); for (int i = 0; i < AsteroidCount; i++) { Vector3 newPosition =; bool badPosition = true; while (badPosition) { float magnitude = (Random.value * WorldRadius * 0.6f) + WorldRadius * 0.4f; newPosition = Random.onUnitSphere; newPosition *= magnitude; // Check that the new asteroid is far enough away from other asteroids badPosition = false; for (int j = 0; j < Asteroids.Count; j++) { if (Vector3.Distance(newPosition, Asteroids[j].transform.position) < 20.0f) { badPosition = true; break; } } } int templateIndex = prng.Next(0, AsteroidTemplates.Count - 1); var newAsteroid = Instantiate(AsteroidTemplates[templateIndex], newPosition, Quaternion.identity) as Asteroid; newAsteroid.transform.parent = transform; Asteroids.Add(newAsteroid); } }
/// <summary> /// Spawns an asteroid and sets up all required values and listeners /// </summary> public Asteroid SpawnAsteroid(Asteroid prefab) { var new_asteroid = Instantiate(prefab); // Setup lisenters for the asteroid's event new_asteroid.EventLaunched += OnAsteroidLaunched; new_asteroid.EventReturned += OnAsteroidReturned; new_asteroid.EventCollided += OnAsteroidCollided; Asteroids.Add(new_asteroid); //asteroidQueue.Enqueue(new_asteroid); asteroidQueue.AddLast(new_asteroid); if (EventAsteroidSpawned != null) { EventAsteroidSpawned.Invoke(new_asteroid); } return(new_asteroid); }
/// <summary> /// Спавнит/респавнит астероиды и аптечки /// </summary> private void Repopulate() { if (ASTEROIDS_COUNTER <= 0) { Asteroids.Clear(); ASTEROIDS_COUNTER = ASTEROIDS_INITIAL_AMOUNT + 3; for (int i = 0; i <= ASTEROIDS_COUNTER; i++) { int r = rnd.Next(5, 50); Asteroids.Add(new Asteroid(new Point(Width + ASTEROIDS_X_SPAWNPOINT, rnd.Next(0, Height)), new Point(-r / 5, r), new Size(r, r))); } } if (_medKit == null) { Point p = new Point(40, rnd.Next(100, game.Height - 100)); _medKit = new MedKit(p, new Point(), new Size(10, 10)); GameLogger(console, "New medKit spawned at " + p); } }
public StarSystem(UniverseIni universe, Section section, FreelancerData data) : base(data) { if (universe == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("universe"); } if (section == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("section"); } string file = null; foreach (Entry e in section) { switch (e.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "nickname": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + section.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (Nickname != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + section.Name); } Nickname = e[0].ToString(); break; case "file": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + section.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (file != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + section.Name); } file = e[0].ToString(); break; case "pos": if (e.Count != 2) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + section.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (Pos != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + section.Name); } Pos = new Vector2(e[0].ToSingle(), e[1].ToSingle()); break; case "msg_id_prefix": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + section.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (MsgIdPrefix != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + section.Name); } MsgIdPrefix = e[0].ToString(); break; case "visit": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + section.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (Visit != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + section.Name); } Visit = e[0].ToInt32(); break; case "strid_name": if (e.Count == 0) { break; } if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + section.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (IdsName != 0) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + section.Name); } IdsName = e[0].ToInt32(); break; case "ids_info": if (e.Count == 0) { break; } if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + section.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (IdsInfo != 0) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + section.Name); } IdsInfo = e[0].ToInt32(); break; case "navmapscale": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + section.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (NavMapScale != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + section.Name); } NavMapScale = e[0].ToSingle(); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Entry in " + section.Name + ": " + e.Name); } } if (file == null) //TODO: MultiUniverse { FLLog.Warning("Ini", "Unimplemented: Possible MultiUniverse system " + Nickname); MultiUniverse = true; return; } foreach (Section s in ParseFile(GameData.Freelancer.DataPath + "universe\\" + file)) { switch (s.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "systeminfo": foreach (Entry e in s) { switch (e.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "name": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (Name != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } Name = e[0].ToString(); break; case "space_color": if (e.Count != 3) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (SpaceColor != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } SpaceColor = new Color4(e[0].ToInt32() / 255f, e[1].ToInt32() / 255f, e[2].ToInt32() / 255f, 1f); break; case "local_faction": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (LocalFaction != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } LocalFaction = e[0].ToString(); break; case "rpop_solar_detection": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (RpopSolarDetection != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } RpopSolarDetection = e[0].ToBoolean(); break; case "space_farclip": if (SpaceFarClip != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } SpaceFarClip = e[0].ToSingle(); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Entry in " + section.Name + ": " + e.Name); } } break; case "music": foreach (Entry e in s) { switch (e.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "space": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (MusicSpace != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } MusicSpace = e[0].ToString(); break; case "danger": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (MusicDanger != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } MusicDanger = e[0].ToString(); break; case "battle": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (MusicBattle != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } MusicBattle = e[0].ToString(); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Entry in " + section.Name + ": " + e.Name); } } break; case "archetype": foreach (Entry e in s) { switch (e.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "ship": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (ArchetypeShip == null) { ArchetypeShip = new List <string>(); } ArchetypeShip.Add(e[0].ToString()); break; case "simple": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (ArchetypeSimple == null) { ArchetypeSimple = new List <string>(); } ArchetypeSimple.Add(e[0].ToString()); break; case "solar": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (ArchetypeSolar == null) { ArchetypeSolar = new List <string>(); } ArchetypeSolar.Add(e[0].ToString()); break; case "equipment": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (ArchetypeEquipment == null) { ArchetypeEquipment = new List <string>(); } ArchetypeEquipment.Add(e[0].ToString()); break; case "snd": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (ArchetypeSnd == null) { ArchetypeSnd = new List <string>(); } ArchetypeSnd.Add(e[0].ToString()); break; case "voice": if (ArchetypeVoice == null) { ArchetypeVoice = new List <List <string> >(); } ArchetypeVoice.Add(new List <string>()); foreach (IValue i in e) { ArchetypeVoice[ArchetypeVoice.Count - 1].Add(i.ToString()); } break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Entry in " + s.Name + ": " + e.Name); } } break; case "dust": foreach (Entry e in s) { switch (e.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "spacedust": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (Spacedust != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } Spacedust = e[0].ToString(); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Entry in " + s.Name + ": " + e.Name); } } break; case "nebula": if (Nebulae == null) { Nebulae = new List <Nebula>(); } Nebulae.Add(new Nebula(this, s, GameData)); break; case "asteroids": if (Asteroids == null) { Asteroids = new List <AsteroidField>(); } Asteroids.Add(new AsteroidField(this, s, GameData)); break; case "ambient": foreach (Entry e in s) { switch (e.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "color": if (e.Count != 3) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (AmbientColor != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } AmbientColor = new Color4(e[0].ToInt32() / 255f, e[1].ToInt32() / 255f, e[2].ToInt32() / 255f, 1f); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Entry in " + s.Name + ": " + e.Name); } } break; case "lightsource": if (LightSources == null) { LightSources = new List <LightSource>(); } LightSources.Add(new LightSource(s, GameData)); break; case "object": if (Objects == null) { Objects = new List <SystemObject>(); } Objects.Add(new SystemObject(universe, this, s, GameData)); break; case "encounterparameters": if (EncounterParameters == null) { EncounterParameters = new List <EncounterParameter>(); } EncounterParameters.Add(new EncounterParameter(s)); break; case "texturepanels": TexturePanels = new TexturePanelsRef(s, GameData); break; case "background": foreach (Entry e in s) { switch (e.Name.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "basic_stars": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (BackgroundBasicStarsPath != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } BackgroundBasicStarsPath = VFS.GetPath(GameData.Freelancer.DataPath + e [0].ToString()); break; case "complex_stars": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } if (BackgroundComplexStarsPath != null) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } BackgroundComplexStarsPath = VFS.GetPath(GameData.Freelancer.DataPath + e [0].ToString()); break; case "nebulae": if (e.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Invalid number of values in " + s.Name + " Entry " + e.Name + ": " + e.Count); } string temp = VFS.GetPath(GameData.Freelancer.DataPath + e[0].ToString(), false); if (BackgroundNebulaePath != null && BackgroundNebulaePath != temp) { throw new Exception("Duplicate " + e.Name + " Entry in " + s.Name); } BackgroundNebulaePath = temp; break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Entry in " + s.Name + ": " + e.Name); } } break; case "zone": if (Zones == null) { Zones = new List <Zone>(); } Zones.Add(new Zone(s, GameData)); break; case "field": Field = new Field(s); break; case "asteroidbillboards": AsteroidBillboards = new AsteroidBillboards(s); break; default: throw new Exception("Invalid Section in " + file + ": " + s.Name); } } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new <see cref="Asteroid"/> to <see cref="Asteroids"/> and /// updates <see cref="Belt"/>. /// </summary> public void AddAsteroid(Asteroid asteroid) { Asteroids.Add(new CachedObject <Asteroid>(asteroid)); Belt.SetAsteroids(Asteroids.Select(c => c.ScreenObject).ToList()); }