		static void InsertComment(ref AstNode insertionPoint, AstNode newNode, Role role, bool isDocumentationComment, AstNode rootNode)
			TextLocation insertAt = newNode.StartLocation;
			// Advance insertionPoint to the first node that has a start location >= insertAt
			while (insertionPoint != null && insertionPoint.StartLocation < insertAt) {
				// Enter the current node if insertAt is within
				while (insertAt < insertionPoint.EndLocation && insertionPoint.FirstChild != null) {
					insertionPoint = insertionPoint.FirstChild;
				// Go to next node (insertionPoint.NextSibling if it exists; otherwise the next sibling of the parent node etc.)
				insertionPoint = insertionPoint.GetNextNode();
			// As a special case, XmlDoc gets inserted at the beginning of the entity declaration
			if (isDocumentationComment && insertionPoint is EntityDeclaration && insertionPoint.FirstChild != null) {
				insertionPoint = insertionPoint.FirstChild;
			if (insertionPoint == null) {
				// we're at the end of the compilation unit
				rootNode.AddChildUnsafe(newNode, role);
			} else {
				insertionPoint.Parent.InsertChildBeforeUnsafe(insertionPoint, newNode, role);