int Visit(AssignContext acontext) { COOL_TYPE vartype = GetType(acontext.var_value); string varname = acontext.ID().GetText(); var varvalue = Visit(acontext.var_value); foreach (var item in variable_type) { if (item.Key == varname) { if (item.Value == vartype) { variable_value[varname] = varvalue; return(0); } else { /// Manejar esto throw new Exception("No puedes asignar a la variable algo de tipo distinto al que fue declarado."); } } } /// Manejar que la variable no este declarada return(1); }
public override Node VisitAssign([NotNull] AssignContext context) { var names = context.nestedName().Name().Select(x => x.GetText()).ToList(); var expr = VisitExpr(context.expr()); return(new AssignNode(names, expr, GetLocation(context))); }
public override object VisitAssign([NotNull] AssignContext context) { if (context.op.Type == Assign) { return("="); } return(context.op.Text); }
public override ASTN VisitAssign([NotNull] AssignContext context) { AssignNode node = new AssignNode(context) { Id = new IdNode(context, context.var_name.Text), exprBody = VisitExpr(context.var_value) as ExprNode }; return(node); }
public AssignContext assign() { AssignContext _localctx = new AssignContext(Context, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 4, RULE_assign); try { State = 28; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); switch (Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream, 1, Context)) { case 1: EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 20; Match(ID); State = 21; Match(EQ); State = 22; Match(NUM); State = 23; Match(SEMI); } break; case 2: EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); { State = 24; Match(ID); State = 25; Match(EQ); State = 26; Match(STRINGCONST); State = 27; Match(SEMI); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return(_localctx); }
public StatContext stat() { StatContext _localctx = new StatContext(_ctx, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 2, RULE_stat); try { State = 20; switch (Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(_input, 1, _ctx)) { case 1: _localctx = new PrintExprContext(_localctx); EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 11; expr(0); State = 12; Match(NEWLINE); } break; case 2: _localctx = new AssignContext(_localctx); EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2); { State = 14; Match(ID); State = 15; Match(3); State = 16; expr(0); State = 17; Match(NEWLINE); } break; case 3: _localctx = new BlankContext(_localctx); EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3); { State = 19; Match(NEWLINE); } break; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; _errHandler.ReportError(this, re); _errHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return(_localctx); }
public override object VisitAssign(AssignContext context) { return(context.op.Text); }
private TypedContext GetContext(IScopeOwner context, int opDepth, int callDepth, int flags) { tokenizer.advance(0); var s0 = tokenizer.peekNext().value; TypedContext ret = null; //number if (int.TryParse(s0, out int unused) && tokenizer.peekNext().value == "." && float.TryParse(tokenizer.peekNext().value, out float num)) { tokenizer.advance(2); s0 += "." + num; } else { tokenizer.advance(0); tokenizer.peekNext(); } //parenthesis if (s0 == "") { tokenizer.advance(0); return(null); } else if (s0 == "(") { if (tokenizer.peekNext().value == ")") { ret = new ParenContext() { parent = context }; tokenizer.advance(1); } else { tokenizer.advance(1); var t1 = GetContext(context, 0, 0, NoBlocks); var sn1 = tokenizer.peekNext().value; if (sn1 == ")" && t1 is TypedContext) { ret = new ParenContext() { parent = context, interior = t1 as TypedContext } } ; else { throw new Exception("yeet"); } } } //blocks and array declaration else if (blockMode == BlockMode.brackets && s0 == "{") { tokenizer.advance(1); var cret = new BlockContext(); while (tokenizer.peekNext().value != "}") { var next = GetContext(context, opDepth, 0, flags); if (next != null) { cret.body.Add(next); } else { throw new Exception("hmm"); } } if (cret.body.Count == 1 && cret.body[0] is SeperatedContext) { tokenizer.advance(0); var aret = new ArrayContext() { parent = context }; aret.content = (cret.body[0] as SeperatedContext)?.children ?? new List <TypedContext>() { cret.body[0] }; aret.type = $"{}<{aret.content[0].type}>"; ret = aret; } else { tokenizer.advance(0); ret = cret; } } //list declaration else if (s0 == "[") { tokenizer.advance(1); var t2 = GetContext(context, opDepth, callDepth + 1, flags); if (tokenizer.peekNext().value != "]") { throw new Exception("Expected one of these: ]"); } var cret = new ListContext(); cret.parent = context; cret.content = (t2 as SeperatedContext)?.children ?? new List <TypedContext>() { t2 }; cret.type = $"{}<{cret.content[0].type}>"; ret = cret; } //for, while, foreach else if (s0 == "for") { tokenizer.advance(1); var cret = new LoopContext() { parent = context }; var t2 = GetContext(cret, 0, 0, NoBlocks) as ParenContext; if (t2 == null) { throw new Exception("expected a condition for the for loop"); } cret.condition = t2.interior; var t3 = GetContext(cret, 0, 0, 0); cret.body = t3; tokenizer.advance(-1); ret = cret; } else if (s0 == "if") { tokenizer.advance(1); var cret = new IfContext() { parent = context }; var t2 = GetContext(cret, 0, 0, 0) as ParenContext; if (t2 == null || t2.type != { throw new Exception("expected a boolean condition for the if statement"); } cret.condition = t2.interior; var t3 = GetContext(cret, 0, 0, 0); cret.body = t3; // while(tokenizer.peekNext().value == "elif") { // } if (tokenizer.peekNext().value == "else") { tokenizer.advance(1); var eret = new ElseContext() { parent = context, chainParent = cret }; eret.chainParent = cret; var t4 = GetContext(eret, 0, 0, 0); eret.body = t4; ret = eret; } else { ret = cret; } tokenizer.advance(-1); } else if (s0 == "break") { var cret = new BreakContext(); cret.parent = context; cret.type =; ret = cret; } //constants else if (int.TryParse(s0, out int i0)) { ret = new ConstContext() { value = i0, type = } } ; else if (double.TryParse(s0, out double d0)) { ret = new ConstContext() { value = d0, type = } } ; else if (float.TryParse(s0, out float f0)) { ret = new ConstContext() { value = f0, type = } } ; else if (long.TryParse(s0, out long l0)) { ret = new ConstContext() { value = l0, type = } } ; else if (bool.TryParse(s0, out bool b0)) { ret = new ConstContext() { value = b0, type = } } ; else if (s0[0] == '"' && s0[s0.Length - 1] == '"') { ret = new ConstContext() { value = s0.Substring(1, s0.Length - 2), type = } } ; else if (s0.Length == 3 && s0[0] == '\'' && s0[2] == '\'') { ret = new ConstContext() { value = s0[1], type = } } ; //prefix operators else if (prefixOperators.Contains(s0)) { tokenizer.advance(1); var t2 = GetContext(context, opDepth, callDepth + 1, NoOps); ret = new SimpleOpContext() { a = t2, op = s0 }; tokenizer.advance(-1); } //variables, functions, etc. else { if (ResolveVariable(context, s0, out var match)) { ret = new VarContext() { variable = match } } ; else { if (tokenizer.peekNext().value == ".") { //check imported types //namespace prefixed types string typeName = s0; //reset tokenizer for while loop tokenizer.advance(0); tokenizer.peekNext(); int steps = 0; TypeData td = null; while (!compiler.ValidateType(typeName, out td)) { if (tokenizer.peekNext().value != ".") { break; } typeName += '.' + tokenizer.peekNext().value; steps += 2; } if (td != null) { ret = new StaticTypeContext() { parent = context, type = typeName }; tokenizer.advance(steps); } else { tokenizer.advance(0); } } else { var vc = new VarDecContext() { name = s0 }; context.variables.Add(vc); ret = vc; } } } tokenizer.advance(1); ret.parent = context; //all operators var s1 = tokenizer.peekNext().value; if (flags == NoRecursion) { tokenizer.advance(0); return(ret); } //indexers if ((ret is VarContext || ret is MemberContext) && s1 == "[") { tokenizer.advance(1); var t2 = GetContext(context, 0, callDepth + 1, 0); //get arguments var arguments = t2 is SeperatedContext ? (t2 as SeperatedContext).children : new List <TypedContext>() { t2 }; if (tokenizer.peekNext().value != "]") { throw new Exception("expected one of these: ]"); } if (tokenizer.peekNext().value == "=") { tokenizer.advance(2); var t3 = GetContext(context, 0, callDepth + 1, 0); arguments.Add(t3); var cret = new CallContext() { owner = ret, methodName = "_setIndex", parent = context, arguments = arguments }; if (compiler.ValidateCall(cret, out MethodData md)) { cret.type = md.returnType; ret = cret; } else { throw new Exception("no indexer for this boi"); } } else { var cret = new CallContext() { owner = ret, methodName = "_getIndex", parent = context, arguments = arguments }; if (compiler.ValidateCall(cret, out MethodData md)) { cret.type = md.returnType; ret = cret; } else { throw new Exception("no indexer for this boi"); } tokenizer.advance(1); s1 = tokenizer.peekNext().value; } } //array declaration else if (ret is StaticTypeContext && s1 == "[") { tokenizer.advance(1); if (tokenizer.peekNext().value == "]") { ret = new ListContext() { type = $"{}<{ret.type}>", parent = context }; } else { var t2 = GetContext(context, 0, callDepth + 1, 0); if (t2.type != { throw new Exception("array initializer must have an integer length"); } if (tokenizer.peekNext().value != "]") { throw new Exception("expected one of these: ]"); } ret = new ArrayInitContext() { type = $"{}<{ret.type}>", length = t2, parent = context }; } tokenizer.advance(1); } //calls and member accessing, if (s1 == ".") { while (s1 == ".") { var type = ret.type; var memberOrMethod = tokenizer.peekNext().value; if (tokenizer.peekNext().value == "(") { //method tokenizer.advance(2); var t2 = GetContext(context, 0, callDepth + 1, NoRecursion) as ParenContext; if (t2 == null) { throw new Exception("expected arguments"); } //resolve arguments List <TypedContext> arguments = new List <TypedContext>(); if (t2.interior != null) { if (t2.interior is SeperatedContext) { arguments = ((SeperatedContext)t2.interior).children; } else { arguments.Add(t2); } } var cret = new CallContext() { parent = context, owner = ret, methodName = memberOrMethod, arguments = arguments }; if (compiler.ValidateCall(cret, out MethodData md)) { cret.type = md.returnType; ret = cret; } else { throw new Exception("could not find method"); } tokenizer.advance(0); //if(tokenizer.peekNext().value != ")") throw new Exception("Expected one of these: )"); } else { //member var cret = new MemberContext() { parent = context, owner = ret, memberName = memberOrMethod, }; if (compiler.ValidateMember(cret, out MemberData md)) { tokenizer.advance(2); cret.type = md.returnType; ret = cret; } else { throw new Exception("could not find member"); } } s1 = tokenizer.peekNext().value; } //tokenizer.advance(0); } //Parameter lists else if (s1 == "," && ret is VarDecContext) { var cret = new ParamContext(); var prev = ret as VarDecContext; cret.children.Add(ret); cret.parent = context; while (s1 == ",") { tokenizer.advance(1); var t2 = GetContext(context, 0, callDepth + 1, NoRecursion) as VarDecContext; if (t2 == null) { throw new Exception("excepted parameter"); } if (t2.type == null) { t2.type = prev.type; } prev = t2; cret.children.Add(t2); s1 = tokenizer.peekNext().value; } ret = cret; } //list definition else if (s1 == "," && flags != 4) { var cret = new SeperatedContext(); cret.children.Add(ret); cret.parent = context; while (s1 == ",") { tokenizer.advance(1); var t2 = GetContext(context, 0, callDepth + 1, NoRecursion); cret.children.Add(t2); s1 = tokenizer.peekNext().value; //find common type cret.type = t2.type; } ret = cret; } //assignments if (s1 == "=" && flags != NoOps) { TypedContext variable = ret as VarDecContext ?? (ret as VarContext)?.variable; if (variable == null) { if (ret is MemberContext) { variable = ret; } else { throw new Exception("you can only assign variables"); } } tokenizer.advance(1); var t2 = GetContext(context, opDepth, callDepth + 1, flags); variable.type = t2.type; ret = new AssignContext() { parent = context, variable = ret, value = t2 }; } //from else if (s1 == ":") { var variable = ret as VarDecContext ?? (ret as VarContext).variable; if (variable == null) { throw new Exception("you must get a variable from the following expression"); } tokenizer.advance(1); var t2 = GetContext(context, opDepth, callDepth + 1, flags); var call = new CallContext() { owner = t2, methodName = "_getIter", parent = context }; if (compiler.ValidateCall(call, out MethodData md)) { if (variable.type == null) { variable.type = md.returnType.Between("<", ">"); } } else { throw new Exception("Cannot iterate a type without a _getIter method"); } ret = new FromContext() { parent = context, reference = variable, body = t2 }; } //operators else if (operators.ContainsKey(s1) && flags != NoOps) { tokenizer.advance(1); var t2 = GetContext(context, opDepth + 1, callDepth + 1, flags); var cret = new OpContext() { a = ret, op = s1, b = t2 }; if (t2 is OpContext) { int p0 = operators[s1]; int p1 = operators[((OpContext)t2).op]; if (p0 >= p1) { OpContext deepA = (OpContext)t2; for (; deepA.a is OpContext; deepA = (OpContext)(deepA.a)) { ; } cret.b = deepA.a; deepA.a = cret; cret = (OpContext)t2; } } if (opDepth == 0) { //resolve type ResolveType(cret); } ret = cret; } else { tokenizer.advance(0); } ret.parent = context; return(ret); }
public StatContext stat() { StatContext _localctx = new StatContext(Context, State); EnterRule(_localctx, 2, RULE_stat); int _la; try { int _alt; _localctx = new AssignContext(_localctx); EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 18; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream, 1, Context); while (_alt != 2 && _alt != global::Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { if (_alt == 1) { { { State = 15; stat1(); } } } State = 20; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream, 1, Context); } State = 22; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (_la == ASSIGN) { { State = 21; ((AssignContext)_localctx).op = Match(ASSIGN); } } State = 27; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); while ((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__0) | (1L << T__1) | (1L << SIN) | (1L << COS) | (1L << TAN) | (1L << LN) | (1L << LOG) | (1L << SQRT) | (1L << LL) | (1L << ID) | (1L << NUM))) != 0)) { { { State = 24; stat1(); } } State = 29; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); } State = 30; Match(NL); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { ExitRule(); } return(_localctx); }
private ExprContext expr(int _p) { ParserRuleContext _parentctx = Context; int _parentState = State; ExprContext _localctx = new ExprContext(Context, _parentState); ExprContext _prevctx = _localctx; int _startState = 12; EnterRecursionRule(_localctx, 12, RULE_expr, _p); int _la; try { int _alt; EnterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1); { State = 120; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); switch ( Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,6,Context) ) { case 1: { _localctx = new Call_methodContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 68; Match(ID); State = 69; Match(T__3); State = 70; args_call(); State = 71; Match(T__4); } break; case 2: { _localctx = new IfContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 73; Match(IF); State = 74; expr(0); State = 75; Match(THEN); State = 76; expr(0); State = 77; Match(ELSE); State = 78; expr(0); State = 79; Match(FI); } break; case 3: { _localctx = new WhileContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 81; Match(WHILE); State = 82; expr(0); State = 83; Match(LOOP); State = 84; expr(0); State = 85; Match(POOL); } break; case 4: { _localctx = new BodyContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 87; Match(T__1); State = 88; expr_list(); State = 89; Match(T__2); } break; case 5: { _localctx = new New_typeContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 91; Match(NEW); State = 92; Match(TYPE); } break; case 6: { _localctx = new IsvoidContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 93; Match(ISVOID); State = 94; expr(12); } break; case 7: { _localctx = new Unary_expContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 95; ((Unary_expContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__16 || _la==NOT) ) { ((Unary_expContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 96; expr(8); } break; case 8: { _localctx = new ParentesisContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 97; Match(T__3); State = 98; expr(0); State = 99; Match(T__4); } break; case 9: { _localctx = new IntContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 101; Match(INTEGER); } break; case 10: { _localctx = new BoolContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 102; ((BoolContext)_localctx).cons = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !(_la==TRUE || _la==FALSE) ) { ((BoolContext)_localctx).cons = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } } break; case 11: { _localctx = new StringContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 103; Match(STR); } break; case 12: { _localctx = new AssignContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 104; Match(ID); State = 105; Match(T__6); State = 106; expr(3); } break; case 13: { _localctx = new LetContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 107; Match(LET); State = 108; attr(); State = 113; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); while (_la==T__17) { { { State = 109; Match(T__17); State = 110; attr(); } } State = 115; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); } State = 116; Match(IN); State = 117; expr(2); } break; case 14: { _localctx = new IdContext(_localctx); Context = _localctx; _prevctx = _localctx; State = 119; Match(ID); } break; } Context.Stop = TokenStream.LT(-1); State = 144; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,9,Context); while ( _alt!=2 && _alt!=global::Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ) { if ( _alt==1 ) { if ( ParseListeners!=null ) TriggerExitRuleEvent(); _prevctx = _localctx; { State = 142; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); switch ( Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,8,Context) ) { case 1: { _localctx = new MultdivContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 122; if (!(Precpred(Context, 11))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 11)"); State = 123; ((MultdivContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__9 || _la==T__10) ) { ((MultdivContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 124; expr(12); } break; case 2: { _localctx = new SumarestaContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 125; if (!(Precpred(Context, 10))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 10)"); State = 126; ((SumarestaContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !(_la==T__11 || _la==T__12) ) { ((SumarestaContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 127; expr(11); } break; case 3: { _localctx = new CompContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 128; if (!(Precpred(Context, 9))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 9)"); State = 129; ((CompContext)_localctx).op = TokenStream.LT(1); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if ( !((((_la) & ~0x3f) == 0 && ((1L << _la) & ((1L << T__13) | (1L << T__14) | (1L << T__15))) != 0)) ) { ((CompContext)_localctx).op = ErrorHandler.RecoverInline(this); } else { ErrorHandler.ReportMatch(this); Consume(); } State = 130; expr(10); } break; case 4: { _localctx = new DispatchContext(new ExprContext(_parentctx, _parentState)); PushNewRecursionContext(_localctx, _startState, RULE_expr); State = 131; if (!(Precpred(Context, 18))) throw new FailedPredicateException(this, "Precpred(Context, 18)"); State = 134; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _la = TokenStream.LA(1); if (_la==T__7) { { State = 132; Match(T__7); State = 133; Match(TYPE); } } State = 136; Match(T__8); State = 137; Match(ID); State = 138; Match(T__3); State = 139; args_call(); State = 140; Match(T__4); } break; } } } State = 146; ErrorHandler.Sync(this); _alt = Interpreter.AdaptivePredict(TokenStream,9,Context); } } } catch (RecognitionException re) { _localctx.exception = re; ErrorHandler.ReportError(this, re); ErrorHandler.Recover(this, re); } finally { UnrollRecursionContexts(_parentctx); } return _localctx; }